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Qualities of Effective Teachers مميزات المدرس الفعال

$700 $1399
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Remember those great teachers who made you excited about learning? Remember how it felt to be in their classes and to experience how they made their classrooms come alive? What made those teachers special? What qualities and skills did they have to ignite student learning? Most important, how did those teachers help their students become successful?
In Qualities of Effective Teachers, 2nd edition, James H. Stronge shows educators how to recreate this same excitement and enthusiasm in their own classrooms by describing the characteristics and skills of effective teachers. Stronge synthesizes research to identify specific teacher behaviors that contribute to student achievement. Rather than look at outside factors like demographics, district leadership, and state mandates, Stronge focuses specifically on what teachers can control: their own preparation, personality, and practices.

Learn how effective teachers
  • Prepare to be effective educators.
  • Establish, manage, and maintain learning-focused classroom environments.
  • Organize time, communicate expectations, and plan instruction.
  • Present curriculum to support active and engaged learning.
  • Monitor student progress, identify student potential, and meet the needs of special populations in the classroom.
هل تذكر أولئك المدرّسين الذين أثاروا اهتمامك بالتعلُّم؟ هل تذكر شعورك وأنت في فصولهم، وطريقتهم في إشعال نار الحماس والرغبة في التعلم في أرجاء الفصل؟ ما الذي يجعلهم مميزين بهذا الشكل؟ ما هي الميّزات والمهارات التي مكَّنتهم من إيقاد هِمم الطلاب للتعلُّم؟ والأهم من كل شيء، كيف ساعد هؤلاء المدرّسون
تلاميذهم على النجاح في المدرسة والجامعة والحياة؟
يعرض الخبير المخضرم جايمس سترونغ للمدرّسين والمربين أساليب مميزة لإثارة الرغبة والحماس بين تلاميذهم للمشاركة في السؤال والنقاش لفهم المادة الدراسية، وذلك عبر تحديد مميزات ومهارات المدرّسين الفعالين وتبيان أساليبهم مركزاً على شخصياتهم وممارساتهم وتحضيراتهم المسبقة