My Language is Arabic: Book 5 (Aesthetic Skills) عربي لساني - مهارات التذوق الجمالي
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My Language is Arabic: Book 5 (Aesthetic Skills) عربي لساني - مهارات التذوق الجمالي is backordered and will ship as soon as it is back in stock.
This unique series is designed for students 9–14 years old to develop their various skills in the Arabic language.
This book consists of 108 pages, divided into 15 chapters. It focuses on developing students' aesthetic appreciation of various types of texts, such as stories, poems, proverbs, and other styles of literature. This text addresses the following important skills:
This book is appropriate for developing an aesthetic appreciation of various types of literature for students who are non-native speakers but have completed advanced levels of studying Arabic as second language. It is also intended for students in Arab countries, and it takes into account the mainstream Arabic curriculums adopted by educational systems in various countries.
This book was developed by a team of educators and academic professionals including academic counselors, distinguished university professors, and highly qualified experts in education curriculums.
This book consists of 108 pages, divided into 15 chapters. It focuses on developing students' aesthetic appreciation of various types of texts, such as stories, poems, proverbs, and other styles of literature. This text addresses the following important skills:
- Critical thinking skills
- Analyzing a text
- Classification of various types of literature
- Drawing conclusions
- Making comparisons
- Identifying differences in the texts
This book is appropriate for developing an aesthetic appreciation of various types of literature for students who are non-native speakers but have completed advanced levels of studying Arabic as second language. It is also intended for students in Arab countries, and it takes into account the mainstream Arabic curriculums adopted by educational systems in various countries.
This book was developed by a team of educators and academic professionals including academic counselors, distinguished university professors, and highly qualified experts in education curriculums.
- هذه السّلسلة المتميّزة موجّهة إلى الدّارسين الذين تتراوح أعمارهم ما بين (9-14سنة)، بهدف تنمية مهاراتهم اللّغويّة المختلفة.
- يقع كتاب (مهارات التّذوّق الجماليّ) في (108صفحات) موزّعة على (15 دَرْساً).
- يركّز الكتاب على تنمية قدرة الدّارسين على تذوّق النّصوص الأدبيّة المتنوّعة، من قصص وشعر، وأمثال، وقطع أدبيّة مختلفة.
- من القضايا والمهارات الكتابيّة التي يعتني بها الكتاب:
- التأمّل.
- التحليل.
- التّصنيف.
- الاستنتاج.
- المقارنة.
- التمييز.
- يتضمّن الكتاب تدريبات وأنشطة وتطبيقات لغويّة مختلفة، لتدريب الدّارسين على التذوّق الجماليّ للنصوص الأدبيّة، وتشجيعهم على حبّ اللّغة العربيّة، واستخدامها استخداماً سليماً في جميع الحالات.
- يصلح الكتاب لتنمية مهارات التذوّق الجماليّ للدّارسين من غير النّاطقين باللّغة العربيّة، الذين أنهوْا دراسة مستويات متقدّمة، من مستويات دراسة اللّغة العربيّة لغير النّاطقين بها.
- الكتاب موجّه للأطفال في البلدان العربيّة كافّة، ويراعي ما جاء في كتب اللّغة العربيّة الرّسميّة المعتمدة في التعليم في البلدان المختلفة.
- شارك في تأليف الكتاب مجموعة من التربويّين الأكفياء، وأساتذة الجامعات المتميّزين، وخبراء المناهج والتعليم، من ذوي الكفاءة العالية.