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Pregnancy and Birth: Everything You Need to Know الحمل والولادة: كل ما تحتاجين إلى معرفته
Pregnancy and Birth: Everything You Need to Know الحمل والولادة: كل ما تحتاجين إلى معرفته
دليل سريع ولكن شامل للعناية بنفسك وبالطفل الذي ينمو في أحشائك.. يوصلك مباشرة إلى الحقائق، ويريك ما تكتفي كتب أخرى بالحديث عنه. الصور الفوتوغرافية الواضحة، ومراحل تطور الجنين، والانتقال بالإيضاحات خطوة خطوة، كل ذلك يجعل هذا الكتاب مثالياً للوالدين المشغولين، بصورة عامة، وللأم بصورة خاصة. هذا الدليل يغطي المعلومات الأساسية التي تحتاجين إلي...
Story and Additional Activity Series (5 Books): Level 1 سلسلة قصة ونشاط إضافي
نصوص متنوعة أرفقناها بمجموعة من الأسئلة والتمارين الهادف، في مجالاتٍ عديدة، الغاية منها ترغيب أبنائنا في الحلقتين الأولى والثانية بلغتهم الأم، وإغناء مخزونهم اللغوي، وتمكينهم من التعبير والاستيعاب والتحليل. قصة تربوية ممتعة. نشاط متنوع: حول النص، لغة، قواعد، تعبير وترفيه. رسوم وألوان جاذبة. من المرحلة الأولى إلى السادسة. خمسة كتيبات لكل مر...
How to Scare a Monster
How to Scare a Monster
'"There's only one way to scare a monster…" A book about calling on Allah, for any child who has ever been scared of anything. The words Audhoobillah are introduced by Zanib Mian in a fun, powerful, and effective way.
How to Pray
How to Pray
A delightful, easy, step-by-step guide for children (or even new Muslims) on how to perform the Islamic prayer (salah). A step-by-step guide for how to make ablution (wudu) is also included. Zanib Mian's easy to understand explanations make this book another must-have for Muslim children. "A novel and easy approach to learning wudu and praye...
The Exam الامتحان
The Exam الامتحان
كان صوت أبي يدوّي في المنزل، وكانت الكلمات تخرج من فمه سريعةً… فلم نفهم شيئًا، إلى أن علمنا أنَّ «عبد الرحمن» سيُعاقَب… لِمَ سيعاقَب؟ وكيف؟
Feelings and Good Conduct Series (4 Books) سلسلة المشاعر وحسن التصرف
تتعامل هذه المجموعة مع القارئ الصغير بأسلوب علمي معتمدة الرسوم التوضيحية الجميلة التي تبرّز تلك المشاعر وتأثيرها على سلوك الإنسان.. وتتألف من القصص التالية: أنا حزين أنا خائف أنا أستطيع نا لا أشارك!
Arabic Between Our Children's Hands Teacher Book: Level 9 العربية بين يدي أولادنا
The teacher’s guide walks the teacher through the material in the student’s book step-by-step and page-by-page. It presents the teacher’s page and the student’s page side-by-side so the teacher doesn’t have to hold two books. It provides the information that the teacher will need to teach the student’s book the correct way. It also provides g...
Arabic Between Our Children's Hands Teacher Book: Level 8 العربية بين يدي أولادنا
The teacher’s guide walks the teacher through the material in the student’s book step-by-step and page-by-page. It presents the teacher’s page and the student’s page side-by-side so the teacher doesn’t have to hold two books. It provides the information that the teacher will need to teach the student’s book the correct way. It also provides g...
Arabic Between Our Children's Hands Teacher Book: Level 7 العربية بين يدي أولادنا
The teacher’s guide walks the teacher through the material in the student’s book step-by-step and page-by-page. It presents the teacher’s page and the student’s page side-by-side so the teacher doesn’t have to hold two books. It provides the information that the teacher will need to teach the student’s book the correct way. It also provides g...
Arabic Between Our Children's Hands Teacher Book: Level 6 العربية بين يدي أولادنا
We in Arabic for all consider the teacher is the cornerstone of education, so we take special care of him, we hold a training for him in a various countries around the world. The teacher's books go with the student's books step by step and page by page. The teacher's books aim to provide the teacher with a set of methods, procedures and suggesti...
Teaching Arabic Reading Using Quranic Words: Level 2 تعليم القراءة العربية بكلمات قرانية
This wonderful educational book follows a graded scientific approach so that children first learn the correct pronunciation of each letter and then focus on distinguishing between similar letters in pronunciation. It takes into consideration the characteristics of some letters, such as heaviness (tafkheem) and lightness (tarqeeq), which helps st...
Teaching Arabic Reading Using Quranic Words: Level 1 تعليم القراءة العربية بكلمات قرانية
This book is based on the following principles: New guidelines for reading Arabic, called Rules for Memorizing Division of the words into syllables that help in pronouncing and combining the letters Practice reading Arabic sentences and Quranic verses beginning in the first lesson Applying the rules of recitation (tajweed) indirectly to aid ...
Sahih Muslim: Vol.2 With The Full Commentary
Imam al-Nawawi’s commentary on Sahih Muslim is one of the most highly regarded works in Islamic thought and literature and often referred to as a super commentary. Accepted by every Sunni school of thought, and foundational in the Shaafi school, this text, available for the first time in English, alongside the original Arabic text and translatio...
I Say Bismillah
I Say Bismillah
Bismillah is probably the most-used term in a Muslim's religious vocabulary. Muslims are told to use it before doing anything. Bismillah means "in the name of God." This series aims to introduce the most common Islamic terms to children in a fun and simple way. In each book, examples are given, the characters repeat the phrase, and a simple t...
I Say Alhamdulillah
I Say Alhamdulillah
Muslims say alhamdulillah many times in a day. Alhamdulillah means "praise be to God" in Arabic. Nabil and Noura learn to say alhamdulillah after finishing something and after sneezing in this simple and attractive little book. Will they remember to say alhamdulillah, or will they forget? This is the second title in the I Say series, which al...
I Say As-Salamu 'Alaykum
I Say As-Salamu 'Alaykum
Nabil and Noura are going to the park. Along the way Nabil greets the gardener and the park ranger. Now Noura wants to say "as-salamu `alaykum!" Who, or what, will she salam?
I Say Mashallah
I Say Mashallah
Nabil and Noura have gone camping with their dad. Wow, the view is beautiful! When looking at beautiful things, their dad tells them to say, "mashallah!"
Call to Faith: Level 3 (English Edition)
A modern series that teaches the principles and manners of the Islamic religion in English. The subjects in this series are varied to include The Holy Quran, Sunnah, the Islamic Creed, the biography of Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) and acts of worship. It features practical meanings of ethics and worship through activities, stories and pi...
Call to Faith: Level 1 (English Edition)
A modern series that teaches the principles and manners of the Islamic religion in English. The subjects in this series are varied to include The Holy Quran, Sunnah, the Islamic Creed, the biography of Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) and acts of worship. It features practical meanings of ethics and worship through activities, stories and pi...
Islam Buds Textbook: Level 1 براعم الإسلام
Buds of Islam curriculum is one of the amazing educational curricula offered by Dar Al Manhal for kindergarten stage. It aims to teach kids Islamic education lessons in an easy and simple manner. It comes in two levels : براعم الإسلام المستوى الأول, and براعم الإسلام المستوى الثاني . The book, براعم الإسلام المستوى الأول, teaches the pri...
You and the Money Series (4 Books) سلسلة أنت والنقود
ما هي النقود؟، ماذا أفعل بنقودي؟، انفاق النقود، توفير النقود . كتب تجيب عن مثل هذه الأسئلة وعن الكثير غيرها إذ تعرفك إلى فكرة إنفاق النقود. أقرأ في هذه السلسلة : ماذا أفعل بنقودي؟ ما هي النقود؟ انفاق النقود توفير النقود
Stories of the Caliph Harun al - Rashid: Level 4 قصص الخليفة هارون الرشيد
ثماني قصص تتناول بطولات الخليفة هارون الرشيد وتناسب المرحلة المتوسطة . تروي فيها لاطفالك بطولات الخليفة هارون الرشيد وتعزز فيهم الشخصية القيادية والقدوة الحسنة.
Stories of the Caliph Harun al - Rashid: Level 3 قصص الخليفة هارون الرشيد
ثماني قصص تتناول بطولات الخليفة هارون الرشيد وتناسب المرحلة المتوسطة . تروي فيها لاطفالك بطولات الخليفة هارون الرشيد وتعزز فيهم الشخصية القيادية والقدوة الحسنة.
Stories of the Caliph Harun al - Rashid: Level 2 قصص الخليفة هارون الرشيد
إحدى عشرة قصة تتناول بطولات الخليفة هارون الرشيد وتناسب أطفال المرحلة الابتدائية . تروي فيها لاطفالك بطولات الخليفة هارون الرشيد وتعزز فيهم الشخصية القيادية والقدوة الحسنة.
Stories of the Caliph - Harun al-Rasheed: Level 1 قصص الخليفة هارون الرشيد
احدى عشرة قصة تتناول بطولات الخليفة هارون الرشيد وتناسب مرحلة رياض الاطفال والصف الاول الابتدائي وفيها تروي لأطفالك بطولات الخليفة هارون الرشيد وتعزز فيهم الشخصية القيادية والقدوة الحسنة.
My Small World Series : Level 2 (set of 4 books) سلسلة عالمي الصغير
قصة قصيرة موجهة للأطفال الصغار تعلمهم عادات صحية تجنبهم السمنة باللغتين العربية والإنجليزية عن طريق رامي -بطل سلسلة عالمي الصغير-ورفاقه في فريق كرة القاعدة والقط السمين سمسم. وتتكون السلسة من العناوين التالية: ما هذا ؟ ما هذه مشكال جدي رفاق كرة القاعدة - مغامرة الدب القطبي
My Small World Series: Level 1 (4 books) سلسلة عالمي الصغير
قصة قصيرة موجهة للأطفال الصغار تعلمهم عادات صحية تجنبهم السمنة باللغتين العربية والإنجليزية عن طريق رامي -بطل سلسلة عالمي الصغير-ورفاقه في فريق كرة القاعدة والقط السمين سمسم. وتتكون السلسة من العناوين التالية: عائلتي الأعداد المرآة العجسية أين أمي ؟
Prophet Muhammad the Messenger of Allah Peace be upon Him (12 Books) محمد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم
سيرة رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم، مقدمة للأطفال من دار المنهل في سلسلة من اثنتي عشرة قصة، بأسلوب سهل ورسوم جميلة تعلم الأطفال أبرز أحداث السيرة النبوية منذ الولادة حتى الوفاة. وتتكون من العناوين التالية: الولادة والطفولة الشباب والزواج نزول الوحي الثبات على التوحيد الهجرة يثرب - المدينة بدر وأحد إفشال المكائد انتشار الإسلام فت...
ICO Learn Arabic Teacher Guide: Level 12, Part 2 (Interactive CD-ROM) تعلم العربية
Teaching language is a critical tool in communication and ultimately in the development of knowledge. In our quest to provide our customers with quality materials, we are pleased to offer the Learn Arabic series. It employs modern methods of teaching foreign language to successfully teach the Arabic language to students in K-12th grade. This ser...
ICO Learn Arabic Teacher Guide: Level 12, Part 1 (Interactive CD-ROM)
Teaching language is a critical tool in communication and ultimately in the development of knowledge. In our quest to provide our customers with quality materials, we are pleased to offer the Learn Arabic series. It employs modern methods of teaching foreign language to successfully teach the Arabic language to students in K-12th grade. This ser...
Summer Qur'anic Centers Curriculum: Level 2 منهاج المراكز القرآنية الصيفية
The Summer Qur’anic Centers CurriculumSecond LevelFor Fourth & Fifth Grade studentsUnderstanding the importance of the curriculum in building the learner’s personality within aspects of human growth (physical, cognitive, emotional, and motor development), a thorough development process for the curriculum of the Permanent Qur’anic Centers too...
Summer Qur'anic Centers Curriculum: Level 1 منهاج المراكز القرآنية الصيفية
The Summer Qur’anic Centers CurriculumFirst LevelFor Second and Third Grade studentsUnderstanding the importance of the curriculum in building the learner’s personality within aspects of human growth (physical, cognitive, emotional, and motor development), a thorough development process for the curriculum of the Permanent Qur’anic Centers took p...
Summer and Permanent Qur'anic Centers Curriculum Teacher Book دليل المعلم لمناهج المراكز القرآنية الدائمة والصيفية
Teacher's Guide,for permanent and summer Quran centers Comes this guide to guide and help teachers in permanent and summer Quran centers in the following points: Explain the basis of building the permanent and summer curriculum and objectives Plan the Platform for permanent and summer curriculum. Quarterly and daily Plan forms for the platf...
Letters' Songs أغاني الحروف
There are many ways to teach the alphabet. In this book, the emphasis is on learning letters using repetition and sound. A well-tested teaching method that is both fun and creative, this approach combines poetry and music by utilizing short songs comprised of three to six lines to motivate the child to discover the letters of the alphabet. تت...
My Book Series سلسلة كتابي أنا
هي سلسلة مكونة من خمسة قصص تتحدث عن أحوال وشعور الطفل في مواقف مختلفة، معروضة بطريقة بسيطة ومدعمة بالصورة الملونة التي تجذب انتباه الطفل. تتكون السلسلة من: أخاف أنا ألبس صديقتي أنا وصديقي أحب أخي يختلف
Searching for a Hobby أفتش عن هواية
This story is about a little girl whose mom asks her to search for a useful hobby to fulfill her free time instead of watching T.V. and playing video games. It shows many hobbies children can do and it also clarifies some of these hobbies’ aspects. قصة طفلة تطلب منها امها التفتيش عن هواية مفيدة، تشغل بها وقتها وتكون أفضل من مشاهدة التلفزيون والل...
My Letters in a Dictionary حروفي في قاموس
This book is as a mini-dictionary for children. It includes familiar, child-friendly word illustrations of letters in various placements (beginning, middle, and end of a word). It includes: 500 picture words Words illustrating the alphabet’s letters in various placements The use of color to distinguish letter position كتاب يغني قاموس أطفالنا ال...
My First Math رياضياتي الأولى
My First Math رياضياتي الأولى
My First Math was designed to activate and stimulate neural cells, to enable the brain to function better. Using this book very early in your child’s life will help get your child off to the very best start in life.Math helps to improve logical thinking, and kindergarten plays an important role in starting this process. Things like logical...
Grammar in Activities: Solar and Lunar Letters (Sun and Moon Letters) القواعد في نشاطات: الحروف القمرية والشمسية
The book is the companion book of the Grammar in Stories series, in which the child discovers grammatical rules and concludes it simply through a realistic story. The applicable exercises help the child to understand it simply and in a likable way. They also use a variety of ways to enforce the rules in his mind and train him to use it...
Grammar in Activities Series: Masculine and Feminine سلسلة القواعد في نشاطات: المذكر والمؤنث
The book is the companion book of the Grammar in Stories series, in which the child discovers grammatical rules and concludes it simply through a realistic story. The applicable exercises help the child to understand it simply and in a likable way. They also use a variety of ways to enforce the rules in his mind and train him to use it...
Grammar in Activities: Demonstrative Pronoun إسم الإشارة
The book is the companion book of the Grammar in Stories series, in which the child discovers grammatical rules and concludes it simply through a realistic story. The applicable exercises help the child to understand it simply and in a likable way. They also use a variety of ways to enforce the rules in his mind and train him to use it, along wi...
Grammar in Stories: Present Tense - I Like to Draw أحب أن أرسم
I like to draw! What do I like to draw? A house? A school? This book presents the present tense in a simple way through clear, short sentences. The drawings are perfect for children and very amusing. The linguistic rules are colored differently to make the child’s learning easy. أحب أن أرسم ماذا أحب أن أرسم؟ البيت؟ المدرسة؟... يقدم هذا الكتاب ...
Grammar in Stories: Imperative Commands, Commands... أوامر، أوامر
Commands, commands! Nader, the main character of this story, complains about the amount of commands he receives from school, home, and everyone else, every day. A funny story that closely matches children’s lives, we learn how to undertake orders through it. أوامر..أوامر يشكو نادر، الشّخصيّة الرّئيسيّة في هذه القصّة، من كثرة الأوامر التي يتلق...
Grammar in Stories - Past Tense - Goodbye Our Home... القواعد في قصص - الفعل الماضي: وداعاً يابيتنا
Grammar in Stories - Past Tense - Goodbye Our Home... القواعد في قصص - الفعل الماضي: وداعاً يابيتنا
This series presents grammar clearly and as simple as possible through stories. We hope it to be a wide entrance to teach grammar in a simple and desirable way, in addition to reading and listening to the story. The rules of grammar can be figured out with the help of the teacher or parents through examples, colored letters and words, games and ...
Grammar in Stories - The Adjective - What Should I Wear? ماذا ألبس؟ ماذا أرتدي؟
This series presents grammar clearly and as simple as possible through stories. We hope it to be a wide entrance to teach grammar in a simple and desirable way, in addition to reading and listening to the story. The rules of grammar can be figured out with the help of the teacher or parents through examples, colored letters and words, games and ...
Qur'anic Kid's Club Curriculum - The Beloved of The Holy Qur'an: Level 2, Part 2 منهاج نادي الطفل القرآني أحباب القرآن
The Level 2 book of the Quran Club for Children series follows the same system as the first level, with each surah in a unit on its own. The book has twenty units, beginning with Surah al-Bayyinah and ending with Surah al-Naba’, excepting Surah al-Qadr, which was included in the first level. Each surah is divided into lessons, taking into acc...
Qur'anic Kid's Club Curriculum - The Beloved of The Holy Qur'an: Level 2, Part 1 منهاج نادي الطفل القرآني أحباب القرآن
It is well known to the knowledgeable that today's children are the men and women of tomorrow. Allah has granted the child a mind capable of understanding, a soul eager for knowledge, and a strong inclination towards values. The child possesses the capacity for attention and memory, which enables them to benefit from what they experience or witn...
Qur'anic Kid's Club Curriculum - The Beloved of The Holy Qur'an: Level 1, Part 2 منهاج نادي الطفل القرآني أحباب القرآن
The Qur’anic Kid’s Club Curriculum is an appropriate tool for accomplishing the goal of advising children and raising them well. There was a need to publish a book, suitable to the abilities of children that also fulfilled their needs, as well as the needs of their teachers, parents, and society. The verses of the Qur’an and sayings of the...