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I Wonder About the Qur’an: Book Four
Have you ever wondered why the Qur’an is in Arabic, why it was revealed over 23 years, or how people can be so sure it has never been changed? These questions, and many more, are explored inside. The I Wonder About Islam series give young readers answers to the BIG questions they have about Islam in brilliant little books. Written in a friend...
Zak and His Little Lies
Zak and His Little Lies
In a gorgeously-illustrated book full of warmth and faith, Zak is back, this time to learn a lesson about lying. Zak is on his final warning. If he tells one more lie, however little, he won’t be going to the skate park with Baba and Hana. With one job left to do, what could go wrong? A lot, it turns out, including an encounter with two both...
I Read Series (Set of 15 books) سلسلة أنا أقرأ
تهدف هذة السلسلة إلي تعليم الطفل القراءة من خلال أساليب تربوية علمية محببة إلي نفس الطفل. فاعتمدت هذة السلسلة علي القصة التي يحبها الطفل، وقد اختير لبناء القصة عدد قليل من الكلمات التي تتصف بالسهولة واليسر، مع تحقيق الهدف من معرفة جميع الحروف العربية مع حركتها المختلفة في شكل قصصي جذاب. هذة القصص فريدة من نوعها من حيث أسلوبها التربوي و طريقتها...
Reclaiming The Mosque (The Role Of Women In Islam's House Of Worship)
At a time when misogyny and hostile attitudes towards women are plaguing Muslim communities throughout the world, Dr. Jasser Auda presents a timely and vital challenge to the contentious issue of women's access to the mosque, expounding an Islamic perspective. Reclaiming The Mosque is a crucial response to the current trials facing Muslim co...
Explanation Of Riyadus-Saliheen (2 Volumes)
This new 6 volume Sharh Riyadus-Saliheen English translation contains a detailed explanation of every hadith by the Eminent Shaikh, Muhammad bin Salih Al-Uthaymeen. Each hadith text is in Arabic, followed by the English translation and the commentary. The full Arabic edition consists of 6 volumes so the English one will be much larger. It feat...
Reading Growth Series-The Cocoon - Stage: Level 3 (6 Books)
مجموعة متنوعة وواسعة وهي إلهام المعلم وتمكين الطالب على القراءة الصحيحة والسريعة من خلال تكرار وإعادة استخدامها في أكثر من محتوى وفي مرحلة الشرنقة : تحتوي القصص فيها على جمل قصيرة ومتنوعة والتي تتضمن العناوين التالية : سيارتي في سيارتي أنا و أمي أنا و أبي أنا فتوح أريد كعكة
The Best Stories of Kalila and Dimna folder (55 Stories from the animal world) احلى الحكايات - من وحي كليلة ودمنة مجلد - 55 قصة قصيرة من عالم الحيوان
طبعة مدرسية فاحرة مزينة بالرسوم الملونة التي تصور بعض أحداث القصص المروية بأسلوب سهل ولغة مبسطة عبر لسان الطير والوحش من التراث العربي وهي تضم أحلى الحكايات وأحداثها المثيرة والممتعة في آن واحد في رحلة شيقة إلى عالم الطبيعة وفي كل قصة عبرة وحكمة ومعنى وهي تضيف إلى مدارك الطفل علوما ومعارف هو أحوج ما يكون إاليها في مسيرته العلمية.
Masha'Allah Well Done Badge (5 Blue Badges)
Masha'Allah Well Done Badge (5 Blue Badges)
Pack of "Masha'Allah Well Done" badges: Blue with red and yellow shield and white crescent and star 1.77 in. (45mm) badge 5 badges per pack Attached safety pin
Puzzle Games - Combine the Letters and Form the Words (4 Puzzles) - العاب تعليمية - تركيب كلمات
Puzzle Games - Combine the Letters and Form the Words (4 Puzzles) - العاب تعليمية - تركيب كلمات
ألعاب تركيب (أركب الحروف وأكون كلمات) الأهداف التعليمية: التعرف على حيوانات المزرعة والغابة والصحراء والتمييز بينهم ، والتعرف على الفاكهة والخضروات والتميز بينهم. تمييز وتجميع الحروف لتركيب كلمات. كيفية لفظ وتهجئة الكلمات عن طريق اللعب. المحتويات: في كل مجموعة 50 قطعة تركيب تشتمل على صور وحروف. وتتكون هذه اللعبة التعليمي...
Puzzle Games - Combine the Words and Form Sentences - (2 Puzzles) العاب تعليمية - تركيب جمل
(ألعاب تركيب (أركب الكلمات وأكون جمل :الأهداف التعليمية- التعرف على الفصول الأربعة والحواس الخمس ، والتعرف على الأرقام والأفعال والحيوانات. - متعة اللعب وتجميع القطع لتكوين صور وجمل. - التدريب على قراءة الكلمات وتكوين جمل معبرة. المحتويات: 50 قطعة تركيب تشتمل على صور وكلمات. وتتكون هذه اللعبة التعليمية من العناوين التالية : الأر...
Eid Songs
Eid Songs
Eid-ul-Fitr is always an occasion for great fun and celebration. After a month-long Ramadan, everybody looks forward to a great Eid. Eid-ul-Fitr also calls for thanking Allah for His blessings, helping the poor and the needy around us and sharing our love and happiness with each other.This delightful book of Eid songs combines entertainment with...
Masha`Allah Gold Medal badge
This award badge is specially designed to reward achievement. Perfect for sports events, competitions and examinations.
Forty Hadith
Forty Hadith
Islam is the religion of llm, or knowledge, especially such knowledge as is related to the understanding of Allah. The Prophet Muhammad held that seeking knowledge was incumbent on every Muslim. According to a Hadith narrated by Ibn Abbas, the Messenger of Allah said, "For those who go on a quest for knowledge, Allah will smooth the path to Para...
Blissful Marriage
Blissful Marriage
This book provides the tools to achieve blissful marriage in a pragmatic and graceful way. Readers will find the following prominent features: Husband and wife are viewed together, as a team, instead of as two separate individuals. This is fitting since the family unit is the cornerstone of Islamic society. An ample amount of practical examples ...
The Hadith for Beginners
The Hadith for Beginners
"This little book has been composed in order to present to the English-reading public, Muslim as well as non-Muslim, the viewpoint of orthodox Islam with regard to Haddith literature, its origin and development, and its criticism by the Muslim doctors. For in English, only one book on the subject has been published (The Traditions of Islam by...
Big Panda and Little Panda
Little Panda and Big Panda can't seem to agree on anything except their love for each other. قصة من قصص حكايات السنابل الصغار وهي موجهة للسنابل الصغار من الأطفال، فهي توفر لهم عالم مميز من الصور الملونة النابضة بالحركة والألوان، مع قصصها سيستمتع الطفل وسيتشجع على التفكير وعلى التخيل. في هذه القصة التي نقلب صفحاتها البندا الكبيرة والبندا الصغيرة ...
Thank You O Allah!
Thank You O Allah!
A glorious array of Allah's never ending bounties; evoking a child's feeling of gratitude for everything Allah has given - from iman and knowledge, to family and health.
My Mum Is A Wonder
My Mum Is A Wonder
This book is as lovely as the title implies and a must for the Muslim family. A young boy's lively account of his mother's wonderful works brings into view the joy of Muslim family life. A book that will inspire us to be wonderful role models for our children. Michele Messaoudi, illus. Rukiah Peckham A little boy warmly praises his mother and r...
Celebrating Ramadan (Paperback)
Celebrating Ramadan (Paperback)
An American Muslim family celebrates Ramadan!Join Ibrahim and his family from New Jersey as they take you through the month of Ramadan. Fasting, zakat, gathering as a family, praying in the mosque and preparing for Eid are all well presented in a warm and endearing style. Photographs help bring the story to life.The book is highly recommended...
Pizza in His Pocket
Pizza in His Pocket
This fun book teaches children about being thankful to Allah for what they have and sharing with others, through a funny story about a boy who loves to eat. Through a funny scenario and clever, best-to-read -out-loud poem, kids learn to be grateful for what they have, share with others and watch what they eat!! Wherever in the world the boy goes...
The Reading and Science Club: Level 2 (8 Books)
This children’s series is a collection of stories about unusual animals. Children will learn more about the featured animals, their characteristics and how they protect and defend themselves. Stories teach children to love their friends and take the initiative to help others. Actual paintings and diagrams of each animal accompany the stories. Se...
Ar-Raheeq Al-Makhtum - The Sealed Nectar (Arabic) الرحيق المختوم
A complete authoritative book on the life of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) by Sheikh Safi-ur-Rahman al-Mubarkpuri. It was honored by the World Muslim League as first prize winner book. Whoever wants to know the whole life style of the Prophet in detail must read this book. Muhammad (pbuh) is the Messenger of Allah, and those who are with him, are seve...
Inter Personal Relations
Inter Personal Relations
Inter Personal Relations: An Islamic Perspective explains the Islamic code of conduct which should govern our social relations. Based on the Qur'an and hadeeth, it instructs extensively in developing such moral and social traits and behavior patterns which invest our social life with peace, harmony, love and joy. It presents before us the Islami...
Realities of Submission
Realities of Submission
The internationally acclaimed author of If I Should Speak, A Voice, and Footsteps introduces her first novel written independent of the If I Should Speak trilogy. In Realities of Submission, the reader witnesses the heart, mind, and life of Renee Morris, the narrator of this reflective tale. Told in three parts, Renee's first person narrativ...
English Translation of Jami' At-Tirmidhi (6 Hardcover Vols)
For the first time ever in English, after years of painstaking efforts at Dar-us-Salam, Jami' At-Tirmidhi is now available complete in 6 volumes!Jami At-Tirmidhi is one of the classical books of hadeeth that was compiled by 279 AH when its compiler and the great collector of hadeeth Muhammad Ibn Isa Ibn Surah At-Tirmidhi (209-279 AH), passed aw...
English Translation of Sunan Abu Dawud (5 Books)
The book of the Sunan by the noble Imam Abu Dawud, Suleiman bin Ash`ath bin Ishaq bin Bashir bin Shaddad Al-Azdi As-Sijistani, who died in the year 275 AH, is one of the six books, and the first of the four books, among the most important of those books in which hadeeth are compiled. There are many virtues and benefits to this book which resulte...
English Translation of Sunan An-Nasa'i (6 Books)
For the first time ever in English, after years of painstaking efforts at Dar-us-Salam, Sunan An-Nasa'i is now available, complete in 6 volumes! Sunan An-Nasai has the fewest weak hadeeth after the two Sahih collections. This Sunan is one of the six is al-Mujtaba or As-Sunan As-Sughara, which is a synopsis of a large collection of hadeeth which ...
Losing My Religion: A Call for Help
"Crucial to the vitality of any religious community is its ability to attract and engage descendants and converts. By this measure, notwithstanding the proliferation of mosques and Islamic organizations, the Muslim community in America is not doing at all well." This rather sober assessment motivates Dr. Lang to address, in this book, the aliena...
How Much Do You Love Me?
How Much Do You Love Me?
A child wants to know just how much his mom loves him. The aim of this book is to reassure the young child about the constant and unlimited love that his parents feel for him. طفلٌ يريدُ أنْ يعرفَ كميّةَ حبِّ أمِّه لهُ. هدفُ هذا الكتابِ هو التّأكيدِ للطّفلِ الصّغيرِ على حبِّ الأهلِ الدّائمِ وغير المشروط لهُ....
El Nectar Sellado La Biografia Del Noble Profeta Muhammad - The Sealed Nectar (Spanish)
A complete authoritative book on the life of Prophet Muhammad (S) by Sheikh Safi-ur-Rahman al-Mubarkpuri. It was honored by the World Muslim League as first prize winner book. Whoever wants to comprehensively know the lifestyle of the Prophet (S) in detail must read this book."Muhammad (S) is the Messenger of Allah, and those who are with him, a...
In the Early Hours
In the Early Hours
In the Early Hours is a collection of inspirational advice by a dear and beloved teacher Ustaadh Khurram Murad on the subject of spiritual and self-development. In it, he sets out the goal of the believer - the single-minded desire to seek the good pleasure of God. He then outlines the methods and instruments which must be used in the attainment...
A Journey with the Beloved Prophet: Part 1
This part focuses on the stories of the well of Zamzam, Abraha, the birth of Abdullah ibn Abdul-Muttalib, marriage and death of Abdullah, and the birth of the Prophet (PBUH) up to the beginning of the mission.The series A Journey with the Beloved Chosen One, a biography about the beloved Prophet (pbuh), is divided into four parts, and ...
Eid Mubarak Badge (5 Badges)
Eid Mubarak Badge (5 Badges)
The Muslim Sticker Company knows that visual aids are important in education. They’ve created colorful stickers, charts, and badges to help teachers get students excited about learning. Teachers will love the innovative charts to motivate students to learn the Qur’an, and students will be proud to show off their assignments with a cool Muslim st...
Daily Wisdom - Sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (s)
This beautiful presentation of the Prophet Muhammad's (s) teachings engages the reader in a moment of daily reflection. With 365 traditions covering the whole year, this is a must for every home. Apart from setting out the Islamic worldview, as reflected in the Prophet's sayings, it is hoped that this work will serve as a useful volume for refl...
My Letters in Activities (28 Books)
This series presents the alphabet in a brand new flavor, appealing to a child’s imaginative side, while widening his knowledge base at the same time. This unique method draws on the basics of language origin, using oral, visual and sensual recognition to introduce learning in desirable, familiar and environmentally-leveled themes.This series inc...
The Unchallengeable Miracles of the Qur'an
The Qur'an is a book of guidance for all of humanity, and Allah has promised that He will preserve it in its original pristine form until the Day of Judgment. The inimitable style of the Qur’an and the superior wisdom in it are definitive evidences that it is the Word of God. Besides, the Qur'an has many miraculous verses proving that it is undo...
Hajj, Umrah & Ziyarah (Pocket Size)
This book outlines the necessary actions before, during & after performing Hajj, Umrah, and Ziyarah. It discusses topics ranging from the importance of Hajj to who should perform it. All proofs are given from the Qur'an & Sunnah.
Enjoy Your Life - The Art of Interacting With People As Deduced From a Study of the Prophet's Life
Enjoy Your Life - The Art of Interacting With People As Deduced From a Study of the Prophet's Life
This is an exquisite and inspiring collection of incidents from the lives of the prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) and his companions (صلى الله عليه وسلم), stories from our Islamic heritage, and thought-provoking anecdotes from the life of the author. The aim of the book is to train the reader to enjoy life by practising various self-development and ...
Selected Friday Sermons
Selected Friday Sermons
This book is a must for every Imam and anyone who expects to give Friday sermons in the English-speaking world. The sermons contained in this book are collected from the sermons of Prophet Muhammad (s) himself, his companions, and various prominent scholars. The sermons are both educational and heart-moving, therefore fulfilling the goal of the ...
An Introduction to the Sciences of the Qu'raan
An Introduction to the Sciences of the Qur'aan presents a detailed and thorough explanation of the sciences related to the history, understanding and implementation of the Qur'aan.The book provides the English reader with a detailed analysis of classic Muslim scholarship regarding the process of Inspiration (wahy); the various means of classifyi...
Etiquette of Seeking Knowledge
Etiquette of Seeking Knowledge...It was from the way of our pious predecessors that they would learn etiquette before learning knowledge. This book has become one of the most important books on this topic today, being widely taught by the scholars and seekers of knowledge alike. Many areas are covered such as the etiquette of the seekers inner s...
The Exorcist Tradition In Islam
The Exorcist Tradition In Islam
This original work was first presented as a Ph.D. thesis in 1994 at the University of Wales. It is a well-balanced combination of library as well as field research which systematically and critically assesses the theory and practice of exorcism among orthodox Muslims. The field research is comprised of interviews with seventeen exorcists from s...
Sticker sheet: 50 Fruits and Vegetables Stickers (Arabic)
Fifty colorful stickers, perfect for helping children recognize the Arabic fruits and vegetables. The stickers can be used to make flashcards and worksheets.
My Friend the Dictionary (Arabic - English)
My Friend, the Dictionary: It is designed to introduce our young children to the world that surrounds them, so they discover people’s names, animals and things. It is part of a series of dictionaries with images, which is directed to children at the elementary school level. The book “My Friend, the Dictionary” comes in both Arabic and English ...
Boys Island جزيرة الأولاد
مجموعة من الأولاد في جزيرة نائية تكتنفها الغابات وتجول فيها الحيوانات، وليس فيها من البشر أحد سواهم. تُرى كيف يواجهون الحياة، وكيف يمضون أوقاتهم؟ قصة مشوقة مثيرة، فيها من الخيال والواقع ما يجعل الأفكار المُتخيَّلة ممكنة الحصول لأيٍّ كان في أي وقت، وفيها من المغامرات ما يفيدُ، ويعمّق المعرفة، ويساعد على مواجهة الحياة، ويشدّ القاريء.
The Secret Garden الحديقة السرية
توفي والد ماري لينوكس وهي بعدُ في العاشرة من عمرها، فعاشت في القصر الكبير وحيدة لا أصدقاء لها، ولم تألف الناس أو تحبّهم. لكنّها عندما قصدت منزل عمّتها في الريف تغيّرت حياتها، واكتشفت مكاناً كلّه سحر وغموض. في ذلك المكان تعرّفت بأناس آخرين واكتشفت ما هي الصداقة، وتعلّقت بالحياة في الحديقة السرّية.
Robinson Crusoe روبنسون كروزو
قصة عالمية خالدة ترجمت إلى جميع اللغات مرات ومرات. إنها قصة رجل قضى ثمانية وعشرين عاماً في جزيرة مهجورة لم يفارقه خلالها الأمل في العودة إلى الوطن والبقاء على قيد الحياة.. إنه روبنسون كروزو. تُرى كيف عاش؟ وما هي الأهوال التي واجهها في تلك الجزيرة المهجورة؟ وكيف قدِّرت له النجاة؟ ذلك ما ستتابعه بشوق حين تقرأ هذا الكتاب المثير...
Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator تشارلي والمصعد الزجاجي العظيم
ربح تشارلي مصنع الشوكولاته الذي يملكه ويلي وُنْكا، وهو يسافر إليه مع أفراد عائلته ليتولى زمام الأمور فيه. ولكن كيف؟ في مصعد زجاجي عظيم! عندما أصدر المصعد هديراً عاصفاً مخيفاً، وجد الركاب أنفسهم عالقين في مدار الأرض. مغامرة خطيرة وشيقة خاضوها بقيادة السيد ويلي وُنكا.