Your Account

I forgot my password. How can I retrieve it?

Click on “My account”, and click the "Recover password" link. It will ask you to enter the email address you used when you first registered, Enter your email address and click on Recover button.

You will receive an email with subject line “Customer account password reset for “East West Account”, from, the email will include a link to reset your password. Clicking on the link will open the following form:

PAssword Recovery

Enter your new password. You will now be able to login and continue the checkout process.

How safe is my private information?

We respect your privacy. East West Souk promises not to sell, lease or share your private information with anyone. If you decide at any time to unsubscribe from our mailing list, your email address will removed from our lists and will not receive any promotional emails. You will continue to receive emails related to the status of your order, or if you make a request for correspondence with East West Souk regarding an issue, or if you request to be notified regarding the availability of a specific item that was out of stock.

How can I get invoices for my orders?             

a. You will receive an invoice by email when your payment is processed.

What is the Retail Rewards Program?

You can now earn THIRTY (30) points with every East West Souk purchase! Collect points and use them on future purchases. With each purchase made from East West Souk, your points are automatically awarded (excluding shipping and taxes.) You can enjoy even more of our quality products without breaking the bank. Earn while you learn!

You can also earn 10 points for every review you submit. Your opinion is important! Reviews help other customers make the best decisions about the products they buy. You can submit one review for each of the products you have ordered. (Only one review per product, please.)

Program Description:               

 You earn TENTY (20) points when you create your account.

  • You earn ONE (1) point for each dollar you spend, excluding shipping and taxes.
  • For every FIFTY (50) points you earn, your account will be credited with FIVE (5) dollars, which can be spent on a future purchase.
  • You earn TENTY (20) points on referral purchase when you refer a friend.
  • You earn TENTY (20) points when you share us on Twitter.
  • You earn TENTY (20) points when you share us on Facebook.
  • Points earned will be stored in your account. If you forget your password, please use the "forgot my password" link instead of opening a new account. Points earned in one account cannot be applied to any other account.