Believing that language learning is an important tool for written and oral communicating and a way to get the knowledge and information handy in all of its various, Manahej Foundation underlined the importance of functional part in the language without ignoring the theoretical knowledge especially in Advanced levels, this series took into account the language learning through the following three components:
- The elements (Voices, letters, pronunciation and structure)
- The four skills (Listening, Speaking, reading and writing)
- language posts (introduction, acquaintance, description, request and apologize)
Features of the combined edition:
- Includes both parts.
- Contains the same units, but summarized.
- Can be used for both weekend and full-time schools.
- Based on Islamic themes.
- Contains a glossary of vocabulary translated from Arabic into English.
- Saves you money! Each level is made up of 3 books (textbook, workbook, and teacher book) instead of 6.