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The Accepted Whispers (English Translation of Munajaat-e-Maqbul)
"Khalid Baig's writing is indeed inspiring. The Accepted Whispers is no exception. It is a source of immense solace; an orchard lush with spritual harmony. This is essential reading for the young and the old." --- Maulana Ebrahim Bham, Jamiatul Ulama, Transvaal, South Africa Du'a (supplication) is the essence of worship. It is the weapon of the...
The Prophets of Allah: Volume 1 (I)
This is the first in a series of five books on the life and teachings of the Prophets of Allah as mentioned in the Qur'an. A biography of each prophet is written in simple language for young children using only the Qur'an and Ahadith as sources. The creation of Adam (peace be upon him) is introduced as the first lesson in the teaching of history...
The Stories of the Sahaba - Torchbearers of Islam: Volume 5
“Torchbearers of Islam” is the fifth volume in the series entitled Stories of the Sahabah, adapted by adapted by the popular author Noura Durkee who offers 5 books detailing the lives of the Sahabah of the Prophet(s). This book contains the biographies of twelve Sahabah who carried the message of Islam beyond the Arabian Peninsula. This volume...
Muhammad the Last Prophet a Model for all Time
A comprehensive account of the life of the last Prophet, Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). This translation allows young English-speaking Muslims to benefit from Swayed Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi's renowned Islamic scholarship. The work covers the historical background to the call to Islam as well as providing an authentic description of the...
The Rational Reading القراءة الراشدة
This book contains material in a variety of literature and language subjects presented in a gradual manner to appeal to Muslim-Indian teenagers and teens from other Islamic countries. The author uses: Islamic literary language enhanced by Qur’an and sunnah literature. Modern and new subjects with renewed words that have an A...
Golden Morals - A Collection of Stories from the Seerah
The Seerah of the Prophet is an everlasting topic. Muslims never tire of it. It has been a popular topic for centuries and will be so until the Day of Judgement. Every author shows his love and affection for the Messenger of Allah (S) in his own style and he tries to highlight every aspect of his (S) life. No doubt, thousands of books have been ...
Tajweed Rules for Qur'anic Recitation: A Beginner's Guide
For every letter of the Qur’an that a Muslim recites, she or he is rewarded ten times over. This immense reward for such a seemingly simple task emphasizes the importance of learning how to recite the Qur’an. Tajweed Rules for Qur’anic Recitation: A Beginner's Guide aims to give the reader the necessary tools to properly recite the Qur’an accord...
Ali Ibn Abi Talib (2 Volume Set)
Ali Ibn Abi Talib (2 Volume Set)
Succession to the prophet . . . The murder of Uthman and the quest for justice . . . The Battle of the Camel . . . Ahl al-Bayt . . . Caliphs and Imams . . . Moderation and extremism.. This book is far more than a biography. It discusses major issues that have their origins in the early decades of Islam and their repercussions still felt today....
The Most Beautiful Names of Allah - (Hardcover)
A lovely book for you and loved ones, presents ninety-nine of Allah’s beautiful names. In defining these names, the author has relied on the verses of the Qur’an and the Traditions of the Prophet (Haddith) and, from these verses and traditions; she has deduced many meanings which make it possible for the reader to experience the glory and greatn...
Qur'an Story Mazes (5 Books)
Qur'an Story Mazes (5 Books)
This gift box contains books ideal for children of five years and upward. Through these mazes, children are introduced to the best loved stories from the Quran, as well as to other relevant historical and factual information. The mazes are not only uniquely designed and fun to do but are also educational, thus enabling children to readily unders...
My Ramadan Fun Book
My Ramadan Fun Book
Islamic Fun books are designed to help children learn more about Islam in a creative and interesting manner. The books contain imaginative and interesting activities and illustrations to attract the attention of young children. Parents and teachers will find such books useful in teaching today's children about Islamic beliefs and practices.My Ra...
My Ramadhan Fun Pack
My Ramadhan Fun Pack
Games, stories, coloring, art projects, recipes and good deed charts help pass the time while fasting, and keep little ones busy while learning about Ramadan. This fun pack includes twenty-one pages of coloring, arts and crafts, stories, games, fill in the blanks and poems.Children will learn about Laylat-ul-Qadr, Prophet Muhammad's generosity, ...
Goodnight Stories From the Quran
Goodnight Stories from the Qur’an is a collection of captivating and inspiring stories appropriate for every child at bedtime, or anytime! Simple text and fabulous color illustrations bring the narratives vividly to life and make the message of the Qur’an more meaningful for children. The book acts as a foundation upon which parents can build a ...
The Great Mosque Game
The Great Mosque Game
To help children learn, in an enjoyable way, about the basics of mosque architecture and layout, this unique questions and answers game provides a wealth of interesting information on all the world’s most important mosques. Special emphasis is laid on the Kabah and Islam’s most sacred cities of Makkah, Madinah and Jerusalem. By answering the que...
Basic Duas for Children
Basic Duas for Children
Duas your children can recite at various times through the day, in simple rhyming text that is easy on the ears. This book is an excellent tool to use when trying to teach younger children basic Duas. This book breaks down the Duas into Arabic, Roman English, and English Translations and teaches your children when to say them. Included in this b...
Tell Me About Hajj (Hardcover)
The story of Hajj, the pilgrimage to Makkah, begins over 4000 years ago when, following the Divine command, the Prophet Ibrahim travelled for a long distance till he reached the hot, barren lands of Arabia. There he left his wife, Hagar, and his little baby, Ismail. The story goes on to tell how Hagar struggled to find water for her baby and how...
Tell Me About The Prophet Muhammad (Hardcover)
The book presents the life of the Prophet Muhammad, from his childhood in the desert to his divine mission and early preaching in Makkah. It goes on to describe the hostility of Makkah towards his message, their total boycott of him and his family, the Night Journey to seven heavens and the migration from Makkah to Madinah. In Madinah he was wel...
Tajweed Qur'an (Whole Qur’an, With Zipper, Size: 5.75"x9") مصحف التجويد
The publishers have designed the text to show the rules of tajweed when reading the Qur'an. The text is written in Uthmani style and has case vowelization and dotting on the letters that are audible. Letters related to tajweed rules are distinguished within the text by the use of colors, indicating the various tajweed rules. This technique helps...
Student Dictionary - Diccionario Del Estudiante: Spanish - Arabic
This series of school dictionaries meet all the needs and fill the shortage unfilled by the regular school dictionaries. Supervised and prepared by a group of specialists in the contemporary languages. Their main concern was to facilitate the search process, and relieving the student from the fatigue of the Audit and hardship exploration.This bo...
Arabic Incentive Stickers for Girls (165 Stickers)
Now you can reward your students' efforts with these colorful stickers in Arabic language. Colorful and clever illustrations will delight your students and they'll want to put in an extra effort to earn them for a job well done on homework or exams. Each sticker pack comes sorted for boys or girls with gender correct phrases! Great for the class...
Al-Mawrid Trilingual Dictionary English-Arabic-French
Al-Mawrid Trilingual Dictionary English-Arabic-French
The best and first dictionary of its kind in the Arab world, with three language: Arabic, English and French, plus phonetic spelling method. The most advanced English/Arabic/French dictionary. Contains more than 100,000 words with many related appendices and phonetic transcriptions. This dictionary makes easy and quick references for students of...
My Illustrated Words - The Sea
My Illustrated Words - The Sea with Farfoor the MouseWith My Illustrated Words - Professions with Farfoor the Mouse, you will make your child spend a delightful vacation at the beach and discover its impressive world. This book gives you a chance to exchange opinions with your child and its wonderful pictures allow him to develop his sense of ob...
Tafseer Ibn Katheer - Part 30 (Juz' 'Amma)
Juz' 'Amma, the thirtieth and last section of the Qur'an, is probably the most widely read and memorized of all the parts of the Qur'an. It is studied by Muslim children and by new Muslims, containing as it does, many short chapters which are easy to commit to memory. That said, it is also true that many of those who commit these verses to memor...
Heroes of Islam
Heroes of Islam
All praise and thanks are due to Allah for helping me in preparing this book. One of the important factors in the development and behaviors of the societies of the world today is the impact of role models. Now, more than ever, role models are affecting the lives of all races and classes of people around the world. Because of mediums such as tele...
Wives of the Prophet (S)
Wives of the Prophet (S)
This book covers the following Honorable Wives of the Prophet (S): Khadijah bint Khuwailid . Aishah bint Abu Bakr. Sawdah bint Zam'ah. Umm Habeebah bint Abu Sufyan. Umm-Salamah. Juwairiyah bint Al-Harith. Hafsah bint Umar bin Khattab. Zainab bint Khuzaimah. Safiyyah bint Huyay. Zainab bint Jahsh. Maimoonah bint A...
Arabic Graded Stories: Grade 2 (8 Books) مشروع المنهل التعليمي
This Arabic reading series contains 9 colorfully illustrated, soft cover books designed to teach excellent moral values through stories that teach overcoming adversity by working together, consequences for good and bad actions, and dependence upon Allah. New vocabulary words are written and illustrated at the bottom of each page, as well as revi...
Arabic Graded Stories: Grade 4 (5 Books) مشروع المنهل التعليمي المستوى الرابع
“This Arabic Reading Series contains 5 colorfully illustrated, soft cover books designed to teach excellent moral values through stories that involve overcoming adversity by working together, consequences for good and bad actions, and dependence upon Allah. New vocabulary words are written and illustrated at the bottom of each page, as well as r...
Qur’anic Verses (Juz’ Amma, Chapter 30)
This is an Arabic-only Juz Amma (30th Part of Holy Qur'an) also referred to as "Quran Majeed" (Mushaf). This script is also known as Pakistani/Persian Script and is commonly used in India, Pakistan, South Africa etc. Easy to read Large bold script with 9 lines per page. This large size bold script Quran is excellent for beginners, childr...
English Translation of Sahih Muslim (7 Books)
Sahih Muslim is the most authentic book of hadeeth after Sahih Al-Bukhari and contains 7,563 hadeeth. The Muslim scholars have agreed that all of the hadeeth in Sahih Muslim are authentic. Thus, Darussalam realized the great benefit of publishing the full version of Sahih Muslim in the English language in the best presentation. Much care has bee...
Giraffe Series: Level 3 (10 Books)
This book set includes ten stories for children aged 5-10 years narrated by the animals. These books are characterized by the diversity of subject matter, knowledge, values and attitudes that are covered, as well as activities and exercises that develop language skills.The Level 3 collection includes the following stories: The Dove and Fo...
Educational Cards - Letters Collection: Level 1
Educational Cards can be used as enrichment materials for several series published by Dar Al-Manhal. They can be found in the teacher’s manual for the “Arabic Club Series.” These Puzzles aim to develop: Both cooperation of receptive and motivation skills for children Deep thinking and observing Children grow strongly build in and out while p...
Eid Mubarak Sticker Pack (128 Stickers)
The Muslim Sticker Company knows that visual aids are important in education. They’ve created colorful stickers, charts, and badges to help teachers get students excited about learning. Teachers will love the innovative charts to motivate students to learn the Qur’an, and students will be proud to show off their assignments with a cool Muslim st...
We Love Muhammad Poster
We Love Muhammad Poster
This "We Love Muhammad" poster is beautifully illustrated and will help build your children's Muslim identity.
Al-Mawrid Al-Qareeb, A Pocket Arabic-English Dictionary
This pocket size Arabic-English dictionary is our hottest selling dictionary. Small enough to go anywhere, it makes a handy reference with thousands of words at your fingertips. Al-Mawrid Al-Qareeb comprises 1,900 general and linguistic expressions that are presented to students and people of learning around the world.
The Four Imams
The Four Imams
The Four Imams provides an engaging and informative account of the four most well-renowned Imams in Islamic history - Iman Abu Hanifa, Imam Malik, Imam Shafi'i and Imam Ahmad. Adopting a story-telling style, it relays biographical information, summarizing their fascinating life journeys, alongside lessons and conclusions that have real-world app...
Towards Understanding the Qur'an: Tafhim al-Qur'an, Volume 9 (Hardcover)
An immense understanding of the Qur'an is offered here, a vast treasure of knowledge and deep insight and a valuable exposition of some social, political, economic and legal teachings of the Qur'an. But what makes this work unique is that it presents the Qur'an as a book to be lived by. With notes, an introduction and comprehensive index.
Go Up With Asala Series: Eighth Stage - Intermediate (Set of 6 Books) سلسلة اصعد مع أصالة: المرحلة الثامنة - متوسط
ولد في ورطة: تدور القصة حول طفل يجد نفسه في مأزق غير متوقع بعد حادثة غريبة. يحاول بمساعدة أصدقائه حل المشكلة والتغلب على التحديات التي تواجهه وسط مواقف مضحكة ومثيرة. لغز متجر الألعاب: يكتشف مجموعة من الأطفال سرًّا غريبًا داخل متجر الألعاب القديم في حارتهم. يبدأون مغامرة شيقة لكشف الغموض الذي يحيط بالمتجر، ويجدون أنفسهم أمام ألغا...
Holy Quran - Spectrum colors (Colors May Vary) ( 6.7*9.4) with Quran Holder Small size (13 * 7)
Holy Quran - Spectrum colors (Colors May Vary) ( 6.7*9.4) with Quran Holder Small size (13 * 7)
This bundle contains: The Noble Qur’an, with a luxurious hardcover. This Quran came with the narration of Hafs on the authority of Asim, printed in several different and beautiful colors. The color will be sent randomly Available colors: Pink, Brown, and Blue. Wooden Holy Book, Stand for Quran used historically for many a gen...
Holy Quran (Colors May Vary) with Quran Holder Small size (13 * 7)
This bundle contains: The Noble Qur’an, with a luxurious hardcover. This Mushaf comes with the narration Hafiz Bin Asem, printed in many different and beautiful colors. The color will be sent randomly. Colors: Navy, Green. Quran cover color will be sent according to availability. If you need a specific color, please mention it in...
Holy Quran - Spectrum colors (Colors May Vary) ( 5.5 * 7.8) with Quran Holder (13 * 7)
Holy Quran - Spectrum colors (Colors May Vary) ( 5.5 * 7.8) with Quran Holder (13 * 7)
This bundle contains: The Noble Qur’an, with a luxurious hardcover. This Mushaf comes with the narration Hafiz Bin Asem, printed in many different and beautiful colors. The color will be sent randomly. Colors: Blue, Navy, Green, Brown, Pink, Red. Quran cover color will be sent according to availability. If you need a specific color, pl...
Graded Reading Series Purple Group Level 8 (Set of 4 Books) سلسلة القراءة المتدرجة مجموعة اللون البنفسجي
تتألف مجموعة القراءة المتدرجة من عدة مستويات، لكل منها لون يحدّد درجة صعوبته من حيث مضمون القصة، ومستواها اللغوي، وعد كلماتها، وتنوع مفرداتها. تهدف هذه السلسلة إلى تعليم اللغة العربية من خلال الترميز اللوني الموضح أدناه. واللون البنفسجي ثامن مستوى من هذه السلسلة ويتكون من العناوين التالية: المركبة اللذيذة يحتاج القبطان وقراصن...
Easy Arabic: Level 5 (Damaged Copy) العربية الميسّرة
Easy Arabic: Level 5 (Damaged Copy) العربية الميسّرة
Disclaimer: This item is damaged An integrated learning and educational curriculum prepared by a team of professional experts. The curriculum covers seven levels of study and introduces children to the basics of Arabic through exercises in listening, writing and conversation. Students who complete this curriculum will become familiar with the so...
Graded Reading Series: Level 1 (Set of 9 Books) سلسلة القراءة المتدرجة
سلسلة القراءة المتدرجة هي مجموعة من القصص التي تم تصميمها بعناية لتناسب الأطفال في المرحلة الابتدائية. تتيح للأطفال الاستمتاع بالقراءة في جو من السعادة والإبداع، حيث تتطور القصص تدريجيًا من حيث اللغة والمضمون. في المراحل الأولى، تتميز اللغة بالشاعرية والبساطة مع تكرار الجمل لتعزيز الاستيعاب. أما من حيث المواضيع، فتركز القصص على تطوير مهارات الت...
Graded Reading Series: Level 3 (Set of 9 Books) سلسلة القراءة المتدرجة
سلسلة القراءة المتدرجة هي مجموعة من القصص التي تم تصميمها بعناية لتناسب الأطفال في المرحلة الابتدائية. تتيح للأطفال الاستمتاع بالقراءة في جو من السعادة والإبداع، حيث تتطور القصص تدريجيًا من حيث اللغة والمضمون. في المراحل الأولى، تتميز اللغة بالشاعرية والبساطة مع تكرار الجمل لتعزيز الاستيعاب. أما من حيث المواضيع، فتركز القصص على تطوير مهارات الت...
Kalimah Tayibah Teacher Book: Level 1 (English Edition)
The Kalimah Tayibah teachers' book is an essential reference for students, covering a wide range of topics such as doctrine, jurisprudence, interpretation, purification, biography, and stories of the prophets. Through captivating and meaningful stories, children are introduced to our Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), fostering ...
Graded Reading Series: Level 2 (Set of 9 Books) سلسلة القراءة المتدرجة
سلسلة القراءة المتدرجة هي مجموعة من القصص التي تم تصميمها بعناية لتناسب الأطفال في المرحلة الابتدائية. تتيح للأطفال الاستمتاع بالقراءة في جو من السعادة والإبداع، حيث تتطور القصص تدريجيًا من حيث اللغة والمضمون. في المراحل الأولى، تتميز اللغة بالشاعرية والبساطة مع تكرار الجمل لتعزيز الاستيعاب. أما من حيث المواضيع، فتركز القصص على تطوير مهارات ا...
Methodical Interpretation of the Noble Qur'an: Part 28 التفسير المنهجي للقرآن الكريم
Book Overview: Bridging Hearts to Quranic Knowledge Embark on an enriching journey through the pages of the Quran with "Methodical Interpretation of The Noble Quran," an insightful resource designed to make Quranic teachings more approachable. Crafted with precision by a collective of Quranic scholars, including Dr. Ahmad Nawfal, this book stand...
IQra' Wise (Weekend Islamic School Excellence) Textbook: Grade Seven
This comprehensive seventh grade textbook is designed to instill core Islamic values and ethics in young learners. Rich with teachings on Islamic akhlaq (moral character), this textbook explores the principles of being upright in both word and deed, and the importance of encouraging right while opposing wrong. Through detailed lessons such as “...