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Easy Steps in Arabic Handwriting Workbook: Level 1
This is the first of two graded books for teaching beginners to write, and read the Arabic script. It is part of both the MELS Easy Steps in Arabic and the MELS Graded Steps in Arabic courses. All the words used in this Workbook are taken from the Qur'an. The Workbook begins with patterns to encourage right to left movement. Special techniques a...
Teachings of the Qur'an Workbook: Volume 1
Teachings of the Qur'an (textbooks and workbooks), Volumes I, II, III, represent the first systematic attempt to present the teachings of the Qur'an for elementary level children at their own level of understanding. The first in a series of straightforward, yet attractive books, this textbook brings the Qur'an and its teachings in to focus for y...
Teachings of the Qur'an Textbook: Volume 1
Teachings of the Qur'an (textbooks and workbooks), Volumes I, II, III, represent the first systematic attempt to present the teachings of the Qur'an for elementary level children at their own level of understanding. The first in a series of straightforward, yet attractive books, this textbook brings the Qur'an and its teachings in to focus for y...
Up and Away with Arabic Numbers
The purpose of this book is to teach the little learners the names, sounds and shapes of Arabic numerals by using pictures and stencils. Tracing, coloring and writing - having fun while learning. Numbers progress from 1-10 then jump by tens to 100. The number chart, designed to go with this activity book, further reinforces the shape of Arabic n...
Vocab Rehab: How do I include vocabulary instruction in my daily lesson plans? تعليم المفردات: كيف أعلّم المفردات بفاعلية رغم محدودية الوقت؟
يعرف جميع المعلمين أنّ المفردات القوية تمنح الطلاب مهارات التواصل التي يحتاجونها ليؤدوا بشكل أفضل في الاختبارات ويتألقوا في غرفة الصف – وأفضل طريقة لتعليم المفردات بنجاح هي تبنِّي استراتيجيات جديدة تشرك الطلاب ولا تأخذ وقتًا طويلاً من الأعمال الأخرى. لجعل الوقت لصالحهم وعمل ما هو أفضل لطلابهم، يحتاج المعلمون لتعلّم كيف يقدّمون دروسًا مصغرة ...
The Power of Extreme Writing: How do I help my students become eager and fluent writers? قوة الكتابة المكثّفة: كيف أساعد طلابي ليصبحوا كُتَّابًا متحمّسين وطلقين؟
هل طلابك متحمسون نحو الكتابة؟ هل ترغب أن يكونوا كذلك؟ هل تريدهم أن يطلبوا فرصًا وواجبات كتابية أكثر؟ هل تريدهم أن ينخرطوا بمهام كتابية بسرعة أكثر مع طلاقة أكثر؟ عملية الكتابة التقليدية ذات الخمس خطوات لا تعلّم الطلاب بشكل واضح ليكونوا طليقين في كتاباتهم – ليكونوا قادرين على الكتابة بسرعة عن أي موضوع. تستهدف الكتابة القصوى ذلك بدقة مع جلسات كت...
Teaching the 4Cs with Technology: How do I use 21st century tools to teach 21st century skills? تدريس المهارات الأساسية الأربع باستخدام التكنولوجيا: كيف أستخدم أدوات القرن الواحد والعشرين لتدريس مهارات القرن الواحد والعشرين؟
من مهارات القرن الواحد و العشرين الضرورية للنجاح في التربية والعمل اعتُبِرَت مهارات – التفكير النقدي، التواصل، التآزر، والإبداع على أنها كفايات بالغة الأهمية. يبيّن هذا الكتاب كيف يستطيع المعلمون، وبشكل مقصود، دمج التكنولوجيا في التعليم لتيسير ممارسة وإتقان كل من هذه المهارات جنبًا إلى جنب مع الأهداف التعلمية الأخرى. الكتاب مليء باستراتيجيات ...
Useful Reading Series: Level 5 (Set of 4 Books) سلسلة المطالعة المفيدة: المستوى الخامس
السلسلة المفيدة مشفوعة برسوم ملونة جذابة تجعل من القراءة عملية ممتعة وتغذي ذوق الطفل كما تنمي مهاراته وذكائه. روعي في هذه السلسلة حاجات الطفل الأساسية التي تلائم المراحل العمرية والتي تتجاوب مع الأهداف التربوية التي يؤكد عليها المربون والمتخصصون في علم التربية بحيث جاءت مستويات السلسلة التسعة متدرجة من المستوى الأول وحتى المستوى التاسع. يتعرف ا...
Go Away Bad Mood
Go Away Bad Mood
Bad Mood is chased away by Big Belle, Susie Squirrel and her friend Gus, Dorothy Doe, and Lady Golden Beak. In this rhyming fantasy, Bad Mood, the gloomy, ugly guy tries to ruin their day in his own special way. But trial after trial he fails until Fairy Felicia changes him to Good Mood. Only then is he invited to stay and play! From beginning t...
Shape and Forms of Arabic Letters أشكال الحروف العربية
This book provides exercises in learning the shapes of Arabic letters in their initial, medial, and final positions. All activities have been field-tested in Islamic schools and have been proven to maintain students attentions from beginning to end.
Learn the Language of the Holy Qur'an
This work is a self-contained and a self-directed textbook guide to the grammar that embodies Qur'anic Arabic. Thirty chapters with lesson plans to assist the reader through-out and accompanying exercises cover an exhaustive list of permutations and derivations of verbs, nouns, and sentences structure. IQRA' has produced this in a library editio...
IQra' Wise (Weekend Islamic School Excellence) Textbook : Grade two
IQRA’ WISE (Weekend Islamic School Excellence) is a unique Islamic Studies series that offers 5 subjects in 1 book! This program takes a fresh approach to the Islamic curriculum in the elementary classroom. This second textbook of the series promotes critical thinking by using structured and engaging lessons and captivating graphics. Second grad...
The History of Islam: Volume 1
History stands as the most effective and valuable source of putting nation on the course of progress and prosperity and saving them from the path of disgrace and degradation. At a time, when there is tough competition among the nations of the world to excel one another, the Muslim, despite having the most glorious history, appear to be detached ...
Our Arabic Language Handwriting: Level 3 (2016 Edition) لغتنا العربية دفتر الكتابة
Singular plural with all its types and dual (muthanna) systems and their affect on verbs and nouns Differentiating between similar letters Prepositions Connected pronouns (adamaer wa motasela) Gender All types of articles Conditional phrases Crossword puzzles Making derivatives (words categories) Focusing on singular words that look...
Arabic Sanabel Handwriting Skills Level 5 سنابل المهارات الكتابية المستوى الخامس
A supplementary book intended for fourth level students to train them on the correct basics of writing in a unique way, so that students are more accurate in writing letters with short vowels, mudud, and tanween, so that student can write letters, syllables, words, sentences, and paragraphs symmetrically and in appropriate relation to the line.&...
Animal World عالم الحيوان
Animal World عالم الحيوان
To Delight, Entertain and Educate! This learning chart is a wonderful ally both in the classroom, and at home. It contains informative, educational content and the colorful design makes it perfect to display on walls or to decorate any flat surface. Features include: A texture which is perfect to use with write on/wipe off crayons. A lamin...
ICO Learn Arabic Workbook: Level 3 (Combined Edition) تعلم العربية
The activity book and the student book are one unit. The goal of the activity book is to strengthen and consolidate what has been learned by students in the main book. It consists of 91 pages, with five pages of the activity book for each primary unit in the student book. Students should use the activity book after completing the corresponding p...
ICO Learn Arabic Workbook: Level 2 (Combined Edition) تعلم العربية
The activity book together with the student’s book form a complete unit. The activity book reinforces the material presented in the main book. The activity book has 96 pages. Each main unit in the student’s book has a corresponding 3 pages in the activity book that students complete after finishing the main unit in the student’s book. The ...
Juz 'Amma for School Students Workbook: Volume 1
This Juz 'Amma workbook is a user-friendly, illustrated companion to the widely popular textbook Juz 'Amma for School Students. The workbook has a variety of activities especially designed for younger students. Each surah has 10 or more quizzes and activities with different levels of challenges. The purpose of the workbook is to stimulate childr...
Horizons in the Arabic Language Teacher Book: Level 3 الآفاق في اللغة العربية كتاب المعلم
Horizons in the Arabic Language Teacher Book: Level 3 الآفاق في اللغة العربية كتاب المعلم
The Teacher’s Guide contains lesson objectives and provides suggested methods to teach the material included in each lesson. The guide breaks down the lesson into parts while mapping the specific concepts students are supposed to be taught. A concise introduction informs instructors of the main principles of Arabic language instruction in terms ...
The Quran: Reflect and Act (Small Size, 6.5" x 9.5") (كتاب القران تدبر و عمل (صغير
منهج مُتخصِّص في التَّدريب على تدبُّر القُرآن الكريم والعَمَل به وفق منهج أهل السنة والجماعة, بحيث يتعامل مع كلّ وَجْه من أوجه القُرآن الكريم كمقطع مُستقِلّ. فيتِمّ وضع سبع وقفات تدبُّرية على الوجه الواحد, يتِمّ اختيارها من ثلاثة عشر كِتاباً من أُمَّهات كُتُب التَّفسير. ويُوضع على كلّ وقفة تدبُّرية سُؤال يُساعد على التَّدريب على رُتبة التَّدبُّ...
Happy Eid - Decorative Art Print
Happy Eid - Decorative Art Print
All that glitters . . . is gold! Not to be confused with digital prints, this piece is produced using the beautiful art of foiling. Our decorative art print features our "Happy Eid" modern calligraphy design in brilliant stamped gold foil on smooth heavy white or black card stock. Can be framed, but is pretty enough to stand on an easel. Availab...
Acrylic picks- Crescent and Star
We bring you modern decor for the upscale taste. Our acrylic picks are cut from thick gold glitter acrylic creating a piece that is meant to last year after year. Perfect for decorating cupcakes or other desserts and can also be used for various appetizers. 6 picks per package. Measure approximately 3" in height.
My First Book about the Qur’an
Inside this board book toddlers and young children will find out about the Qur’an’s beautiful teachings: to care for all creation; to respect the books of the Prophet and God; to be good to one another; and to believe in Allah, the Creator. Stunning illustrations, full of color, bring the pages to life and the carefully written text is simp...
Ulum Al-Qur'an - An Introduction to the Sciences of the Qur'an
The development of the disciplines and branches of knowledge which were related to the understanding of the Qur'an and arc considered necessary for this purpose - what is known as ulum al-Qur'an - began in the lifetime of the Prophet himself, peace and blessings be upon him. Numerous books have since been written on this subject, in most Muslim ...
Muslim Manners
Muslim Manners
The book provides a comprehensive guide to traditional Islamic teaching and its effect on Muslims' daily lives. Only by following God's guidance can Muslims live in peace while they are on earth and attain Paradise in the Afterlife. It is through a strong network of Islamic attitudes and actions based on knowledge that Muslims are able to bind...
You Can Be The Happiest Woman In The World - A Treasure Chest of Reminders
We are all looking for an escape from worry, stress and depression, and for ways to find happiness. This book presents the route to happiness in a nutshell, drawing on Islamic teachings and the voices of "experts" both western and eastern. So sit back, relax and read from cover to cover, or dip into it a page or two at a time in between a busy l...
Muslim Character : An American-English Translation of Muhammad al-Ghazali's Khuluq al-Muslim
Muslim Character is a translation of Muhammad al-Ghazzali's Khuluq al-Muslim in American English. The book presents the comprehensive nature of Islamic morality, which covers all aspects of life-public as well as private, religious as well as social, economic as well as political. Islamic morality is not limited to Muslim society, but it extends...
The Best Loved Prayers from the Quran
This selection of prayers for children of seven years and above expresses the variety and richness of prayer and is designed to be used at home, or at school. With bright and colorful illustrations, this book will encourage children to explore their own ways of praying. The best prayers are often the ones we say naturally when we are happy, ex...
Al-Misbahul Munir Fee Tahdhib Tafsir Ibn Kathir (7"x10") المصباح المنير في تهذيب تفسير ابن كثير
Al-Misbahul Munir Fee Tahdhib Tafsir Ibn Kathir (7"x10") المصباح المنير في تهذيب تفسير ابن كثير
The Holy Quran is the greatest thing that Allah has honored the Islamic nation with; it is a noble book which has falseness neither before it nor after it. The Islamic nation has always taken great care of the Quran. Ibn Katheer’s interpretation (may Allah grant him mercy) was the greatest and the most important book written in interpretation of...
Sticker pack: 192 Salah and Wudu Stickers
These colorful stickers help you to get excited about salah and wudu. These stickers are also great for home-schoolers or just for fun. This salah and wudu sticker pack was specially designed to promote positive behavior.
Umm Aiman
Umm Aiman
Umm Aiman, another book in the series about the companions of the Prophet Muhammad, is a delightfully written exploration of the life of Umm Aiman, an Abyssinian slave who worked as a maid in the house of Aminah, the Prophet’s mother. The Prophet revered her as a mother, because she looked after him and raised him after his mother’s death. The m...
Nightly News with Safa
Nightly News with Safa
Safa's tired of the same old sad news she sees on TV, so she comes up with a wonderful idea! She creates her own broadcast about the who, what, when, where, and why of her day at school. Her bedroom becomes her very own newsroom to tell her mom all about her day. Every night, she pulls her mom away from the negative news on TV and she gives her ...
Strategies of Prophet Muhammad (S)
Muhammad's (Peace Be Upon Him) life is a rewarding subject for any sophisticated, intelligent and curious mind because of the impact he has had on world history. Not only did he change the world view of a society, he practically molded a nation out of a disparate group of warring tribes such that today, after 1400 years, more than 1.6 billion M...
This Is My Father هذا هو أبي
This Is My Father هذا هو أبي
أبي يلاعبني ويرافقني ويرعاني ، أبي معي في كلّ خطوة من خطوات حياتي، أبي دائمًا معي ..أحبّك يا بابا. تتكلم هذه القصة عن العلاقة الخاصة والمميزة بين الطفل ووالده وعن دور الوالد المهم في المشاركة الفعلية في حياة أطفاله، وبكلمات قليلة وبسيطة تسرد القصة طفلة صغيرة تبدأ بذكر الحيوانات التي يلعب الأب فيها دورا رئيسيًّا في رعاية الأطفال مثل حيوان الب...
Turquoise Honeycomb Lantern
This honeycomb lantern (10") can be used on a table setting or hung up for decor. (Each pack comes with two turquoise lanterns.)
Arabic Letter Flashcards (28 Cards)
28 smart cards, 336 Basic words, Online contents and exercises. Online Audios. بطاقة ذكية و 336 كلمة أساسية ومحتويات وتمارين عبر الإنترنت. تسجيل صوتيي عبر الإنترنت 28 .
When the Moon Split (Hardcover, black and white edition)
The biography of the Prophet is a very noble and exalted subject by which Muslims learn about the rise of Islam and how the Prophet Muhammad (s) was chosen by Allah to receive the divine revelation. You also learn about the hardships the Prophet and his companions faced and how they eventually succeeded with Allah’s help. It is necessary to stud...
My First Arabic Game
My First Arabic Game
There are 10 ways to play and learn the Arabic alphabet. Includes wipe-and-clean pen.
My First 50 Arabic Words
My First 50 Arabic Words
My First 50 Arabic Words contains 50 large flashcards using the 50 most frequently used words to help your child develop basic Arabic vocabulary. On one side of the card there is a beautifully illustrated picture, and on the other side of the card is its word in Arabic-English and its transliteration to help you easily read and pronounce the wor...
Awesome Quran Questions and Answers (Paperback)
Awesome Quran Questions and Answers is packed with hundreds of incredible, heartwarming, and inspiring questions and their answers about the people, places, and events mentioned in the Quran. Written especially for children ages 7 and above, it is an ideal gift for children who are curious to know the facts behind these magnificent and amazing s...
Muslim Girl, Growing Up: A Guide to Puberty
"How can I prepare her for this new phase? I wanted to find a resource that can explain the details of this special stage while also integrating the important aspects of it from the Islamic religion. Being from the West, most books I found only explained the physiological changes. But I found that Muslim girls, especially ones from Western count...
Tajweed Quran - Pocketsize (6 Parts) (Colors May Vary)
This is pocketsize version of Tajweed Qur'an divided in to 6 small parts with 5 Juz each part comes with a nice, hard cover, the parts size is 3.5x5x0.4" and has about 100 pages each page contains 15 lines as any standard Quran for a total of 624 in all, with an interpretation of selected words placed on the margins on every page. This six...
My First Dominoes: Arabic Alphabet
My First Dominoes: Arabic Alphabet
Play and learn the Arabic alphabet, words, animals, fruits, and much more! Develop alphabet and matching skills with these bright and colorful alphabet-themed dominoes.
Flying High Party Invitation
Flying High Party Invitation
Part of our Flying High Kids collection, our signature balloons decorate this party invitation. Includes a place to fill in your event details: For, Date, Time, Place, Hosted By, R.S.V.P. Full color printed on cardstock. 4.25 x 5.x inches. 10 invitations with envelopes.
Sticker sheet: 70 Arabic Alphabet Stickers
This pack of 70 colorful Arabic alphabet stickers are perfect for helping children recognize the Arabic letters. The stickers can be used to make flashcards and worksheets
Ramadan, Eid, and Iftar (Craft Arts)
Ramadan, Eid, and Iftar (Craft Arts)
A great addition to your scrapbook art collection, these die cuts are a colorful and festive way to remember the Eid and Ramadan holiday season. Matching kids Eid wrapping paper is available. Included phrases and shapes: *Eid *Eid Mubarak (Arabic script) *Ramadan *Ramadan (Arabic Script) *Iftar *Crescent & Star Bright colors printed on w...
My Islamic Behavior Chart (with over 100 Stickers)
My Islamic Behavior Chart will help children keep track of tasks such as praying, hygiene, eating healthy, active play, chores, reading quran, homework, kindness and manners. Most importantly, the chart can be customized to the individual needs of your child. It is the perfect tool to bring structure, routine and togetherness to family life. My ...