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Aamina Doll Replaceable Sound Cartridge - English-Arabic 2
This cartridge includes 5 new surahs for children to learn: • Surah al-Nas – Mankind• Surah al-Kafirun – The Disbelievers• Surah al-Falaq – The Daybreak• Surah al-Asr – Time• Surah al-Kawthar – AbundanceInstructions: Open the back of the doll to reveal the battery case and cartridge. Move the switch to the OFF position. (This is important so as ...
ICO Islamic Studies Teacher's Manual: Grade 4, Part 2 (Old Edition,Interactive CD)
The beliefs section focuses on the wisdom behind the creation of humankind and jinn. The five pillars are included in this section and presented along with related proof from the Qur'an and the Sunnah. Learners are required to recite the entire 29th Juzu' and memorize Soorat Al-Mursalaat and Soorat Al-Insaan. The biography of the Prophet (s) foc...
A Taste of Patience (Arabic) مذاق الصبر
The writer is a survivor of an accident that altered his life. He is a man who managed to overcome adversity and transform bitterness into personal success, as his literary gains outweighed his physical restrictions. Where his physical condition limited his movements, his creative writing opened up a new horizon that enabled him to freely intera...
Animals In Stories : Level 3 (6 Books) حيوانات في قصص
حكايات أبطالها الحيوانات والطيور، وعالمها عالم الطبيعة الخلابة والصور الجذابة، تنطق بالحكمة، وتقدم الوعظ والإرشاد، ففي كل منها عبرة، وكأنما وضعت ليعتبر بها الإنسان على ألسنة الطير والحيوان. يتكون هذا المستوى من العناوين التالية : عنزة تخيف نمرا غراب من دون ريش القرد الذكي الصديق وقت الضيق الصياد والقردان شقيقان م...
The Meaning of the Holy Qur'an (English, 6"x9")
This first English only edition is the product of cumulative experiences gained over the past three decades in publishing the meaning of the Qur’an in several languages. Amana publications has been blessed in undertaking publication of this great work of the late ‘Abdullah Yusuf ‘Ali with the highest standard of scholarship and authenticity that...
Holy Quran - Hardcover (White) (أبيض) القرآن الكريم – مجلد
القرآن الكريم مجلد تجليد فاخر باللون الأبيض وطبع بورق الشاموا الفاخر وقد جاء هذا المصحف برواية حفص عن عاصم وبالرسم العثماني ونال شرف كتابته الخطاط عثمان طه. وقد جاء طبع بألوان غير الأبيض ( الزهري والرمادي الامع والأسود).
Mr. "What Should I Eat?" السيد .. ماذا آكل ؟؟
كتاب ممتع يحمل في طياته الكثير من الفائدة والتسلية للطفل حيث يعيش الطفل مع صفحاته أجمل الأوقات فمع كل صفحة توضيحية وكأنها لعبة مرحة تجعل وقت القراءة مع الأولاد متعة وتسلية لأن القراءة هي نشاط ممتع وذو هدف تراعيه هذه السلسلة. هذا الكتاب موجّه إلى الأطفال في سني مرحلة الحضانة يسليهم، يغني مفرداتهم اللغوية، يقوي عباراتهم ويثير خيالهم القصصي. وفي ه...
The 99 names of Allah and his Grace Attributes from Quran and Sunnah 1-4 (set of 4 Volume set) موسوعة اسماء الله الحسنى وصفاته الفضلى من الكتاب والسنة
تعددت وتنوعت الكتب التي تشرح أسماء الله الحسنى قديماً وحديثاً، وقد يجمع فيها التعاريف النظرية، والأقيسة المنطقية، والشروح المختصرة، وبعض التطبيقات العلمية. والدكتور محمد راتب النابلسي في موسوعته هذه، فضلاً عن نقله لما في كتب العلماء الأجلاء، قديماً وحديثاً، من شروح لأسماء الله الحُسنى، يسلك أسلوباً جديداً في شرحه لهذه الأسماء الحُسنى، يع...
Israa and Meraaj الإسراء والمعراج
Israa and Meraaj الإسراء والمعراج
كتيب متواضع في حجمه جعلت من موضعه الإسراء والمعراج منطلقاً الى إيضاح بعض الحقائق التي يحتاجها المؤمن في سيره إلى الله فلعلها تنير له الطريق فيسهل عليه حينئذ تذليل العقبات وبلوغ الغايات. لقد تحمل النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم كل ألـوان التـكذيب والسـخرية والإيـذاء فـوقف المـوقف الـكامل، وما زاد عن أن قال: اللهم اهد قومي فإنهم لا يعلمون. ولقد ذاق...
The Great Anecdotes of Juha (Set of 2 Books) نوادر جحا الكبرى
اتخذ جحا العرب من الغباء والتغابي ومن الحمق والتحامق أسلوبا في الحياة , مكيفا نفسه بذلك مع ظروف عصره ومعاصرته فيما لا حيلة له فيدفعه من الاخطار . في هذ هالسلسلة نجد أن جحا ذو حس فكاهي مؤمن بفلسفة الضحك ودولاه في التغلب على صعاب الحباة موهوب يجيد قول الفكاهة بكل ألوانها قادر على السخرية حتى من نفسه حاضر البديهة سريع الخاطر حسن التخلص من المآ...
ICO Learn Arabic Teacher's Guide: Level 8, Part 1 (Interactive CD-ROM) تعلم العربية
This series is designed to teach Arabic to children and adult non-Arabs who study in international Islamic schools and institutions that use the latest techniques in teaching Arabic as a second language. The series, which is accompanied by educational software, focuses on the linguistic skills and elements in a balanced and integrated way. The s...
ICO Islamic Studies Teacher's Manual: Grade 7, Part 1 (Interactive CD-ROM)
This series is designed for teaching Islamic culture to young Muslims in English-speaking countries and international schools. The series aims to enable students to identify the foundations, principles, and rules of the religion of Islam by building a strong knowledge base to enable them to maintain their faith and identity and interact with oth...
Arabic Keyboard transparent Stickers (White Letters) ستكر شفاف أحرف عربية باللون الأبيض
High-Quality arabic keyboard stickers for variety of Dark keyboards models .
The Clear Quran with Thematic English Translation - Paperback (8.4" x 5.8") |10 copies bulk
Pleasant to Read, Easy to Understand, Noted for its clarity, accuracy, eloquence, and flow. Approved by Al-Azhar, Endorsed by Al-Furqaan Foundation and The Canadian Council of Imams. About the Translation For a translation to do justice to the Quran and capture its elegance and vigor, it has to be accurate, smooth, eloquent, and accessible. Unl...
Useful Reading Series: Level 4 (Set of 3 Books) سلسلة المطالعة المفيدة: المستوى الرابع
السلسلة المفيدة مشفوعة برسوم ملونة جذابة تجعل من القراءة عملية ممتعة وتغذي ذوق الطفل كما تنمي مهاراته وذكائه. روعي في هذه السلسلة حاجات الطفل الأساسية التي تلائم المراحل العمرية والتي تتجاوب مع الأهداف التربوية التي يؤكد عليها المربون والمتخصصون في علم التربية بحيث جاءت مستويات السلسلة التسعة متدرجة من المستوى الأول وحتى المستوى التاسع. يتعرف ا...
ICO Islamic Studies Teacher's Manual: Grade 6, Part 2 (Interactive CD-ROM)
In this grade, learners will discover the wisdom behind Allah's (swt) sending of messengers and revealing divine scriptures. They will also study the true meaning of worship and the status of ihsaan. The Qur'an lessons comprise of the recitation of the 27th Juzu' and memorization of Soorat Al-Muzzammil and Soorat Al-Jinn. Life of Hijrah is the f...
Arabic Language Friends Textbook: KG Level (damaged copy) أصدقاء العربية
The Arabic Language Friends textbook is presented by Dar Al-Manhal for kindergarten students. It is divided into 32 lessons. These lessons teach students how to recognize and write the letters of the Arabic alphabet, learn some vocabulary, and begin to construct some simple words by forming syllables. Each unit begins with a poster that students...
Weekend Learning Islamic Studies Workbook: Level 2 (Revised and Enlarged Edition)
Islamic Studies - Student Workbook - Level 2 is designed to complement the revised and enlarged Islamic Studies textbook for this level. The workbook has large number of test questions to cover each lesson in a comprehensive manner. Each workbook has a large number of quizzes and activities. The workbooks will help students review key conce...
Journey with Al-Qaidah An-Noraniah from Alef to Ya'a: KG Level, Part 4 (5-6 Years) رحلة مع القاعدة النورانية من الألف إلى الياء الجزء الرابع
This book is Part Four of the series for Preschool level students. It continues on where Part One, Two, and Three left off. It contains the following topics: Training the child on how to hold a pencil Reviewing letters - from Alif to Laam Learning new letters - from Meem to Yaa Learning about the earth - land and water Teaching chil...
We Are Muslims Textbook: Grade 3
This Third-Grade Level Textbook is Part of IQRA's completely revised and revitalized ‘Aqîdah, Fiqh & Akhlâq program. We Are Muslims: Grade 3 conveys in a clear and comprehensible manner the universal moral principles of Islam, especially those relating to personal and social ethics. This is the first textbook written to introduce the basics...
Arabic Language Friends Textbook: Level 4 أصدقاء العربية
The Arabic Language Friends 4 Textbook is a book to teach the Arabic language to children. It belongs to a series of educational books intended for non-Arabic speakers. It includes sixteen lessons about different topics, including fun trips, the garden, being kind, the importance of work, and going to a restaurant. The Arabic Language Friend...
ICO Islamic Studies Teacher Guide: Level 11, Part 1 (Interactive CD-ROM)
This series is designed for teaching Islamic culture to young Muslims in English-speaking countries and International Schools. The series aims to enable students to identify the foundations, principles and rules of the religion of Islam, by building a strong knowledge base to enable them to maintain their faith and identity and interact with o...
Islamic Knowledge Series - Qur'an sciences: Book 13 سلسلة العلوم الإسلامية علوم القرآن
Thirty different lessons covering most of the Qur’an sciences are present in the book. Topics covered include the benefits of the Qur'an, recitation manners, the beginnings, and phenomenon of inspiration, and the gathering of the Qur’an in the age of Abi Baker and Othman.In addition to exploring the compilation and arrangement of Al Ayaat and A...
Islamic Knowledge Series - Islamic Belief: Book 11 سلسلة العلوم الإسلامية العقيدة الإسلامية
Islamic Knowledge Series - Islamic Belief: Book 11 سلسلة العلوم الإسلامية العقيدة الإسلامية
This book is a supplement for the Islamic education material in recommended curriculums and contains the most important subjects of Islamic ideology. The book includes thirty lessons that cover the six elements of the Islamic ideology. It makes sure to clarify the meaning of faith in each element and follows it with evidence of the influence an...
Islamic Knowledge Series - Morality and Ethics: Book 4, Part 2 سلسلة العلوم الإسلامية أخلاق و اّداب
Islamic Knowledge Series - Morality and Ethics: Book 4, Part 2 سلسلة العلوم الإسلامية أخلاق و اّداب
This book offers a rich collection of lessons that focus on instilling good manners, ethical behavior, and moral values when interacting with others. Topics include the rights of a Muslim, the rights of a brother in faith, the importance of kindness to neighbors, and much more. Additional lessons cover key aspects of Islamic behavior, such as as...
Islamic Knowledge Series - Morality and Ethics: Book 3, Part 1 سلسلة العلوم الإسلامية أخلاق و اّداب
Islamic Knowledge Series - Morality and Ethics: Book 3, Part 1 سلسلة العلوم الإسلامية أخلاق و اّداب
This book contains thirty lessons in Islamic manners starting with those related to greetings and ending with an appreciation for the manners of scientists. Also covered are manners for recitation, cleanliness, eating and drinking, sleeping and personal hygiene. Manners when entering the mosque, greeting the mosque, dealing with the Holy Qur'an...
Our Arabic Language Textbook: Level 1, Part 2 لغتنا العربية
Our Arabic Language Textbook introduces different thematic units for first grade students. Starting with preparation lessons, this textbook includes different activities to help students become acclimated to Our Arabic Language learning: Naming Exercises: things, people, jobs, activities, and parts of things Matching Exercises: Creating relat...
ICO Learn Arabic Workbook: Level 3, Part 1 تعلم العربية
We, at Noorart, believe that teaching language is a critical tool in communication and ultimately in the development of knowledge. In our quest to provide our customers with quality materials, we are pleased to offer the Learn Arabic series. It employs modern methods of teaching foreign language to successfully teach the Arabic language to stude...
ICO Learn Arabic Workbook: Level 1, Part 1 تعلم العربية
We, at Noorart, believe that teaching language is a critical tool in communication and ultimately in the development of knowledge. In our quest to provide our customers with quality materials, we are pleased to offer the Learn Arabic series. It employs modern methods of teaching foreign language to successfully teach the Arabic language to stude...
Handling Student Frustrations: How do I help students manage emotions in the classroom? التعامل مع إحباطات الطلاب: كيف أساعد طلابي على إدارة مشاعرهم داخل غرفة الصف؟
عندما تتسلل مخاوف الطلاب، توتراتهم، وإحباطاتهم إلى داخل غرفة الصف وتشوش عملية التعلّم، فكيف تستجيب بطريقة إيجابية تؤدي إلى علاقات أفضل ومستويات أعلى من الدافعية والتحصيل؟ تبني Renate Claine وَ Carol McClintic على خبراتهما التعليمية عبر عقود من الزمن لتطرحا طريقة مفيدة من ثلاث مراحل: الإقرار (Acknowledge). ساعد الطالب على تقبل الموقف، ...
Grading and Group Work: How do I assess individual learning when students work together? وضع الدرجات والعمل الجماعي: كيف أقوِّم التعلّم الفردي عندما يعمل الطلاب معًا؟
العمل الجماعي اتجاه ينمو في المدارس، حيث يسعى المعلمون إلى مهمات تقويمية حقيقية وأكثر تعقيدًا، ويسندون مشاريعَ وعروضًا للطلاب ليعملوا عليها مع بعضهم. تطالب المعايير الأساسية المشتركة للولايات بتآزر طلابي متزايد في مختلف المواد الدراسية، كما يُعتبر التآزر أحد مهارات القرن الواحد والعشرين الذي يحتاج الطلاب أن يتقنوه كي ينجحوا في المدرسة وما ورا...
Horizons in the Arabic Language Teacher's Book: Level 4 الآفاق في اللغة العربية كتاب المعلم
Horizons in the Arabic Language Teacher's Book: Level 4 الآفاق في اللغة العربية كتاب المعلم
This Teacher’s Book contains lesson objectives and provides suggested methods to teach the material included in each lesson. The guide breaks down the lesson into parts while mapping the specific concepts students are supposed to be taught. A concise introduction informs instructors of the main principles of Arabic language instruction in terms ...
Horizons in the Arabic Language Teacher Book: Level 2 الآفاق في اللغة العربية كتاب المعلم
Horizons in the Arabic Language Teacher Book: Level 2 الآفاق في اللغة العربية كتاب المعلم
The Teacher’s Guide contains lesson objectives and provides suggested methods to teach the material included in each lesson. The guide breaks down the lesson into parts while mapping the specific concepts students are supposed to be taught. A concise introduction informs instructors of the main principles of Arabic language instruction in terms ...
Juz' Amma For The Classroom: Textbook جزء عم
Our freshly revised Juz 'Amma textbook contains fifty structured lessons covering the thirty-seven surahs of the thirtieth Juz. Each lesson has been carefully crafted to ease the memorization and understanding of the surahs. Lessons begin with a short background of the surah (asbab un-nuzul) and a present simplified English translation and meani...
Madinah Arabic Reader: Book 2
Professor Abdur Rahim is the director of the Translation Centre of the King Fahd Quran Printing Complex and former professor of Arabic at the Islamic University of Madinah in Saudi Arabia. Professor Abdur Rahim's eight-volume texts enable the student to acquire a knowledge of Arabic in the classical structural form. All of the books teach essent...
ICO Islamic Studies Teacher's Manual: Grade 6, Part 1 (Interactive CD-ROM)
In this grade, learners will discover the wisdom behind Allah's (swt) sending of messengers and revealing divine scriptures. They will also study the true meaning of worship and the status of ihsaan. The Qur'an lessons comprise of the recitation of the 27th Juzu' and memorization of Soorat Al-Muzzammil and Soorat Al-Jinn. Life of Hijrah is the f...
Imam Abu Hanifa (3 Books): Level 1 الإمام أبو حنيفة
من أشهر علماء المسلمين ويتبع مذهبه ملايين المسلمين.. يتعرف الطفل من خلال هذه القصص إلى ذكاء الإمام أبي حنيفة كما في قصته مع الملاحدة ورده على من تكلم عن عثمان رضي الله عنه، ويتعرف إلى أمانته في تجارته كما في قصة الثوب الضائع، ويتعرف كذلك إلى بره بأمه، وإلى كرمه وإنفاقه على تلاميذه وغيرهم.. وغير ذلك من القصص الممتعة مع هذا الإمام القدوة. يتضمن ...
ICO Learn Arabic Textbook: Level 3, Part 1 (With Online Access Code) تعلم العربية
We, at Noorart, believe that teaching language is a critical tool in communication and ultimately in the development of knowledge. In our quest to provide our customers with quality materials, we are pleased to offer the Learn Arabic series. It employs modern methods of teaching foreign language to successfully teach the Arabic language to stude...
Madinah Arabic Reader: Book 1
Professor Abdur Rahim is the director of the Translation Centre of the King Fahd Quran Printing Complex and former professor of Arabic at the Islamic University of Madinah, Saudi Arabia. Professor Abdur Rahim's eight-volume texts enable the student to acquire a knowledge of Arabic in the classical structural form. All of the books teach essen...
Arabic Club Workbook: Volume 2 نادي العربية
These fun and colorful books give young children ample practice in tracing and writing the Arabic letters. Islamic themes and songs throughout along with lovely illustrations. Volume Two focuses on tracing, then writing the letters.This series comes in 3 levels and contains student textbooks and workbooks, teacher books, posters and audio CDs. V...
Our Arabic Language Textbook: Level 4, Part 1 (2016 Edition) لغتنا العربية
Our Arabic Language was designed for 4th grade students. This book was prepared with the idea that Arabic is a human science and that the orientation of literature and aesthetics is important in its study. Students are instructed to silently read the text, to provide their own analysis by answering questions, to understand vocabulary meanings, a...
Sirah of Our Prophet Workbook Level 1
Muhammad Rasulullah: The Last Prophet is the comprehensive workbook written for the Sirah & Haddith syllabus for first grade pupils as part of IQRA' International Educational Foundation's comprehensive program of Islamic Studies and provides complementary instruction to students utilizing the companion textbook. This workbook each activity i...
Sirah of Our Prophet Textbook Level 1
Muhammad Rasulullah: the Last Prophet is a new IQRA' textbook written for the Sirah & Haddith syllabus for Grade One pupils as part of IQRA International Educational Foundation's comprehensive program of Islamic Studies. This textbook presents the biography life and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad in a straightforward and appealing style t...
The Last Three Parts of the Glorious Qur'an (Color-Coded Tajweed Rules) تطبيقات القواعد النورانية (العشر الاخير)
Recitation Made Easy! This book is the student learning edition of the last three parts of the Glorious Qur'an (Juz 28: Qad Sami'; Juz 29: Tabarak; Juz 30: Amma), along with Surah al-Fatiha, color-coded with tajweed rules according to al-Qaida an-Noraniah. (Uthmani Script) التلاوة بسهولة! هذا الكتاب هو النسخة التعليمية للطلاب من الأجزاء ال...
Gateway to Arabic: Level 4 مفتاح العربية
Gateway to Arabic Book Four focuses on family relationships and life in the home. It builds upon the student's knowledge of past, present and imperative verbs by introducing some hollow, doubled root letter and 'hamzated' verb forms. Each topic is reinforced through the provision of realistic dialogues to enable the student to gain greater confi...
Ninety Nine Names of Allah أسماء الله الحسنى
This describes the ninety-nine most beautiful Names which come from the haddith or Tradition where the blessed Prophet said, “There are ninety-nine Names of God. One who commits them to memory will go to paradise.” This haddith varies in terms of the names in some Traditions but is the same for the most part. Brief notes on Asma-ul-Husna given i...
Our Arabic Language Handwriting & Copying: Level 2 (2015 لغتنا العربية كرّاسة الخط والنسخ
This handwriting activity book composed of several and different lessons aims to teach elementary students’ level the Arabic language handwriting. It is an excellent tool for the beginner learning the Arabic script. It is part of the Our Arabic Language series by the Educational Ministry of Jordan. It begins by small clauses for Arabic sentences...
Arabic Writing For Beginners: Part 3
Give your students ample practice with their writing skills with these supplementary exercise books. Levels increase with the ability of children beginning with simple letters in isolated positions, then progress to 2-3 letter words, and finally to simple Arabic and Islamic expressions. Students begin by tracing patterns of letters and then are ...