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The Rules of Quran Recitation أحكام ترتيل القران
This book is a summary of the rules of recitation for children, beginners, and those learning to read the Holy Quran. It aims to simplify and summarize the rules of recitation. The book includes the most important rules, including seeking refuge, saying the basmalah, idhhar, ikhfa, and more. كتاب يناسب المبتدئين ، و هو مختصر لبعض أحكام الترتي...
Woodland Fairies: Helping and Having Fun
Linh and her fairy friends Jasmine, Rosie, and Bluebell frolic through the woodland, having fun and helping the animals. In this rhyming fantasy, the four nature lovers don’t end their day of fun until they help Mama Coquette, Uncle McBuck, Lady Lala, and Grandpa Howell one by one! From beginning to end, children and adults will be intrigued by ...
Madinah Arabic Reader: Book 7
Professor Abdur Rahim, Director of the Translation Centre of the King Fahd Quran Printing Complex and former Professor of Arabic at the Islamic University of Madinah, Saudi Arabia, has authored texts designed to impart a knowledge of classical Arabic through applied grammar. Each lesson, based on a conversation, illustrates distinctive language ...
Arabic Language Friends Workbook: Level 2 أصدقاء العربية
The Arabic Language Friends Level 2 workbook includes exercises on all the units in the Arabic Language Friends Level 2 textbook, so that students learning Arabic as a second language can practice the skills they were introduced to in the textbook. The Arabic Language Friends Level 2 workbook is a part of the Arabic Language Friends series a...
Arabic Language Friends Textbook: Level 2 أصدقاء العربية
The Arabic Language Friends Level 2 textbook teaches Arabic language; it is part of a series of educational books intended for students learning Arabic as a second language. It includes 16 lessons on different topics in daily life: the morning, going to the dentist, welcomes, and car safety. The Arabic Language Friends Level 2 textbook teaches n...
Arabic Language Friends Workbook: Level 1 أصدقاء العربية
The Arabic Language Friends Level 1 workbook includes exercises on all the units in the Arabic Language Friends Level 1 textbook, so that students learning Arabic as a second language can practice the skills they were introduced to in the textbook. The Arabic Language Friends Level 1 workbook is a part of the Arabic Language Friends series an...
Arabic Language Friends Textbook: Level 1 أصدقاء العربية
The Arabic Language Friends Level 1 textbook teaches Arabic language; it is part of a series of educational books intended for students learning Arabic as a second language. It includes 8 units. Each unit has 2 lessons with different topics about daily life: at home, at school, my relatives, the garden, the market, hygiene, a birthday, and my co...
Weekend Learning Islamic Studies Teacher's Manual : Level 6 (New Edition)
The Annotated Teacher’s Edition is corresponds to the revised and enlarged edition of the Islamic Studies Level 6. This manual is the same edition as the student textbook, but it provides additional details, lesson plans, answers to homework and teaching tips.
Tafsir As-Sa'di (Parts 28-29-30) Methodical Interpretation of the Noble Qur'an
Tafsir As-Sa’di is a straightforward, easy to read, easy to understand explanation of the meaning of Qur’anic verses and statements, in addition to the simplicity of As-Sa’di’s writing. It is also articulate and eloquent. Consequently, for those newly acquainted with tafsir and those new to Islam, this tafsir provides an uncomplicated, deep, ...
Healing Body & Soul: Your Guide to Holistic Wellbeing Following Islamic Teachings
Like other guides to good health, Healing Body & Soul: Your Guide to Holistic Wellbeing Following Islamic Teachings advocates abandoning an unhealthy diet and altering a sedentary lifestyle, but this book goes beyond the mere physical aspects of health. Dr. Amira Ayad is a practitioner and researcher with a Master's in Pharmaceutics and a Do...
Teaching Student to Self-Assess: How do I help students reflect and grow as learners? تعليم الطلاب التقويم الذاتي: كيف أستطيع مساعدة الطلاب على التأمّل والنموّ كمتعلّمين؟
في هذا الدليل الهام، تشرح Star Sackstein – معلمة مجازة من قبل الهيئة الوطنية – كيف يستطيع المعلمون استخدام التأمل لمساعدة الطلاب على فهم احتياجاتهم التعلُّمية والانخراط في نقاش عميق، مثير للتفكير حول التقدم. كما تشرح المؤلفة كيف يمكن أن يساعد المعلمُ طلابَه على وضع أهداف تعلُّمية قابلة للتنفيذ، كيف يتأملون في أعمالهم، وكيف يراقبون تقدمهم في الت...
Teacher Teamwork: How do we make it work? العمل الجماعي للمعلّمين: كيف نجعل العمل الجماعي للمعلّمين فعّالاً؟
Teacher Teamwork: How do we make it work? العمل الجماعي للمعلّمين: كيف نجعل العمل الجماعي للمعلّمين فعّالاً؟
يبين هذا الكتاب، المليء بالاستراتيجيات والإرشادات والأنشطة التي يمكن تطبيقها بسرعة، كيف تبني فرقًا منتجة وتنشئ بشكل مقصود بيئة من الانخراط المهني في مدرستك. تنظم المؤلفتان Margaret Searle وَ Marilyn Swartz العملَ إلى أربع خطوات أساسية: وضع مبادئ إرشادية وبروتوكولات، بما في ذلك إعداد جداول أعمال وأُطر زمنية. إدارة وحلّ النزاعات...
Stress-Busting Strategies for Teachers: How do I manage the pressures of teaching? استراتيجيات لتخفيض التوتر لدى المعلَمين: كيف أعالج ضغوط التعليم؟
هل يبقيك التوتر يقظًا في الليل؟ هل هناك وقت كافٍ للقيام بما تريد وتحتاج أن تقوم به في المدرسة والبيت؟ التربويتان المخضرمتان M. Nora Mazzone وَ Barbara J. Miglionico مرَّتا بذلك. هنا، تقدمان أساليب مؤكدة وبسيطة لمساعدتك على التعامل مع التوتر الناتج عن التعليم. ستتعلم كيف: توظف ممارسات صحية تؤثر إيجابيًّا على طرق تفكيرك. تستجيب،...
Managing 21st Century Classrooms: How do I avoid ineffective classroom management practices? إدارة صفوف القرن الواحد والعشرين: كيف أتجنّب ممارسات الإدارة الصفّية غير الفعالة؟
قد تكون الإدارة الصفية الجزء الأصعب من عمل المعلم: مشحونة بصراعات القوة، غالبًا ما تترك المعلمين متوترين ومستنزفين، والطلاب يشعرون بالمترد أو الضعف. تعكس معظم ممارسات الإدارة الصفية المألوفة تنافرًا ما بين وتيرة وسرعة التغيير في ثقافتنا وأساليب الإدارة والتعليم القديمة والتي ما زالت تشكل أساس نظامنا التعليمي. وفقًا للمؤلفة Jane Bluestein ال...
I Love Arabic Textbook: KG Level أحب العربية كتاب التلميذ
The student's book presents 64 lessons and 128 activities. It's designed in an attractive way especially for children. The book relies heavily on pictures so students can happily complete their exercises and participate in some of their favorite hobbies and games. This book is designed for KG students, 5-6 years old. The book follows a step by...
Easy Arabic Reading, Expression lessons and Exercises : Level 2 العربية الميسّرة
An integrated learning and educational curriculum prepared by a team of professional experts. The curriculum covers seven levels of study and introduces children to the basics of Arabic through exercises in listening, writing and conversation. Students who complete this curriculum will become familiar with the sounds of Arabic and learn how to p...
I Love Arabic Workbook: Level Pre-KG أحب العربية كتاب النشاط
This workbook contains 96 activities; each two activities form 1 lesson on two pages, and as a consequence, the book can be taught in 48 classes in 35 minutes. In addition to the time needed to teach the workbook (not directly related to the textbook) accordingly. Both books can be taught in 78 classes. After covering two lessons in the textbook...
Goodword Arabic Writing: Book 4
This series is perfect for your children to practice their Arabic writing skills. These books will bring out the potential calligraphers in them. This is a perfect book for children to help them learn to write Arabic. Every letter is shown brightly and on every page. Children have the opportunity to trace the letter they have just learned.
Arabic Course for English Speaking Students - Madinah Islamic University: Level 1 دروس اللغة العربية
Arabic Course for English Speaking Students - Madinah Islamic University: Level 1 دروس اللغة العربية
The first part of Arabic Language Lessons for Non-Arabic Speakers is a book to teach the Arabic language, and it is concerned with grammar, morphology, vocabulary, and style. Teachers should keep these ideas in mind while explaining and should use the following steps: Introduce the lesson without referencing the book. Read the lesson, ...
Goodword Arabic Writing: Book 3
This series is perfect for your children to practice their Arabic writing skills. These books will bring out the latent calligraphers in them. This is a perfect book for children to help them learn to write in Arabic. Every letter is shown brightly and on every page. Children have the opportunity to trace the letter they have just learned.
ICO Islamic Studies Teacher's Manual: Grade 12, Part 2 (Interactive CD-ROM)
This series is designed for teaching Islamic culture to young Muslims in English-speaking countries and international schools. The series aims to enable students to identify the foundations, principles, and rules of the religion of Islam by building a strong knowledge base to enable them to maintain their faith and identity and interact with oth...
ICO Islamic Studies Teacher's Manual: Grade 11, Part 2 (Interactive CD-ROM)
This series is designed for teaching Islamic culture to young Muslims in English-speaking countries and international schools. The series aims to enable students to identify the foundations, principles, and rules of the religion of Islam by building a strong knowledge base to enable them to maintain their faith and identity and interact with oth...
ICO Islamic Studies Teacher's Manual: Grade 10, Part 1 (Interactive CD-ROM)
This series is designed for teaching Islamic culture to young Muslims in English-speaking countries and international schools. The series aims to enable students to identify the foundations, principles, and rules of the religion of Islam by building a strong knowledge base to enable them to maintain their faith and identity and interact with oth...
ICO Islamic Studies Teacher's Manual: Grade 9, Part 2 (Interactive CD-ROM)
This series is designed for teaching Islamic culture to young Muslims in English-speaking countries and at international schools. The series aims to enable students to identify the foundations, principles, and rules of the religion of Islam by building a strong knowledge base to enable them to maintain their faith and identity and interact with ...
ICO Islamic Studies Teacher's Manual: Grade 9, Part 1 (Interactive CD-ROM)
This series is designed for teaching Islamic culture to young Muslims in English-speaking countries and at international schools. The series aims to enable students to identify the foundations, principles, and rules of the religion of Islam by building a strong knowledge base to enable them to maintain their faith and identity and interact with ...
ICO Islamic Studies Teacher's Manual: Grade 8, Part 2 (Interactive CD-ROM)
This series is designed for teaching Islamic culture to young Muslims in English-speaking countries and international schools. The series aims to enable students to identify the foundations, principles, and rules of the religion of Islam by building a strong knowledge base to enable them to maintain their faith and identity and interact with oth...
ICO Islamic Studies Teacher's Manual: Grade 8, Part 1 (Interactive CD-ROM)
This series is designed for teaching Islamic culture to young Muslims in English-speaking countries and at international schools. The series aims to enable students to identify the foundations, principles, and rules of the religion of Islam by building a strong knowledge base to enable them to maintain their faith and identity and interact with ...
Arabic Between Our Children's Hands Textbook: Level 6 العربية بين يدي أولادنا
A series in teaching Arabic to non-native speakers, addressed to learners from the preparatory stage to 18 years old, adopting the fluent Arabic language, and does not use the intermediate language, and integrates with the Arabic in Your Hands series. The series consists of (12) books for the student, and each book is accompanied by a special b...
ICO Islamic Studies Teacher's Manual: Grade 10, Part 2 (Interactive CD-ROM)
This series is designed for teaching Islamic culture to young Muslims in English-speaking countries and International Schools. The series aims to enable students to identify the foundations, principles and rules of the religion of Islam, by building a strong knowledge base to enable them to maintain their faith and identity and interact with oth...
Abridged Qa'idah (South Asian Script ) - Learn to Read Series
At Safar Academy we use our own unique qaʿidah compiled by our Development Team which is now taught in many madrassahs across the UK. This qaʿidah draws from numerous other qaʿidahs from around the world and contains many new, innovative features based on years of collective experience gained by teaching students at Safar Academy. In this ...
Holy Quran - Hardcover (Silver) (فضي) القرآن الكريم - مجلد
القرآن الكريم مجلد تجليد فاخر باللون الرمادي الامع وطبع بورق الشاموا الفاخر وقد جاء هذا المصحف برواية حفص عن عاصم وبالرسم العثماني ونال شرف كتابته الخطاط عثمان طه. وقد طبع بألوان غير الرمادي ( الأبيض والزهر والأسود).
The End of the World
The End of the World
In recent times, things have become very confusing, and we have begun to see in book stores and on websites speculation about future events, based on verses and ahadith which refer to the signs of the Hour. This unique book presents the answers to important questions about the Quran and the Sunnah. You will read very interesting discussions ...
Madinah Arabic Reader: Book 4
Professor Abdur Rahim is the director of the Translation Centre of the King Fahd Quran Printing Complex and former professor of Arabic at the Islamic University of Madinah in Saudi Arabia. Professor Abdur Rahim's eight-volume texts enable the student to acquire a knowledge of Arabic in the classical structural form. All of the books teach essent...
Madinah Arabic Reader: Book 5
Professor Abdur Rahim is the director of the Translation Centre of the King Fahd Quran Printing Complex and former professor of Arabic at the Islamic University of Madinah, Saudi Arabia. Professor Abdur Rahim's eight-volume texts enable the student to acquire a knowledge of Arabic in the classical structural form. All of the books teach essenti...
Second Steps in Arabic Grammar الخطوات الثانية في القواعد العربية
This book is part of IQRA's Program of Arabic Studies that can be used in conjunction with IQRA' Arabic Reader series, levels 4 through 6, for further explanation, examples and drilling. However, it can be used as an independent textbook on Arabic grammar for junior high, high school, college students and adults. For the students who have studie...
Al-Amal Series - Islamic Education: Level KG سلسلة الأمل التربية الإسلامية
This is an integrated learning and education curriculum prepared by a team of professional experts. The curriculum covers five levels of study (Pre-K to level five) and motivates Muslim children to learn Arabic and build a strong Islamic personality – teaching them to be proud of their Muslim identity and open-minded and aware of the society aro...
I Love Arabic Textbook: Level 1 أحب العربية كتاب التلميذ
I Love Arabic Textbook: Level 1 أحب العربية كتاب التلميذ
The first student's book contains 4 units, each with 5 lessons and a test. The book in total includes 20 lessons and 5 unit tests. Each lesson consists of a text that includes conversation, an illustrated story, illustrated vocabulary, practice with sounds and letters, two exercises on linguistic structures and conversation, and writing practice...
Gaza: Stay Human
Gaza: Stay Human
Gaza: Stay Human is an authoritative and deeply moving eyewitness account of the terrible 22-day Israeli offensive against the people of the Gaza Strip in 2008-9. Vittorio Arrigoni, a volunteer with the pacifist International Solidarity Movement, served as a human shield while working with the Palestinian Red Crescent ambulances during the offen...
ICO Islamic Studies Teacher's Manual: Grade 7, Part 2 (Interactive CD)
This series is designed for teaching Islamic culture to young Muslims in English-speaking countries and International Schools. The series aims to enable students to identify the foundations, principles and rules of the religion of Islam, by building a strong knowledge base to enable them to maintain their faith and identity and interact with oth...
Juz Amma with al-Qaidah al-Baghdadiyyah جزء عم مع قاعدة بغدادية
A progressive method of learning to read the Quran that is excellent for children and beginners, this technique begins with letters and then progresses to words, short phrases, and complete verses. This book contains the thirtieth part of the Quran—Juz Amma. طريقة لتعلم قراءة القرآن الكريم ، ممتازة للأطفال والمبتدئين. هذه الطريقة تقدمية ، تبد...
I Love Arabic Workbook: Level 2 أحب العربية كتاب التدريبات
The second activity book expands on the second student's book and reinforces acquired skills and linguistic structures. Each of the 25 lessons in the student's book has 3 accompanying pages in the activity book. Students can work on the activities in class with a teacher’s help and can complete them at home. Teachers should collect books from st...
ICO Islamic Studies Teacher's Manual: Grade 1, Part 1 (Interactive CD-ROM)
The beliefs section focuses on the wisdom behind the creation of humankind and jinn. The five pillars are included in this section and presented along with related proof from the Qur'an and the Sunnah. Learners are required to recite the entire 29th Juzu' and memorize Soorat Al-Mursalaat and Soorat Al-Insaan. The biography of the Prophet (s) foc...
I Love Arabic Textbook: Level 4 أحب العربية كتاب التلميذ
I Love Arabic Textbook: Level 4 أحب العربية كتاب التلميذ
The fourth student's book consists of 4 units, and each unit has 5 lessons, so that in total, the book has 20 lessons. Each unit ends with a comprehensive test over the skills presented in the unit. Each lesson focuses on a text which presents linguistic activities. These texts vary between stories and conversations, with each unit including th...
Who can Help Me in Text Comprehension and Composition: Level 1 من يساعدني - فهم النص والتعبير
Level 1 in text comprehension and expression is a full-color book intended for students 6–7 years old. This book includes the following components: Introduction with a quick reminder of the rule Exercises in composition and expression Four pages of suggested answers in the middle of each notebook Activities involving the heroes of the ser...
Reading Teacher (Part 2) - To Help Students Read Quickly and Speak Fluently معلم القراءة -(الجزء الثاني)- اعداد طفل سريع القراءة أديب العبارة
Prepare students to read quickly and express themselves elegantly! This curriculum teaches quick reading through pictures and colors, as well as the principles of dictation and tajweed. It increases linguistic outcomes and students’ vocabulary. It can be considered the first illustrated dictionary in a child’s life. This book is intended fo...
Madinah Arabic Reader: Book 8
Professor Abdur Rahim, Director of the Translation Centre of the King Fahd Quran Printing Complex and former Professor of Arabic at the Islamic University of Madinah, Saudi Arabia, has authored texts designed to impart a knowledge of classical Arabic through applied grammar. Each lesson, based on a conversation, illustrates distinctive language ...
ICO Islamic Studies Teacher's Manual: Grade 4, Part 1 (Interactive CD-ROm)
This series is designed for teaching Islamic culture to young Muslims in non-Arabic speaking countries and International Schools. The series aims to enable students to identify the foundations, principles and rules of the religion of Islam by building a strong knowledge base to enable them to maintain their faith and identity, and interact with ...
Madinah Arabic Reader: Book 6
Professor Abdur Rahim, Director of the Translation Centre of the King Fahd Quran Printing Complex and former Professor of Arabic at the Islamic University of Madinah, Saudi Arabia, has authored texts designed to impart a knowledge of classical Arabic through applied grammar. Each lesson, based on a conversation, illustrates distinctive language ...