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Companions of the Prophet: Book Two
From the rich, Islamic heritage, true and inspiring stories highlighting aspects of the lives of 60 Companions including outstanding women. This is one of two books that provides a lively introduction to early Muslim history and inspiring models for Muslim values, attitudes and behavior. Here the trials and triumphs of the early Muslims ...
Islamic Beliefs - A Brief Introduction to the 'Aqeedah of Ahl as-Sunnah wal-Jama'ah
It is essential for Muslims to monitor their beliefs and their approach to Islam, so that they may be certain that they are following the path of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and the early generations of pious Muslims (the salaf). This book touches on all main points of Islamic belief.
The Prophet of Mercy Series (12 Books) سلسلة نبي الرحمة
سلسلة نبي الرحمة : سلسلة قصصية مبسطة موجهة للأطفال (8-12) سنة. تركز هذه السلسلة على نماذج مختارة من سيرة النبي محمد (صلى الله عليه وسلم) وتقف عند جوانب من إنسانيته وسلوكه الحضاري المتميز مثل: تعامله مع الأطفال والصبيان. الرفق بالحيوان والعناية بالنبات. بر الوالدين والإحسان إلى الخدم والضعفاء. توجيهاته عليه السلام بخصوص التعامل بيس...
Arabic Floral Patterns Coloring Book
These 30 dynamic illustrations feature interlocking repetitive floral designs rendered in the distinctive style of Islamic art. Colorists and crafters alike will be inspired by the original motifs, which exhibit the hypnotic appeal of mandalas as well as quilt and tile patterns. The full-page images offer a wealth of imaginative coloring possibi...
Hamza Learns About Charity
Hamza is 5 years old and has just started kindergarten. Hamza is a very curious and energetic boy. Having a lot of energy, Hamza is constantly getting into trouble. He loves to ask questions and learn more about Islam. He loves to be the center of attention and has a wild imagination. Follow along as Hamza learns about the value of charity...
Muslim Teenagers Coping With Parents, Family, Life, the Universe, and Everything
Being a teenager is not an easy business. You’re told you are "too young" to do half the things you want to do: your mother is always asking you to tidy your room. Your father is always reminding you to pray. Your younger sister is annoying you when all you want is some PEACE AND QUIET... You are not sure if it's everyone else that is going mad ...
The Muslim Family: The Fragile Vessels – الأسرة المسلمة : رفقاً بالقوارير
This book covers the obligations of the two spouses: the wife's rights, and the husband's rights. Contains biographies of the Mothers of the Believers, paints very realistic pictures from the life of the Prophet (Peace be Upon Him) with his wives, and presents a complete discussion of the hadeeth of Umm Zar'.
My Islamic Activity Book
My Islamic Activity Book
My Islamic Activity Book presents a variety of lively learning experiences. The book covers essential Islamic Studies curriculum from first grade through fifth grade. Each activity will help your child review, reinforce and accelerate learning. It is a great activity book during regular school year or during any other time. Simple instructions, ...
First 100 Illustrated Words About Numbers أول 100 كلمة مصورة ومسلية عن الأرقام
سلسلة اللوحات الكرتونية مجموعة من الكتب الجديدة الغنية بصورها الملونة، يجد الطفل متعة في النظر إلى متحوياتها وينمي قدرته على الملاحظة ويكتسب سرعة البديهة
The Traveller from the Heavens
The Traveller from the Heavens is based on a hadith reported by Imam Bukhari in his Sahih al Bukhari and generally known as hadith-e-Jibraeel. In the hadith, an angel comes to the Prophet Mohammad (s) and asks him several questions about Iman, Islam, Ihsan, and the Hour. The Prophet (s) answers all the questions except the last one. After the an...
Juz' Amma, Chapter 30 (Madinah/Uthmani Script) جزء عم
This book contains the last thirtieth of the Quran.
Go Up With Asala Series: First Stage-Advanced (9 books) سلسلة اصعد مع أصالة: المرحلة الأولى-متقدم
Go Up With Asala Series: First Stage-Advanced (9 books) سلسلة اصعد مع أصالة: المرحلة الأولى-متقدم
تعتبر سلسلة "اصعد مع أصالة" من أهم سلاسل المطالعة العربية لأنها تتميز بأصالتها العربية، وهي غيرمترجمة. هي سلسلة مبنية على أسس تربوية، تصعد بالطفل من مرحلة على أخرى، وتهدف إلى تطوير لغته العربية. تتكون المرحلة الأولى - متقدم من القصص التالية: لولو ألْبَس رِجْل رِجل يَد يَد كيف تشعر أين أنا أبناء أرنبي وجه وجه
Go Up With Asala Series: First Stage - Beginner (28 books) سلسلة اصعد مع أصالة: المرحلة الأولى -
Go Up With Asala Series: First Stage - Beginner (28 books) سلسلة اصعد مع أصالة: المرحلة الأولى -
سلسلة متنوعة وهادفة، تغطي الأحرف الأبجدية من خلال كلمات بسيطة وسهلة. يقرأها الطفل بسهولة واستمتاع. اعتمدت السلسلة مبدأ القراءة من خلال الصورة، وهذا ما يجعلها سهلة القراءة حتى لدى الأطفال في مرحلة ما قبل المدرسة. يركز كل كتاب على شكل الحرف أول ووسط وآخر الكلمة. تقدم السلسلة من خلال رسوم جميلة ومتنوعة.تتكون المرحلة الأولى من القصص التالية:1. أسد ...
Go Up With Asala Series: First Stage-Intermediate (33 books) سلسلة اصعد مع أصالة: المرحلة الأولى-متوسط
تعتبر سلسلة "اصعد مع أصالة" من أهم سلاسل المطالعة العربية لأنها تتميز بأصالتها العربية، وهي غيرمترجمة. هي سلسلة مبنية على أسس تربوية، تصعد بالطفل من مرحلة على أخرى، وتهدف إلى تطوير لغته العربية. تتكون المرحلة الأولى - متوسط من القصص التالية: أكل تامر ثعبان جاد حمد أخي فادي ذاذا رامي زاهي سوسو شريف في قفص ضبع طارق ناظم عماد غابة فيل قرد...
Go Up With Asala Series: Second Stage - Beginner (Set of 14 books) سلسلة اصعد مع أصالة: المرحلة الثانية - مبتديء
.تعتبر سلسلة "اصعد مع أصالة" من أهم سلاسل المطالعة العربية لأنها تتميز بأصالتها العربية، وهي غيرمترجمة. هي سلسلة مبنية على أسس تربوية، تصعد بالطفل من مرحلة على أخرى، وتهدف إلى تطوير لغته العربية. تتكون المرحلة الثانية - مبتديء من القصص التالية: نسيم وصوص صيف.. شمس.. لعب قبعة قبعة بحر.. بحر شتا...
Word, Word Series(7 books ,with Flash Cards) : Level 1
Teach your young child to read, even before they start elementary school! Help your child to learn to read while having fun playing word puzzles together. The Word, Word Kids’ Adventures series consists of 7 books that take your child step-by-step through 4 graduated learning stages. The goal of this series is to teach reading to children, ages ...
Read in Arabic Series – Blue Collection: Fifth Group (8 Books) سلسلة اقرأ بالعربية – المجموعة الزرقاء
The more complex sentences in this series focus on articulated verbs and connecting nouns and pronouns with agent pronouns. Simple linking words such as: then “thoma,” if “fa”, and and “wa” are introduced. Two Sisters The Building The Room The Sharing The Sport Game The Baker A Talented Artist The Dinner تقدم هذ...
Reading Corner Series: Level 2 (12 Books)
Reading Corner Series: Level 2 (12 Books)
Reading Corner presents children a wide collection of books, clearly and brightly drawn, cheerful and, entertaining, and divided into three levels. These are books through which our children start independent reading, writing with simple standard language and full diacritics.Eid’s Balloons: In this story, Yousof has a birthday party. Will he hav...
ICO Learn Arabic Textbook: KG2 (5-6 Years , with Access code ) تعلم العربية - مستوى التمهيدي
Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten Books (4-6 years):The Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten levels consist of three books for each stage: a student book, a workbook and a teacher’s guide. Lessons for these two grades are built so that the three books are integrated and coordinated, where the student book contains 8 educational units, and each...
ICO Learn Arabic Textbook: Level 5, Part 2 (With Online Access Code)
Teaching language is a critical tool in communication and ultimately in the development of knowledge. In our quest to provide our customers with quality materials, we are pleased to offer the Learn Arabic series. It employs modern methods of teaching foreign language to successfully teach the Arabic language to students in K-12th grade. This ser...
ICO Islamic Studies Textbook: Grade 9, Part 1
There are five content areas in the book: ‘Aqeedah (Islamic doctrine) The Glorious Qur’an and its sciences Seerah (biography of the Prophet) and Islamic History ‘Ibaadaat (Worship and Rituals) Morals and manners The material is presented using a spiral approach, where students revisit each area and study it in greater depth each year. The Stude...
ICO Islamic Studies Workbook: Grade 2, Part 2
Building upon the two testimonies of the Shahaadah, students are introduced to the elements of faith. They increase their knowledge of the Qur'an through memorization and recitation of Soorat al-Burooj through Soorat Ash-Sharh with short explanations for each soorah. They learn additional characteristics of Prophet Muhammad (s) as well as the ob...
ICO Islamic Studies Workbook: Grade 3, Part 2
At this level, the manifestation of the Greatness of Allah in and through the creation and the importance of ihsaan are emphasized. Qur'anic studies include the memorization and recitation of Soorat An-Naba' through Soorat Al-Inshiqaaq, together with basic explanations of these soorahs. Students are introduced to narratives of Prophet Muhamma...
ICO Islamic Studies Workbook: Grade 6, Part 1
In this grade, learners will discover the wisdom behind Allah's (swt) sending of messengers and revealing divine scriptures. They will also study the true meaning of worship and the status of ihsaan. The Qur'an lessons comprise of the recitation of the 27th Juzu' and memorization of Soorat Al-Muzzammil and Soorat Al-Jinn. Life of Hijrah is the f...
ICO Islamic Studies Workbook: Grade 6, Part 2
In this grade, learners will discover the wisdom behind Allah's (swt) sending of messengers and revealing divine scriptures. They will also study the true meaning of worship and the status of ihsaan. The Qur'an lessons comprise of the recitation of the 27th Juzu' and memorization of Soorat Al-Muzzammil and Soorat Al-Jinn. Life of Hijrah is the f...
ICO Arabic Stories Box 7 (4 Stories, with 4 CDs)
ICO Arabic Stories Box 7 (4 Stories, with 4 CDs)
Educational Stories Box Educational Stories were packaged in a variety of integrated groups with many goals and values; each group has been put in an educational stories box. Each educational story box has images for the stories that contains, in addition to their goals, which are: Vocabulary improvement. Improve the desire to read. Promote ...
Linguistic Games Book
Linguistic Games Book
This book aims to utilize games in teaching the Arabic language through entertainment. It has been developed in response to the needs of teachers, learners and parents for a new way of learning and teaching the Arabic language by using language games based on educational, psychological and scientific principles to assist the teacher in developin...
Arabic in Kindergarten Textbook: Level Pre-K 1 (From 3 Years)
This series provides a new, integrated approach for teaching Arabic to non-native speakers and covers these educational levels: Pre-K 1 level, starting from 3 years old Pre-K 2 level for 4-5 year-old and KG 3 level for 5-6 year-old. This series presents the Arabic language clearly and inclusively to meet the needs of Western learners.The curr...
Tajweed Qur'an (Juz' Amma, With French Translation and Transliteration)
This product covers Juz’ Amma (Part 30) of the Holy Qur’an and includes a translation into French and translation.The publishers have designed the text to show the rules of tajweed when reading the Qur'an. The text is written in Uthmani style and has case vowelization and dotting on the letters that are audible. Letters related to tajweed ru...
Tajweed Qur’an (Whole Qur’an, With Malaysian Translation) (Colors May Vary) مصحف التجويد
Tajweed Qur’an (Whole Qur’an, With Malaysian Translation) (Colors May Vary) مصحف التجويد
The publishers have designed the text to show the rules of tajweed when reading the Qur'an. The text is written in Uthmani style and has case vowelization and dotting on the letters that are audible. Letters related to tajweed rules are distinguished within the text by the use of colors, indicating the various tajweed rules. This technique helps...
Arabic Between Your Hands Textbook: Level 4, Part 1 with online audio content العربية بين يديك كتاب الطالب الرابع
Arabic Between Your Hands Textbook: Level 4, Part 1 with online audio content العربية بين يديك كتاب الطالب الرابع
Arabic At Your Hands Series is one program in a collection of programs called “Arabic For All”. This series comprises a developed version of the book “Arabic At Your Hands”, which introduces a comprehensive curriculum for teaching Arabic for non-Arabic speakers, students and teachers. This curriculum is developed for educational entities, includ...
The Holy Qur'an for School Children (Juz 'Amma - Part 30)
This is a complete textbook for learning and understanding the last part (juz) of the Holy Qur'an. Every surah is presented with an engaging introduction, a clear, explanatory translation for maximum comprehension, review questions and activities to test the knowledge of the students about the themes of each surah, the full Arabic text and final...
My Coloring Book of Salah كتابي في تلوين الصلاة
This coloring book is a fun way to teach young children the basics of the Islamic prayer. It tells the story of a little boy and girl. They explain the names of the prayers, where they face while praying, and the positions of the prayer. Kids can color the pictures, learn the names of the prayers, their times, the basic positions, and what to s...
Color and Learn Salah
Color and Learn Salah
Noorart is pleased to present this creative coloring book that explains the important aspects of the Muslim prayer. It’s a text and coloring book for Grades 1 - 2. This book is designed to meet the needs of parents, full-time and weekend schools. You will find a complete explanation of the reasons for making Salah, how to perform Wudu (ablution)...
A Day With Razanne Coloring Book
Razanne – she’s more than just a fashion statement! In this creative coloring book girls can follow Razanne throughout her day from her prayers, going to school, afterwards on the playground and visiting with friends. Each section was designed to not only show the first collection of Razanne fashions, but to help young girls understand how Raz...
A Coloring Book of Islamic Manners
A Coloring and Activity Book, is produced to teach pre-school and elementary level children some basic Islamic phrases and terms used by the Muslims all across the world many times a day. A child may already be familiar with several of these and this activity book will provide reinforcing activity. The coloring activity both in Arabic and Englis...
Kids of the Ummah
Kids of the Ummah
Kids of the Ummah is the first title in a series of beautiful books designed for children 2-5 years old. It features wonderfully illustrated Muslim characters in 26 diverse cities around the world, from award-winning graphic designer Peter Gould. A fantastic way to introduce children to their A-Z alphabet, and their phonetic Arabic equivalent...
Our Book of Du'a
Our Book of Du'a
This is a unique book of Dua' for young children. Twenty everyday prayers are are presented with Arabic text, transliteration and translation. Every aspect of a child's life is covered: waking, eating, leaving home, etc. Each page teaches a du'a' for a different event by showing the Arabic, the English pronunciation and the English translation...
Ramadan Mubarak Dinner Napkins "Arabesque"
Ramadan Mubarak Dinner Napkins "Arabesque"
Colorful Ramadan decorations that is fun and build your kids' Muslim identity.
My Juz Amma Tree Chart (72 Stickers)
My Juz Amma Tree Chart is an innovative and colorful way to engage a child to memorize Juz Amma. Stickers are in the shapes of fruit. 40 Stickers per pack Size: A3 (29.7 cm x 42 cm) Sticker size 20 MM Surah names in Arabic
English Reward Sticker Pack 2 (Contains 236 Fun Stickers)
Kids love stickers—it’s a fact! These stickers are perfect for parents and teachers. There are 236 colorful reward stickers; they will last for ages! They come in a pack of 4 sheets so you can share them with other parents to try out. The words mashallah, alhamdulilah, and subhanallah are printed on the stickers. You can use them to reward ...
Alphabets From A-Z Puzzle
Alphabets From A-Z Puzzle
Interlocking Jigsaw Puzzle that teaches children the English alphabets from A-Z. Match the colored pictures of 26 different items with their corresponding letters. Each different word starts with one of the letters of the English Alphabet. لعبة تعليمية مسلية تساعد الطفل على التعرف على الأحرف الأبجدية الانجليزية وتنمي مفرداته وقدراته اللغوية بح...
Animal Sounds Game - Arabic
Animal Sounds Game - Arabic
A game that introduces children to the sounds and names of 14 different animals in both English and Arabic. Choose Randomly 2 Jumbo puzzle pieces and form the forest, put on the audio CD, listen to animal names or sounds and be the fastest to cover the animals you recognize - Suggested play methods and instructions in Arabic Language. لعبة تعتم...
Allah Gave Me Two Hands and Feet
A wonderful account of the sense of touch given to us by Allah, which can be explored endlessly with young children, encouraging them to give thanks to our Creator. Full-colour illustrations. Allah the Maker Series. Through rhymes and watercolour illustrations, this beautiful celebration of the five senses conveys the many gifts that Allah has b...
Allah Gave Me Two Eyes to See...
Allah the Maker Series. Through rhymes and watercolor illustrations, this beautiful celebration of the five senses conveys the many gifts that Allah has bestowed on us. Full-colour illustrations.
Islamic Manners Activity Book
Learn the correct Arabic du’as and expressions for various situations while having fun! 60+ pages of imaginative activities, puzzles, word searches, coloring pages, dot-to-dot and matching cards that will occupy and entertain children for hours.
All About Prayer (Salah) Activity Book
Kids can learn about salah with this fun sticker activity book. It features connect-the-dots games, coloring, puzzles, and over sixty stickers. It is a fun introduction to the way Muslims prepare for prayer and the main parts of the salah, including calling adhan, facing the Kaaba, and reciting words from the Qur'an.
Hamza's Heroes
Hamza's Heroes
Hamza is 5 years old and has just started kindergarten. Hamza is a very curious and energetic boy. Having a lot of energy, Hamza is constantly getting into trouble. He loves to ask questions and learn more about Islam. He loves to be the center of attention and has a wild imagination. Follow along as Hamza learns about his new-found heroes, th...