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In the Arabic Language Garden Textbook: Level 8 في حديقة اللغة العربية كتاب الطالب
Level 8 from the series (In the Arabic Language Garden), is the second level for middle schools of learning Arabic to non-Arabic speakers. Students at this stage will acquire the ability to produce both oral and writing communications, in addition to developing other new skills to use the Arabic language in daily life practices, the most import...
Zaydo Potato: Allah Loves Me (Hardcover)
Zaydo Potato is an Islamic book series written by two Muslim-American, fun-loving parents who aspire to educate, empower, and inspire children through the power of storytelling.Join Zaydo Potato and his sidekick Pepper as they embark on adventures to learn more about their Islamic faith. Allah Loves Me is a sweet and simple rhyming story that sh...
In the Arabic Language Garden Textbook: Level 10 في حديقة اللغة العربية كتاب الطالب
يُنتظر بعد دراسة موضوعات هذا الكتاب أن يمتلك الطّالب نواتج التّعلّم التّالية : تنمية قدرة الطّالب على الاستماع والتّحدّث تنمية قدرة الطّالب على تحديد الفكرة المحوريّة في النّصّ اللّغويّ تنمية قدرة الطّالب على فهم واستيعاب الأفكار الرّئيسة والرّبط بينها وبين الفكرة المحوريّة تنمية قدرة الطّالب على تحليل الأفكار الرّئيسة إلى أفكارها الفرعيّة تزوي...
In The Arabic Language Garden Simplified Grammar: Level 8 في حديقة اللغة العربية كتاب التمارين
In The Arabic Language Garden Simplified Grammar: Level 8 في حديقة اللغة العربية كتاب التمارين
Level 8 from the series (In the Arabic Language Garden), is the second level for middle schools of learning Arabic to non-Arabic speakers. Students at this stage will acquire the ability to produce both oral and writing communications, in addition to developing other new skills to use the Arabic language in daily life practices, the most import...
Zaydo Potato: Can Allah See Me Now? (Hardcover)
Join Zaydo Potato and his sidekick Pepper as they embark on adventures to learn more about their Islamic faith. Zaydo Potato is an Islamic book series written by two Muslim-American, fun-loving parents who aspire to educate, empower, and inspire Muslim children through the power of storytelling. Enjoy searching for the potato hidden in every spr...
Zaydo Potato: A Muslim Superhero (Paperback)
Join Zaydo Potato and his sidekick Pepper as they embark on adventures to learn more about their Islamic faith. Zaydo Potato is an Islamic book series written by two Muslim-American, fun-loving parents who aspire to educate, empower, and inspire Muslim children through the power of storytelling.Enjoy searching for the potato hidden in every spre...
The Happy Muslim: KG1
The Happy Muslim: KG1
A modern series in Islamic studies, for ten levels (KG – 6th). It is a comprehensive series that contains Islamic manners, literature and teaches the implementation of the five pillars of Islam in a simple way. It has Islamic values, defining what Islam contains of human values and the virtues of morality in daily life practices. It has a s...
In the Arabic Language Garden Workbook: Level KG1 في حديقة اللغة العربية كتاب التمارين
explaining the contents by the teacher and the ease of arranging the ideas in the mind of students in a gradual and scientific way. It helps students acquire skills and knowledge of the Arabic language step by step until they reach the required level. In addition to considering the age characteristics of students, it also considers the non-Arab...
In the Arabic Language Garden Simplified Grammar: Level 7 في حديقة اللغة العربية كتاب التمارين
In the Arabic Language Garden Simplified Grammar: Level 7 في حديقة اللغة العربية كتاب التمارين
Level 7 from the series (In the Arabic Language Garden), is the first level for middle schools of learning Arabic to non-Arabic speakers. Students at this stage will acquire the ability to produce both oral and writing communications, in addition to developing other new skills to use the Arabic language in daily life practices, the most importa...
The Happy Muslim: Level 2
The Happy Muslim: Level 2
A modern series in Islamic studies, for ten levels (KG – 6th). It is a comprehensive series that contains Islamic manners, literature and teaches the implementation of the five pillars of Islam in a simple way. It has Islamic values, defining what Islam contains of human values and the virtues of morality in daily life practices. It has a s...
The Happy Muslim: Level 3
The Happy Muslim: Level 3
A modern series in Islamic studies, for ten levels (KG – 6th). It is a comprehensive series that contains Islamic manners, literature and teaches the implementation of the five pillars of Islam in a simple way. It has Islamic values, defining what Islam contains of human values and the virtues of morality in daily life practices. It has a s...
The Happy Muslim: KG2
The Happy Muslim: KG2
A modern series in Islamic studies, for ten levels (KG – 6th). It is a comprehensive series that contains Islamic manners, literature and teaches the implementation of the five pillars of Islam in a simple way. It has Islamic values, defining what Islam contains of human values and the virtues of morality in daily life practices. It has a s...
The Happy Muslim: Level 5
The Happy Muslim: Level 5
A modern series in Islamic studies, for ten levels (KG – 6th). It is a comprehensive series that contains Islamic manners, literature and teaches the implementation of the five pillars of Islam in a simple way. It has Islamic values, defining what Islam contains of human values and the virtues of morality in daily life practices. It has a s...
The Happy Muslim: Level 6
The Happy Muslim: Level 6
A modern series in Islamic studies, for ten levels (KG – 6th). It is a comprehensive series that contains Islamic manners, literature and teaches the implementation of the five pillars of Islam in a simple way. It has Islamic values, defining what Islam contains of human values and the virtues of morality in daily life practices. It has a s...
The Happy Muslim: Level 4
The Happy Muslim: Level 4
A modern series in Islamic studies, for ten levels (KG – 6th). It is a comprehensive series that contains Islamic manners, literature and teaches the implementation of the five pillars of Islam in a simple way. It has Islamic values, defining what Islam contains of human values and the virtues of morality in daily life practices. It has a s...
In The Arabic Language Garden Simplified Grammar: Level 6 في حديقة اللغة العربية كتاب التمارين
In The Arabic Language Garden Simplified Grammar: Level 6 في حديقة اللغة العربية كتاب التمارين
Level 6 from the series (In the Arabic Language Garden), is the last level for elementary schools of learning Arabic to non-Arabic speakers. The student will acquire further development of the skill of expression and conversation, as well as the development of the skill of reading aloud and silent reading. The student will be able to develop...
In The Arabic Language Garden Workbook: Level 1 في حديقة اللغة العربية كتاب التمارين
The first level in the series (In the Arabic Language Garden) for elementary non-Arabic speakers, which starts from the age of 6 -7 years, and it can also be used for teenagers up to 15 years who have not previously learned the Arabic language The educational material consists of 180 pages that have been distributed into two books (Textbook boo...
In the Arabic Language Garden Simplified Grammar: Level 5 في حديقة اللغة العربية كتاب التمارين
In the Arabic Language Garden Simplified Grammar: Level 5 في حديقة اللغة العربية كتاب التمارين
In level 5 from the series (In the Arabic Language Garden), the student will acquire other new skills that help him learn Arabic as a second language for non-Arabic speakers. This level consists of two books (Textbook + Grammar book), where the user of these two books works to raise the cognitive, mental, and sensory level of the student by rec...
In The Arabic Language Garden Workbook: Level 2 في حديقة اللغة العربية كتاب التمارين
This the second level of the series (In the Arabic Language Garden) for the elementary students, and the educational material was distributed on two books (Textbook + Workbook). This level supports the skill of reading, starting from making the student able to master many skills, which helps him to read properly, and then to reach his understan...
In the Arabic Language Garden Workbook: Level KG 2 في حديقة اللغة العربية كتاب الطالب
The kindergarten level is the second level in the series (In the Garden of the Arabic Language), which is the second book (Kindergarten Two) for the kindergarten stage - before school, and it is for non-Arabic speakers from the age of 5-6 years The educational material contains 180 pages that have been distributed into two books (Textbook + Wor...
In The Arabic Language Garden Workbook: Level 3 في حديقة اللغة العربية كتاب التمارين
Level 3 from the series (In the Arabic Language Garden) for the elementary students contains many new skills in addition to basic skills in learning Arabic for non-Arabic speakers. At this level, the student will learn many new vocabularies and synthetic methods that help him to read & understand the Arabic sentences and link them together ...
In The Arabic Language Garden Simplified Grammar: Level 4 في حديقة اللغة العربية كتاب التمارين
In The Arabic Language Garden Simplified Grammar: Level 4 في حديقة اللغة العربية كتاب التمارين
In level 4 from the series (In the Arabic Language Garden), the student will acquire more skills in learning the Arabic language. This level consists of two books (Textbook + Grammar book), which leads to raising the cognitive, mental, and sensory level of the student through receiving a set of interesting texts related to the reality of the st...
The Happy Muslim: Level 1
The Happy Muslim: Level 1
A modern series in Islamic studies, for ten levels (KG – 6th). It is a comprehensive series that contains Islamic manners, literature and teaches the implementation of the five pillars of Islam in a simple way. It has Islamic values, defining what Islam contains of human values and the virtues of morality in daily life practices. It has a s...
Munafisah (Arabic version of the Quran Challenge Game) منافسة حول المعلومات القرآنية
The Quran Challenge Game for children is a unique game based on the Holy Quran. The idea behind this game is to provide the children with both fun and education. All questions are taken from the Quran. They have been creatively worked into this game and children will enjoy answering them. This game can be played at school or at home with all the...
Al-Kitaab fii Ta'allum al-'Arabiyya - A Textbook for Beginning Arabic with Website (Lingco) : Part One (Hardcover, Third Edition)
Al-Kitaab Part One, Third Edition with Website is the second book in the bestselling Al-Kitaab Arabic Language Program. Part One uses an integrated approach to develop skills in formal and colloquial Arabic, including reading, listening, speaking, writing, and cultural knowledge. This comprehensive program is designed for students in the early s...
Children's Quran Stories
Children's Quran Stories
Children's Quran Stories is a collection of more than 20 Quran stories to read, love and cherish. The easy-to-read text and bright, full-colour illustrations on every page make this book a perfect way to introduce little ones to the stories, prayers and teachings of the Quran. The simple, short and beautifully narrated stories highlight key asp...
The Fun Words: Level KG, Part 1 الكلمات الممتعة
The Fun Words: Level KG, Part 1 الكلمات الممتعة
The My Fun Letters book is for kindergarten students. It continues the process of education that began at infancy. About the new My Fun Words book: It is appropriate for kindergarten students who have mastered writing their Arabic letters. It introduces two new characters: five-year-old Ahmad and Zaynab. It uses words that revol...
Islamic Quiz Cards (Display Box with 24 Quiz Packs)
For ages 5 years and up. Includes 6 different Quiz card in the tray. 1 Tray Box includes 24 packs on 6 different topics: Quran Quiz Cards, Hadith Quiz Cards, Seerah Quiz Cards, Islamic Teachings Quiz Cards, The Prophets Quiz Cards, Quran Verses Quiz Cards. A great collection of illustrated quiz card for the entire family to enjoy!
Prophet Muhammad Stories Gift Box - (4 books)
Prophet Muhammad Stories Gift Box meant for 7 year olds and above, has some of the best treasured stories from the life of the Prophet Muhammad. These seerah stories, especially chosen for children, encourage young readers to discover for themselves the mission and the message of the Prophet Muhammad. They will find their own ways of applying th...
Surah Al-Fatihah Flash Cards
Surah Al-Fatihah Flash Cards
Help Children to Learn the Essence of Surah Al-Fatihah A set of 38 beautifully crafted flash cards to help children understand and memorise the true essence of Surah Al-Fatihah. * Vocabulary learning is made fun and exciting by picture-word association. * Exercise cards stimulate imagination and reinforce the concepts behind every ayah for pract...
The Modern Enrichment Curriculum for kindergarten: The Activities (Level KG1) المنهاج الأثرائي الحديث لرياض الأطفال: الأنشطة
منهاجنا الحديث المخصص لمرحلة رياض الأطفال، كل كتاب يرفق بحكاية خيالية، لتعزيز الجانب الإبداعي لدى البراعم و تطويره في الأعوام الثلاثة التي تمهد لدخول المدرسة.تضم سلسلة المنهاج الأثرائي الحديث لرياض الأطفال 3 كتب أنشطة وذلك وفقا للفئة العمرية ( 3 سنوات – 4 سنوات – 5 سنوات )الملحقات :( حكايتي – ذات الرداء الأحمر ) : هي وسيلة التواصل بين المدرسة و...
The Modern Enrichment Curriculum for kindergarten: The Activities (Level Pre-KG) المنهاج الأثرائي الحديث لرياض الأطفال: الأنشطة
منهاجنا الحديث المخصص لمرحلة رياض الأطفال، كل كتاب يرفق بحكاية خيالية، لتعزيز الجانب الإبداعي لدى البراعم و تطويره في الأعوام الثلاثة التي تمهد لدخول المدرسة.تضم سلسلة المنهاج الأثرائي الحديث لرياض الأطفال 3 كتب أنشطة وذلك وفقا للفئة العمرية ( 3 سنوات – 4 سنوات – 5 سنوات )الملحقات :( حكايتي –عقلة الإصبع ): هي وسيلة التواصل بين المدرسة والأهل لل...
The Modern Enrichment Curriculum for kindergarten: The Activities (Level KG2) المنهاج الأثرائي الحديث لرياض الأطفال: الأنشطة
منهاجنا الحديث المخصص لمرحلة رياض الأطفال، كل كتاب يرفق بحكاية خيالية، لتعزيز الجانب الإبداعي لدى البراعم و تطويره في الأعوام الثلاثة التي تمهد لدخول المدرسة.تضم سلسلة المنهاج الأثرائي الحديث لرياض الأطفال 3 كتب أنشطة وذلك وفقا للفئة العمرية ( 3 سنوات – 4 سنوات – 5 سنوات )الملحقات :( حكايتي – وليد والفاصوليا العجيبة ) : هي وسيلة التواصل بين الم...
The Modern Enrichment Curriculum for kindergarten: The Numbers المنهاج الأثرائي الحديث لرياض الأطفال: الأعداد
منهاجنا الحديث المخصص لمرحلة رياض الأطفال، كل كتاب يرفق بحكاية خيالية، لتعزيز الجانب الإبداعي لدى البراعم و تطويره في الأعوام الثلاثة التي تمهد لدخول المدرسة.تضم سلسلة المنهاج الأثرائي الحديث لرياض الأطفال 3 كتب أنشطة وذلك وفقا للفئة العمرية ( 3 سنوات – 4 سنوات – 5 سنوات )هذا الكتاب يعلّم الطفل الأعداد من 1 إلى 10، وهي الأعداد التي عادة ما يستخ...
Zaydo Potato: Can Allah See Me Now? (Paperback)
Join Zaydo Potato and his sidekick Pepper as they embark on adventures to learn more about their Islamic faith. Zaydo Potato is an Islamic book series written by two Muslim-American, fun-loving parents who aspire to educate, empower, and inspire Muslim children through the power of storytelling. Enjoy searching for the potato hidden in every spr...
When Ms. Underwood asks if anyone wants to help Kyle, Zahra always volunteers. She loves spending time with Kyle—he’s creative and generous, and he makes the funniest jokes at lunch. But when Zahra’s other classmates start teasing her for helping him, she starts making choices she regrets. I Can Help is a gentle, sensitive portrayal of reachin...
Islamic Values for Children (Large Size)
Islamic Values for Children is full of cherished wisdom from the Quran, Hadith and the life of the Prophet Muhammad and messages of hope, love, kindness, modesty, and thankfulness etc. for the child or grand-child you love. This simplified, delightfully designed, and kid-friendly book is perfect for children ages 6–10, and covers a wide range of...
Amira’s Picture Day
Amira’s Picture Day
Ramadan has come to an end, and Amira can't wait to stay home from school to celebrate Eid. There's just one hiccup: it's also school picture day. How can Amira be in two places at once? Just the thought of Eid makes Amira warm and tingly inside. From wearing new clothes to handing out goody bags at the mosque, Amira can't wait for the festiv...
Urdu: Tafsir Sa'di (3 Vols)
Urdu: Tafsir Sa'di (3 Vols)
Tafsir Sa'di (3 Vols) Tafseer-ul-Karim-ur-Rahman Fe Tafseer Kalam Al-Mannan was written by Shaykh Abdur-Rahman ibn Naasir as-Sa’di. The Great student of Shaykh Sa’di Ibn Uthaymeen said about this book: This tafseer is one of the best for the following reasons: easy and clear words for both professionals and others. avoidance of unnecessary lengt...
Ameen- The Dua Bear
Ameen- The Dua Bear
“Ameen”– The first Dua teddy bear designed to integrate the morning and evening Dua & Adhkar in the lives of Muslim children everywhere! Starting and ending their days with the remembrance of Allah (SWT) will add many blessings to their lives, Insha’Allah! The chosen morning & evening Dua and Adhkar are commonly used by Muslims for dail...
What to Say When
What to Say When
Do you ever wish that your child had a stronger connection with their Lord?Do you want your child to be under Allah's protection?One of the most effective ways to achieve this is to ensure your child constantly remembers Allah. There are duas for all occasions and with What to Say When you can ensure your child is building a stronger bond betwee...
You Go Girl! Naiya & 99 Muslim Female Trailblazers
Every night, when Naiya's mom tucks her into bed, she tells her about a different woman who helped make the world a better place. Join Naiya as she learns about the diverse careers of 99 Muslim women.
My First Quran With Pictures - Flash Cards
A bound folder filled with 99 flashcards that explain the verses from the last 25 surahs of Juz Amma with bright illustrations.With the help of these flashcards, inshaAllah your children will be able to understand the simple interpretation of the verses from Juz Amma.The engaging illustrations will help your children visualize the simple meaning...
Safar Islamic Studies Workbook: Level 8
Safar Islamic Studies Textbook and Workbook 8 are written for ages 13 and above. They are designed to equip learners with the necessary knowledge and tools to develop a deep-rooted love and bond with Islām. The series teaches students to fulfil their religious rites and duties in an informed manner through learning, understanding and embodying ...
I Love Arabic Textbook: Level 3 ( Damaged Copy ) أحب العربية كتاب التلميذ
Disclaimer: This item is damaged dents on the bindings + slightly stained good conditions. The third student's book consists of 5 units, and each unit has 5 lessons so that in total, the book has 25 lessons. Each unit ends with a comprehensive test of the skills presented in the unit. Each lesson focuses on a text which presents linguistic a...
Remind Me of My Dua
Remind Me of My Dua
Here’s one of the best ways to automate the remembrance of Allah in your home Are you remembering Allah enough? Do you wish you would remember to say your duas for the regular things in your life like eating, sleeping and entering your home? Do want your children to remember to say their duas too? What you’re looking for is a set of timely rem...
The Prophets of Islam: Prophet Muhammad and the Crying Camel
A charming activity book, bursting with joyful animals and colorful backgrounds, that introduces children to the Prophet Muhammad and one particular story during his life. Full of activities including crosswords, puzzles, mazes, and coloring, this book is a wonderful way to teach children about the Prophet's love for animals through interacti...
Women in Islam: What the Qur'an and Sunnah Say
Women in Islam is an attractive book with a simple compilation of quotations from the Qur’an and Hadith collections that refer to or address women specifically.It engages the reader in a moment of reflection on the Islamic view of womanhood: her existence as a creation of Allah, her role as a positive stakeholder in building a God-conscious soci...