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Arabic is the Language of Tomorrow: Reading Level 1 العربية لغة الغد : القراءة الجزء الأول
This book aims to prepare the student for communication with the Arabic library, encourage him to research and explore, introduce him to various models of expression in the Arabic language, and master loud reading with conscious delivery that embodies the meaning with correctness and soundness of performance. It also aims to accustom the student...
Arabic is the Language of Tomorrow: Reading Level 3 العربية لغة الغد : القراءة الجزء الثالث
Book 1: This book aims to prepare the learner for engaging with Arabic literature, encouraging research and exploration, and familiarizing them with diverse styles of expression in Arabic. It also focuses on mastering expressive reading aloud, where the reader conveys meaning with correct and proper performance. Additionally, it promotes silent ...
Al-Asas for Teaching Arabic for Non-Native Speakers: Book 5 (Intermediate Level, Part 2) الأساس في تعليم العربية للناطقين بغيرها
The AI-Asas series for teaching Arabic to non-native speakers of different nationalities uses modern and advanced educational techniques to provide students with core understandings of the Arabic language and proper usage. AI-Asas consists of six books that cover all levels from beginner to advanced so that learners can transition smoothly and...
Learning is Fun with Write and Erase Arabic Alphabet: Level 1 تعلم وامرح - اكتب وامسح الحروف الهجائية
As an international Arab designer, and a mother of a young child living in the west, I was struggling to find high quality Arabic teaching resources. I loved the concept of a dry/ erase alphabet book that would allow the child to practice his/her letters over and over again with ease. And so the idea came to me to design this book. It has custom...
Hajj with Emperor Mansa Musa
Hajj with Emperor Mansa Musa
Take a trip back in time with Hamzah and Maryam as they travel to Mali in West Africa and end up on a spectacular journey to complete Hajj with Mansa Musa - the richest man to have ever lived!Travel across Africa all the way to Mecca, on camel and horse, through deserts and towns, to finally end up at the Kaabah.Alhamdulillah this is our biggest...
The Clear Quran (Indo-Pak) with Arabic Text- Hardcover (7.6" x 9.4")| Hifz Edition Script 13 Lines 10 Copies Bulk
The Clear Quran (Indo-Pak) with Arabic Text- Hardcover (7.6" x 9.4")| Hifz Edition Script 13 Lines 10 Copies Bulk
Hifz Edition. Majeedi (Indo-Pak) Script. 13 Lines. 10 Copies Bulk. Standard Hifz quran pages paired with the best English translation. Let’s make sure our students memorize the Quran with understanding. About the Translation For a translation to do justice to the Quran and capture its elegance and vigor, it has to be accurate, smooth, eloquen...
Train to Al-Aqsa: An Educational Journey
This creation of this book was inspired by the events we saw earlier this year, the struggle that the Palestinian people are facing all whilst protecting the scared site of Al-Aqsa.We wanted to highlight the importance of Al-Aqsa in a way children can understand and relate to. Learn about the importance of Al-Aqsa Sanctuary as Hamzah and Maryam ...
Zedne Arabic Flash Cards بطاقات زدني التعليمية
'- 4 Packs, 48 Double Cards – Sided Pattern.- 96 high definition images, printed with healthy soy Ink.- Each Pack has a detachable PP ring which is easy to organize.- Each card consists of waterproof thick sturdy paper and has rounded concerns which make it ideal for baby hands.
Preschool Activity Book Weekend Learning Series كتاب النشاط
Children age 3 to 5 are a bundle of joy. They play games, run, climb, watch TV. They express curiosity about almost everything they see and experience. They see things from their own viewpoint and interpret them in their own ways.They want to experiment with new things. They have new ideas. They show new skills. It amazes parents when they see a...
The Exciting Reading: Level 4 القراءة المشوقة
The exciting reading comes the fourth part to complete the first three parts. Its authorship is based on an integrated set of linguistic and educational foundations. We followed the same method that we followed in the previous parts of this series. Each lesson is divided into the following skills: Reading skill: the focus here is on good rhyt...
Muslim Sprouts: Level B
Muslim Sprouts: Level B
Muslim Sprouts level B book is dedicated to preschool and kindergarten students growing up in the United States. The author and illustrator produced this book in their spare time in hopes that Muslim schools would benefit from the lessons. The goal of the book is to provide hands on activities for children who cannot yet read or write, but who a...
Arabic Graded Stories: Grade 1 ( 6 Books ) مشروع المنهل التعليمي
This set of 6 beautifully illustrated soft cover books teaches excellent moral values through stories that involve overcoming adversity by working together, consequences for good and bad actions, and dependence upon Allah. New vocabulary words are written and illustrated at the bottom of each page, as well as reviewed at the end of the story. Th...
Let's Do Math! : Level 2 English Numbers هيا إلى الرياضيات
This book is the second level of the Let's Do Math Series. It includes activities and pictures that allow children to grasp the concept of numbers.It adds new information to what the student learned in Level 1 and includes the numbers 1-20. يتكامل محتوى المستوى الثاني من حيث الأنشطة والرسوم الدالة على المفاهيم والأعداد مع ما يقدم للطفل من م...
Islamic American Heritage (The Civil War and Centennial America): Book 3
Muslims and Islamic ideas were woven into the very fabric of American history during the time of the Civil War and the turn of the century. This textbook offers lessons and activities about Hi Jolly and the U.S. Camel Corps was instrumental in paving the way for the continental railroad and connecting the continental United States. Students le...
Slashed Letters Game لعبة الحروف المقطعة
ركِّب الكلمة مع الصورة. 112 قطعة كرتون مقوى، لتعليم الطفل الحروف والكلمات العربية بطريقة اللعب، مما يجعل عملية التعلم شيقة وممتعة.فوائد هذه الوسيلة التعليمية: تحفز الطفل على التهجئة. تطور مهارات التحليل والتركيب للكلمات. تنمي روح التحدي بين الأطفال.
Arabic letter cards بطاقات الحروف العربية
بطاقات الحروف للاعمار الصغيرة، يربط الطفل الحرف بكلمة مألوفة مميزات الوسيلة التعليمية: مساعدة الطفل على تعلم الحروف واقترانها بالصور تمتاز سلسلة الحروف العربية بكبر حجمها وصورها المعبرة التي تساعد الطالب على حفظ الحروف وتكراها يمكن استخدامها لفئات عمرية مختلفة. يمكن توظيفها في المساباقات التعليمية. منا...
Islamic Education: KG1 Level التربية الإسلامية
The Islamic Studies Series contains eight books for teaching Islam in schools. This series covers all areas of Islamic studies, including Tafsir, Hadith, Tawheed, Fiqh, Sirah, and general etiquette relating to different areas and situations.Most of the terms are presented in their original Arabic script along with a translation of their meanings...
Islamic Education: KG2 Level التربية الإسلامية
The Islamic Studies Series contains eight books for teaching Islam in schools. This series covers all areas of Islamic studies, including Tafsir, Hadith, Tawheed, Fiqh, Sirah, and general etiquette relating to different areas and situations.Most of the terms are presented in their original Arabic script along with a translation of their meanings...
Islamic Education: Level 1 التربية الإسلامية
The Islamic Studies Series contains eight books for teaching Islam in schools. This series covers all areas of Islamic studies, including Tafsir, Hadith, Tawheed, Fiqh, Sirah, and general etiquette relating to different areas and situations.Most of the terms are presented in their original Arabic script along with a translation of their meanings...
Islamic Education: Level 2 التربية الإسلامية
The Islamic Studies Series contains eight books for teaching Islam in schools. This series covers all areas of Islamic studies, including Tafsir, Hadith, Tawheed, Fiqh, Sirah, and general etiquette relating to different areas and situations.Most of the terms are presented in their original Arabic script along with a translation of their meanings...
Islamic Education: Level 4 التربية الإسلامية
The Islamic Studies Series contains eight books for teaching Islam in schools. This series covers all areas of Islamic studies, including Tafsir, Hadith, Tawheed, Fiqh, Sirah, and general etiquette relating to different areas and situations. Most of the terms are presented in their original Arabic script along with a translation of their mean...
Islamic Education: Level 5 التربية الإسلامية
The Islamic Studies Series contains eight books for teaching Islam in schools. This series covers all areas of Islamic studies, including Tafsir, Hadith, Tawheed, Fiqh, Sirah, and general etiquette relating to different areas and situations.Most of the terms are presented in their original Arabic script along with a translation of their meanings...
Islamic Education: Level 3 التربية الإسلامية
The Islamic Studies Series contains eight books for teaching Islam in schools. This series covers all areas of Islamic studies, including Tafsir, Hadith, Tawheed, Fiqh, Sirah, and general etiquette relating to different areas and situations.Most of the terms are presented in their original Arabic script along with a translation of their meanings...
Islamic Education: Level 6 التربية الإسلامية
The Islamic Studies Series contains eight books for teaching Islam in schools. This series covers all areas of Islamic studies, including Tafsir, Hadith, Tawheed, Fiqh, Sirah, and general etiquette relating to different areas and situations.Most of the terms are presented in their original Arabic script along with a translation of their meanings...
The Clear Quran - Tafsir For Kids (Surahs 29-48, Volume 3)
"What makes this translation unique is that it has been edited by kids, for kids. I have worked diligently with a team of students (mostly grade 2-5) to identify difficult words and replace them with easier ones that carry the same meaning. As for the words we couldn’t replace, they are explained in the glossary, along with the Arabic terms used...
The Clear Quran with Arabic Text- Leather (8" x 9.7")| Hifz Edition Othmani Script 15 Lines
Hifz Edition. Othmani Script. 15 Lines.Standard Hifz quran pages paired with the best English translation. Let’s make sure our students memorize the Quran with understanding.About the TranslationFor a translation to do justice to the Quran and capture its elegance and vigor, it has to be accurate, smooth, eloquent, and accessible. Unlike most po...
The Clear Quran Para Juz 30 with English Text - Hardcover (7.5" x 9.6") | Majeedi
THE CLEAR QURAN® Series is one of the most eloquent attempts to masterfully and accurately capture the elegance and vigor of the Quran in the modern English language. Its clarity for an average reader is evident in the choice of easy-to-understand words and phrases that reflect the beauty, flow and power of the original text. Along with just eno...
The Clear Quran Juz 1-30 with Arabic Text- Hardcover (12" x 9.8")|Majeedi - 15 Lines
Thousands of hours have been put into this work over the last few years to guarantee accuracy, clarity, eloquence, and flow. To achieve accuracy, the translator has made use of the greatest and most celebrated works of old and modern tafsir (Quran commentaries), and shared the work with several Imams in North America for feedback and insight.For...
Nuri Series - Education through the Holy Quran: Book 2 (Juz' Amma) سلسة نوري للتربية بالقرآن الكريم
Nuri Series - Education through the Holy Quran: Book 2 (Juz' Amma) سلسة نوري للتربية بالقرآن الكريم
يعد منتج نوري أول منتج عربي للأطفال للتربية بالقرآن بتصريح من مجمع البحوث الإسلامية بالأزهر الشريف حيث يحيا الطفل في بيئة مجتمعية إيجابية تسهم في تشكيل شخصيه وهويته ليكون نافعاً لنفسه ولمجتمعه.– يتميز منتج نوري بأنه يقدم التفسير للأطفال من خلال استراتجية الخرائط المصورة والتي تجمع ما بين (الصور،الكلمات ،الألوان) بالشكل الذي يحقق النمو العقلي للط...
Sanabel Coloring (Set of 6 books) سنابل التلوين
تلوين دوديسلسلة موجهه لأطفال بعمر 4-6 سنوات تتكون من ستة كتب تدرب الطفل على حروف اللغة كل كتاب يشمل على خمسه حروف يتشكل فيها كل حرف بشكل دودي ليتبين الطفل اتجاه كتابة الحرف وتذكره بقصص دودي وأسماء الصور التي يشمل عليها الحرف في كل قصة حيث يستمتع بتلوين الحرف والصور ولوحة من القصة بما ينمي التذكر والملاحظة والتركيزوالانتباه والحس الجمالي.
The Best of Values 2 - Arabic روائع القيم
The Best of Values 2 - Arabic روائع القيم
As a continuation of the efforts utilized to build the second stage of our educational platform, we have laid out various topics in order to establish a greater educational understanding.These topics include various subjects that are consistent in form and structure. The chapters cover the topics of creed, values, jurisprudence, Islamic behavior...
Dodi Notebook مفكره دودي
Dodi Notebook مفكره دودي
مفكره دوديدفتر توضيحي لتنظيم التواصل مع أولياء الأمور للمتابعة اليومية
Dodi Cut and Paste Poster دودي قص ولصق
Dodi Cut and Paste Poster دودي قص ولصق
دودي قص ولصقيتعلم الطالب من خلال نشاط قص ولزق كيفية قص ولصق أشكال دودي يحتوي المنتج على 4 صفحات كل صفحه تحتوي على 6 رسومات
Dodi Letters Poster أحرف دودي
أحرف دودينشاط حروف دودي تمكن الطالب من معرفه طريقه رسم الحروف يحتوي المنتج على 5 صفحات كل صفحه تحتوي على 6 حروف
The Muslims Way of Doing Things: Islamic Etiquettes - Book 1
Whiteway Publications produces many enlightening books for Muslims and non-Muslims, with the purpose to spread true guidance and knowledge based on the Qur’an and Sunnah.Our mission at Writeway publications is to produce valuable books for Muslim children that will educate them in a fun and exciting way. Our vision is to ensure that today’s chil...
Animal Sounds Game - Arabic (Damaged Copy) أصوات الحيوانات
Disclaimer: This item is damaged. Damage Status: Good condition A game that introduces children to the sounds and names of 14 different animals in both English and Arabic. Choose Randomly 2 Jumbo puzzle pieces and form the forest, put on the audio CD, listen to animal names or sounds and be the fastest to cover the animals you recognize - S...
The Clear Quran (Indo-Pak) with Arabic Text- Leather (8" x 9.7")| Hifz Edition Script 15 Lines, 12 Copies Bulk
The Clear Quran (Indo-Pak) with Arabic Text- Leather (8" x 9.7")| Hifz Edition Script 15 Lines, 12 Copies Bulk
For a translation to do justice to the Quran and capture its elegance and vigor, it has to be accurate, smooth, eloquent, and accessible. Unlike most popular translations, The Clear Quran® masterfully passes on all counts. To achieve accuracy, the translator has made use of the greatest and most celebrated works of old and modern tafsir (Quran c...
Eid Mubarak Kraft Paper Bag - Teal & Gold Hanging Lanterns Mosque
Unique design: Our gift bags are designed with Eid Mubarak sign and printed with unique Muslim Ramadan elements, makes your Ramadan party more impressive. Dimension and package 27 x 21 x 11cm Uses: Not only Eid party bags, bags for snacks, popcorn bar, candy bar, goodie and etc, but also could be used for holiday decoration, or as great gifts ...
Eid Mubarak Card - White & Gold Geometric
A stunning Eid Mubarak card. Wish someone dear a happy and blessed Eid with this truly magnificent Eid Mubarak card. This card is Blank inside for your own personal message. Eid Mubarak (English)Simple, elegant and luxuriously hot foiled on to high quality glossy card. 155mm Square Blank Inside Complete with envelope and cello wrapped Made in G...
Eid Mubarak Banner - White & Gold Geometric
Perfect for decorating your home for Eid. High quality coated paper (250gsm) printed single sided Banner dimension: W: 100cm, H: 20cm
RAMADAN Mubarak Foil Balloons - Rose Gold
'Ramadan Mubarak' foil balloon Autosealed with rope and straw included 16" height Width adjustable to your preference Perfect for your Ramadan party occasions
EID Mubarak Arabic Foil Balloons - Gold
'Eid Mubarak' in Arabic foil balloon Autosealed with rope and straw included 16" height Width adjustable to your preference Perfect for your eid party occasions
Eid Mubarak Card - Brown & Gold Hanging Lanterns
A stunning Eid Mubarak card. Wish someone dear a happy and blessed Eid with this truly magnificent Eid Mubarak card. This card is Blank inside for your own personal message. Eid Mubarak (English) Simple, elegant and luxuriously hot foiled on to high quality glossy card. 155mm Square Blank Inside Complete with envelope and cello wrapped Made in G...
Ramadan Kareem Balloons - Pearl Black, Orange & Silver Balloon Set
Each pack includes 12 balloons Double printed Metallic 3.2G high quality, 12" rubber latex Pack of 10 Can be inflated using air or helium
Ramadan Mubarak Banner - White & Gold Lanterns
Perfect for decorating your home for Ramadan. High quality coated paper (250gsm) printed single sided Banner dimension: W: 100cm, H: 20cm
Eid Mubarak Banner - Black & Gold Domes & Lanterns
Perfect for decorating your home for Eid. High quality coated paper (250gsm) printed single sided Banner dimension: W: 100cm, H: 20cm
Eid Mubarak Bunting - Black & Gold Geometric Flags Decoration
Perfect for decorating your home for Eid. High quality coated paper (250gsm) printed double sided 10 flags per bunting Flag dimension: W: 24cm, H: 17cm
Ramadan Mubarak Bunting - Black & Gold Domes & Lanterns Flags Decoration
Perfect for decorating your home for Ramadan. High quality coated paper (250gsm) printed double sided 10 flags per bunting Flag dimension: W: 24cm, H: 17cm