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My Third Bag حقيبتي الثالثة
Learn letters and words Practice handwriting Write numbers and letters quickly Group like objects Complete patterns Count to 15 Use measurements Distinguish sounds Complete Domino combining numbers and amounts Fun with symmetry and balance Create posters Color by symbol with six colors Learn the seasons, da...
I Take Care of Myself (6 Books) أعتني بنفسي
Looking After Me The Looking after Me series of books is aimed at children to introduce them to social skills and help them to develop a healthy, safer lifestyle. The skills and knowledge are introduced through funny stories that are told in simple text and complimented with amusing and reassuring illustrations. Exercise : A book about twins,...
My Favorite Math الحساب المحبوب
My Favorite Math الحساب المحبوب
My Favorite Math الحساب المحبوب In this book children learn the basic principles of arithmetic, focusing on differences and similarities. Children are exposed to numbers and counting, and are trained to use common sense through concepts of first and last, empty and full, and through distinguishing between half, quarter and one third. From the...
In The Funny Garden (12 Books) في حديقة المرح
In The Funny Garden (12 Books) في حديقة المرح
In the Night Garden Simple and attractive stories for children, with funny, small and lovely characters. Repetition of phrases and vocabulary will enhance the children confidence and their ability to read and understand. The stories are complimented with amusing and reassuring illustrations. All the books are fully vocalized to ensure that...
The True Secret السرّ الحقيقي
As human beings, we all desire happiness, good health and peace of mind. As Muslims, we strive to live every aspect of our lives in accordance with our Islamic beliefs, in order to earn the pleasure of Allah and reach paradise in the next life. Just how do we go about accomplishing all this, though? How do we get from where we are to where we wa...
The Metamorphosis of a Muslim
Lena Winfrey Seder grew up with a loving Christian family in the Virginia countryside. As a shy young woman, she sought to expand her horizons and fly, like a butterfly. At first, her focus was on worldly success and fame, but when she found herself unable to obtain satisfactory answers to her doubts about her religious traditions, she began a s...
Solving 25 Problems in Unit Design: How do I refine my units to enhance student learning? حل 25 مشكلة في تخطيط الوحدات: كيف أحسّن وحداتي التعليمية كي أعزز تعلّم الطلاب؟
تفحّص خبيرا المنهج Jay McTighe وَ Grant Wiggins آلافًا من وثائق المنهج وخطط الوحدات الدراسية عبر مجموعة من المواضيع الدراسية والصفوف. في هذا الكتاب، يحدد المؤلفان ويصفان الـ 25 مسألة الأكثر شيوعًا عند تصميم الوحدات الدراسية ويوصيانك كيف تصححها - وتتجنبها عند تخطيط وحدات دراسية جديدة. يساعدك McTighe و Wiggins، مبتكرا إطار التخطيط العكسي ...
Researching In a Digital World: How do I teach my students to conduct quality online research? البحث في عالم رقمي: كيف أعلِّم طلابي إجراء أبحاث ذاتية نوعية من خلال الإنترنت؟
كأُناسٍ يعيشون في عالم رقمي، من المؤكد أنّ طلابنا يستخدمون الإنترنت في البيت، لكن كم يعرفون عن استخدام الإنترنت كأداة بحث؟ هل يعرفون كيف يسألون الأسئلة الصحيحة، يجدون أفضل المصادر وأكثرها موثوقية، يقيّمون "الحقائق" التي يجدونها، ويبتعدون عن الانتحال وخرق حقوق الملكية الفكرية عندما يدمجون أعمال الآخرين في عملهم؟ بالنسبة للكثيرين، الجواب هو ل...
Real-World Projects: How do I design relevant and engaging learning experiences? مشروعات من الواقع: كيف أصمّم خبرات تعلُّم ذات صلة وجذّابة للطلاب؟
في هذا الكتاب، توضح خبيرة التعلُّم المبني على المشاريع، Suzie Boss، كيف تجذب المشاريع المرتبطة بالعالم الحقيقي الطلاب وتحفزهم أثناء تعليم محتوىً صارم ومنتمٍ ومهارات تتواءم مع المعايير وتضع المتعلمين على الطريق نحو مواطنة فاعلة. ستتعلم لماذا يحتاج الطلاب أن يكونوا قادرين على تحديد وحل مسائل حقيقية تستحق العمل عليها في مجتمعاتهم وما وراء ذلك؛...
Real Engagement: How do I help my students become motivated, confident and self-directed learners? الانخراط الحقيقي: كيف أساعد طلابي ليصبحوا متعلّمين محفَّزين، واثقين، وموجَّهين ذاتيًّا؟
يتّبع الطلاب التوجيهات، يكملون واجباتهم، ويتعاونون بهدوء. بالنسبة لبعض المعلمين، هذا النوع من الالتزام هو هدف يستحق المثابرة من أجله، ولكن بالنسبة لك، فهو غير كافٍ. أنت تريد انخراطًا حقيقيًّا – صفًّا مليئًا بطلاب يسألون أسئلة مثيرة للفضول، يغمسون أنفسهم في أداء المهام، يبحثون عن تغذية راجعة على أدائهم، ويشعرون بالفخر في تقدمهم. وفي الوقت ال...
Al-Muin Del Bolsillo Pocket Dictionary Arabic-Spanish المعين للجيب
Mini Al-Muín Del Bolsillo Pocket Dictionary may not be able to replace the largest dictionaries published by Lebanon Library Publishers, but it is a dictionary rich with words translated from Arabic into Spanish and visa versa. Even with its small size, it answers many questions and can serve many people in their various fields.The Spa...
Mini Al-Muin Dictionary Arabic-Spanish المعين الأصغر
Mini Al-Muín Spanish-Arabic and Arabic-Spanish Dictionary may not be able to replace the largest dictionaries published by Lebanon Library Publishers, but it is a dictionary rich with words translated from Arabic into Spanish and visa versa. Even with its small size, it answers many questions and can serve many people in their various ...
ICO Learn Arabic Teacher Guide: Level 11, Part 2 (Interactive CD-ROM) تعلم العربية
Teaching language is a critical tool in communication and ultimately in the development of knowledge. In our quest to provide our customers with quality materials, we are pleased to offer the Learn Arabic series. It employs modern methods of teaching foreign language to successfully teach the Arabic language to students in K-12th grade. This ser...
Sami for the Better (7 Books) سامي نحو الأفضل
This short story series helps enhance feelings of responsibility and self-control in children at this age. At the same time, it teaches them right from wrong, as well as how to respect and appreciate others’ rights, obey their fathers and mothers, and preserve morals such as respecting time and rules, and preserving cleanliness.These stories ass...
The Imaginary Friend (5 Books) الصديقة الخيالية
In this group of stories, the author’s voice shines through beautifully and brilliantly. The stories are evidence of a skilled writer, a creative mind, and a heart brimming with faith.This is the first group of stories by writer Iman Al-Qahtani. It contains five stories to spark a child’s imagination, because imagination is the gateway to origin...
Arabic Club Posters: Part 3 (9 Posters) بوسترات نادي العربية
These fun and colorful posters give young children ample practice in tracing and writing the Arabic letters. Features Islamic themes and lovely illustrations.This series comes in 3 levels and contains student textbooks and workbooks, teacher books, posters and audio CDs. Visit the complete set page of this series by clicking the link in the "Buy...
Student's Intermediate Dictionary English-Arabic معجم الطلاب الوسيط
This dictionary is characterized by: It contains more than 25,000 terms with their meaning and is organized according to the English alphabet. It contains more than 300 illustrations plus 16 colored pages. It has a phonetic transcription which helps student with proper pronunciation. Selection of the most frequent and common words that the stude...
Al Amal Series - Islamic Education Teacher Book سلسلة الأمل التربية الإسلامية كتاب المعلم
The teacher's guide covers all grades from kG-6, it was made as a completion to the rich educational subjects included within the Islamic Education series, and to be an accompanying aid and enlightening reference for whenever it's needed. It acquaints the teacher with the secrets of the school textbook and its different contents. It clarifies th...
ICO Learn Arabic Teacher Guide: Level 10, Part 1 تعلم العربية
Language is a critical tool in communication and ultimately in the development of knowledge. In our quest to provide our customers with quality materials, we are pleased to offer the Learn Arabic series. It employs modern methods of teaching foreign language to successfully teach the Arabic language to students in grades K–12. This series was fo...
ICO Learn Arabic Teacher Guide: Level 12, Part 1 تعلم العربية
Teaching language is a critical tool in communication and ultimately in the development of knowledge. In our quest to provide our customers with quality materials, we are pleased to offer the Learn Arabic series. It employs modern methods of teaching foreign language to successfully teach the Arabic language to students in K-12th grade. This ser...
ICO Learn Arabic Teacher Guide: Level 11, Part 1 تعلم العربية
Teaching language is a critical tool in communication and ultimately in the development of knowledge. In our quest to provide our customers with quality materials, we are pleased to offer the Learn Arabic series. It employs modern methods of teaching foreign language to successfully teach the Arabic language to students in K-12th grade. This ser...
ICO Learn Arabic Teacher Guide: Level 12, Part 2 تعلم العربية
Teaching language is a critical tool in communication and ultimately in the development of knowledge. In our quest to provide our customers with quality materials, we are pleased to offer the Learn Arabic series. It employs modern methods of teaching foreign language to successfully teach the Arabic language to students in K-12th grade. This ser...
The Grammar and Syntax Assistant المساعد في القواعد و الإعراب
Students in elementary school study a set of Arabic grammar and syntax rules which help them understand Arabic texts, and enable them to read and write in Arabic. Classes dedicated to teaching these rules are not nearly enough, considering the difficulty of the material, and the need for immediate application in order to remember and master thes...
Islamic Studies: Grade 8
Islamic Studies: Grade 8
The Noticeable Characteristics of Grade 8 The Pillars of Faith The Pillars of Islam Aayat al-Birr Luqman’s advice to his son The Light Verses Sujood at-Tilawah Stories of the Prophets: Moosa Life of the Prophet – 6 Parts Stories of the Companions Islam and Science Drinks and Drugs A great emphasis has been placed on values like Keep...
I Love Arabic Teacher Book: Level KG (With Data CD) أحب العربية كتاب المعلم
The teacher book, student textbook and workbook for this work are each uniquely designed. The teacher book is aimed at helping the teacher confidently perform his/her duties with the students. It aims at achieving the goals laid out and facilitates the teacher's work. The book is divided into two parts:A- The Teacher Book and the Student Textboo...
I Love Arabic Teacher Book: Level Pre-KG (With Data CD) أحب العربية كتاب المعلم
The teacher book, student textbook and workbook for this work are each uniquely designed. The teacher book is aimed at helping the teacher confidently perform his/her duties with the students. It aims at achieving the goals laid out and facilitates the teacher's work. The book is divided into two parts:A- The Teacher Book and the Student Tex...
I Love Arabic Textbook: Level Pre-KG أحب العربية كتاب التلميذ
This book is designed for students 4-5 years old. The book uses a step by step format that is easy to follow along with. At the same time, it provokes children’s imaginations and strengthens their creativity. This book: Provides a linguistic base, enabling children to communicate orally in different ways, such as introducing themselves and givin...
ICO Learn Arabic Teacher Guide: Level 8, Part 1 تعلم العربية
This series is designed to teach Arabic for children, young and adult foreigners who study in International Islamic Schools and institutions which use the latest techniques in teaching Arabic as a second language. The series is accompanied with a number of educational software. It also focuses on the linguistic skills and elements in a balanced ...
ICO Learn Arabic Teacher Guide: Level 7, Part 2 تعلم العربية
The Teacher’s guidebook, student book and activity book form a whole unit. The teacher’s guidebook will enable the teacher to do his or her job in a more effective way to achieve the objective goals. Some of the most important features are the following: Lesson Goals: At the beginning of each lesson, there is a list of goals that the teach...
ICO Learn Arabic Teacher Guide: Level 7, Part 1 تعلم العربية
The Teacher’s guidebook, student book and activity book form a whole unit. The teacher’s guidebook will enable the teacher to do his or her job in a more effective way to achieve the objective goals. Some of the most important features are the following: Lesson Goals: At the beginning of each lesson, there is a list of goals that the teach...
ICO Learn Arabic Teacher Guide: Level 8, Part 2 تعلم العربية
This series is designed to teach Arabic for children, young and adult foreigners who study in International Islamic Schools and institutions which use the latest techniques in teaching Arabic as a second language. The series is accompanied with a number of educational software. It also focuses on the linguistic skills and elements in a balanced ...
ICO Learn Arabic Teacher Guide: Level 9, Part 2 (Interactive CD-ROM) تعلم العربية
In order to remain up-to-date, and make the Learn Arabic series accepted by teachers living in a time of developing interactive media, we decided to enrich the classical book form with an additional vital and interesting tool. Printed material in the book was converted to digital form and enclosed as an interactive CD-ROM, so the material learne...
ICO Learn Arabic Teacher Guide: Level 9, Part 1 تعلم العربية
Teaching language is a critical tool in communication and ultimately in the development of knowledge. In our quest to provide our customers with quality materials, we are pleased to offer the Learn Arabic series. It employs modern methods of teaching foreign language to successfully teach the Arabic language to students in K-12th grade. This s...
Write and Express: Level 3 اكتب وعبّر
In order to develop linguistic and expressive skills in children, there need to be a variety of exercises to engage the child and help nurture the required skills. Teaching reading, vocabulary and grammar, as many curriculums do, is not enough to develop writing abilities, so additional exercises are needed to cultivate the skill of expressive w...
Write and Express: Level 2 اكتب وعبّر
In order to develop linguistic and expressive skills in children, there need to be a variety of exercises to engage the child and help nurture the required skills. Teaching reading, vocabulary and grammar, as many curriculums do, is not enough to develop writing abilities, so additional exercises are needed to cultivate the skill of expressive w...
Write and Express: Level 1 اكتب وعبّر
In order to develop linguistic and expressive skills in children, there is a need to be a variety of exercises to engage the child and help nurture the required skills. Teaching reading, vocabulary and grammar, as many curricula do, is not enough to develop writing abilities, so additional exercises are needed to cultivate the skill of expressiv...
Gateway to Arabic Keyword Rings 2
Pack Two of the Gateway to Arabic Keyword Rings contains five sets of 80 key ring flashcards, providing a vocabulary of over 600 Arabic words. Each word is given in Arabic, English and French, together with its plural form where appropriate. A transliteration of the Arabic text is also provided, as well as a key to the transliteration system. Ea...
Gateway to Arabic Keyword Rings 1
Pack One of the Gateway to Arabic Keyword Rings contains five sets of 80 key ring flashcards, providing a vocabulary of over 450 words. Each word is given in Arabic, English and French, together with its plural form where appropriate. A transliteration of the Arabic text is also provided, as well as a key to the transliteration system. Each card...
ICO Learn Arabic Teacher Guide: Level 10, Part 2 تعلم العربية
Teaching language is a critical tool in communication and ultimately in the development of knowledge. In our quest to provide our customers with quality materials, we are pleased to offer the Learn Arabic series. It employs modern methods of teaching foreign language to successfully teach the Arabic language to students in K-12th grade. ...
Modern Students' Dictionary English-Arabic معجم الطلاب الحديث
This dictionary is characterized by: Helping students update their knowledge base with the new terms used in our daily life, such as "cloning, greenhouse, globalization…" Helping students find what they are looking for in an easy, right to the point, concise, and efficient way. This is achieved by explaining the term in question in a concise way...
Easy Arabic Reading, Expression lessons and Exercises: Level 4 العربية الميسّرة
An integrated learning and educational curriculum prepared by a team of professional experts. The curriculum covers seven levels of study and introduces children to the basics of Arabic through exercises in listening, writing and conversation. Students who complete this curriculum will become familiar with the sounds of Arabic and learn how to p...
Easy Arabic Reading and Expression - Lessons and Exercises: Level 3 العربية الميسرة القراءة والتعبير دروس وتمارين
Easy Arabic Reading and Expression - Lessons and Exercises: Level 3 العربية الميسرة القراءة والتعبير دروس وتمارين
An integrated learning and educational curriculum prepared by a team of professional experts, this curriculum covers seven levels of study and introduces children to the basics of Arabic through exercises in listening, writing, and conversation. Students who complete this curriculum will become familiar with the sounds of Arabic and learn how to...
Easy Arabic Reading and Expression - Lessons and Exercises: Level 1 العربية الميسرة القراءة والتعبير دروس وتمارين
Easy Arabic Reading and Expression - Lessons and Exercises: Level 1 العربية الميسرة القراءة والتعبير دروس وتمارين
This curriculum is an integrated learning curriculum prepared by a team of professional experts. The curriculum covers seven levels of study and introduces children to the basics of Arabic through exercises in listening, writing, and conversation. Students who complete this curriculum will become familiar with the sounds of Arabic and learn how ...
I Learn Arabic Simplified Curriculum: Level 2 (DVD-ROM) أتعلم العربية المنهج الميسر
This disc contains a recording of the contents for the student textbook with dynamically attractive illustrated pictures, texts, and voice. This will help students to quickly learn and review their knowledge. The disc also contains recordings of selected educational songs.System Requirements:Works only on Windows XP and Vista. يحتوي القرص عل...
Mini Tafseer Book Series: Book 29 (Suratul-A'laa) سورة الأعلى
This book is a simplified tafseer of Suratul-'A'laa and features: Special facts about the surah that make it unique . Arabic text of the entire surah. Transliteration of every ayah (verse) to assist non-Arabic speakers in correct pronunciation. English translation of every ayah (Saheeh International translation) . Simplified tafs...
Mama and Lulu: The Ice Cream Truck
Mama and Lulu: The Ice Cream Truck
This early reader book follows the adventure of Mama and Lulu while visiting Istanbul, Turkey. Lulu learns a hard lesson when she runs off in search of ice cream and gets lost. Mama reassures Lulu using the story of the Prophet Adam and the nature of forgiveness, even when we disobey.
Arabic Course for English Speaking Students - Madinah Islamic University: Level 3 دروس اللغة العربية
Arabic Course for English Speaking Students - Madinah Islamic University: Level 3 دروس اللغة العربية
The third part of Arabic Language Lessons for Non-Arabic Speakers is a book to teach the Arabic language, and it is concerned with grammar, morphology, vocabulary, and style. Teachers should keep these ideas in mind while explaining and should use the following steps: Introduce the lesson without referencing the book. Read the lesson, dr...
Arabic Course for English Speaking Students - Madinah Islamic University: Level 2 دروس اللغة العربية
Arabic Course for English Speaking Students - Madinah Islamic University: Level 2 دروس اللغة العربية
The second part of Arabic Language Lessons for Non-Arabic Speakers is a book to teach the Arabic language, and it is concerned with grammar, morphology, vocabulary, and style. Teachers should keep these ideas in mind while explaining and should use the following steps: Introduce the lesson without referencing the book. Read the lesson, d...