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How Do We Feel Series (4 Books) سلسلة كيف نشعر
هل يبحث الأطفال عن السعادة؟ أو يشعرون بالحزن أو الخوف أو ... ؟ سلسلة من أربعة قصص تعليمية وتربوية مصوره هادفة، موجهة إلى الأطفال بعمر 6-9 تساعدهم في التغلب على مشاعر الخوف أو الحزن التي تنتابهم، وتتيح لهم سبل تحقيق الذات. ما الذي يجعلني شجاعاً؟ تخيّل نفسك تخرج من بيضة تتفقّس على رمال ناعمة ودافئة. وتخيل أيضاً مدى الخوف الذي قد يستحوذ علي...
Buds Series (4 books, with DVD) سلسلة البراعم
Buds Series (4 books, with DVD) سلسلة البراعم
قصص نقرؤها، نسمعها ونشاهدها، كتاب غني بالرسوم الرائعة والشخصيات الحلوه التي نراها ونتفاعل معها أيضاً من خلال قرص مدمج يمتعنا بالصوت والصورة ويضفى الحيوية إلى أحداث القصة. تحتوي هذه السلسلة على : بطوطة الفضولية والمرآة مغامرات الفزاعة طمطم دبدوب والاكتشاف الجديد الأرنب الصغير بندق
Write and Erase the Numbers (1-100): Level 2 اكتب وامسح الأعداد
This book has been designed for children from 3-7 years old. The book is 34 x 48 centimetres and has beautiful pictures. Students can write on it and erase easily. It is best suited to preschool and kindergarten levels. The pages of this book are made of safe materials that are reinforced to allow for children’s continued use. This book is an in...
Write and Erase the Numbers (1-20): Level 1 اكتب وامسح الأعداد
This book has been designed for children from 3-7 years old. The book is 34 x 48 centimetres and has beautiful pictures. Students can write on it and erase easily. It is best suited to preschool and kindergarten levels. The pages of this book are made of safe materials that are reinforced to allow for children’s continued use. This book is an in...
Write and Erase the Numbers (1-10): KG اكتب وامسح الأعداد
This book has been designed for children from 3-7 years old. The book is 34 x 48 centimetres and has beautiful pictures. Students can write on it and erase easily. It is best suited to preschool and kindergarten levels. The pages of this book are made of safe materials that are reinforced to allow for children’s continued use. This book is an in...
Write and Erase the Letters: KG اكتب وامسح الحروف تمهيدي
The series "Write and Erase A Thousand Times" is an educational books series (instructional and learning). It aims to simplify the educational process for the child to develop his linguistic skills in a creative way, which will enhance his comprehension and writing skills. The child is also introduced to different environments and will learn vo...
When Wings Expand
When Wings Expand
She wrapped her arms around me and said, "Nur! I know. I don't want to go. But all I can do is keep trusting in Allah. Nur, I will always be with you! My love and advice will always be with you to guide you in the right direction." She patted my heart. "They are forever sealed inside this little place." Writing on the pages of her journal, Nu...
A Journey Through Islamic History
A Journey through Islamic History tells you all you ever wanted to know about the history of the Muslim world from the Prophet Muhammad to Malcolm X in a short, accessible and lavishly-illustrated format. Suitable for students of all ages. Seven chronological essays covering 1500 years of history. With over 175 pictures, illustrations a...
Islamic Civilization : It's Foundational Beliefs and Principles
In this book Mawdudi (1903-1979) attempts to bring out the vital relationship between the concept of civilization and Islam's underlying worldview and vision of life. Mawdudi argues that the true understanding of Islamic cilization is possible only by having access to the soul of that civilization and its underlying fundamental principles - b...
Daily Wisdom: Selections from the Holy Qur'an
Daily Wisdom: Selections from the Holy Qur'an
This beautiful presentation of the Holy Qur'an engages the reader in a moment daily reflection. With 365 verses covering the whole year, this is a must for every home. An essential companion to the first book "Daily Wisdom: Sayings of the Prophet Muhammad".
Tahdhib al Akhlaq: A Hadith Guide for Personal and Social Conduct تهذيب الأخلاق
"A short volume pact with empowering Islamic examples of personal development in every aspect of daily life. It covers in short chapters topics such as sincerity in worship, maintaining ties of kinship, teaching children, thankfulness, modesty etc. It focuses on morality, manners and in this way it serves both as an excellent foundation not onl...
Arabic Language Reference Book كتاب المرجع في اللغة العربية
This is a scientific linguistic reference that guides teachers in the diverse scientific methodological basics used in Arabic Learning Domain. This reference has three parts: Linguistic knowledge. Educational knowledge. Teaching Arabic as a foreign language (for non-speakers). هو مرجع لغوي علمي يرشد المعلمين والمعلمات إلى الأسس المنهجي...
Play With Numbers Textbook: Pre-KG Level -العب مع الأعداد
A vibrant, engaging, and confidence-boosting series designed to teach preschoolers foundational skills in numbers, math, and language. This series offers a fun and interactive approach to learning, combining playfulness with essential early education concepts in both Arabic and English. With each level tailored to different stages of early child...
ICO Islamic Studies Textbook: Grade 1 (Arabic, Light Version) التربية الإسلامية: (عربي مخفف)
This book covers topics in the Islamic creed, the Holy Quran and its sciences, the biography of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), Islamic history, acts of worship, and manners and good character. This level focuses on showing Allah’s greatness in His creation and the importance of excellence. Lessons on Quran stress memorization, recitation,...
ICO Islamic Studies Textbook: Grade 3 (Light Edition)
Grade Three: At this levels manifestation of the Greatness of All in and through the creation and importance of Ihsan are emphasized. Quranic studies include the memorization and recitation of soorah an-Naba’ through soorah al -Inshiqaaq , together with basic explanation of those soorah . Students are introduced narratives of Prophet Muha...
ICO Islamic Studies Textbook: Grade 2 (Light Edition)
In Grade 2, students build on the two testimonies and are introduced to the pillars of faith. They increase their knowledge of Quran through the recitation and memorization of Surah al-Buruj through Surah ash-Sharh (along with a short explanation for each surah). They learn additional characteristics of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) a...
ICO Islamic Studies Textbook: Grade 1 (Light Edition) (With Access Code)
This level focuses on showing Allah’s greatness in his creation and the importance of excellence. Lessons on Quran stress memorization, recitation, and interpretation for some surahs. Students also become acquainted with some of the Prophet’s hadiths. This level focuses on acts of worship, including the times of prayers, the importance of congre...
Imam Muhammad Al-Bukhari: Level 4 الإمام محمد البخاري
تحكي القصة عن نبوغ البخاري واجتهاده، وتحكي كذلك عن رحلاته بين المدن لجمع الأحاديث الشريفة، وتتحدث عن عنائه في البحث والكتابة، وتختم بالحديث عن مكانة الكتاب الذي جمع فيه درر القول، ثم
Imam Muhammad Al-Bukhari: Level 3 الإمام محمد البخاري
تعرف القصة الطفل بشخصية الإمام البخاري النشيطة والمجتهدة، وكيف حفظ القرآن، وتتناول القصة أيضاً ما كان يحدث للإمام عندما بدأ في كتابه: "جامع البخاري الصحيح".
Imam Muhammad Al-Bukhari: Level 2 الإمام محمد البخاري
تحكي القصة عن ميلاد الإمام البخاري، وطفولته التي قضاها في حفظ القرآن والحديث، وتفوقه على زملائه بذكائه وذاكرته العجيبة، وحب الناس له عندما كبر وقدم للمسلمين لهم كتابه الجامع الصحيح، ثم تروي القصة الثانية حادثة الإمام البخاري مع أهل بغداد.
Imam Muhammad Al-Bukhari : Level 1 الامام محمد البخاري المستوى الاول
تتناول القصة الأولى - بطريقة السؤال والجواب - معلومات شتى عن حياة الامام البخاري: (من هو؟..أين ولد؟.. كيف كان يقضي أيام طفولته؟.. لماذا كان كثير السفر؟.. ماذا كتب للمسلمين؟)
Daily Wisdom: Islamic Prayers & Supplications ادعوني أستجب لكم
Part of the best-selling "Daily Wisdom" series, this beautiful gift book presents general prayers and daily supplications of the Prophet Muhammad in a bilingual English-Arabic edition. This beautiful presentation of Islamic prayers and supplications from the Qur’an and recorded sayings of the Prophet Muhammad engages the reader in a moment of...
My First Book (Pre-Kindergarten Language Applications) كتابي الأول ( تطبيقات لغوية ماقبل الروضة )
My First Book (Pre-Kindergarten Language Applications) كتابي الأول ( تطبيقات لغوية ماقبل الروضة )
This book teaches the 28 letters, and it includes 364 pictures and 364 words. The letters are divided into seven groups of four letters (of the same color). Children learn to distinguish the sounds and shapes of the letters and learn how to write them. They acquire new vocabulary through clear drawings and expressive pictures. They will learn to...
The End of the world - Alam-e-Akherat (Urdu)
The End of the world - Alam-e-Akherat (Urdu)
In recent times things have become very confusing and we have begun to see in book stores and on websites speculations about future events, based on ayah and hadeeths which refer to these future events concerning the signs of the Hour. Sometimes you hear about the appearance of the Mahdi, sometimes you hear that the final battle between the Goo...
A Guide to Parenting in Islam: Addressing Adolescence
Addressing Adolescence is a parent-to-parent handbook outlining how to tackle the challenges of parenting adolescents within an Islamic ethos in a pluralist society. It covers the following: the unique nature of adolescents and how they differ from younger children. possible problems that young people today may face in school and within ...
Peace and Conflict Resolution in Islam
Peace and Conflict Resolution in Islam: Islamic Perspectives on War, Peace and Conflict Resolution argues the case for Islam as the prescription for constructing and maintaining a society of peace, tolerance, compassion, justice, and equality at every level of humanity. The book draws exhaustively from the Quran, hadith, and other field-rela...
Goodword Islamic Studies: Primer (KG) Level
This course has been designed to present the young students comprehensive Islamic education, comprising general Islamic knowledge based on the Quran and Hadith. Instead of teaching moral principles directly, they are taught through themes chosen from the Quran and other Islamic sources. A major portion of the course comprises the text of the Qur...
Ya Hala - Arabic For Non Native Speaker Textbook and Workbook : Level 2, Part 2 يا هلا
The second level of Ya Halla reinforces skills students have acquired in the first level. It returns to what students learned in the two parts of the first level, and reinforces the connections between the different ideas in order to strengthen them. This book’s role in the series is therefore to act as a bridge between beginner and intermediate...
Ya Hala Arabic For Non Native Speaker Textbook and Workbook : Level 2, Part 1 ياهلا
The second level of Ya Halla reinforces skills students have acquired in the first level. It returns to what students learned in the two parts of the first level, and reinforces the connections between the different ideas in order to strengthen them. This book’s role in the series is therefore to act as a bridge between beginner and intermediate...
My First Bag حقيبتي الأولى
My First Bag حقيبتي الأولى
Draw lines, circles, and zigzag lines Write letters and numbers Complete a pattern Count to 7 Arrange from smallest to biggest Identify a circle, square, rectangle, and triangle Identify colors Color Learn about day and night, the seasons, and weather تعرُّف الأرقام والحروف بأشكالها، إنجاز رسومٍ خطّيّةٍ (خطو...
Let's Have Fun Together Series (Set of 8 Books) سلسلة لنمرح معاً
يعد المرح من أفضل الطرق لتعليم الأطفال في مرحلتي ما قبل المدرسة والروضة كما أن تشجيع الأطفال على اللعب والتخيل والتعلم في آن هو ما تسعى إليه سلسلة لنمرح والتي تتكون من العناوين التالية : هيا نستحم هيا نلعب هيا نرى العالم هيا نلون هيا نعبر عن مشاعرنا هيا نرتدي ثيابنا هيا نتكلم هيا نتعرف على أجسامنا
Interesting Learning Series: Level KG 2 سلسلة التعلم الممتع - الروضة الثانية
The Have Fun Learning series includes eight attractive subjects. Bob/Reading: Discover the shapes and sounds of the letters of the alphabet with Bob, and practice writing them. Layla/Math: Go on a trip with Layla to discover the numbers and learn to count, order, and write the numbers. Franco/Arts: Draw, color, and play with Franco. Franco ha...
Interesting Learning Series : Level KG 1 سلسلة التعلم الممتع - الروضة الأولى
The Have Fun Learning series includes eight attractive subjects. Bob/Reading: Discover the shapes and sounds of the letters of the alphabet with Bob, and practice writing them. Layla/Math: Go on a trip with Layla to discover the numbers and learn to count, order, and write the numbers. Franco/Arts: Draw, color, and play with Franco. Franco ha...
Educational stories Series (Set of 5 Books) سلسلة القصص التربوية
سلسلة القصص التربوية يتعلم الطفل في كل قصة درس معين والتي يتتكون من العناوين التالية : الصدق منجاة : ضمير "دوبي" الحيّ لم يسمح له بالكَذِبِ عَلى وَالِدَتهِ مِن أَجلِ سَتْر خَطَئِه وَتَقصيرِهِ، فَسَامَحتْهُ أُمهُ وأَصْبحَتْ فَخُورةً بهِ. النصر في التعاون أرانب الضعفاء استطاعوا بذكائهم وحُسْنِ تدبيرهم التغلّب على الثعلب الشر...
Paradise on Fire: Syed Ali Geelani & the Struggle for Freedom in Kashmir
A passionate and committed account of Kashmir's struggle for freedom over the last 65 years, and a close-up and personal study of its leading figure, Syed Ali Geelani, which gets behind the stereotype of Indian Muslims as terrorists. An ignored but serious global flashpoint, Kashmir is at the root of tensions between India and Pakistan, the two ...
Islamic Finance: Issues in Sukuk and Proposals for Reform
This collection of essays brings together leading scholars and practitioners to discuss contemporary issues in the rapidly-expanding sukuk market, and debates the challenges facing it since the 2008 financial crisis and a number of high profile sukuk defaults. It looks in particular at issues of Shari‘ah compliance, the issue of replication in I...
Reclaiming Jihad: A Qur'anic Critique of Terrorism
Reclaiming Jihad: A Qur'anic Critique of Terrorism
"This book is a scholarly and necessary critique of why the crime of terrorism is inconsistent with the ethical outlook of the Qur'an. Anyone who wants to understand the Qur'an and its relationship to violence must read this book."—Khaled Abou El Fadl, Omar and Azmeralda Alfi Professor of Law and chair of Islamic studies program, UCLA School of ...
She Wore Red Trainers
She Wore Red Trainers
When Ali first meets Amirah, he notices everything about her - her hijab, her long eyelashes and her red trainers – in the time it takes to have one look, before lowering his gaze. And, although Ali is still coming to terms with the loss of his mother and exploring his identity as a Muslim, and although Amirah has sworn never to get married, the...
Worship in Islam: An In-Depth Study of 'Ibadah, Salah and Sawm
Worship in Islam is an in-depth study of the nature and significance of Islamic spirituality by Abul A'la Mawdudi (1903 - 79), one of the leading Muslim intellectuals of the twentieth century, with special reference to the concepts of God's Oneness (tawhid), the finality of Prophethood (risalah) and the Islamic system of worship ('ibadah) with a...
Arabic For Buds Textbook: KG1 Level (4 - 5 Years) العربية للبراعم
This book is directed to children at the kindergarten level (4-5 years old). The book material is simple, gradual, easy to accomplish and it is directed to the child’s conscience. It hones the child’s imagination and develops his spirit of innovation and ingenuity. Some of the book’s most important characteristics are: Giving the child lingu...
Arabic For Buds - Teacher Book: KG1 Level (4 - 5 Years) العربية للبراعم
The Arabic series for Bara’em (young child) was made especially for the Arab children of the diasporas that live in America and the UK.The Teacher’s Book, Children’s Book and the Activity Book constitute one single unit. The teacher’s book aims at helping the teacher do his/her job effectively and to reach the goals that are set out for him/her....
Arabic For Buds - Teacher Book: KG2 Level (5 - 6 Years) العربية للبراعم
The Arabic series for Bara’em (young child) was made especially for the Arab children of the diasporas that live in America and the UK.The Teacher’s Book, Children’s Book and the Activity Book constitute one single unit. The teacher’s book aims at helping the teacher do his/her job effectively and to reach the goals that are set out for ...
Arabic For Buds Workbook: KG2 Level (5 - 6 Years) العربية للبراعم
This series was made especially for the children of Arabs living in America and the UK. The Activity Book and the Textbook together make up the program. The student studies two lessons from the Textbook, and then completes two activities in the Activity Book. The Activity Book includes 64 activities, including: Matching similar letters i...
Arabic For Buds Textbook: KG2 Level (5 - 6 Years) العربية للبراعم
This book is composed of 64 lessons of two pages, so this book contains 128 pages. The child should do one lesson in the Activities Book after every two lessons from the Children’s Book. The most important characteristics of this book are: Giving the child linguistic material to let them command oral communications: (Asking questions and a...
Arabic For Buds Workbook: KG1 Level (4 - 5 Years) العربية للبراعم
This book uses the latest educational methods to teach Arabic letters to children under the age of six. After children learn the letters in the textbook, they practice copying and writing them, according to the following four steps: Tracing a dotted line. This teaches them how to hold a pencil and how to write the letter. Writing the le...
Islamic Guideline on Medicine
Islamic Guideline on Medicine
What is Islamic medicine? Is it medical knowledge that is completely subject to the will of Allah, the Exalted, or is it the art of treatment adopted and followed by Muslims when the Muslims were at the peak of their development? Or is it the most modern medicine, guided by divine teachings and completely in accordance with them? On the basis...
Heartbeats in the Wind: Reflections of an Arab Woman
Heartbeats in the Wind: Reflections of an Arab Woman
Heartbeats in the Wind provides readers with the rare privilege of peering into the mind and soul of modern Arab Muslim womanhood. Comfortable in her 'three cultures,' Randa Hamwi Duwaji calls for open dialogue to heal the rift resulting from the tragedy of 9/11. She believes Truth to be the first and most difficult step, and therefore bares her...
Biography of the Prophet for Children (Set of 10 Books) سلسلة السيرة النبوية للأطفال
هذه سيرة النبي محمد بن عبد الله صلى الله عليه وسلم. نتعلم فيها الثبات على الإيمان ونشر دين الإسلام، والصبرَ على الصعوبات والتحديات التى تواجهنا من خلال الأحداث التي واجهت الرسول خلال سيرته العطرة. نكتشف فيها المحبة والحكمة والشجاعة والأخلاق العظيمة التي كان يتحلى بها نبي الرحمة. وتتكون هذه السلسلة من العناوين التالية محمد في رعایة عمه اب...