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Play and Learn Alphabet Letters Textbook: Level KG1 -العب و تعلم حروف الهجاء
A fun, confidence-boosting series for preschoolers teaching numbers, math, and language. Topics by level: Kindergarten (1): Numbers up to 20, addition, and reading and writing words in Arabic and English Kindergarten (2): Words and phrases in Arabic and English, as well as numbers up to 100, addition, and subtraction Playschool: Letters a...
Play and Learn With Numbers Textbook: Level KG1 -العب و تعلم مع الأعداد و الأرقام
A fun, confidence-boosting series for preschoolers teaching numbers, math, and language. Topics by level: Kindergarten (1): Numbers up to 20, addition, and reading and writing words in Arabic and English Kindergarten (2): Words and phrases in Arabic and English, as well as numbers up to 100, addition, and subtraction Playschool: Letters a...
Play with Pictures and Letters Textbook: Pre-KG Level -العب مع الصور و الحروف
A fun, confidence-boosting series for preschoolers teaching numbers, math, and language. Topics by level: Kindergarten (1): Numbers up to 20, addition, and reading and writing words in Arabic and English Kindergarten (2): Words and phrases in Arabic and English, as well as numbers up to 100, addition, and subtraction Playschool: Letters a...
illustrated jurisprudence of Acts of Worship 2013 (English)
The first and largest illustrated initiative for Islamic Jurisprudence, this book is a must-have for every Muslim household. An integrated system for teaching the jurisprudence of the acts of worship for individuals, institutes, and others, it links people to the Quran and the Sunnah with a simplified illustrated method. It simplifies the ruling...
My Coloring Book of Dua'a
Dua'as for kids! What to say when you wake up until when you sleep! Plus each page is a coloring sheet! What to say when : I sneeze When I hear somebody praising Allah (S.W.T.) after sneezing I respond with When I enter the Masjid with my right foot and say When I leave the Masjid with my left foot and say … And many other Dua’as...
I Will Not Clean My Room
I Will Not Clean My Room
Musa's mom asks him to clean his room. Instead, he decides to imagine all the wonderful things he's going to do in Jannah. Join him as he dreams away and learns that good deeds are really worth the effort. Part of the My Journey to Jannah Series.
A Cat and Mouse Pact
A Cat and Mouse Pact
When Matt, the orange tabby cat, sees Millie, the little gray mouse, he can’t decide between being mean or nice. After all, he must catch any mouse who sneaks inside the neat, red, brick house of old Mrs. Krouse. Millie pleads for a slice of cheese. Matt listens and thinks. They make a cat and mouse pact, build a friendship, and become pals. ...
Bismillah Little Leyla
Bismillah Little Leyla
Mommy and daddy are so proud! Little Leyla knows so much now. Join Leyla as she goes through her day and scores big goals! Leyla knows we start everything with bismillah to show that we know Allah is watching and waiting to help. Leyla knows and we should know, too: say bismillah and Allah will always help you!
The Qur'an: A Translation for the 21st Century
The Quran is God’s word. It was revealed to Prophet Muhammad through the angel Gabriel 1,400 years ago and has been preserved in its original form ever since, guiding humankind to the Islamic creed and legislation, informing them of the stories of earlier prophets and their communities, and calling people to believe in Allah, the One.
Weekend Learning Islamic Studies Teacher's Manual : Level 5 (New Edition)
The Annotated Teacher’s Edition is corresponds to the Islamic Studies Level 5. This manual is the same edition as the student textbook, but it provides additional details, answers and teaching tips. Additional explanations of key concepts are provided, eliminating the need for further research. Focus questions and anticipated student que...
Mona's Journey Into The Qura'nic Space (Set of 5 Books) سلسلة رحلة منى إلى الفضاء القرآني
Mona's Journey Into The Qura'nic Space (Set of 5 Books) سلسلة رحلة منى إلى الفضاء القرآني
تضم هذه السلسلة رحلات بطلتنا منى إلى الفضاء القرآني، حيث يتعرف الطفل في كل رحلة على سورتين قصيرتين من سور القرآن الكريم، ويفهم معاني آيات كل سورة بطريقة سهلة وممتعة وبصور ملونة مسلية تساعد على استيعابهم لها وحفظها بسهولة. وللاستفادة التامة، ألحقت كل سورة بتمارين تساعد على ترسيخ المعاني في ذهن الطفل. وتحتوي السلسلة على القصص التالية: منى تلت...
Itqan Series for Teaching Arabic Teacher Guide: KG2 سلسلة إتقان لتعليم اللغة العربية دليل المعلم
Itqan Series for Teaching Arabic Teacher Guide: KG2 سلسلة إتقان لتعليم اللغة العربية دليل المعلم
The teacher guide has 128 pages. It measures 21 x 28 and is printed in two colors. It starts with a short introduction that defines the objectives of the book: to teach the main language skills (listening, conversation, reading, and writing). A longer introduction, "Guide in My Hand," follows, elucidating some important issues, such as the gener...
Itqan Series for Teaching Arabic Teacher Guide: KG1 سلسلة إتقان لتعليم اللغة العربية دليل المعلم
Itqan Series for Teaching Arabic Teacher Guide: KG1 سلسلة إتقان لتعليم اللغة العربية دليل المعلم
Itqan Series for Teaching Arabic Kindergarten Level KG1Third: Teacher’s Guide- The book has 96 (21*28) pages with just two colors- The guide starts with a short introduction that clarifies its purposes, which are to teach the four basic skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.- After the introduction there is a long introduction entitl...
Itqan Series for Teaching Arabic Workbook: KG2 سلسلة إتقان لتعليم اللغة العربية التمارين والأنشطة
Itqan Series for Teaching Arabic Workbook: KG2 سلسلة إتقان لتعليم اللغة العربية التمارين والأنشطة
The book includes (76 pages), Dimensions 21*28 (Four colors) The book consists of eight units and every unit has three lessons, these units and lessons are the same ones that been mentioned in textbook. The book does not have any new units or lessons so every unit or lesson in the textbook confronted with the same unit or lesson in activit...
Itqan Series for Teaching Arabic Workbook: KG1 سلسلة إتقان لتعليم اللغة العربية التمارين والأنشطة
Itqan Series for Teaching Arabic Workbook: KG1 سلسلة إتقان لتعليم اللغة العربية التمارين والأنشطة
Itqan Series for Teaching Arabic Kindergarten Level KG1Second: The Exercises and Activities Book- The book has 78 (21*28) pages with four colors- The book consists of eight units, and each unit contains three lessons, which are the same units and lessons presented in the “Student Book.” No new unit or lessons are included. Each unit from the Stu...
Itqan Series for Teaching Arabic Textbook (with Audio CD): KG2 سلسلة إتقان لتعليم اللغة العربية كتاب الطالب
The book includes (92 pages), Dimensions 21*28 (Four colors) The book consists of eight units and every unit has three lessons. At the end of the book there is a Glossary of main vocabularies which been used in this book, it was arranged in accordance with unit's order. It also has the vocabularies in both languages (Arabic and Engli...
Itqan Series for Teaching Arabic Textbook (with Audio CD): KG1 سلسلة إتقان لتعليم اللغة العربية كتاب الطالب
Itqan Series for Teaching Arabic Kindergarten Level KG1 Student Book The book has 92 (21*28) pages with four colors. The book consists of eight units. Each unit contains three lessons. At the end of the book you will find of glossary of the key words that are used in the book. They are classified by order of appearance in the book’s units....
Layla With The Friends At the Prophets' Land Series (Set of 9 Books) سلسلة ليلى مع الأصدقاء في أرض الأنبياء
تهدف هذه السلسلة إلى تعريف الطفل بقصص الأنبياء بأسلوب سلس وممتع ومرفقة بصور ملونة مسلية تساعد الأطفال في فهم القصة واستيعابها، والاستمتاع برؤية بلاد الأنبياء والسفر معهم في كل الأرجاء. تتكون السلسلة من القصص التالية: موسى عليه السلام في بلاد الأهرام. إبراهيم عليه السلام بين بلاد الرافدين وبلاد الحرمين. نوح عليه السلام في بلاد الرافدين....
Plays for Reading: Level 5, Part 1 (set of 5 Books) سلسلة مسرحيات القراءة
مسرحيات جديدة للأطفال، عددها 31 مسرحية، في ثلاث مراحل متدرجة، تناسب أعماراً تتراوح بين 9 سنوات و12 سنة، وما وراء ذلك. المسرحيات مزودة برسوم بهيجة موضحة، وتمتاز بالطرافة والتشويق. أبطالها أطفال، أو شخصيات يحبها الأطفال، وموضوعاتها من حياتهم اليومية في البيت والمدرسة. نعتقد أن هذه المسرحيات رائدة من حيث نوعها وتدرُّجها وجدتها وأسلوب كتا...
Plays for Reading: Level 4 , Part 2 (set of 4 Books) سلسلة مسرحيات القراءة
مسرحيات جديدة للأطفال، عددها 31 مسرحية، في ثلاث مراحل متدرجة، تناسب أعماراً تتراوح بين 9 سنوات و12 سنة، وما وراء ذلك. المسرحيات مزودة برسوم بهيجة موضحة، وتمتاز بالطرافة والتشويق. أبطالها أطفال، أو شخصيات يحبها الأطفال، وموضوعاتها من حياتهم اليومية في البيت والمدرسة. نعتقد أن هذه المسرحيات رائدة من حيث نوعها وتدرُّجها وجدتها وأسلوب كتا...
I Love Useful Reading Series (Set of 8 Books) أحب القراءة المفيدة
أحب القراءة المفيدة سلسلة لمطالعة يجذب برنامجها اهتمام الأطفال وينمي مهارات القراءة عندهم ويوسع معارفهم تمتاز رسومها البديعة وحكاياتها المشوقة والمصممة بحيث توافق سن القارىء سواء أكان مبتدئا أم ضليعا في القراءة. تتكون هذه السلسلة من العناوين التالية : رحلة الفئران غباء دجاجتين جزاءُ الثّعلب الثّعلب المحتال والبجعة جبنة القرد م...
Big Synonyms Dictionary قاموس المترادفات الكبير
Prior to creating this dictionary, I researched other dictionaries and their handling of synonyms. Prior to creating this dictionary, I researched other dictionaries and their handling of synonyms. What I realized is that most of what has been published is linguistic composition. In other cases, they were dictionaries of words’ meanings accordin...
Arabic Alphabet
Arabic Alphabet
Arabic Alphabet, the first book in the I Love Arabic series, introduces young learners to the Arabic letters. This helpful and captivating book presents each letter with a delightful illustration, which ensures rapid and enjoyable learning. Arabic Alphabet is an exciting first book for young Arabic learners. Arabic Alphabet develops these ski...
Arabic Alphabet and Writing
Arabic Alphabet and Writing, the second book in the I Love Arabic series, introduces young learners to identifying Arabic letters and writing them. This colorful book presents each letter with a charming illustration, which the young learner has to color and then practice writing the letter. Arabic Alphabet and Writing is an exciting first book ...
The Great Race to Sycamore Street
The Great Race to Sycamore Street
This topsy-turvy adventure on Sycamore Street sees brother and sister Hude and Amani arrive in the country with one thought: it was going to be long, boring summer. They couldn’t be more wrong. With Grandma Hana’s new neighbor planning to pull down her prized peach tree and a gang, led by archer Bobby, marshalling the local lake, Hude and Amani ...
Kalimah Tayibah Student Book: (English Edition) Level 2
Kalimah Tayibah's main objective is planting the seed of the blessed phrase "La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammad Rasulullah" in the hearts of our children. It is a comprehensive curriculum in Islamic education that consists of age-related books targeting children of all school levels (Kindergarten to Grade 12). The curriculum aims at teaching: the...
Tamthob Series (set of 8 books) تِمذوب
Tamthob Series (set of 8 books) تِمذوب
سلسلة تمذوب تتكون من العناوين التالية : يُحِبُّ أختَهُ الصغيرة إنَّ تِمذوب مندهشٌ تمامًا، لقد وُلِدَت أختُهُ الصّغيرةُ ذِئوبة. رائحتُها جميلةٌ وهيَ ظريفةٌ، وتِمذوب يُحِبُّ أن يُقبِّلَها. ثمَّ تكبرُ ذِئوبة، وتُقلِّدُ أخاها في كلِّ شيءٍ فيما هوَ مُجبَرٌ على أن يُحسِنَ التّصرّفَ، كي يكونَ قُدوةً لها؛ فهو الكبيرُ. حتمًا، لا يُحِبُّ ت...
Majad and Ruba Series (set of 8 books) مجد وربى
Majad and Ruba Series (set of 8 books) مجد وربى
سلسلة مجد وربى تتكون من ثمانية عناوين : مجد وربى عند طبيب الأسنان : عند طبيب الأسنان، هل سيخاف مجد ورُبى من المِثقَب؟ مجد وربى عند المصور : عند المصوِّر، هل سيحصل مجد ورُبى على صُوَر جميلة؟ مجد وربى في الحديقة العامّة :في الحديقة العامّة التي تَعِجّ بالأطفال، هل سيكون لمجد ورُبى مكان يلعبان فيه؟ مجد وربى في الطائِرَةِ : في الطائِر...
The Straw House Series (set of 7 Books) سلسة كوخ القش
سلسلة كوخ القش التي تضم سبع روايات وتحمل معاني إنسانية وتحكي قصة (سانغ) ابن مدير المدرسة في قرية "يومادي" وما يعيشه من مغامرات وقصص مع أصدقائه في المدرسة ومع أهل القرية، وهي من إصدارات دار المنهل الجديدة. وتتكون السلسة من العناوين التالية: الغرنوق الأصلع البقعة السوداء وسط الثلج الجدة الوفية والحقل غرق البوبة الحمراء حلم البيت الكبير في ا...
My Story Series with Human -Chase in the forest سلسلة حكايتي مع الانسان - مطاردة في الغابة
مطاردة في الغابة رواية من سبعة قصص تحكي كل منها عن مغامرة حدثت مع إحدى الحيوانات وهي (الجاموس ذو القرون الزرقاء، انتقام ابن عرس، حصان السباق، عوامة القندس الصغير، القرار الصعب، مطاردة في الغابة، حكاية وشق). مطاردة في الغابة رواية من سلسلة حكايتي مع الإنسان التي نضم ست روايات، تُروى من وجهة نظر الحيوان الذي غالباً ما يتعرض للظلم من قبل ...
Al Kalimah Tayibah Teacher book: Level 1 الكلمة الطيبة
The First Level (Teacher's Book) has 20 lessons. Each lesson is followed by a story and a song. Also, the general objectives of the First Level appear at the end of the book along with detailed objectives for each lesson. The objectives of the First Level of "A Good Word" are to allow students to: Feel the power of God through his c...
Tajweed Quran Velvet and Golden/Silver Panel (Hafs Narration)
This complete color-coded Tajweed Quran comes with a beautiful velvet cover and a golden/silver panel in three colors: black, green, and dark blue. We cannot guarantee color availability, but please let us know your preference and we will send it to you if available. Otherwise, we will send you what's available; all of the colors are very nice. ...
Tajweed Quran - Silver and Gold Cover (Hafs Narration)
Tajweed Quran - Silver and Gold Cover (Hafs Narration)
This complete color-coded Tajweed Quran comes with a nice and beautiful velvet cover and golden/silver panel. The paper quality is very high with Interpretation of selected words placed on the margin of each page, it is a perfect gift for the loved ones in the special occasions (such as a marriage gift, Hajj gift, new home gift, etc ...) Allah...
Al Kalimah Tayibah Teacher book :Level 5 الكلمة الطيبة
The fifth level of the Teacher's Book has a group of lessons. Each lesson contains a story, a nasheed, and the objectives of the fourth level. At the end of the book, the objectives for each lesson can also be found. The objectives of the fifth book of A Good Word are to allow the reader to: Know that God has power over everything in...
Kalimah Tayyibah Teacher's Book: Level 4 الكلمة الطيبة
The fourth level of the Teacher's Book has a group of lessons. Each lesson contains a story, a nasheed, and the objectives of the fourth level. At the end of the book, the objectives for each lesson can also be found. The objectives of the fourth book of A Good Word are to allow the reader to: Believe in the three pillars of Islam. ...
Al Kalimah Tayibah Teacher's Book: Level 3 الكلمة الطيبة
The Third Level (Teacher's Book) has a number of lessons. Each lesson is followed by a story and a song. Also, the general objectives of the Third Level appear at the end of the book along with detailed objectives for each lesson. The objectives of the Third Level of "A Good Word" are to allow students to: Know that the Holy Quran is the ...
Kalimah Tayibah Teacher's Book: Level 2 الكلمة الطيبة
The Second Level (Teacher's Book) has 20 lessons. Each lesson is followed by a story and a song. Also, the general objectives of the Second Level appear at the end of the book along with detailed objectives for each lesson. The objectives of the Second Level of Kalima Tayibah are to allow students to: Fill their heart with love for G...
The Rights Of The Children: According To The Qur'aan & Sunnah
“All of you are shepherds, and each of you is responsible for their flock. The leader is a shepherd and is responsible for their flock; a man is a shepherd regarding his family and is responsible for his flock; a woman is a shepherd in her husband's house, and she is responsible for her flock; the servant is a shepherd regarding the wealth of th...
Safar Islamic Studies Workbook: Level 5
The Safar Academy Islamic Studies series aims to cumulatively build children`s essential Islamic knowledge, cultivate good manners, and instill God-consciousness. With extensive references from Quran and ahadith, the new edition of the textbook has been developed to ensure that it is enjoyable for children as well as comprehensive and reliable....
Safar Islamic Studies Textbook: Level 7
The secondary syllabus is written for ages 11 and above. It is designed to equip learners with the necessary knowledge and tools to develop a deep-rooted love and relationship with Islam. The content not only contains information but has advice and practical tips relevant to young Muslims. This will enable them to increase their knowledge, deal ...
Safar Islamic Studies Textbook: Level 6
The third edition of the Safar Islamic Studies series aims to cumulatively build children's essential Islamic knowledge, cultivate good character, and instill God-consciousness. With extensive references from the Quran and ahadith, this new edition has been developed to ensure that it is enjoyable for children as well as comprehensive and reliab...
Safar Islamic Studies Textbook: Level 5
The third edition of the Safar Islamic Studies series aims to cumulatively build children's essential Islamic knowledge, cultivate good character, and instill God-consciousness. With extensive references from the Quran and ahadith, this new edition has been developed to ensure that it is enjoyable for children as well as comprehensive and reliab...
Letter Exercises (Language Applications): Level 2 تدريبات الحرف (تطبيقات لغوية المستوى االثاني)
Letter Exercises (Language Applications): Level 2 تدريبات الحرف (تطبيقات لغوية المستوى االثاني)
The book includes 28 letters, 364 pictures, 364 words. Letters are divided into seven groups; each group has 4 letters (of the same color). Through the book the child distinguishes the sound, shape and how to write the letter. He acquires new vocabulary through a group of clear drawings and expressive pictures. He distinguishes the shape of the...
Letter Exercises (Language Applications): Level 1 تدريبات الحرف (تطبيقات لغوية المستوى الأول )
Letter Exercises (Language Applications): Level 1 تدريبات الحرف (تطبيقات لغوية المستوى الأول )
The book includes 28 letters, 364 pictures, 364 words. Letters are divided into seven groups; each group has 4 letters (of the same color). Through the book the child distinguishes the sound, shape and how to write the letter. He acquires new vocabulary through a group of clear drawings and expressive pictures. He distinguishes the shape of the ...
I Love Arabic Textbook: Level 12 أحب العربية كتاب التلميذ
تعرض مادة كتاب التلميذ الثاني عشر في أربع وحدات، يشتمل كل منها على ثلاثة دروس تنتهي باختبار، وبذلك يتضمن الكتاب عشرين درسا وأربعة اختبارات مرحلية، ويتكون كل درس من دروس الكتاب من نص يمزج بين الحوار والقصة السردية المصورة وعرض مصور للمفردات، وتدريب على الأصوات والحروف، وتدريبين على التراكيب اللغوية والكلام، وتدريب على الكتابة، يحال بعدها التلميذ...
I Love Arabic Workbook: Level 12 أحب العربية كتاب التدريبات
The I Love Arabic series will help students with verbal and written communication in Arabic. To achieve this goal, the series provides students with educational materials that will help them to utilize formal Arabic from the start and will create the opportunity for them to use what they are learning in real conversations. The series is desig...
Allah and Our World - Teacher Edition (With Interactive CD)
The long-awaited Islamic Studies kindergarten curriculum is here! Allah and Our World is bursting with songs, stories and illustrations that will delight and captivate students and teachers alike. Students are introduced to Allah as The Creator. Through stories, songs, Quranic ayaat, lessons from the sunnah and seerah, and engaging activities,...
Ethics of Assisted Reproductive Medicine: A Comparative Study of Western Secular and Islamic Bioethcs
Ethics of Assisted Reproductive Medicine: A Comparative Study of Western Secular and Islamic Bioethcs
Bioethics has developed over the last few decades into a major field of inquiry. With advances in medicine progressively transforming our understanding of what constitutes life, there is a need for medical ethics to address many of the issues and challenges arising, particularly in the fields of genetics and reproduction. Of central significance...