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Imam Bukhari إمام البخاري
Imam Bukhari إمام البخاري
This book, authored by Luqman Nagy, introduces the reader to the life and times of Muhammad ibn Ismâ‘eel, the greatest of all Hadith scholars. In later life, he became known as Imam Bukhari. This Muslim spent his entire life in the service of his Lord and the Muslim community. Imam Bukhari’s love of Allah and His Messenger (sa), along with his p...
The Night the Moon Split
The Night the Moon Split
The Night the Moon Split, by Ivanka Dimitrova, takes young readers on a journey through time, back to the days of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). It describes one of his greatest miracles: the splitting of the moon. This remarkable event is related as a bedtime story told to a young Muslim boy. This story is an excellent choi...
Into the Qur'an: Let It Enrich Your Soul and Your Life اثري روحك وحياتك في القرآن
Do you want to improve the quality of your relationship with the Qur’an? If yes, then this book is definitely for you! Beautifully written, straight from the author’s heart, Into the Qur’an offers comprehensive and inspiring reminders about commandments from the Qur’an and the Hadith, in a way that you can apply to everyday life. Sadaf Farooqi u...
Tafseer as-Sâ'di 1-10 تفسير السعدي (تيسير الكريم الرحمن في تفسير القرآن)1-10
Tafseer as-Sa‘di (Arabic title Tayseer al-Kareem ar-Rahmaan fi Tafseer Kalaam al-Mannaan) is a contemporary commentary on the Qur’an that is well known in the Arab world. Drawing on the classical heritage of Qur’anic exegesis, Shaykh as-Sa‘di focuses on highlighting the meanings of verses in a concise yet eloquent and clear style that is accessi...
Islamic Etiquette for Young Muslims آداب إسلامية لبراعم إيمانية
This book includes the most important Islamic etiquettes that Allah taught us and that our children need to be brought up on. These etiquettes include etiquettes around the following situations: Waking up The Islamic greeting Entering the bathroom Drinking Eating Walking لقد زين الله جل وعلا حياتنا الدنيا بما رزقنا من نعمة الأولاد وجعل هذه الن...
An Explanation of Tuhfah al-Atfal in the Rules of the Recitation of the Quran شرح تحفة الاطفال والغلمان في احكام ترتيل القران
This explanation of Tuhfat al-Atfal is an explanation of the principles of tajweed (the science of the recitation of the Quran), including the rules of the unvowelled (sakin) nun and tanween and the rules of long vowels (mudud). It presents a simple method for beginner students in tajweed, and it includes the following topics. The rules of th...
A Simple Tafseer for Small Muslims التفسير اليسير للمسلم الصغير
This book contains the short surahs from Juz Amma (Part 30 of the Quran). It introduces each surah, provides the meaning of the words, and explains the overall meaning of the surah. This book is unique in the following ways. It uses the creed of Ahl al-Sunna to explain the verses, especially when it comes to the names of Allah. ...
Tajweed Rules for Beginners بداية المجيد لأحكام التجويد
This book introduces the science of tajweed and some important rules to start reading the Holy Quran, such as seeking refuge in Allah and the basmalah. This tajweed curriculum aims to introduce the student to the most important tajweed rules, including: Rules of heaviness/lightness (tafkheem/tarqeeq) of the letter lam in Allah’s name and...
Signs on the Earth: Islam, Modernity and the Climate Crisis (Paperback)
This book, by one of the world’s leading Muslim environmentalists, explores what is perhaps the greatest threat humanity faces today, namely climate change. Fazlun Khalid looks unflinchingly at how modernity imposes itself on the world, throwing traditional societies and ways of life into disarray. This unfolding disruption has corrupted the bal...
Sahih Muslim :Vol.1 With The Full Commentary
Imam Nawawi's commentary on Sahih Muslim is one of the most highly regarded works in Islamic thought and literature. Accepted by every Sunni school of thought, and foundational in the Shafi school, this text, available for the first time in English, is famed throughout the Muslim world. After the Quran, prophetic traditions are the most recogniz...
Goodword - I Love Islam: Level 2
Designed for use at home and school, I Love Islam is an invaluable course for the young believers. The book has been designed to present the young children a comprehensive Islamic education, based on the Quran and Hadith. This book is ideal for children of five years and above and will act as a foundation on which to build a growing knowle...
Arabic Language for Beginner Textbook: Level 12 اللغة العربية للناشئين
This series seeks to enhance the linguistic skills of children and non-Arabic speakers. The following are some of the highlighted objectives: Endearing the Arabic language to students and enabling them to understand its meanings Allowing students to read the Arabic language aloud correctly and with good comprehension Enriching students' li...
Joshua Adams has always been a wild child. He graduated from reckless childhood accidents to girls and alcohol. By the time he is twenty-three he has three children and a failing marriage. He leaves his wife, after yet another argument, and moves in with some Muslim guys he knows. With the patient encouragement of his friends, Joshua begins to s...
How to Change Our Children's Behavior كيف نغير سلوكيات أطفالنا
A child’s behavior is often the result of his environment and extenuating forces that surround him. As a result, his behavior may not always be ideal and might differ drastically from what his parents expect. Many parents seek to “fix” their child in an attempt to obtain the desired behavior. When trying to modify a child’s behavior, parents...
Smart Start - How Exercise Can Transform Your Child's Life انطلاقة رائعة لأطفالكم، كيف يمكن للتمارين أن تطور قدرات طفلك وتصقلها
The first five years of a child’s life are incredibly important; these are the years when the foundations for all later development are laid... in just ten minutes a day!There is a direct relationship between the physical stimulation children receive when they are babies and their ability to do well at school. This is supported and borne out by ...
Make Your Life Happy (Original title: How to Make Yourself Happy and Remarkably Less Disturbable) اجعل حياتك سعيدة
Would you like to change your disturbing thoughts into healthy ones? Make yourself less disturbed in the face of adversity? Overcome anxiety, depression, rage, self-hate, or self-pity? Make Your Life Happy (original title: How to Make Yourself Happy and Remarkably Less Disturbable) will show you how! This user-friendly guide offers simple, strai...
The Power of Body Language قوة لغة الجسد
Unlike other books on this fascinating topic, The Power of Body Language is your practical, personal playbook for getting what you desire from others -- and zoning in on what others are saying to you without words. Once you know the hidden meaning behind specific gestures, facial clues, stances, and body movements, you will possess a sixth sense...
Qualities of Effective Teachers مميزات المدرس الفعال
Qualities of Effective Teachers مميزات المدرس الفعال
Remember those great teachers who made you excited about learning? Remember how it felt to be in their classes and to experience how they made their classrooms come alive? What made those teachers special? What qualities and skills did they have to ignite student learning? Most important, how did those teachers help their students become success...
Getting the Buggers to Behave تأديب الأولاد المشاغبين
Getting the Buggers to Behave تأديب الأولاد المشاغبين
This book gives you advice on behavior management that is easily accessible and equally easy to apply. After all, how many of us, snowed under with reports to write and lessons to plan, have time to wade through endless theory? This book provides plenty of information on the basic of behavior management, lots of tips for controlling your classes...
Reforming the Hearts إصلاح القلوب
Reforming the Hearts إصلاح القلوب
Islamic Daiyah, Amro Khaled, discusses in his book some of Islam's principals and religious practices, such as - Ikhlass, Tawbah, Tawakkol, Man's love to God, God's love to man, Moujahadat Al-Nafs, the road to Jannah, and Khishiah - explaining their meaning and showing the importance of adhering to them through examples driven from the Holy Qur’...
On The Path of the Beloved Prophet Muhammad(s) على خطى الحبيب محمد رسول الله
On the footsteps of the beloved, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was a human being chosen by Allah Almighty to deliver the message of Islam to all of mankind. Each footstep he took, and each action he performed, were recorded in the hearts and minds of the Muslims who witnessed his Sunnah, or way of life. The Sunnah of Muhammad (peace be up...
In Thy Name We Live باسمك نحيا
Who is Allah? How can I get closer to Allah, the Most Majestic? How can I improve my life by connecting with my Creator? You’ll find the answers to all these questions, and more, in this book. In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful, Muslims strive to live a life that is full of good deeds and worship. By learning the n...
Invitation to Coexistence دعوة للتعايش
Invitation to Coexistence دعوة للتعايش
This book discusses social issues that affect all human beings whether in the home, school or workplace. The concept of teamwork is hard to implement when several people are involved. Egos and personalities tend to clash, thus inhibiting the opportunity for growth on a multitude of levels. Case in point, there was a company in New Zealand run by...
Al-Qaidah An-Noraniah and its Applications on Last Tenth of the Holy Qur'an with Suratul-Fatihah for Beginners (Regular Book) القاعدة النورانية وتطبيقاتها على العشر الأخير مع سورة الفاتحة لتعليم المبتدئين
Al-Qaidah An-Noraniah is the only authentic method that teaches how to read the Holy Quran with Tajweed in an attractive way, especially for children. By starting at the age of 4, your child will be able to read the Holy Quran with Tajweed by age 5 with just 30 minutes of daily practice, insha'Allah. This method is also ideal for new Muslims, al...
Al-Qaidah An-Noraniah (Children's Cards, 32 Arabic Alphabets) القاعدة النورانية
Al-Qaidah An-Noraniah is the only authentic method that teaches how to read the Holy Qur'an with Tajweed in an attractive way especially for children. If your child starts at age 4, by age 5 s/he will be able to read the Holy Qur'an by Tajweed if s/he practices An-Noraniah for 30 minutes every day, insha'Allah. Applying Al-Qaidah An-Noraniah is ...
Succession to Muhammad (s) - Rethinking Islam in the Contemporary World على نهج محمد - إعادة التفكير في الإسلام في العالم المعاصر
In this book, I have chosen to highlight the problems that are tarnishing the image of the Islamic faith and negatively affecting Muslims. In a heartfelt analysis, I draw a comparison between Islam as a religion and the modern issues that many Muslims are grappling with every day. One of the most pressing issues facing our modern world is ex...
Raise Our Children Together Series - Children's Kindergarten the Second Birth سلسلة معا نربي أبناءنا - روضة الأطفال - الميلاد الثاني
This book discusses the problems that parents encounter when deciding to send their child to kindergarten for the very first time. It highlights consultations with real parents and the solutions provided by the elite team of specialists available at www.IslamOnline.net. Parents often take the first step by visiting Islam Online’s section entitle...
Discover Marital Happiness by Taking Care of Your Husband اكتشفي السعادة الزوجية عبر العناية الخاصة بزوجك
Discover Marital Happiness by Taking Care of Your Husband اكتشفي السعادة الزوجية عبر العناية الخاصة بزوجك
In her most provocative book yet, Dr. Laura urgently reminds women that to take proper care of their husbands is to ensure themselves the happiness and satisfaction they yearn for in marriage.Women want to be in love, get married, and live happily ever after. Yet disrespect for men and disregard for the value, feelings, and needs of husbands has...
Parent's Guide to the Success of Their Children دليل الأهل إلى نجاح أولادهم
I wish there had been a book like this when my children were young! Parent's Guide to the Success of Their Children gives you all the guidance you need to help your child become a successful and happy learner. It's full of practical tips and easy-to-use suggestions for: improving self-esteem confidence and intelligence thinking clearly and creat...
The No-Cry Sleep Solution حلول لنوم هانئ لأطفالكم
There are two schools of thought for encouraging babies to sleep through the night: the hotly debated Ferber technique of letting the baby "cry it out," or the grin-and-bear-it solution of getting up from dusk to dawn as often as necessary. If you don't believe in letting your baby cry it out, but desperately want to sleep, there is now a third ...
First Aid and ER Guide دليل الإسعافات الأولية والإنعاش الطارئ
The First Aid and ER Guide, the student manual is the center of an integrated teaching and learning system that offers instructor, student, and technology resources to better support instructors and prepares students. The text includes: Current information on injuries and illnesses presented in an easy-to-understand format Skill sheets providing...
Living Values Activities for Children Ages 8-14 أنشطة القيم الحية للأولاد بين 8 و14 سنة
Living Values Activities for Children Ages 8-14 أنشطة القيم الحية للأولاد بين 8 و14 سنة
As pervasive violence shatters our nation, the call for values echoes through headlines and school hallways as educators, parents and children become increasingly concerned and affected.The Living Values series offers a variety of experiential activities for teachers and parents to help them teach children and young adults to develop twelve crit...
Living Values Activities for Children Ages 3-7 أنشطة القيم الحية للأطفال بين 3 و7 سنوات
Living Values Activities for Children Ages 3-7 أنشطة القيم الحية للأطفال بين 3 و7 سنوات
The Living Values Activities curriculum is written for educators and other adults’ working with children who are concerned about an increasingly violent world and a lack of respect for others. Already a success in more than 1,000 locations worldwide, Living Values: An Educational Program offers age-appropriate activities that promote self-esteem...
Living Values Activities for Young Adults أنشطة القيم الحية للشباب
As pervasive violence shatters our nation, the call for values echoes through headlines and school hallways as educators, parents and children become increasingly concerned and affected. The Living Values series offers a variety of experiential activities for teachers and parents to help them teach children and young adults to develop twelve cr...
Living Values - Parent Groups: A Facilitator Guide القيم الأخلاقية وأهالي الطلبة: دليل ميسر
Living Values - Parent Groups: A Facilitator Guide القيم الأخلاقية وأهالي الطلبة: دليل ميسر
As pervasive violence shatters our nation, the call for values echoes through headlines and school hallways as educators, parents and children become increasingly concerned and affected. The Living Values series offers a variety of experiential activities for teachers and parents to help them teach children and young adults to develop twelve cr...
Learning and Living Islam Teacher's Edition: Level 6
The purpose of this series of Islamic books is to provide young learners with an understanding of their faith according to their age level. The language of the texts, the size of the lettering, the style of graphics, and the types of exercises have all been designed to meet the age-appropriate standards for each level. In addition, the content o...
Learning and Living Islam Teacher's Edition: Level 5
The purpose of this series of Islamic books is to provide young learners with an understanding of their faith according to their age level. The language of the texts, the size of the lettering, the style of graphics, and the types of exercises have all been designed to meet the age-appropriate standards for each level. In addition, the content o...
Learning and Living Islam Teacher's Edition: Level 4
The purpose of this series of Islamic books is to provide young learners with an understanding of their faith according to their age level. The language of the texts, the size of the lettering, the style of graphics, and the types of exercises have all been designed to meet the age-appropriate standards for each level. In addition, the content o...
The Future of Islam
The Future of Islam
John L. Esposito is one of America's leading authorities on Islam. Now, in this brilliant portrait of Islam today-- and tomorrow-- he draws on a lifetime of thought and research to provide an accurate, richly nuanced, and revelatory account of the fastest growing religion in the world. Here, Esposito explores the major questions and issues t...
Permanent Qur'anic Centers Curriculum: Level 3, Part 2 منهاج المراكز القرآنية الدائمة
Understanding the importance of a curriculum as a thorough development process for the Permanent Qur’anic Centers Curriculum took place in building the learner’s personality in regards to aspects of human growth (physical, cognitive, emotional, and motor development).A curriculum development process became essential to encounter the need of a cu...
Permanent Qur'anic Centers Curriculum: Level 3, Part 1 منهاج المراكز القرآنية الدائمة
Understanding the importance of a curriculum as a thorough development process for the Permanent Qur’anic Centers Curriculum took place in building the learner’s personality in regards to aspects of human growth (physical, cognitive, emotional, and motor development).A curriculum development process became essential to encounter the need of a cu...
Permanent Qur'anic Centers Curriculum: Level 2, Part 1 منهاج المراكز القرآنية الدائمة
Understanding the importance of the curriculum in building the learner’s personality within aspects of human growth (physical, cognitive, emotional, and motor development), a thorough development process for the curriculum of the Permanent Qur’anic Centers took place. Regarding the number of notes and remarks in teachers’ questionnaires, a cu...
Permanent Qur'anic Centers Curriculum: Level 1, Part 2 منهاج المراكز القرآنية الدائمة
Understanding the importance of the curriculum in building the learner’s personality within the aspects of human growth (physical, cognitive, emotional, and motor development), a thorough development process for the curriculum of the Permanent Qur’anic Centers took place. Regarding the number of notes and remarks in teachers’ questionnaires, a ...
Kitab at-Tabaqat al-Kabir Volume III: The Companions of Badr
Kitab at-Tabaqat al-Kabir, by Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Sa'd, is one of the most important and earliest surviving collections of biographical details of the early Muslims, spanning just over the first two centuries of Islam. The scope of the work of Ibn Sa'd covers the time of the Rashidun Khalifs, the Umayyads, and the Abbasids. This third volu...
We Will Meet Again In Jannah : What a Great Day that will be!
This book helps children make sense of their experience following the death of a sibling, and offers a way of honoring their memory and celebrating their life. It helps the child to understand more about their thoughts and feelings by answering some of the questions they may have, and affords a springboard for discussion and discovery which will...
Al-Fawz al-Kabir fi Usul at-Tafsir
Al-Fawz al-Kabir fi Usul at-Tafsir, or, The Great Victory on Qur'anic Hermeneutics is a manual of the principles and subtleties of Quranic tafsir. In it, the author outlines the five fundamental sciences that the Qur'an contains: the science of judgements, reminding others of the Favors of Allah, the Days of Allah, Life after Death, and particul...
A Guide to Parenting in Islam: Cherishing Childhood
Our children are the greatest assets that Allah has entrusted us with. We owe it to Allah and to our children, therefore, to invest our time and efforts into being the best parents we can be. Cherishing Childhood is a parent-to-parent handbook that outlines how to tackle the challenges (and reap the rewards) of parenting children from birth to p...
Allah Made Everything
Allah Made Everything
Allah Made Everything: The Song Book, is based on the lyrics of the well loved children’s song by renowned singer and songwriter Zain Bhikha. The song was first released in 2015, and together with the hit video, has become one of the most popular children’s songs across the world. This is the first in a series of books, games, and other medi...