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Ramadan Activity Book (Little Kids) كتاب نشاطات - رمضان
Ramadan Activity Book (Little Kids) كتاب نشاطات - رمضان
We know how you feel because we’ve been there too. What we really need is a way to both excite and educate our children about Ramadan in a way that endears their hearts to the great month and shows its blessings as a golden opportunity for them to get closer to Allah. We know how you feel because we’ve been there too. What we really need is a wa...
The Proudest Blue: A Story of Hijab and Family الأزرق الفخور: قصة الحجاب والعائلة
A powerful, vibrantly illustrated story about the first day of school—and two sisters on one's first day of hijab—by Olympic medalist and social justice activist Ibtihaj Muhammad. With her new backpack and light-up shoes, Faizah knows the first day of school is going to be special. It's the start of a brand new year and, best of all, it's her...
Mom, I'm not happy أمي ، أنا لست سعيدا
أمير يشعر بالملل. لا شيء يعجبه أو يجعله سعيدًا، هو دائم التذمر من كل ما يحيط به. والدة أمير متضايقة من موقف طفلها الصغير، الأمر الذي يدفعها إلى محاولة تغيير موقفه من الأمور، هل ستنجح في ذلك؟
Vowels Series (set of 28 Books) سلسلة حروف المد
Vowels Series (set of 28 Books) سلسلة حروف المد
مجموعة من 28 كتابا للتعريف بحروف المد الطويلة و القصيرة. في كل كتاب قصتان، قصة للمد القصير وأخرى للمد الطويل، وقد أضفنا الأحرف الساكنة استكمالا لمجموعة الحرف لكي نكمل كلمات الضبط بالشكل القصص قصيرة جدًّا ، والكلمات بسيطة، والجمل شعرية، والصور مرحة ومعبرة. كما توجد في كل كتاب مجموعة من المفردات المرفقة بالصور. وتتكون القصة من العناوين ال...
ICO Learn Arabic Workbook: Level 7 (Combined Edition) تعلم العربية - مدمج
This is the workbook for seventh grade, and it continues on from where the sixth grade book from the series left off. The objective of the workbook is to reinforce ideas and to continue to develop skills learned in the textbook. It pays special attention to writing practice and free reading. Each of the 24 units in the textbook corresponds to on...
ICO Learn Arabic Textbook: Level 7 (Combined Edition) تعلم العربية - مدمج
This Arabic learning series for preschool to twelfth grade aims to teach the Arabic language according to the most up-to-date methods of teaching foreign languages. Believing that language learning is an important tool for written and oral communication and a path to knowledge in all of its various forms, Manahej Foundation created a curricul...
Treasures of success-preparatory for writing "4-5 years كنوز النجاح التهيئة للكتابة
سلسلة كنوز النجاح تهيئة للقراءة 4/5 سنوات لأطفالنا لبراعمنا المتفتحة في الأقسام التحضيرية .المستوى الثاني لهذه السلسلة يمكن للطفل في التدرب على القراءة
Oomi has a surprise for Yusuf and Isa. Join them as they uncover the surprise! With each beautiful scene written and illustrated by Zaheera Jina, this heart-warming tale shows us how important family is. “Yusuf and Isa, I’ve got a surprise for you!” said Oomi. “New toy! New toy!” Isa shouted. “Ice cream for dessert?” asked Yusuf. “Ice ...
Ramadan without Daddy: Khadija's Story of Love, Courage and Hope
The concept of divorce is very challenging for young children. This book is based around a Muslim family and the story of young Khadija helping her mother and brother. The story gives many opportunities for positive discussion for parents and educators wanting to explore this difficult concept with balanced sensitivity from an Islamic perspectiv...
Kamillah the Butterfly
Kamillah the Butterfly
Kamillah is a caterpillar who is struggling to understand life’s changes. With a friend by her side and discovering a beautiful surprise at the end of her cycle, she happily accepts the biggest change. A lovely book any child can relate to. It will definitely leave little ones wanting to read it repeatedly.
It's bedtime! Yunus wants to talk, but his sister Saarah goes on an imagining spree. She talks about animals, and dinosaurs and aliens as friends. She talks about sending an Eid gift to orphans and cooking extra meals in Ramadan for the poor, and a whole lot more! A fun and creative story that also shows a loving sibling relationship.
Mini Tafseer Book Series: Book 30 (Suratut-Taariq) سورة الطارق
The “Mini Tafseer Book Series” consists of 38 books, and covers the tafseer (explanation) of Juz ‘Amma (30th part of the Qur’aan) and Suratul-Fatihah. Each book in the series covers one surah (chapter) and features: Special facts about the surah that make it unique Arabic text of the entire surah Transliteration of every ayah (verse) to ...
Months of the Year Calendar ( شهور السنة الميلادية)
To Delight, Entertain and Educate! This learning chart is a wonderful ally both in the classroom, and at home. It contains informative, educational content and the colorful design makes it perfect to display on walls or to decorate any flat surface. Features include: A texture which is perfect to use with write on/wipe off crayons. A lami...
Numbers of (1 - 100) الأعداد
Numbers of (1 - 100) الأعداد
To Delight, Entertain and Educate! This learning chart is a wonderful ally both in the classroom, and at home. It contains informative, educational content and the colorful design makes it perfect to display on walls or to decorate any flat surface. Features include: A texture which is perfect to use with write on/wipe off crayons. A lamin...
Numbers (0-9) الأعداد
Numbers (0-9) الأعداد
To Delight, Entertain and Educate! This learning chart is a wonderful ally both in the classroom, and at home. It contains informative, educational content and the colorful design makes it perfect to display on walls or to decorate any flat surface. Features include: A texture which is perfect to use with write on/wipe off crayons. A lamin...
The Green Forest - Large (3 books) الغابة الخضراء
سلسلة قصصية شيقة من إصدارات الدار لعام 2009 تمكن المعلم/المعلمة من إلقاء القصة على الأطفال ومشاهدة القصة بشكل جماعي حيث تمتاز بحجم يناسب اسلوب القراءة الجماعي أو السرد المباشر على الاطفال و تحتوي على الكتب التالية: غرود شرطي المرور الأصدقاء الخمسة السلحفاة تشعر بالزكاة
Hurry to Faith Textbook: Level 3 هيا إلى الإيمان
An attractive Islamic curriculum that makes learning about the pillars of Islam very appealing for young children. One book gathers the style of four books together using reading, tracing, coloring and songs to make a lovely combination with plenty of colored illustrations. Designed to make your students proud and happy to be Muslims! Includes:...
Life of Rasulullah (Makkah Period)
This 176 page full-color books is for weekend and fulltime Islamic schools. Students who are in 6-10 grade will benefit most from this textbook. Many biographies of Raulullah (S) are available in almost every language in the world. Most of these are very detailed, analytical, and scholarly in nature. Only a few are written with the perspective ...
Tajdid, Islah And Civilisational Renewal In Islam
The history of Islamic thought is marked by a continuous tradition of internal revitalization and reform embedded in the principles of islah and tajdid. The ultimate purpose has been to bring existing realities and social change in line with the transcendent and universal standard of the Quran and Sunnah through a process of restoration and refo...
Isma'il Al Faruqi: Selected Essays
Isma'il Al Faruqi: Selected Essays
In this set of three powerful essays, the late, world-renowned scholar and philosopher Isma'il Al Faruqi displays his formidable insight, vast knowledge, and unique trademark logic, brought to bear on subjects still considered to be at the forefront of discourse on comparative religion. Al Faruqi delves deep into the heart of the debate on the m...
The Qur'an and Its Study
The Qur'an and Its Study
Ever since its revelation over fourteen hundred years ago, the Qur'an has been the focus of considerable scholarly research. The present work represents one of the finest contemporary examples of Qur'anic scholarship written by a scholar who has spent a lifetime studying and teaching Qur'anic studies. In the course of five rich sections, Profess...
A Race to Prayer: Sulaiman's Rewarding Day
Something always stops Sulaiman from having fun. First it’s Dhuhr prayer, then it’s the rain, and then the car breaks down just as he is leaving to watch the quad bike races. He eventually gets to the races, but then Asr prayer time comes around. When he is finally ready to settle back into his seat something frightening happens, and Sulaiman so...
Palestine and Jerusalem land of the Prophets Series - with CD's (12 Books) سلسلة فلسطين والقدس أرض الأنبياء
سلسلة فلسطين والقدس – أرض الأنبياء - سلسلة قصصية موجهة للأطفال (8-12) سنة تركز كل قصة من قصص السلسلة على جانب معين من تاريخ فلسطين والقدس في الماضي والحاضر، أو شخصية من الشخصيات التي ارتبطت بفلسطين والقدس عبر تاريخها الطويل، او في واقعها المعاصر. صيغت قصص السلسلة في عالم من الأحداث المعاصرة التي يعيشها الأطفال في واقع حياتهم، بأسلوب حكائي ...
Al-Qaidah An-Noraniah (Robu' Yaseen with Suratul-Fatihah, Small Size: 6" X 8.2") القاعدة النورانية ربع يس مع سورة الفاتحة
Al-Qaidah An-Noraniah and its applications on the Az-Zahraa First Mushaf feature several advantages, including the coloring of basic Tajweed rules (Ghunnah, Madd, Qalqalah). It also boasts high-quality printing and a distinctive size that helps beginners in learning to read Arabic and the Holy Quran with ease and convenience. القاعدة النوران...
My First Book of Arabic Writing
IQRA's Program of Arabic Studies has been specially designed for teaching Arabic as a second language to students whose first language is English. This book, My First Book of Arabic Writing, is part of a series of Arabic textbooks and workbooks, and it is intended to teach beginners the Arabic alphabet along with a basic vocabulary. It allows s...
The eyes of my doll عينا لعبتي
قررت لانا أن تصنع لعبة، وطلبت المساعدة من أفراد عائلتها. وبالفعل قدم لها كل منهم شيئًا من عنده يفيد في صنع اللعبة. انتهت من صنع اللعبة ولم يبقَ سوى العينين، فقد كانت حائرة كيف تصنعها. وجاء الحل من جدتها التي أحضرت لها أزرار معطف كانت قد حاكته لها.عينا لعبتي تشجع الأطفال على الإبداع كأن يصنعوا أشياء جديدة ومفيدة من أشياء مستعملة، كما يظهر دور ال...
Big ,... Small كبير صغير
Big ,... Small كبير صغير
يشرح لنا الولد الصغير، راوي القصة أنه وإن كان صغيرًا ويحتاج مساعدة الكبار في أمور كثيرة، فهو أيضًا كبير، ويستطيع القيام بمهام كثيرة بدون مساعدتهم، ويؤكد أنه عندما يكبر سيقوم بكل شيء بمفرده.
Who's teeth do I clean? أسنان من أنظف؟
عبر لعبة الاختباء بين الطفل و الحيوانات التي تريد تنظيف أسنانها بالطريقة الصحيحة، يعطي الطفل وصفا لأشكال و طرق مرحة و جذابة للعناية بالأسنان كي تبقى براقة ونظيفة. قصة تتناول صحة الفم و الأسنان للأطفال بطرح مميز و غير تقليدي. الغلاف و الصفحات مصممة من الورق الكرتوني المقوى لضمان سلامة الطفل .
l Amal Series - Reading and Composition Textbook: Level 4 (Old Edition) سلسلة الأمل القراءة والتعبير
l Amal Series - Reading and Composition Textbook: Level 4 (Old Edition) سلسلة الأمل القراءة والتعبير
This is a comprehensive series designed to teach Arabic to English-speaking children, youth, and adults. It offers the latest methods of second-language instruction, with special emphasis on building the four linguistic skills needed to learn a language: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The program introduces linguistic elements, such ...
Fanteer The Fluffy Flamingo فنتير .. الفلامنغو المنفوش
يذهب فنتير الفلامنغو المنفوش في نزهة إلى قرية القرم مع ماما وبابا. يتمتع كثيرًا باللعب ، وحين يشعر بالجوع يبحث عن روبيان يأكله. يلاحظ بعد وقت أن أمه وأباه ليسا بجانبه، فيخاف كثيرًا ويبدأ البحث عنهما. لكنه سرعان ما يراهما يحلقان في السماء فوقه. هذه القصة تُساعد الطفل على تخطي الخوف، وتُؤكد له فكرة أن الوالدين موجودان دومًا بجانبه لحمايته. كما تُ...
Tafsir Jalalain (Small) تفسير الجلالين
يعتبر تفسير الجلالين من أهم كتب التفسير لدراسة القران الكريم. لقد ألفه جلال الدين المحلي (توفي 864 هـ \ 1459 م) وتلميذه جلال الدين السيوطي (توفي 911 هـ \ 1505 م) اللذَيْن لقّبا بالجلالين. ويعتبر تفسير الجلالين من أسهل التفاسير قراءةً لأسلوبه المبسط وطوله في مجلد واحد.
Baqbeeq on the Farm
Baqbeeq on the Farm
ترفض مجموعة الدجاجات تصرفات وعادات الدجاجة باق بيق التي انتقلت حديثًا من المدينة إلى المزرعة. كتاب يركز على أهمية تقبل الآخر، التعاون والصداقة
Ascending & Descending Order الترتيب التصاعدي والتنازلي
This fun poster is a great addition to your Arabic classroom. It is also useful in a child's bedroom or play area to provide learning on-the-go!
Small World عالم صغير
Small World عالم صغير
لدى فاطمة فضول شديد لعرفة ما يفعله أخوها في عالمه الصغير قبل ولادته، و عما إذا كان سعيدا فيه. سألته عندما ولد فلم يجب، ظلت تكرر السؤال عليه و هو لا يجيب إلى أن كبر و أصبح قادرا على الكلام، قال لها: إنه لا يتذكر. أصيبت فاطمة بخيبة أمل شديدة؛ لأنها كانت متشوقة للسماع عن ذلك العالم الصغير، و هنا جاء دور الأم بالمواساة و الشرح.
Soso سوسو
Soso سوسو
تكتشف سوسو أن اسمها سلوى، وأن عائلتها تناديها سوسو لتدليلها. تقرر عندئذ أن تطلق على كل من تحب اسم تدليل. عندما ترى كم سر أفراد عائلتها بالأسماء التي نادتهم بها تقوم بمخاطبة معلمتها باسم تدليل في الفصل؛ مما أضحك الطالبات، وأثار استياء المعلمة
Safar Teacher's Guide for Islamic Studies: Level 5
Lesson planning is a vital component of the teaching and learning process. Sufficient classroom planning will keep teachers organized as well as on track while teaching, therefore allowing teachers to teach more and help students reach their learning objectives more easily. Lesson planning also ensures that there is a coherent framework for smoo...
Safar Teacher's Guide for Islamic Studies: Level 4
Lesson planning is a vital component of the teaching and learning process. Sufficient classroom planning will keep teachers organized as well as on track while teaching, therefore allowing teachers to teach more and help students reach their learning objectives more easily. Lesson planning also ensures that there is a coherent framework for smoo...
Safar Teacher's Guide for Islamic Studies: Level 3
Lesson planning is a vital component of the teaching and learning process. Sufficient classroom planning will keep teachers organized as well as on track while teaching, therefore allowing teachers to teach more and help students reach their learning objectives more easily. Lesson planning also ensures that there is a coherent framework for smoo...
Safar Teacher's Guide for Islamic Studies: Level 2
Lesson planning is a vital component of the teaching and learning process. Sufficient classroom planning will keep teachers organized as well as on track while teaching, therefore allowing teachers to teach more and help students reach their learning objectives more easily. Lesson planning also ensures that there is a coherent framework for smoo...
Safar Teacher's Guide for Islamic Studies: Level 1
Lesson planning is a vital component of the teaching and learning process. Sufficient classroom planning will keep teachers organized as well as on track while teaching, therefore allowing teachers to teach more and help students reach their learning objectives more easily. Lesson planning also ensures that there is a coherent framework for smoo...
Safar Islamic Studies Workbook: Level 7
The Safar Academy Islamic Studies series aims to cumulatively build children`s essential Islamic knowledge, cultivate good manners, and instill God-consciousness. With extensive references from Quran and ahadith, the new edition of the textbook has been developed to ensure that it is enjoyable for children as well as comprehensive and reliable....
Sequential Reading - Intermediate level (48 books) القراءة المتسلسلة
وتتكون المرحلة المتوسطة من 4 مستويات كل مستوى يحتوى على 12 قصة بمعدل 48 قصة لهذه المرحلة مقسمة كالآتي : المستوى الأول : أريد لوزة إجازة سعيدة حقيبة وجبتي المدرسية بسبوسة والفأر راشد مريض القلعة العملاقة حمادة و الطائرة هيا نساعد في السيرك لوحة فنية مدينة الألعاب متى؟ المستوى الثاني : ...
Sequential Reading - Beginner level (Set of 48 books) القراءة المتسلسلة
وتتكون المرحلة المبتدئة من 4 مستويات كل مستوى يحتوى على 12 قصة بمعدل 48 قصة لهذه المرحلة مقسمة كالآتي : المستوى الأول : صورة عائلية نشر الملابس عند الشاطئ / أمواج البحر حمادة في الروضة فستان دانة الجديد راشدٌ يبني المشاركة أساعد ماما أنا خائف حقيبة المدرسة وقت الاستحمام عالم الأسماك المستوى الثاني : مزرع...
The Concepts Workbook: Level 2 المفاهيم
The Concepts Workbook: Level 2 المفاهيم
This product allows students to interact with their environment in a fun and easy way. The content is distinguished by its variety and by its use of a unique technique to introduce each concept. This level includes the following concepts: Family, Occupations, Days of the Week, Farming, The Environment, The Four Seasons, The Five Senses, and ...
The Concepts Case: Level 2 (Activity Book, DVD, and Flash Cards) المفاهيم
The Concepts series allows students to interact with their environment in a fun and easy way. The content is distinguished by its variety and by its use of a unique technique to introduce each concept. This series comes with the following: A DVD of 7 educational videos(The duration of each video is approximately one minute). A wo...
The Concepts Case: Level 1 (Activity Book, DVD, and Flash Cards) المفاهيم
The Concepts series allows students to interact with their environment in a fun and easy way. The content is distinguished by its variety and by its use of a unique technique to introduce each concept. This series comes with the following: A DVD of 7 educational videos (The duration of each video is approximately one minute.) A workbook 4...
Alphabet Family Case: Part 2 (Activity Book , DVD, and 50 Flash Cards) عائلة الحروف
The Alphabet Family series helps children learn the Arabic alphabet in an attractive and creative way. It presents each letter using a song and 3D cartoon. The content is unique in its variety and in its use of a different technique to introduce each concept. This package comes with the following: A DVD of 10 educational videos from z...
Have Fun Series - Butterfly Level 2 (10 Books) سلسلة امرح- سلسلة الفراشة
سلسلة فراشة: تتألف هذه المرحلة من 10 قصص شيّقة. تقدم مواضيع ممتعة ذات أهداف تعليمية و تربوية بأسلوب مميّز و بطريقة غير مباشرة. تهدف سلسلة “امرح” إلى غرس حب القراءة في نفوس الأطفال من خلال المواضيع و القصص الشيقة التي تطرحها. بالرغم من أنها سلسلة واحدة، فقد تم تصميمها لتتناسب مع أكثر من فئة عمرية، حسب مستوى القراء وتتكون من العناوين التالي...