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Resistant Palestinian Cities Series - with CD's (12 Books) مدن فلسطينية صامدة
تركز كل قصة من قصص السلسلة على جانب معين من تاريخ فلسطين والقدس في الماضي والحاضر، أو شخصية من الشخصيات التي ارتبطت بفلسطين والقدس عبر تاريخها الطويل، أو في واقعها المعاصر. صيغت قصص السلسلة في عالم من الأحداث المعاصرة التي يعيشها الأطفال في واقع حياتهم، بأسلوب حكائي يشد الأطفال إلى كل ما له علاقة بفلسطين والقدس أرض الأنبياء، فيبقى ذلك محفور...
Each Letter Has a Story (set of 28 Books) لكل حرف حكاية
مجموعة من 28 قصة لتعليم الحروف للصغار؛ مواضيع القصص مرحة، والجمل قصيرة ومكررة أحيانا، وفيها سجع أحيانا أخرى، مع تكرار استخدام وتلوين الحرف المستهدف تعلمه في القصة. وتتكون هذه السلسلة من العناوين التالية : ألعاب الحديقة إلى الطبيب أنا والقرصان أنا والمهرج إين الكرة تاها فى متاهة تمساح وفيل ثعلب وثور جدي يعرف حصان ...
Water is a Blessing - for Girls الماء نعمة -للبنات
To Delight, Entertain and Educate! This learning chart is a wonderful ally both in the classroom, and at home. It contains informative, educational content and the colorful design makes it perfect to display on walls or to decorate any flat surface. Features include: A texture which is perfect to use with write on/wipe off crayons. A lamin...
I Respect My Teacher (for Boys) أحترم معلمي (للبنين)
To Delight, Entertain and Educate! This learning chart is a wonderful ally both in the classroom, and at home. It contains informative, educational content and the colorful design makes it perfect to display on walls or to decorate any flat surface. Features include: A texture which is perfect to use with write on/wipe off crayons. A lamin...
The Traffic Light إشارة المرور الضوئية
The Traffic Light إشارة المرور الضوئية
To Delight, Entertain and Educate! This learning chart is a wonderful ally both in the classroom, and at home. It contains informative, educational content and the colorful design makes it perfect to display on walls or to decorate any flat surface. Features include: A texture which is perfect to use with write on/wipe off crayons. A lamin...
Teaching Children: A Moral, Spiritual, and Holistic Approach to Educational Development
The author explores education from the essential principles of tawheed (Oneness of God, humanity, knowledge); fitrah (concept of human nature); and the role of humans as vicegerents of God on earth (responsibility and stewardship). The current education system dates back a hundred years or more, and is in desperate need of a reboot. In developin...
ICO Learn Arabic Teacher Guide: Level 10, Part 2 (Interactive CD-ROM) تعلم العربية
Teaching language is a critical tool in communication and ultimately in the development of knowledge. In our quest to provide our customers with quality materials, we are pleased to offer the Learn Arabic series. It employs modern methods of teaching foreign language to successfully teach the Arabic language to students in K-12th grade. ...
Brief Biography of the Prophet (S) مختصر سيرة الرسول
السيرة النبوية لابن هشام : هذا الكتاب من أوائل كتب السيرة، وأكثرها انتشاراً، اختصره المصنف من سيرة ابن اسحاق بعد أن نقحها وحذف من أشعارها جملة مما لا تعلق له بالسيرة، ثم قام باختصاره الإمام المجدد محمد بن عبد الوهاب – رحمه الله – وقد ضمنه بعض الاستنباطات المفيدة مع ما أضاف إلى ذلك من المقدمة النافعة التي بَيّن بها واقع أهل الجاهلية اعتقادًا وسل...
How Beautiful The Knowledge!! ما أحلى المعرفة
How Beautiful The Knowledge!! ما أحلى المعرفة
هذا الكتاب موجه إلى الأطفال ويحوي مجموعة من القصص القصيرة فيها الكثير من المرح والخيال تهدف إلى تعليم أطفال الروضة معلومات أساسية عن الألوان ، الأرقام، والكلمة وعكسها.. بطريقة مدعمة برسوم معبرة وواضحة وجميلة
Fatâwa Essential Rulings for Every Muslim Woman
Fatâwa Essential Rulings for Every Muslim Woman
It is an obligation for every Muslim to acquire the necessary Islamic knowledge regarding religion. Muslim women in particular have many fatawa that relate to only them in their worship and salah. This book, Fatawa: Essential Rulings for Every Muslim Woman, was compiled from the works of renowned scholars including ,Sheikh Muhammad ibn Ibrah...
Singing & Music In Islamic Perspective
This compelling and beautifully researched book clarifies the rulings on singing and music and the harm they inflict on the heart, the individual, the family, and the ummah. It warns Muslims about the danger of these matters, which causes corruption and immorality. These things turn people away from the Qur'an, worship, and obedience - the keys ...
Reading Corner Series: Level 2 (4 Books) سلسلة زاوية القراءة
تقدم سلسلة "زاوية القراءة" للأطفال نِطاقاً واسعاً من الكُتُب المُسلّية المَرِحة المُزيَّنة برُسوم زاهية الألوان مُوضِّحة؛ وهي كُتُب مُتدرِّجة في مَراحِل ثَلاث؛ كتب يَبدأ معها أطفالُنا بالقراءة المُستقِلّة، وهي مكتوبة بلُغة صحيحة بسيطة،وهذه الكتب ضمن المرحلة الثانية؛ كتب يَبدأ معها أطفالُنا بالقراءة المُستقِلّة، وهي مكتوبة بلُغة صحيحة بسيطة، وبا...
Its Playing Time Series: Level 4 (Louis Braille) لويس برايل
كان لويس برايل طفلاً فضولياً، لكن حادثاً أليماً أفقده نعمة البصر في سن الخامسة. بالرغم من ذكائه واجتهاده في المدرسة، لم يعد لويس قادراً على القراءة والكتابة. لكن تصميمه ومثابرته دفعاه..
Ahbab Al-Quran (Friends of the Quran) Bil-Qiyam Nartaqi (With Values We Soar) Textbook: Level 2, Part 2 أحباب القران -بالقيم نرتقي
Overview Ahbab Al-Quran series provides an inspiring and structured approach to instilling Islamic values and life skills in young learners, drawing from the Holy Quran and Prophetic guidance. Rooted in foundational Quranic teachings, such as the profound message in Surah Al-Asr, this curriculum embraces faith, righteous deeds, truth, and patie...
Ahbab Al-Quran (Friends of the Quran) Bil-Qiyam Nartaqi (With Values We Soar) Textbook: Level 2, Part 1 أحباب القران -بالقيم نرتقي
Overview Ahbab Al-Quran series provides an inspiring and structured approach to instilling Islamic values and life skills in young learners, drawing from the Holy Quran and Prophetic guidance. Rooted in foundational Quranic teachings, such as the profound message in Surah Al-Asr, this curriculum embraces faith, righteous deeds, truth, and patie...
Ahbab Al-Quran (Friends of the Quran) Bil-Qiyam Nartaqi (With Values We Soar) Textbook: Level 1, Part 2أحباب القران -بالقيم نرتقي
Overview Ahbab Al-Quran series provides an inspiring and structured approach to instilling Islamic values and life skills in young learners, drawing from the Holy Quran and Prophetic guidance. Rooted in foundational Quranic teachings, such as the profound message in Surah Al-Asr, this curriculum embraces faith, righteous deeds, truth, and pati...
Ahbab Al-Quran (Friends of the Quran) Bil-Qiyam Nartaqi (With Values We Soar) Textbook: Level 1, Part 1 أحباب القران - بالقيم نرتقي
Overview Ahbab Al-Quran series provides an inspiring and structured approach to instilling Islamic values and life skills in young learners, drawing from the Holy Quran and Prophetic guidance. Rooted in foundational Quranic teachings, such as the profound message in Surah Al-Asr, this curriculum embraces faith, righteous deeds, truth, and patie...
Arabic Language Friends Teacher Guide: Level 3 أصدقاء العربية
Arabic Language Friends is an educational series written for non-Arabic speakers. It includes five levels. Each level consists of a student’s book, activity book, and supporting materials, including CDs, flash cards, posters, and stories. (These supporting materials are not yet available from the publisher). This series helps students to maste...
Arabic Language Friends Teacher Guide: Level 2 أصدقاء العربية
Arabic Language Friends is an educational series written for non-Arabic speakers. It includes five levels. Each level consists of a student’s book, activity book, and supporting materials, including CDs, flash cards, posters, and stories. (These supporting materials are not yet available from the publisher). This series helps students to maste...
Arabic Language Friends Teacher Guide: Level 1 أصدقاء العربية
Arabic Language Friends is an educational series written for non-Arabic speakers. It includes five levels. Each level consists of a student’s book, activity book, and supporting materials, including CDs, flash cards, posters, and stories. (These supporting materials are not yet available from the publisher). This series helps students to maste...
How Beautiful Is Islam! (Level 4) ما أحلى الاسلام (المستوى الرابع)
The Islam is Beautiful! book for Level 4 has 72 pages and 28 lessons. It includes surahs from the Holy Qur'an, principles of the correct creed, and some rules related to the pillars of Islam. It aims to teach children good manners and ethics while telling the stories of some of prophets and famous figures of Islamic history. This book includes:...
How Beautiful Is Islam! (Level 3) ما أحلى الاسلام (المستوى الثالث)
The Islam is Beautiful book for third grade has 64 pages and 28 lessons. The lessons deal with different subjects, such as some manners and supplications that students can use in everyday life. It also offers accurate information about fasting, praying, and zakah, and guides children to positive behaviors in their contemporary life. The book als...
How Beautiful is Islam! (Level 1) ما أحلى الاسلام
The Islam is Beautiful book for first grade has 64 pages and 28 lessons. The lessons deal with different subjects, such as some short surahs of the Holy Quran, the Prophet's biography, manners, and the rules of the acts of worship. The following topics are included in this level: Surahs al-Ma'un, al-Takathur, and Ayah al-Kursi and their mea...
Sahlawayhi 4: Graded Stories - Intermediate
This is the first-ever series of graded stories for beginning and intermediate adult learners of Arabic as a foreign language. It is based on the following pedagogical principles: gradual introduction of vocabulary and structure, in context. frequent recycling of both. a huge volume of comprehensible input. The 24 stories in this reade...
The Way of the Prophet- An Islamic Education and development Series: Book 1
The Islamic Education and Development Series is based on a curriculum that was developed after researching the various curricula used in Muslim schools and communities throughout the world. This book was developed to address the needs and interest of students at their respective grade levels, however it is written in such a way that anyone seeki...
Salah (Prayer) & Its Essential Conditions الصلاة وشروطها
Salah (Prayer) & Its Essential Conditions الصلاة وشروطها
In 'Salah and Its Essential Conditions', Yahya Ondigo details the essential prerequisites/conditions of salah. Salah is one of the five pillars on which the edifice of Islam rests. Most of us feel that we already know all there is about salah - the formal prayers of a Muslim. However, very few individuals actually do justice to it or derive any ...
The Jussive Present Tense الفعل المضارع المجزوم
The Jussive Present Tense الفعل المضارع المجزوم
To Delight, Entertain and Educate! This learning chart is a wonderful ally both in the classroom, and at home. It contains informative, educational content and the colorful design makes it perfect to display on walls or to decorate any flat surface. Features include: A texture which is perfect to use with write on/wipe off crayons. A lamin...
The Subjunctive Present Tense الفعل المضارع المنصوب
To Delight, Entertain and Educate! This learning chart is a wonderful ally both in the classroom, and at home. It contains informative, educational content and the colorful design makes it perfect to display on walls or to decorate any flat surface. Features include: A texture which is perfect to use with write on/wipe off crayons. A laminated...
The Nominative Present Tense الفعل المضارع المرفوع والمبني
To Delight, Entertain and Educate! This learning chart is a wonderful ally both in the classroom, and at home. It contains informative, educational content and the colorful design makes it perfect to display on walls or to decorate any flat surface. Features include: A texture which is perfect to use with write on/wipe off crayons. A lamin...
Al-Nasekh Letters الحروف الناسخة
Al-Nasekh Letters الحروف الناسخة
To Delight, Entertain and Educate! This learning chart is a wonderful ally both in the classroom, and at home. It contains informative, educational content and the colorful design makes it perfect to display on walls or to decorate any flat surface. Features include: A texture which is perfect to use with write on/wipe off crayons. A lam...
Singular Nouns الاسم المفرد
Singular Nouns الاسم المفرد
To Delight, Entertain and Educate! This learning chart is a wonderful ally both in the classroom, and at home. It contains informative, educational content and the colorful design makes it perfect to display on walls or to decorate any flat surface. Features include: A texture which is perfect to use with write on/wipe off crayons. A lamin...
Parents Respect احترام الوالدين
Parents Respect احترام الوالدين
To Delight, Entertain and Educate! This learning chart is a wonderful ally both in the classroom, and at home. It contains informative, educational content and the colorful design makes it perfect to display on walls or to decorate any flat surface. Features include: A texture which is perfect to use with write on/wipe off crayons. A lamin...
Muslim Maintains her Cleanliness المسلمة تحافظ على النظافة
To Delight, Entertain and Educate! This learning chart is a wonderful ally both in the classroom, and at home. It contains informative, educational content and the colorful design makes it perfect to display on walls or to decorate any flat surface. Features include: A texture which is perfect to use with write on/wipe off crayons. A lamin...
Traditional Stories from Around the World (Set of 15 books) سلسلة حكايات من تراث العالم
تتألف سلسلة حكايات من تراث العالم من حكايات معروفة ومتداولة صمدت مع الزمن في أنحاء مختلفة من العالم وبأسماء أخرى، يستمتع الطفل بمشاركتها مع الأهل وبقراءتها مرة بعد مرة. تتميّز هذه القصص بالجملة المبسّطة والسهلة وتساعد الطفل على تكلّم اللغة العربيّة بدون أخطاء. من الناحية الفنيّة جسم الحرف كبير مُحرَّك تحريكاً كاملاً والصور جميلة تشدّ ان...
Shirin Box (Set of 5 Books)
Shirin Box (Set of 5 Books)
Here comes Shirin, the innocent, clever, practical girl who is always getting into trouble and learns important lessons along the way! This series tells the funny stories of the naughty-but-nice Shirin in her life at school and at home. This series is not to be missed by any kid with a love for mischief, jokes and adventure! It also gives a diff...
Selim Box (Set of 5 Books)
Selim Box (Set of 5 Books)
He and his friends try to dig their way to china in order to write a report on the country. He even looks for ghosts in cemeteries and braves haunted houses! Does he do it alone? Of course not! His naughty little brother and his loyal band of friends accompany him on all of his adventures. Are you ready to have fun with them?
ICO Learn Arabic Textbook: Level 1 (Combined Edition,With Access Code) تعلم العربية
This book consists of 25 units; 20 main units present new material and 5 units are revision. Each revision unit appears after 4 main units. The design of the unit: The main unit includes four lessons and the design is as follows: First Lesson: Conversation, words and expressions, matching exercises Second Lesson: Grammatical constr...
ICO Islamic Studies Teacher's Manual: Grade 3 (Light Edition)
Grade Three: At this levels manifestation of the Greatness of Allah in and through the creation and importance of Ihsan are emphasized. Quranic studies include the memorization and recitation of soorah an-Naba’ through soorah al -Inshiqaaq , together with basic explanation of those soorah . Students are introduced narratives of Prophet Muha...
ICO Islamic Studies Teacher's Manual: Grade 2 (Light Edition)
Grade Two: Building upon two testimonies, students introduced to the element of faith. They increase their knowledge of Qur’an through memorization and recitation of Soorah Al -Burroj through soorah ash-sharah(with short explanation for each soorah). They learn additional characteristics of the prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم as well as...
ICO Islamic Studies Teacher's Manual: Grade 1 (Light Edition)
In Grade 1, students are introduced to the testimony of faith, or shahada. They learn how to handle the Quran and begin to engage in memorization and recitation, from Surah al-Teen to Surah al-Humazah. The life of Prophet Muhammad is introduced to them. They learn the basics of cleanliness and ablution along with proper performance of prayer. Th...
Gateway to Arabic Picture Pad مفتاح العربية - لوحات المفردات بصور ملونة
The Gateway to Arabic Picture Pad is a colourfully illustrated topic-based aid for teaching Arabic vocabulary, providing an effective tool for learning key words and expressions. Its flipchart format ensures that it can be used easily in the classroom as well as for individual home study. To assist with the accurate reading of the words and phra...
The Meaning of the Holy Qur'an for School Children
The Holy Qur’an is the book of guidance for Muslims all over the world. It provides inspiration for daily living as well as comfort in a troubled world. Children learn portions of the Holy Qur’an by heart from a young age, and it is a major influence on their social, religious and personal development. Now for the first time ever, the messa...
The Golden Fish Series( set of 7 books) سلسلة السمكة الذهبية
سلسلة السمكة الذهبية الكاملة: تحتوي المجموعة على: اي شيء, في صفنا ضفدع, احلى يوم, يوم على شاطئ البحر, حيواني المفضل, و اول يوم مدرسة. أحلى يوم: نبذة الناشر: رعد متحمس جدا لأن موعد الاحتفال بعيد ميلاده قد حان. يساعد رعد والده في تزيين البيت ووالدته في تحضير الحلوى، وأخيرا يحضر الأصدقاء ويبدأ الحفل. رسوم: منال حدادين. في صفنا ضفدع: ...
Moments (Hardcover) لحظات
عندما حاول الزمان أن يسبقني ... بعثر اللحظات في الهواء قفزت عاليا و أمسكت لحظتي وضعتها في قلبي كي لا تضيع أبدا
Sahlawayhi 3: Graded Stories for Beginners
This is the first-ever series of graded stories for beginning and intermediate adults learners of Arabic as a foreign language. It is based on the following principles: gradual introduction of vocabulary and structure, in context. frequent recycling of both. a huge volume of comprehensible input. The 24 stories in this reader are divid...
Sahlawayhi 2: Graded Stories for Beginners
This is the first-ever series of graded stories for beginning adult learners of Arabic as a foreign language. It is based on the following principles: gradual introduction of vocabulary and structure, in context. frequent recycling of both. a huge volume of comprehensible input. The 24 stories in this reader are divided into 6 levels of 4...
Songs and Tales حكايات وأغنيات
Songs and Tales حكايات وأغنيات
حكايات جميلة نحكيها في الروضة ونقرأها قبل النوم وفي المدرسة، كل يوم حكاية وأغنية جديدة وأحلام سعيدة.
Obligated Prayers الصلاة المفروضة
Obligated Prayers الصلاة المفروضة
To Delight, Entertain and Educate! This learning chart is a wonderful ally both in the classroom, and at home. It contains informative, educational content and the colorful design makes it perfect to display on walls or to decorate any flat surface. Features include: A texture which is perfect to use with write on/wipe off crayons. A lamin...