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Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) رسولنا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلـم
To delight, entertain, and educate! This learning chart is a wonderful ally both in the classroom and at home. It contains informative, educational content and the colorful design makes it perfect to display on walls or to decorate any flat surface. Features include: A texture which is perfect to use with write on/wipe off crayons. A la...
Allah the All-Hearing الله السميع
Allah the All-Hearing الله السميع
To Delight, Entertain and Educate! This learning chart is a wonderful ally both in the classroom, and at home. It contains informative, educational content and the colorful design makes it perfect to display on walls or to decorate any flat surface. Features include: A texture which is perfect to use with write on/wipe off crayons. A lami...
Allah the All-Seeing الله البصير
Allah the All-Seeing الله البصير
To Delight, Entertain and Educate! This learning chart is a wonderful ally both in the classroom, and at home. It contains informative, educational content and the colorful design makes it perfect to display on walls or to decorate any flat surface. Features include: A texture which is perfect to use with write on/wipe off crayons. A lami...
Allah the Sustainer الله الرازق
Allah the Sustainer الله الرازق
To Delight, Entertain and Educate! This learning chart is a wonderful ally both in the classroom, and at home. It contains informative, educational content and the colorful design makes it perfect to display on walls or to decorate any flat surface. Features include: A texture which is perfect to use with write on/wipe off crayons. A lami...
Allah the One الله الواحد
Allah the One الله الواحد
To Delight, Entertain and Educate! This learning chart is a wonderful ally both in the classroom, and at home. It contains informative, educational content and the colorful design makes it perfect to display on walls or to decorate any flat surface. Features include: A texture which is perfect to use with write on/wipe off crayons. A lami...
Allah the Granter الله المنعم
Allah the Granter الله المنعم
To Delight, Entertain and Educate! This learning chart is a wonderful ally both in the classroom, and at home. It contains informative, educational content and the colorful design makes it perfect to display on walls or to decorate any flat surface. Features include: A texture which is perfect to use with write on/wipe off crayons. A lami...
Attainment of the Objective (Pocket Size) بلوغ المرام
كتاب من تأليف الإمام الحافظ أبي الفضل أحمد بن علي بن محمد الكناني الشافعي المعروف بابن حجر العسقلاني المتوفى سنة (852هـ) - رحمه الله تعالى -. اشتمل هذا المتن على أصول الأدلة الحديثية للأحكام الشرعية. حيث كتب في مقدمة الناشر: "حرره مؤلفه تحريراً بالغاً، ليصير من يحفظه من بين أقرانه نابغاً ويستعين به الطالب المبتدي، ولا يستغنى عنه الراغب المنتهي...
The Enlightenment of the Glorious (Medium) فتح المجيد
إن كلمة التوحيد الخالدة لها أثر بالغ في حياة الأمة. فهي قاعدة الإسلام العظمى، وحقيقته الكبرى، التي لا يقبل الله العمل إلا بها.. ولا يرضى لعباده سواها، ولا طريق إلى محبته ورحمته إلا عن طريقها. إن كتاب (فتح المجيد لشرح كتاب التوحيد) هو من أوفى وأشمل كتب الدعوة، التي أسهمت في بيان منهجها وشرح طريقتها والدفاع عنها. بأسلوب علمي، وطريقة معتدلة.
Dana Princess Series (5 Books)
سلسلة قصصية هادفة وممتعة للأطفال، مكونة من خمس أجزاء، تحكي مغامرات الأميرة دانا وأصدقاءها في مدينة الشوكوفواكي أنا الأميرَةُ دانا بنَفسَجُ لانا، عُمري خمسُ سنواتٍ، ولستُ مِثلَ بقيَّةِالأميراتِ. والِدي شَهدُ بنَفسَجُ لانا هوَ ملِكُ مدينَةِ الشُّوكوفَواكي الشَّهيرَةِ. وأصدِقائي مِشمِشُ ورُمَّانُ وتِينَةُ وتُوتَةُ، يَأتونَ مع أهلِهِم لِمِهرَجانِالش...
Modern Yassarnal Qur'an أنوار قرآنية في القاعدة البغدادية
Want to teach your students a way to read the Qur'an more effectively? IQRA’ is pleased to present Modern Yassarnal Qur’an by noted Chicago-area Arabic teacher, Zaineb Musleh. Musleh is a Palestinian-American who holds a BA in education. She received an ijazah in Qur’an recitation (qira’at) while living in Jordan and she is certified by DePaul U...
Ya Hala Arabic For Non-Native Speakers Textbook: Level 1, Part 2 ياهلا
Key features of the textbook: Eight learning modules, each containing: an opening page, three lessons of two double pages each, and one assessment page. Systematic practice of all four skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Section to learn new vocabulary. Section which provides pronunciation practice. Grammar in pract...
The Amazing Toilet Paper Roll لفافة الورق العجيبة
The Amazing Toilet Paper Roll لفافة الورق العجيبة
لفافة الورق الكرتونيّة متوفّرة في كلّ بيت، وبدلاً من رميها في القمامة يمكن إعادة تدويرها لعمل أشكال فنّيّة جميلة تنمّي الخَلْق والإبداع عند الأطفال. يساعد هذا الكتاب الطفل على تمرين حواسّه وعضلاته الصغيرة من خلال اتّباع تعليمات تعزّز مهاراته الفنّيّة وتزيد من تركيزه. كتاب "لفافة الورق العجيبة" يحتوي على الكثيرمن الأفكار المسلّية الّتي يمكن للأط...
Arabic Language Friends Teacher Book: Level 4 أصدقاء العربية
Arabic Language Friends is an educational series written for non-Arabic speakers. It includes six sequential levels . Each level consists of a student’s book, activity book, and supplemental materials, including CDs, flash cards, posters, and stories. (These supplemental materials are not yet ready from publisher). It helps students master bas...
Sandi and the Ladybug
Sandi and the Ladybug
Based on a true story! Sandi finds Walter the ladybug in her lettuce and tries to help him find his way back home, but they figure out that home can be with new friends. In this, Sandi’s first children’s book, she hopes to teach our youngest generation that all creatures, big or even as small as a ladybug, should be honored and cherished.
Young Sherlock Holmes and John Whiskers: The Nervous Case of the Missing Homework
Young Sherlock Holmes and his stuffed sidekick cat, John Whiskers, solve a mysterious case at Sherlock’s new school. In the meantime, Sherlock has to solve a problem of his own—feeling nervous about making new friends.
Believe: The Dos & Don'ts of the Quran
This is a raw list. A list of the rules, obligations, guidelines, regulations, orders, directives, instructions, or however you'd like to perceive them derived from the 114 chapters, 6,236 verses, and 77,449 words in the Quran—the Holy Islamic book. Listed in 5 easy categories: worship, character, giving and taking, relationships, and eating and...
Kindness is a Waiting Place
Kindness is a Waiting Place
Penelope Whitaker sets off for Syria as a relief worker, leaving behind her apathetic suburban life in search of meaning. But when a bombing in Aleppo derails her plans, she finds herself stuck in Istanbul. There, beneath all its beauty, she encounters untold suffering, through the eyes of Ameer, the forgotten Syrian boy, and Mr. Ghanzali, a che...
Companions Around The Prophet
When I began writing the books in the Golden Titles series, I felt that the contemporary Muslim desperately needs serenity of the heart, and the only way one can achieve this is through emulation of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his companions. Following their footsteps will open the gates of success, prosperity, and reverence, as it di...
The Golden Path For Teenagers
The Golden Path for Teenagers recounts the interesting and instructive events of the lives of Allah’s Messenger (peace on him), the rightly-guided caliphs, the pious ancestors, the famous kings, and other luminaries of Islam in an attractive way, with simple, easy, and flowing language. Most of the events have been taken from reliable Arabic sou...
Imam Ahmad bin Hanble (urdu) إمام أحمد بن حنبل
Ahmad bin Muhammad bin is commonly known as Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal was a vigorous scholar with enormous influence on the Muslim community in the fields of Fiqh and Hadith. He stood steadfast in front of many challenges and presented the true Islam in the light of Quran & Sunnah. Reading his biography will let you know about the amazing charac...
Arabic Language for Beginner Workbook: Level 11 اللغة العربية للناشئين
This series is aimed at teaching and developing the linguistic skills of non-Arabic speaking children. Some of the main objectives include: 1. Making Arabic appealing to the students and enabling them to understand the meaning of words when they hear them.2. Teaching students to read Arabic loudly and accurately with full understanding of the me...
Whose Doll Is This? لمن هذه الدمية
Born and raised in the US, seventeen-year-old Arwa is looking for a special gift to give to her grandmother Laila, a university professor in Chicago. Never in her wildest dreams did she expect to find such an unbelievable present. Together with her best friend Sarah, she embarks on an exciting adventure to find out how her Grandma's present ende...
Ahbab al-Quran (My Skills and Experiences): Level 1, Part 2 أحباب القرآن
Ahbab Al Qura’n First curriculum: (Ahbab Al Qura’n) is ( a curriculum specialized in Juzu A’mma) that presents sruas of the juzu through graphics which helps the child to memorize the juzu and remember it. Second curriculum: (Ahbab Al Qura’n … In values we rise) It’s a matronly product consists of ten school units divided on two semesters, rep...
Factory of Memories مصنع الذكريات
Jaber, Rafia, Mansour, and Adli are going to tenth grade. They have been good friends since they were in kindergarten. Under the carob tree on Asour Hill, the friends play the memory game and share memories that will soon expose the hidden facets of each of their personalities. What is it that pushes Jaber to protect his memories? Why did Jaber ...
The Lanterns of the Enchanted Cave قناديل الكهف المسحور
جاد، كرم، كرمة، عمر، سمر، خمسة أصدقاء لهم طبائع وصفات مختلفة، ولكن تجمعهم صداقة متينة ويلقّبون أنفسهم بـ “شلّة المخلوطة”. يذهب الأصدقاء في رحلة مدرسيّة إلى غابات برقش، فيخبرهم جاد عن أسطورة تتحدّث عن كنز مدفون خبّأته كائنات فضائيّة في أحد كهوف الغابة. وأثناء تجوّلهم في الغابة يكتشفون ممرَّا غامضًا بين الأشجار فيقرّرون السير فيه. ترى إلى أين سين...
Contemplate With Anoos Stories - Love Series 3 (4 Books,with Audio CD) منهاج تفكر مع أنوس سلسلة الحب
Contemplate With Anoos Stories - Love Series 3 (4 Books,with Audio CD) منهاج تفكر مع أنوس سلسلة الحب
هو منهاج تربوي تأملي إبداعي قيمي يهدف إلى تربية وبناء الشخصية الإبداعية الأخلاقية القادرة على المساهمة في دور فاعل في البناء الحضاري، وذلك من خلال تحقيق تنمية متكاملة للمجالات الروحية والنفسية والعقلية والسلوكية، بالاستناد إلى منهجية فريدة تجمع بين الأصالة والمعاصرة، الأصالة في ارتكازها إلى التفكر والقيم الأخلاقية والهوية، والمعاصرة في ارتكا...
Contemplate With Anoos Stories - Love Series 2 (8 Books,with Audio CD) منهاج تفكر مع أنوس سلسلة الحب
Contemplate With Anoos Stories - Love Series 2 (8 Books,with Audio CD) منهاج تفكر مع أنوس سلسلة الحب
هو منهاج تربوي تأملي إبداعي قيمي يهدف إلى تربية وبناء الشخصية الإبداعية الأخلاقية القادرة على المساهمة في دور فاعل في البناء الحضاري، وذلك من خلال تحقيق تنمية متكاملة للمجالات الروحية والنفسية والعقلية والسلوكية، بالاستناد إلى منهجية فريدة تجمع بين الأصالة والمعاصرة، الأصالة في ارتكازها إلى التفكر والقيم الأخلاقية والهوية، والمعاصرة في ارتكازها...
Ahbab Al-Quran (My Skills and Experiences): Level 2, Part 2 أحباب القرآن
Ahbab al-Qur'an First curriculum: Ahbab al-Qur'an is a curriculum specializing in Juz Amma. It presents the surahs of the juz using graphics to help children memorize the juz and remember it. Second curriculum: Ahbab al-Qur'an: In Values We Rise consists of ten school units divided into two semesters. It focuses on love, love of Allah and His ...
Ahbab Al-Quran (My Skills and Experiences): Level 2, Part 1 أحباب القرآن
Ahbab al-Qur'an First curriculum: Ahbab al-Qur'an is a curriculum specializing in Juz Amma. It presents the surahs of the juz using graphics to help children memorize the juz and remember it. Second curriculum: Ahbab al-Qur'an: In Values We Rise consists of ten school units divided into two semesters. It focuses on love, love of Allah and His ...
Ahbab Al-Quran (My Skills and Experiences): Level 1, Part 1 أحباب القرآن
Ahbab Al Qura’n First curriculum: (Ahbab Al Qura’n) is ( a curriculum specialized in Juzu A’mma) that presents sruas of the juzu through graphics which helps the child to memorize the juzu and remember it. Second curriculum: (Ahbab Al Qura’n … In values we rise) It’s a matronly product consists of ten school units divided on two semesters, r...
My Beautiful Numbers Workbook: Level 2 أرقامي الجميلة
In this series, the child is introduced to the world of numbers. The lesson begins by using shapes and progresses to teaching basic math skills like addition, subtraction and multiplication. It will get progressively harder, with each lesson, to challenge your child's skills. It is a fun and educational series that will help children develop rea...
My Beautiful Numbers Textbook: Level 2 أرقامي الجميلة
In this series, children are introduced to the world of numbers. The book begins with shapes and progresses to basic math skills such as addition, subtraction, and multiplication. The material gets progressively more difficult in order to challenge children. It is a fun and educational series that will help children develop reading skills, color...
My Beautiful Numbers Workbook: Level 1 أرقامي الجميلة
In this series, the child is introduced to the world of numbers. The lesson begins by using shapes and progresses to teaching basic math skills like addition, subtraction and multiplication. It will get progressively harder, with each lesson, to challenge your child's skills. It is a fun and educational series that will help children develop rea...
My Beautiful Numbers Textbook: Level 1 أرقامي الجميلة
In this series, students are introduced to the world of numbers. Lessons begin with shapes and progress to teach basic math skills such as addition, subtraction, and multiplication. Lessons get progressively harder to challenge students and develop their skills. It is a fun and educational series that will help students develop reading, coloring...
Learning Props English-Arabic Books (Set of 10 Books)
These colorful 20-page picture books feature real objects and children, all labelled appropriately. Designed for preschool children and language learners 3–6 years old, this delightful resource includes the following titles: Body Parts This book uses colorful photographs of children to guide a conversation about parts of the body. Count on ...
The Spottywish
The Spottywish
Discover what happens when a little girl encounters the curious creature of the Spottywish in this delightful children's book. Vivid illustrations will capture children's imaginations. A must-have for teaching and learning good values. The Muslim protagonist promotes multiculturalism as well as an Islamic identity for Muslim children.
Mabrook! A World of Muslim Weddings
Mabrook! A World of Muslim Weddings
A wedding book with a difference! We celebrate muslim weddings around the world in style with "Mabrook!" by Na'ima B. Robert and Shirin Adl...In a wonderful singsong lyrical journey, Mabrook shows how different people around the world celebrate their muslim faith in the glorious celebration of matrimony.With a rich cultural heritage and great re...
Sahlawayhi 5: Graded Stories - Intermediate
This is the first-ever series of graded stories for beginning and intermediate adult learners of Arabic as a foreign language. It is based on the following pedagogical principles: gradual introduction of vocabulary and structure, in context. frequent recycling of both. a huge volume of comprehensible input. The 24 stories in this reader ...
A Journey with the Beloved Prophet: Part 5 سلسلة رحلة مع الحبيب المصطفى
هذا الكتاب: للآباء الحريصين على تربية أبنائهم على حب الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم وتعلم سيرته الشريفة. لمعلمي مادة التربية الإسلامية واللغة العربية الراغبين في إضافة التشويق إلى أسلوبهم التعليمي. لأطفال الأمة الإسلامية وشبابها الذين ينوون بناء الحضارة بغرس لبنة حب الحبيب المصطفى صلى الله عليه وسلم في نفوسهم.
Preparing for School - My Arabic Letters: Part 2 الاستعداد للمدرسة - أحرفي العربية
In this book the child learns the following: How to concentrate and follow instructions. How to build his mental abilities with challenging exercises. How to read and write the alphabet. 100 noun vocabulary words. The names of 50 animals with pictures. The names of 29 plants, fruits and vegetables. Additional skills including: colori...
Preparing for School - My Arabic Letters: Part 1 الاستعداد للمدرسة - أحرفي العربية
In this book the child learns the following: How to concentrate and follow instructions. How to build his mental abilities with challenging exercises. How to read and write the alphabet. 100 noun vocabulary words The names of 50 animals with pictures. The names of 29 plants, fruits and vegetables Additional skills including: co...
The Direct Object المفعول به
The Direct Object المفعول به
To Delight, Entertain and Educate! This learning chart is a wonderful ally both in the classroom, and at home. It contains informative, educational content and the colorful design makes it perfect to display on walls or to decorate any flat surface. Features include: A texture which is perfect to use with write on/wipe off crayons. A lamin...
Tanween التنوين
Tanween التنوين
To Delight, Entertain and Educate! This learning chart is a wonderful ally both in the classroom, and at home. It contains informative, educational content and the colorful design makes it perfect to display on walls or to decorate any flat surface. Features include: A texture which is perfect to use with write on/wipe off crayons. A lamin...
Useful Speech الكلام المفيد
Useful Speech الكلام المفيد
To Delight, Entertain and Educate! This learning chart is a wonderful ally both in the classroom, and at home. It contains informative, educational content and the colorful design makes it perfect to display on walls or to decorate any flat surface. Features include: A texture which is perfect to use with write on/wipe off crayons. A lamin...
The Past Tense الفعل الماضي
The Past Tense الفعل الماضي
To Delight, Entertain and Educate! This learning chart is a wonderful ally both in the classroom, and at home. It contains informative, educational content and the colorful design makes it perfect to display on walls or to decorate any flat surface. Features include: A texture which is perfect to use with write on/wipe off crayons. A lamin...
The Present Tense الفعل المضارع
The Present Tense الفعل المضارع
To Delight, Entertain and Educate! This learning chart is a wonderful ally both in the classroom, and at home. It contains informative, educational content and the colorful design makes it perfect to display on walls or to decorate any flat surface. Features include: A texture which is perfect to use with write on/wipe off crayons. A lamin...
Shadda الشدة
Shadda الشدة
To Delight, Entertain and Educate! This learning chart is a wonderful ally both in the classroom, and at home. It contains informative, educational content and the colorful design makes it perfect to display on walls or to decorate any flat surface. Features include: A texture which is perfect to use with write on/wipe off crayons. A lamin...
Ramadan Activity Book (100+ Stickers, New Edition)
Ramadan Activity Book (100+ Stickers, New Edition)
We know how you feel because we’ve been there too. What we really need is a way to both excite and educate our children about Ramadan in a way that endears their hearts to the great month and shows its blessings as a golden opportunity for them to get closer to Allah. That’s exactly why we designed the Learning Roots Ramadan Activity Book that c...