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States Do Not Go to Heaven: Towards a Theory of Islamic Agency in International Relations
States Do Not Go to Heaven: Towards a Theory of Islamic Agency in International Relations
This book compares and contrasts Islamic worldviews and Western theoretical perspectives on international relations to suggest that a combination of the two could lead to a mutually beneficial redefinition of contemporary international relations utilizing Western theoretical tools and incorporating an Islamic perspective. Particular focus is giv...
In Service of God and Humanity: The Legacy of Shaykh Muhammad al-Ghazali
In his passionate devotion to the task of inviting others to Islam, Muhammad al-Ghazali (1917-1996) presented Muslims with a powerful critique of themselves, not only in their endemic failure to project Islam in the best, most reasoned light, but also in their betrayal of the Qur'an's spiritual principles and the highest standards set by the Pro...
Qur'anic Terminology: A Linguistic and Semantic Analysis
There is no way to understand the Qur'an properly, or to elucidate as accurately as possible the meaning of its verses, without studying Qur'anic terminology and concepts. Taken together these sum up the universal truths of the Faith (the great moral code), not only animating the text and giving it incredible life, precision, and flexibility, bu...
The Power of Education
The Power of Education
"Knowledge is power," a statement commonly attributed to an eminent English philosopher and scientist in 1597, still highlights today the importance of knowledge in the modern world. Education forms the basis of our knowledge and its development, from our earliest experiences at school through to Higher Education. Individuals use their knowledge...
An Introduction to Sahih Al-Bukhari
Hadith Studies for High School aims to provide high school students with a foundational awareness of hadith sciences (‘ulum ul-hadith) as well as the major collections of ahadith, which are part and parcel of Islamic religious low and spiritual endeavors. This important educational program on hadith sciences is recommended for the students of Is...
An Introduction to Usul al-Fiqh
Fiqh, or Islamic Jurisprudence, is one of the major and, perhaps, most weighty of Islamic sciences. Its principles are central to understanding Islamic primary sources and to deducing positive interpretations of the faith. Our primary sources define these principles in different ways. Nonetheless, the most comprehensive and apt definition is as...
An Introduction to Ulum al Hadith.
This textbook has been designed to provide high school-level students as well as general adult readers with a general introduction to Hadith Sciences (‘Ulum ul-Hadith). This textbook will give students a foundational background to comprehend this oftentimes intricate and multifaceted aspect of Islamic Studies.
An Introduction to Fiqh Mu'amalat
Fiqh Muamalat is the part of Fiqh dealing with relations between peopleCOMMAHERE such as the Islamic commercial law. It is the area of fiqh which governs the review process for Islamic financial products from the perspective of Shari'ah-compliance and does not have legal force in countries without explicitly Islamic legal systems that cover com...
Goodword - I Love Islam: Level 1
Designed for use at home and school, I Love Islam is an invaluable course for the young believers. The book has been designed to present the young children a comprehensive Islamic education, based on the Quran and Hadith. This book is ideal for children of five years and above and will act as a foundation on which to build a growing k...
Who Could I Be?
Who Could I Be?
Through the book, children will learn about animals and their distinctive features, and the repetitive use of questioning encourages them to use the clues to keep guessing and wanting to turn the page to find out what animal it is. Most importantly, it sheds light on and promotes the beauty of our Creator’s creations.
Enrichment Curriculum for Kindergarten - Reading and Writing Textbook: Level 3, Part 1 المنهاج الإثرائي لرياض الأطفال-القراءة والكتابة
This book includes fourteen letters that are arranged from the easiest to the most difficult based on writing and pronunciation. It commences where the letter first becomes abstract and then forms with Al Fatha, Al Damma, Al Kasra and the three shapes of the letter. The letter is supported with vocabulary terms based on the letter. It also inclu...
Ready to Write Alif Ba Ta
Ready to Write Alif Ba Ta
This colorful workbook is designed to introduce Arabic alphabet to kindergarten students. Simple easy-to-follow dotted fonts with arrow indicators are designed to help students learn how to write the letters. Familiar Arabic words associated with the letters are included to jump start learning. صمم هذا الكتاب الملون لتقديم الاحرف الابجدية العربي...
Samsam Adventures Series (12 Books) سلسلة مغامرات سَمْسَم
سلسلة محببة تعرضها محطات التلفزيون العالمية ما يجعل الأطفال يتحمسون لقراءتها. حكايات مسلية عن البطل الصغير سمسم، ومغامراته مع أصدقائه، تدور في إطار من المرح والبهجة، مما يخلق جواً لطيفاً يجذب الأطفال ويسعدهم. تعالج كل مغامرة من مغامرات سمسم موضوعاً لصيقاً بحياة الطفل اليوميّة، إذ يكتشف العالم ويتعلم كيف يواجه مخاوفه من خلال عالم خياليّ و...
That is Life هذه هي الحياة
That is Life هذه هي الحياة
كيف بدأت الحياة؟ ما الذي يقف في ذروة السلسلة الغذائية؟ ما هي أعجب أشكال الحياة على كوكب الأرض؟ "هذه هي الحياة" يفتح أبوابَ بيولوجيا عالمنا الحي، كاشفاً عن الأسرار الأخّاذة لكل شيء تحت الشمس. اِستكشف كوكبنا المُدهش، من حجارة بناء الحياة الأساسية للكائنات كلها إلى النشاط الذي لا ينقطع من أخذ وعطاء، والذي يساعد الحيوانات والنباتات على البقاء...
The Qur'anic Worldview: A Springboard for Cultural Reform
This is a carefully reasoned, positive, and largely reflective work. Looking back at the various stages of Islamic historical development, AbuSulayman puts forward a thesis that focuses on the recovery of what is termed the Qur’anic worldview. By this is meant an ethical, monotheistic, and purposeful perspective on the world and those within it....
Apostasy in Islam: A Historical and Scriptural Analysis
What is the legally prescribed penalty, if any, for apostasy (al-riddah), and how does this relate to the demand for religious tolerance as stipulated in verse 2:256 of the Quran (There shall be no compulsion in matters of faith)? It is an established fact that the Prophet never, in his entire life, put an apostate to death. Yet, the issue remai...
Al-Shura: The Qur'anic Principle of Consultation
Muslims remain largely unaware of the importance and value of the Quranic principle of al-Shura (mutual consultation) and the significant role it can play in the advancement and reform of Muslim society. In this work, the author attempts to introduce and examine key meanings and practices of al-Shura, trace its historical evolution, and explore ...
Anthropomorphic Depictions of God: The Concept of God in Judaic, Christian and Islamic Traditions
Anthropomorphic Depictions of God: The Concept of God in Judaic, Christian and Islamic Traditions
This monumental study examines issues of anthropomorphism in the three Abrahamic faiths, as viewed through the texts of the Hebrew Bible, the New Testament, and the Quran. Throughout history Christianity and Judaism have tried to make sense of God. While juxtaposing the Islamic position against this, the author addresses the Judeo-Christian ...
Mapping the Secular Mind: Modernity's Quest for A Godless Utopia
The secular mind had a grand plan to establish an earthly paradise, a utopia of the here and now, a modern civilization governed by human reason, rationality, and the triumph of progress. Whilst ideals are one thing, the means to realize them is something else. Away from the hype, emancipating humanity from the "shackles" of God and religion has...
Weekend Learning Islamic Studies: Teacher Guide Level 9 (With USB)
As Islamic Studies lessons become more in-depth and varied, the demand for an Annotated Teacher’s Edition increases. These manual aims, in sha Allah, to significantly simplify teachers' lives. Students will benefit from a well-organized classroom environment and supplementary materials provided by their teacher. The manual aligns with the studen...
Weekend Learning Islamic Studies: Teacher Guide Level 8 (With USB)
This essential manual is aligned with the student textbook, offering not only a comprehensive overview of the curriculum but also additional resources that enrich the learning experience. It includes in-depth explanations that clarify complex topics, meticulously crafted lesson plans tailored to foster effective teaching methodologies, comprehen...
Weekend Learning Islamic Studies: Teacher Guide Level 7 (With USB)
The Annotated Teacher’s Edition corresponds to the revised and enlarged edition of the Islamic Studies Level 7 textbook. This essential manual aligns closely with the student textbook, providing a wealth of additional resources designed to support educators. It includes detailed explanations that elucidate complex concepts, meticulously crafted ...
Great Muslims of the West - Makers of Western Islam
Great Muslims of the West - Makers of Western Islam
Muslims have lived in the "West" for hundreds of years, yet the lives of all but a few are little known. In this illuminating work, Muhammad Mojlum Khan sets out to change this by revealing the lives and impact of over fifty significant Muslims, from the founder of Muslim Spain in the eighth century to Muhammad Ali today. This extraordinary book...
Story and Additional Activity Series (5 Books): Level 6 سلسلة قصة ونشاط إضافي
نُصوصٌ مُتَنَوِّعَةٌ أَرْفَقْناها بِمَجْموعَةٍ مِنَ الأَسْئِلَةِ والتَّمارينِ الهادِفَة: أسئلة حول النصّ ـ في اللغة ـ في القواعد ـ في التعبير ـ ونشاط مسلٍّ... في مَجالاتٍ عَديدَة، الغايَةُ مِنْها تَرْغيبُ أَبْنائِنا في الحَلَقَتَيْنِ الأولى والثّانِيَةِ بِلُغَتِهِمِ الأُمّ، وإغْناءُ مَخْزونِهِمِ اللُّغَوِيّ، وتَمْكينِهِمْ مِنَ التَّعْبيرِ والاس...
Story and Additional Activity Series (5 Books): Level 5 سلسلة قصة ونشاط إضافي
نُصوصٌ مُتَنَوِّعَةٌ أَرْفَقْناها بِمَجْموعَةٍ مِنَ الأَسْئِلَةِ والتَّمارينِ الهادِفَة: أسئلة حول النصّ ـ في اللغة ـ في القواعد ـ في التعبير ـ ونشاط مسلٍّ... في مَجالاتٍ عَديدَة، الغايَةُ مِنْها تَرْغيبُ أَبْنائِنا في الحَلَقَتَيْنِ الأولى والثّانِيَةِ بِلُغَتِهِمِ الأُمّ، وإغْناءُ مَخْزونِهِمِ اللُّغَوِيّ، وتَمْكينِهِمْ مِنَ التَّعْبيرِ والاس...
Story and Additional Activity Series (4 Books): Level 4 سلسلة قصة ونشاط إضافي
نُصوصٌ مُتَنَوِّعَةٌ أَرْفَقْناها بِمَجْموعَةٍ مِنَ الأَسْئِلَةِ والتَّمارينِ الهادِفَة: أسئلة حول النصّ ـ في اللغة ـ في القواعد ـ في التعبير ـ ونشاط مسلٍّ... في مَجالاتٍ عَديدَة، الغايَةُ مِنْها تَرْغيبُ أَبْنائِنا في الحَلَقَتَيْنِ الأولى والثّانِيَةِ بِلُغَتِهِمِ الأُمّ، وإغْناءُ مَخْزونِهِمِ اللُّغَوِيّ، وتَمْكينِهِمْ مِنَ التَّعْبيرِ والاس...
The Cockroach of the Night Series - To Childhood إلى الطفولة
تصفحت الجدة دفتر المذكرات، وبدأت تقرأ. ثم كتبت لطفولتها رسالة..
Kalimah Tayibah Student Book: Level 5 (English Edition)
Kalimah Tayibah's main objective is planting the seed of the blessed phrase "La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammad Rasulullah" in the hearts of our children. It is a comprehensive curriculum in Islamic education that consists of age-related books targeting children of all school levels (Kindergarten to Grade 12). The curriculum aims at teaching: the...
Kalimah Tayibah Student Book: Level 4 (English Edition)
Kalimah Tayibah's main objective is planting the seed of the blessed phrase "La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammad Rasulullah" in the hearts of our children. It is a comprehensive curriculum in Islamic education that consists of age-related books targeting children of all school levels (Kindergarten to Grade 12). The curriculum aims at teaching: the l...
Kalimah Tayibah Student Book: (English Edition) Level 3
Kalimah Tayibah's main objective is planting the seed of the blessed phrase "La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammad Rasulullah" in the hearts of our children. It is a comprehensive curriculum in Islamic education that consists of age-related books targeting children of all school levels (Kindergarten to Grade 12). The curriculum aims at teaching: the lo...
We Are Muslims Textbook: Grade 6
This sixth-grade textbook is part of IQRA's completely revised and revitalized aqeedah, fiqh, and akhlaq program. It conveys in a clear and comprehensive manner the beliefs of Islam as well as its universal moral principles, especially those relating to personal and social ethics.. This is the first textbook written to introduce the basics ...
Nody Stories Series (9 Books) سلسلة نودي القصصية
Nody Stories Series (9 Books) سلسلة نودي القصصية
تتناول هذه السلسلة القصصية مفاهيم تخاطب الطفل بلغة شيقة، من خلال أحداث وحوارات تدور بين نودي ومن حوله من الأصدقاء والأهل أثناء تواجده في أمكان مختلفة ، حيث تجيب عن بعض الأسئلة التي يطرحها الطفل بما يتناسب ومرحتله العمرية مدعمة برسوم معبرة وواضحة وجميلة. تتألف السلسلة من: اعتمد على نفسك يا نودي دراجة العم أبو لحية نودي والجائزة ا...
Al-Qaa'idah Al-Qur'aaniyyah, An Introduction to Tajweed
Learning to read the Qur’an properly is one of the many obligatory duties of a Muslim. Recitation gets better and more beautiful as one continues to read the Qur’an, meticulously following the rules and techniques Qur’anic recitation (tajweed). If you want to learn the art of Qur’anic recitation in the most beautiful and sublime manner, then...
Golden Seerah: For the Young Generation
This full-color, illustrated, easy-to-read biography of our beloved Prophet is written particularly for the younger generation and those embarking on their quest for knowledge. It is authored by Abdul Malik Mujahid, who has completed extensive research, has vast knowledge of the Seerah, and has written in an easy to read style. The book is nicel...
Attainment of the Happiness
Attainment of the Happiness
Attainment of Happiness: Hadith Encyclopedia on Tauhid is the most valuable book on the topic of Islamic Monotheism. It contains all the authentic hadith related to tawheed—the worship of One God—all in one place, organized by chapters according to their subject matter. The very accomplished author of this book is a very well-known Islamic schol...
Entertain with Scientists تسلَ مع العلماء
أصدرت مكتبة عالمي الممتع قصصاً للعلماء الذين ساهموا في بناء الحضارة مثل الإمام البخاري والامام مسلم و أحمد بن حنبل والشافعي ومالك وأبو حنيفة والغزالي .... وفي مكتبة عالمي الممتع يستمتع الأطفال بسماع القصة وينظرون إلى أحداثها من خلال القصة المصورة التي تصور حياة العلماء وتستعين المعلمة بكتاب تسلَ مع العلماء لمعرفة مدى فهم الأطفال للقصص. ...
Maryam the daughter Of Imran (Mary the mother of Jesus) - Immortal Women Series: Level 3 مريم البتول
Maryam the daughter Of Imran (Mary the mother of Jesus) - Immortal Women Series: Level 3 مريم البتول
This level tells the story of Maryam as she lived with the People of Israel and gave birth to the Prophet Esa (peace be upon him). The third level is suitable for 8 year old children and those who are able to read short stories with the help of adults.
Maryam the daughter Of Imran (Mary the mother of Jesus) - Immortal Women Series: Level 2 مريم البتول
Maryam the daughter Of Imran (Mary the mother of Jesus) - Immortal Women Series: Level 2 مريم البتول
This level tells the story of Maryam as she lived with the People of Israel and gave birth to the Prophet Esa (peace be upon him). The second level is suitable for 6 year old children and for emergent reads who need the assistance of others to be able to read short sentences.
Maryam the daughter Of Imran (Mary the mother of Jesus) - Immortal Women Series: Level 1 مريم البتول
Maryam the daughter Of Imran (Mary the mother of Jesus) - Immortal Women Series: Level 1 مريم البتول
This level tells the story of Maryam as she lived with the People of Israel and gave birth to the Prophet Esa (peace be upon him). The level is suitable for 6 year old children and who are taking the first steps in reading .
Entertain with the Family of Caliph Harun : Level 4 تسلّ مع عائلة الخليفة هارون الرشيد
عبارة عن تمارين عن حياة الخليفة هارون الرشيد و جميع أفراد عائلته و أهم الأحداث في حياته للمستوى الرابع .
Entertain with the Family of Caliph Harun : Level 3 تسلّ مع عائلة الخليفة هارون الرشيد
عبارة عن تمارين عن حياة الخليفة هارون الرشيد وجميع أإفراد عائلته و أهم الأحداث في حياته للمستوى الثالث .
Entertain with the Family of Caliph Harun : Level 2 تسلّ مع عائلة الخليفة هارون الرشيد
عبارة عن تمارين عن حياة الخليفة هارون الرشيد و جميع أفراد عائلته وأهم الأحداث في حياته.. للمستوى الثاني .
Entertain with the Family of Caliph Harun : Level 1 تسلّ مع عائلة الخليفة هارون الرشيد
معلومات عن حياة الخليفة هارون الرشيد و جميع أفراد عائلته وأهم الأحداث في حياته بطريق السؤال والجواب للمستوى الأول.
Be entertained with Imams : level 4 تسل مع الأئمة
يحتوي الكتيب على تطبيق للقصص الأربع وهي : الإمام بخاري - الإمام مسلم - الإمام ابن تيمية للمستوى الرابع .
Be entertained with Imams: Level 3 تسل مع الأئمة
يحتوي الكتيب على تطبيق للقصص الأربع وهي : الإمام بخاري - الإمام مسلم - الإمام ابن تيمية للمستوى الثالث .
Be entertained with Imams : level 2 تسل مع الأئمة
يحتوي الكتيب على تطبيق للقصص الثلاث وهي : الإمام بخاري - الإمام مسلم - الإمام ابن تيمية للمستوى الثاني.
Be entertained with Imams : level 1 تسلَّ مع الأئمة
يحتوي الكتيب على تطبيق للقصص الأربع وهي : الإمام بخاري - الإمام مسلم - الإمام ابن تيمية للمستوى الأول .
Preparing for School - Numbers and Skills: level 1 الاستعداد للمدرسة - أرقام ومهارات
Dear Parents & Teachers, Children must first learn numbers and counting before beginning to learn math. Teaching your child the basics of math, at a young age, will help build a strong foundation that will assist him in school. This book makes learning the basics of math fun and exciting! Your child will learn addition, subtraction, divisio...