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La Resurrección Menor -The Minor Resurrection القيامة الصغرى
Qué sucede después de la muerte? ¿Cuándo llegará el fin del mundo? Estamos viviendo los "Últimos Días"? Estas interrogantes forman parte de todas las culturas. Muchos han tratado de responder a ellas, dando lugar a diferentes teorías que van desde lo fantasioso hasta lo simplemente nihilista. Sin embargo los conceptos fabricados por el hombre no...
The Ideal Muslimah (Urdu) مثالى عورت
This is an Urdu translation of the book The Ideal Muslimah: The True Islamic Personality of the Muslim Woman as Defined in the Qur’an and Sunnah - مثالی عورت- قرآن و سنت کے آئینے میں. In defining what an ideal Muslimah's character would look like, there are a few key attributes which separate her from the average woman. The Qur'an also defines s...
You Can Be the Happiest Woman in the World (Urdu) خوش نصيب عورت
This book is IIPH's Urdu translation of You Can Be the Happiest Woman in the World: A Treasure Chest of Reminders. If you have ever had depressing thoughts, low motivation, or constant stress, you are not alone. Dr. al-Qarni provides inspiration for all situations in life that can cause us grief. Tragedies often make us realize that in order to ...
How can I become the best (Set of 3 Books) سلسلة كيف أكون الأفضل
كيف تكون الأفضل من خلال اتباع تصرفات وسلوك مميز خلال حياتك اليومية. وتتكون هذه السلسلة من العناوين التالية : انا احب المساعدة والمشاركة أنا أحب الصدق أنا ذو السلوك الحسن
The Music Made Me Do It وضع الموسيقى في الإسلام
Is the issue of music a controversial one in Islam? With the prevalence of computers and various electronic devices today, music and singing seem to be everywhere, and contemporary Muslims may be confused about their status in Islamic teachings. The Music Made Me Do It: An In-Depth Study of Music through Islam and Science examines this topic in ...
Arabic Club Teacher Book: Volume 3 نادي العربية
This book is a supplementary guide to teaching Arabic to first grade students. It can also serve as a remedial guide for students in all levels of elementary school. This book specifically addresses difficulties in writing Arabic letters, connecting them to form words, and reading. This book has a holistic, flexible and diversified curriculum a...
I Love Arabic Teacher Book: Level 5 (With Data CD) أحب العربية كتاب المعلم
This is the most comprehensive curriculum for teaching non-Arabic in Islamic schools in North America. Where The author who lived and taught in the West; add a great advantage toward this recommendation and aim to focus on similar letters, reading and comprehension, creative writing exercises, ordering, pronunciation, fill in the missing letter,...
Sweets Educational Series (4 books) سلسلة السكاكر التعليمية
سلسلة تعلم الطفل بعض المفاهيم من حوله بأسلوب ممتع ومشوق من خلال جعل الكتيب على شكل حلوى تجذب انتباهه وتشجعه على التعلم. القصص مصنوعة من الكرتون المقوى بالكامل، صغيرة الجم بحيث يستطيع الطفل أن يضعها في جيبه. تحتوي هذه السلسلة على : الأرقام الألوان الحيوانات في المنزل
A Taste of Patience (English)
A Taste of Patience (English)
The writer is a survivor of an accident that altered his life. He is a man who managed to overcome adversity and transform bitterness into personal success, as his literary gains outweighed his physical restrictions. Where his physical condition limited his movements, his creative writing opened up a new horizon that enabled him to freely intera...
Which Way to Paradise? A Guide to Islam for Beginner and Intermediate Muslims
"Which Way to Paradise? A Guide to Islam for Beginner and Intermediate Muslims" seeks to elucidate Islamic principles and injunctions and elaborate on the very spirit of Islam, while at the same time exposing and refuting common misconceptions about the religion. In an engaging question and answer format, K. Sherman leads the readers on an uplif...
Baby & Child Health Everything You Need to Know صحة طفلك كل ما تحتاجين إلى معرفته
كتاب لكل أم وكل بيت. يقدم نصائح فورية وتطمينات تحتاجين إليها عندما يكون طفلك مريضاً، من الولادة وحتى العاشرة من العمر. مخططات سهلة التتبع للأعراض التي يصاب بها الأطفال، وإرشادات تكشف عما يشكو منه طفلك في لمحة واحدة. يغطي ما يزيد عن 150 مرضاً شائعاً وإصابة مما يتعرض له الأطفال. صور تفصيلية ودقيقة، ونصوص واضحة تُريك ما يمكن أن تفعلي ف...
I Love Arabic Workbook: Level 6 أحب العربية كتاب التدريبات
The sixth activity book expands on the sixth student's book and reinforces acquired skills and linguistic structures. Each of the 25 lessons in the student's book has 3 accompanying pages in the activity book. Students can work on the activities in class with a teacher’s help and can complete them at home. Teachers should collect books from stud...
I Love Arabic Textbook: Level 6 أحب العربية كتاب التلميذ
I Love Arabic Textbook: Level 6 أحب العربية كتاب التلميذ
تعرض مادة كتاب التلميذ السادس في أربع وحدات، يشتمل كل منها على خمسة دروس تنتهي باختبار، وبذلك يتضمن الكتاب عشرين درسا وأربعة اختبارات مرحلية، ويتكون كل درس من دروس الكتاب من نص يمزج بين الحوار والقصة السردية المصورة وعرض مصور للمفردات، وتدريب على الأصوات والحروف، وتدريبين على التراكيب اللغوية والكلام، وتدريب على الكتابة، يحال بعدها التلميذ ...
I Love Arabic Workbook: Level 5 أحب العربية
I Love Arabic Workbook: Level 5 أحب العربية
The fifth activity book expands on the third student's book and reinforces The fifth activity book expands on the third student's book and reinforces acquired skills and linguistic structures. Each of the 25 lessons in the student's book has 3 accompanying pages in the activity book. Students can work on the activities in class with a teacher’s ...
I Love Arabic Textbook: Level 5 أحب العربية كتاب التلميذ
I Love Arabic Textbook: Level 5 أحب العربية كتاب التلميذ
The fifth student's book consists of 4 units, and each unit has 5 lessons, so that in total, the book has 20 lessons. Each lesson consists of a text that includes conversation, an illustrated story, illustrated vocabulary, practice with sounds and letters, two exercises on linguistic structures and conversation, and writing practice. Then, stude...
The Adventures of Musab
The Adventures of Musab
A collection of four short stories about a boy called Musab and the lessons that he learns from the people that he meets. These are charming stories that will teach children the importance of honesty and good Islamic behavior. Illustrated in color and recommended for ages 8 and over.
Hassan and Aneesa Go To Madrasa
Hassan and Aneesa are going to madrasa. At madrasa they will meet new friends and learn about Islam. Follow them as they get ready to go, for the first time, to madrasa. The Hassan and Aneesa series is designed to introduce young children to a range of new places. They are colourfully designed and simply written and will guide children through a...
The Reasons For Revelation (Of The Qur'an)
Many verses of the Qur’an were revealed in response to a particular situation or question that arose in the young Muslim community. By understanding the context in which particular verses were revealed, we can attain a deeper understanding of the meaning of these verses and better insight into how these verses guide aspects of our daily lives. ...
Muhammad The Messenger of Guidance
Muhammad (peace be upon him) The Messenger of Guidance: A Concise Introduction to His Life and Islam is an excellent resource for both Muslims and non-Muslims. In Part One, the author succinctly summarizes the life of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), using authentic reports from his Companions to paint a beautiful portrait of his qualities and character...
Abu Bakr as-Siddeeq: His Life and Times
This comprehensive study of the life of the first Rightly-Guided Caliph, based on the era immediately after the Prophet’s death, details the many challenges he faced as successor. The methodology adopted by Abu Bakr to overcome obstacles and allow Islam to bask in everlasting glory holds many valuable lessons for the Muslims of today.
A Glimpse at the Beauty of Islam
Islam has changed the lives of countless millions of people yet remains unknown or misunderstood to many more millions. It only needs to be presented and understood correctly. This publication is a summary of different facets of Islam which are briefly introduced. Every aspect and every perspective of it gives guidance and wisdom. Something for ...
Flash Cards - I have... Who has? أنا عندي… من عنده؟
I have. Who has? is an educational classroom card game to practice the Arabic language. The game consists of three levels, and each level has 40 cards. Each card has a statement followed by a question. Students begin by reading the answer, and the next question. They continue until they reach the question that was already answered. لعبة جماعية ت...
As-Sabeel for Arabic Education - Textbook: Level 4 السبيل: إلى التربية و التعليم- المستوى الرابع
As-Sabeel for Arabic Education - Textbook: Level 4 السبيل: إلى التربية و التعليم- المستوى الرابع
Support and Reinforcement: Years 3 and 4 This program consists of 20 units divided over two years. The goal is to enrich students’ vocabulary and to teach tools for expression through listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Another goal is to strengthen students’ faith through Quranic stories and to explain some basic concepts of wors...
As-Sabeel for Arabic Education - Workbook: Level Preparatory 2 السبيل: إلى التربية و التعليم- المستوى التأهيلي الثاني
As-Sabeel for Arabic Education - Workbook: Level Preparatory 2 السبيل: إلى التربية و التعليم- المستوى التأهيلي الثاني
The second preparatory level has 14 units. These units focus on students’ mastery of Arabic letters: writing, pronouncing, and connecting. Click here to Read The Teacher Guide السبيل مجموعة تربوية هادفة ترمي إلى إقرار روح العقيدة الإسلامية السمحة في نفوس أطفال المسلمين المتواجدين بديار الغرب الذينيتابعون دروس اللغة العربية، وذلك بإشراكه...
Ar-Raheeq Al-Makhtum - Large (Urdu)
A complete authoritative book on the life of Prophet Muhammad (s) by Shaykh Safi ar-Rahman al-Mubarakfoury. It was honored by the World Muslim League as first prize winner book. Whoever wants to know the whole lifestyle of the Prophet in detail must read this book. "Muhammad (s) is the Messenger of Allah, and those who are with him, are se...
Our Arabic Language Textbook: Level 4, Part 2 (2016 Edition) لغتنا العربية: الصف الرابع الجزء الثاني
Our Arabic Language Textbook: Level 4, Part 2 (2016 Edition) لغتنا العربية: الصف الرابع الجزء الثاني
Our Arabic Language was designed for 4th grade students. This book has been prepared with the idea that Arabic is a human science and orientation of literature and aesthetics are important in its study. Students are instructed to silently read the text, to provide their own analysis by answering questions, to understand vocabulary meanings, and ...
Contemplate With Anoos Stories - Love Series - Level 4 (4 Books, with Audio CD) منهاج تفكر مع أنوس سلسلة الحب
Contemplate With Anoos Stories - Love Series - Level 4 (4 Books, with Audio CD) منهاج تفكر مع أنوس سلسلة الحب
هو منهاج تربوي تأملي إبداعي قيمي يهدف إلى تربية وبناء الشخصية الإبداعية الأخلاقية القادرة على المساهمة في دور فاعل في البناء الحضاري، وذلك من خلال تحقيق تنمية متكاملة للمجالات الروحية والنفسية والعقلية والسلوكية، بالاستناد إلى منهجية فريدة تجمع بين الأصالة والمعاصرة، الأصالة في ارتكازها إلى التفكر والقيم الأخلاقية والهوية، والمعاصرة في ارتكازها...
Safar Teacher's Guide for Islamic Studies: Level 6
Lesson planning is a vital component of the teaching and learning process. Sufficient classroom planning will keep teachers organized as well as on track while teaching, therefore allowing teachers to teach more and help students reach their learning objectives more easily. Lesson planning also ensures that there is a coherent framework for smoo...
Gateway to Arabic Flashcards: Level 2
This pack of 64 double-sided flashcards has been designed to complement Book One of the 'Gateway to Arabic' series, and also supports 'The Key to Arabic Book One'. The cards should prove beneficial not only to self-taught students, but as a valuable teaching tool within the classroom. This pack will help students learn to recognize all the lette...
Tahdhib Al-Akhlaq
Tahdhib Al-Akhlaq
A Hadith Guide for Personal and Social Conduct, is a gentle introduction that takes over 500 ahadith from the six authentic collections predominantly from Bukhari and Muslim and arranges them into an easily understood and accessible subject matter. Its unique style of inter-twining each subject matter with the appropriate verses of the Qur'an at...
Studying the Glorious Qur'an
Studying the Glorious Qur'an
This book firmly establishes the acceptance of the Qur'an as the final Word of God whilst still retaining the Revelations of the earlier prophetic traditions and helps build an understanding of the Qur'an as the Ultimate Guidance and Reformation for all mankind, for all times.
ICO Learn Arabic Workbook: Level 3, Part 2 تعلم العربية كتاب النشاط
We, at Noorart, believe that teaching language is a critical tool in communication and ultimately in the development of knowledge. In our quest to provide our customers with quality materials, we are pleased to offer the Learn Arabic series. It employs modern methods of teaching foreign language to successfully teach the Arabic language to stude...
The complete Guide for Travel Arabic العربية للمسافر
Are you preparing to travel to an Arabic country? Or maybe you want to revise your Arabic or learn basic information about the Arabic language. If this is the case, then we have the solution for you. Alyasameen introduces Travel Arabic. It’s the first travel booklet which teaches the most important Arabic words and phrases by using augment...
Alyasameen Intensive Arabic Courses for Non-Native Speakers: Student's Book الياسمين
Alyasameen is a three-level general Arabic course for adults. It goes from Starter level through to Intermediate (A1, A2, B1). Alyasameen is based on the communicative approach; it combines the best in current methodology with innovative new features designed to make learning and teaching easier. Alyasameen prepares learners for life in Arabic. ...
Alyasameen Intensive Arabic Courses for Non-Native Speakers - Workbook الياسمين
The workbook consists of 15 units that offer additional practice for students, with self-study exercises to practice the language taught in the Student's Book, including exercises on pronunciation and spelling. يتألف كتاب التدريبات من 15 فصلا ويضم تدريبات عديدة لمباحث كتاب الطالب بالإضافة للتدرب على نطق الحروف والتعابير الاصطلاحية والقرآن الكريم...
Grammar in Stories: Masculine and Feminine - The Cock and the Sheep الديك دجاجة والخروف نعجة
This series presents grammar clearly and as simple as possible through stories. We hope it to be a good opportunity to teach grammar in a simple and desirable way, in addition to reading and listening to the story. The rules of grammar can be figured out with the help of the teacher or parents through examples, colored letters and words,...
Grammar in Stories - Demonstrative Pronoun: How Tidy this Room is! كم هذه الغرفة مرتّبة!
This series presents grammar clearly and as simple as possible through stories. We hope it to be a good opportunity to teach grammar in a simple and desirable way, in addition to reading and listening to the story. The rules of grammar can be figured out with the help of the teacher or parents through examples, colored letters and words,...
Grammar in Stories - Noun: To a Human, To an Animal, To a Plant or To a Thing? إلى إنسان، إلى حيوان، إلى نبات، أم إلى شيء؟
This series presents grammar clearly and as simple as possible through stories. We hope it to be a good opportunity to teach grammar in a simple and desirable way, in addition to reading and listening to the story. The rules of grammar can be figured out with the help of the teacher or parents through examples, colored letters and words,...
Grammar in Stories - Dual: One or Two واحد أم اثنان؟
This series presents grammar clearly and as simple as possible through stories. We hope it to be a good opportunity to teach grammar in a simple and desirable way, in addition to reading and listening to the story. The rules of grammar can be figured out with the help of the teacher or parents through examples, colored letters and words,...
Grammar in Stories - Plural: Drivers, Cars and Pipes سائقون، سيارات وزمامير
This series presents grammar clearly and as simple as possible through stories. We hope it to be a good opportunity to teach grammar in a simple and desirable way, in addition to reading and listening to the story. The rules of grammar can be figured out with the help of the teacher or parents through examples, colored letters and words,...
Grammar in Stories - Interjection and Interrogation: Why? Really, this is Weird! لماذا ياترى؟ حقّاً، كم هذا غريب!
This series presents grammar clearly and as simple as possible through stories. We hope it to be a good opportunity to teach grammar in a simple and desirable way, in addition to reading and listening to the story. The rules of grammar can be figured out with the help of the teacher or parents through examples, colored letters and words,...
Grammar in Stories - Preposition: On the Floor, in the Bag or in the Car? على الأرض، في الحقيبة، أم في السيارة؟
This series presents grammar clearly and as simple as possible through stories. We hope it to be a good opportunity to teach grammar in a simple and desirable way, in addition to reading and listening to the story. The rules of grammar can be figured out with the help of the teacher or parents through examples, colored letters and words,...
Grammar in Stories - Sun (Solar) Letters: On the Beach على الشاطئ
This series presents grammar clearly and as simple as possible through stories. We hope it to be a good opportunity to teach grammar in a simple and desirable way, in addition to reading and listening to the story. The rules of grammar can be figured out with the help of the teacher or parents through examples, colored letters and words,...
Grammar in Stories: Moon (Lunar) Letters - With My Grandfather on the Mountain عند جدي في الجبل
Grammar in Stories: Moon (Lunar) Letters - With My Grandfather on the Mountain عند جدي في الجبل
This series presents grammar clearly and as simple as possible through stories. We hope it to be a good opportunity to teach grammar in a simple and desirable way, in addition to reading and listening to the story. The rules of grammar can be figured out with the help of the teacher or parents through examples, colored letters and words, games a...
My Aunt Stories: The Tanbouri Shoes حذاء الطنبوري
My Aunt Stories: The Tanbouri Shoes حذاء الطنبوري
Once upon a time, there was a man named At-Tanburi. He had very big and old shoes that he never took off. He went to the shoemaker about a hundred times in order to fix them. Finally, his shoes became full of holes and patches of color. At-Tanburi’s shoes became famous and people started calling them "At-Tanburi" shoes. One day At-Tanburi decid...
My Aunt Stories: The Little Girl البنت النونو
My Aunt Stories: The Little Girl البنت النونو
Arabic children's book with beautiful full color illustrations and a delightful story for 4 to 8-years-old children. البنت نونو هي أول قصة من سلسلة القصص الشعبية اللبنانية "حكايات عمتي". لقد أعدنا صياغة هذه الحكايات، ونقدمها لقرائنا بأسلوب بسيط ورسوم جذابة.
Allah Al-Aleem
Allah Al-Aleem
The best gift we can give our children is the knowledge of tawheed—to know their Creator. Knowing Allah by His names will help establish their roots and help them to attach to Allah out of love of His perfection. May Allah help us to fulfill the responsibility of bringing up our children knowing Allah and worshipping Him alone.
Igniting Teacher Leadership: How do I empower my teachers to lead and learn? إشعال القيادة لدى المعلّمين: كيف أمكِّن المعلّمين من القيادة والتعلّم؟
كمدراء, ندفع أنفسنا للتعلم, للنمو, وللابتكار لأن دورنا يبقى في حالة تغير مستمر. ولكن, عندما يتعلق الأمر بالقيادة, يصبح لزامًا علينا أن نركز على تنمية مصدر هام وحيوي في المدرسة - ألا وهو معلمونا. كتاب إشعال القيادة لدى المعلمين كُتبَ لقادة المدرسة المشغولين الذين يريدون تعزيز التعلّم والنمو ليس فقط لدى طلابهم بل لمعلميهم أيضًا. القيادة الفاعلة...