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Ensuring Effective Instruction: How do I improve teaching using multiple measures? التأكّد من التعليم الفاعل: كيف أحسّن التعليم باستخدام مقاييس متعددة؟
يستحق المعلمون الحصول على التغذية الراجعة والدعم الضروريين لجعل التعلم أقوى بقدر الإمكان – لطلابهم ولأنفسهم. اعتمادًا على أبحاث من مؤسسة Bill & Melinda وخبرات حوالي 3000 معلم عبر أرجاء الولايات المتحدة، تكشف Vicki Phillips وَ Lynn Olson عن عدة طرق لتحديد التعليم الفعال وتقدمان للمعلمين معلومات موثوقة وقابلة للتطبيق يمكنهم الوثوق بها لتح...
A Better Approach to Mobile Device: مقاربة أفضل لاستخدام الأجهزة المتنقلة
حتى الآن، انقسم الحديث حول الأجهزة المتنقلة (Mobile Devices) في المدارس إلى معسكرَين: أولئك الذين يفضلون خطط 1:1، حيث يُسند إلى كل طالب حاسوب مقدم من المدرسة، ومؤيدين لمبادرات "أحضر جهازك" (BYOD) والتي تنقل مسؤولية توفير تكنولوجيا الصف المتنقلة والمحافظة عليها إلى الطلاب وأولياء أمورهم. في الواقع، تجادل خبيرة تكنولوجيا الصف Susan Brooks-young، ...
5 Myths About Classroom Technologyخمس خُرافات عن استخدام التكنولوجيا في التعلّم:
ما الذي يُبقي مدرستك وراء منحنى التكنولوجيا؟ هل هو الخوف من غير المألوف؟ أو أساطير أخرى؟ هل فكرت كيف يمكن أن يستفيد الطلاب ذوو الاحتياجات الخاصة أو الطلاب الذين يتعلمون لغة ثانية من استخدام الأدوات الرقمية؟ إذا كنت وقعت في فكرة أنّ التكنولوجيا مكلفة جدًّا، غير ضرورية للتعلم الحقيقي، أو مشتِّتة في غرفة الصف، فأنت تحتاج هذا الكتاب. أنت تستخدم...
You Are Smarter Than You Think انت أذكى مما تعتقد: الذكاءات المتعددة
نبذة عن الكتاب (معايير فنون اللغة العربية: المستوى الأول – المستوى الرابع) قامت أ. د. هنادا عند تأليفها بما يلي: حدّدت عشرة معايير مستهدفة لفنون اللغة العربية للصفوف من الروضة إلى الثاني عشر (المستوى الأول- المستوى الثالث عشر). شرحت أهمية التعليم المبني على المعايير . شرحت كيفية تطبيق فكرة التعليم المبني على المعايير. شرحت...
Triangular Traditions: A Bouncy Junior Story تقاليد مثلثة - حكاية من حكايات نطوط الصغير
د. نايف المطوع أشهر من أن يعرّف. وقصصه حكاية نطوط الصغير، حكاية نطوط الصغير في مدينة قوس قُزح، والـ 99 تركِّز على قبول الاختلافات بين الناس وأهمية التنوّع والتعدد الثقافي وتدعم السِّلم للجميع والتسامح مع الجميع. لقد فازت أولى قصصه: نطوط الصغير على جائزة اليونسكو لأدب الأطفال، كما لاقت قصصه الـ 99 نجاحًا عالميًّا منقطع النظير بحيث أصبحت ت...
Al-Kitaab fii Ta'allum al-'Arabiyya - A Textbook for Arabic: Part Two (Second Edition, with Multimedia) الكتاب في تعلم العربية
This new edition includes feature that contextualized vocabulary, cultural background and illustrations, and new listening comprehension materials with each lesson. Newly recorded colloquial audio and video materials also accompany each lesson and continue the story of Maha and Khalid and their travels to Cairo with brief explanatory vocabulary ...
IQRA' Arabic Reader Workbook: Level 6
This workbook is an integral part of the “first generation” IQRA' Arabic Reader 6 designed to supplement the instructional material covered in the textbook.
Horizons in the Arabic Language Teacher Book: Level 1 الآفاق في اللغة العربية كتاب المعلم
The Teacher’s Guide contains lesson objectives and provides suggested methods to teach the material included in each lesson. The guide breaks down the lesson into parts while mapping the specific concepts students are supposed to be taught. A concise introduction informs instructors of the main principles of Arabic language instruction in terms ...
Horizons in the Arabic Language Teacher Book: Level 6 الآفاق في اللغة العربية كتاب المعلم
Horizons in the Arabic Language Teacher Book: Level 6 الآفاق في اللغة العربية كتاب المعلم
The Teacher’s Guide contains lesson objectives and provides suggested methods to teach the material included in each lesson. The guide breaks down the lesson into parts while mapping the specific concepts students are supposed to be taught. A concise introduction informs instructors of the main principles of Arabic language instruction in terms ...
Nawawi's Forty Hadith For Children: Part 4 متن الأربعين النووية الجزء الرابع
In this book, the fourth in the series, the writer presents ten ahadith from Nawawi’s Forty Hadith for children in a fun, exciting style. They are accompanied by activities, exercises, and pictures that children can engage with after they memorize the hadith with the help of their teacher or their family at home. A simple explanation of some wor...
Read Together Series -Flying story : Level 5 سلسلة معاً نقرأ - قصة الطيران
إنّها قصىة حقيقية تدور أحداثها حول الأخوين رايت اللذين كانا يحلمان بالطيران. عملا في صيانة الدراجات الهوائية وبيعها، واستمرّا على البحث عن أيّ ابتكار جديد. لم يستسلما يوماً أمام أيّة عوائق ، بل ظلّا يعملان ويسعيان جاهدين في البحث عن خصائص الطيران، وذلك من خلال التجارب المستمرّة، والمحاولات الجريئة. كيف بدأت هذه التجارب؟ وما هي المحاو...
As-Sabeel for Arabic Education - Workbook: Level Preparatory 3 السبيل: إلى التربية و التعليم- المستوى التأهيلي الثالث
As-Sabeel for Arabic Education - Workbook: Level Preparatory 3 السبيل: إلى التربية و التعليم- المستوى التأهيلي الثالث
The preparatory level has 60 entertaining posters. The goal of using these posters is to focus on verbal expression first, and then reading and writing, using some short stories to encourage good behavior and to allow comprehension. Click here to Read The Teacher Guide السبيل مجموعة تربوية هادفة ترمي إلى إقرار روح العقيدة الإسلامية السمحة...
As-Sabeel for Arabic Education - Workbook: Level Preparatory 1 السبيل: إلى التربية و التعليم- المستوى التأهيلي الأول
As-Sabeel for Arabic Education - Workbook: Level Preparatory 1 السبيل: إلى التربية و التعليم- المستوى التأهيلي الأول
The first preparatory level has 8 units. These units focus on foundations and manners. The activities are designed to make children feel comfortable at school. Click here to Read The Teacher Guide السبيل مجموعة تربوية هادفة ترمي إلى إقرار روح العقيدة الإسلامية السمحة في نفوس أطفال المسلمين المتواجدين بديار الغرب الذينيتابعون دروس اللغة ال...
As-Sabeel for Arabic Education - Workbook: Level 3 السبيل: إلى التربية و التعليم- المستوى الثالث
As-Sabeel for Arabic Education - Workbook: Level 3 السبيل: إلى التربية و التعليم- المستوى الثالث
Celebrating Results: Years 5 and 6 This program consists of 8 units divided over two years. These units include 32 texts, the objectives of which include the following: Enriching students’ vocabulary Teaching tools for expression through listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills Strengthening students’ faith Teaching good manners through...
As-Sabeel for Arabic Education - Workbook: Level 1 السبيل: إلى التربية و التعليم- المستوى الأول
As-Sabeel for Arabic Education - Workbook: Level 1 السبيل: إلى التربية و التعليم- المستوى الأول
Early Learning: Years 1 and 2 This program consists of 20 units divided over two years. The goal is to enrich students’ vocabulary and to teach tools for expression through listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Another goal is to strengthen students’ faith through Quranic stories and to explain some basic concepts of worship, such as...
As-Sabeel for Arabic Education - Textbook: Level 3 السبيل: إلى التربية و التعليم- المستوى الثالث
As-Sabeel for Arabic Education - Textbook: Level 3 السبيل: إلى التربية و التعليم- المستوى الثالث
Celebrating Results: Years 5 and 6 This program consists of 8 units divided over two years. These units include 32 texts, the objectives of which include the following: Enriching students’ vocabulary Teaching tools for expression through listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills Strengthening students’...
As-Sabeel for Arabic Education - Textbook: Level 1 السبيل: إلى التربية و التعليم- المستوى الأول
As-Sabeel for Arabic Education - Textbook: Level 1 السبيل: إلى التربية و التعليم- المستوى الأول
Early Learning: Years 1 and 2 This program consists of 20 units divided over two years. The goal is to enrich students’ vocabulary and to teach tools for expression through listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Another goal is to strengthen students’ faith through Quranic stories and to explain some basic concepts of worship, such as...
As-Sabeel for Arabic Education - Textbook: Level Preparatory 3 السبيل: إلى التربية و التعليم- المستوى التأهيلي الثالث
As-Sabeel for Arabic Education - Textbook: Level Preparatory 3 السبيل: إلى التربية و التعليم- المستوى التأهيلي الثالث
The preparatory level has 60 entertaining posters. The goal of using these posters is to focus on verbal expression first, and then reading and writing, using some short stories to encourage good behavior and to allow comprehension. Click here to Read The Teacher Guide السبيل مجموعة تربوية هادفة ترمي إلى إقرار روح العقيدة الإسلامية السم...
As-Sabeel for Arabic Education - Textbook: Level Preparatory 1 السبيل: إلى التربية و التعليم- المستوى التأهيلي الأول
As-Sabeel for Arabic Education - Textbook: Level Preparatory 1 السبيل: إلى التربية و التعليم- المستوى التأهيلي الأول
The first preparatory level has 8 units. These units focus on foundations and manners. The activities are designed to make children feel comfortable at school. Click here to Read The Teacher Guide السبيل مجموعة تربوية هادفة ترمي إلى إقرار روح العقيدة الإسلامية السمحة في نفوس أطفال المسلمين المتواجدين بديار الغرب الذينيتابعون دروس اللغة العر...
As-Sabeel for Arabic Education - Textbook: Level Preparatory 2 السبيل: إلى التربية و التعليم- المستوى التأهيلي الثاني
As-Sabeel for Arabic Education - Textbook: Level Preparatory 2 السبيل: إلى التربية و التعليم- المستوى التأهيلي الثاني
The second preparatory level has 14 units. These units focus on students’ mastery of Arabic letters: writing, pronouncing, and connecting. Click here to Read The Teacher Guide السبيل مجموعة تربوية هادفة ترمي إلى إقرار روح العقيدة الإسلامية السمحةالسبيل مجموعة تربوية هادفة ترمي إلى إقرار روح العقيدة الإسلامية السمحة في نفوس أطفال المسلمين ...
My Sunna Foods Scrapbook
My Sunna Foods Scrapbook
Children can learn the alphabet and sunnah foods in this fun and colorful scrapbook. For example, E is for eggs, D is for dates, M is for milk, H is for honey, and O is for olives.
The Fundamentals of Tawheed (Islamic Monotheism, Hardcover) شرح مبادىء التوحيد
This is a current expanded, revised edition of the author's original work. This book presents a detailed explanation of the classical Islamic concept of God's unity as it relates to faith and acts of religious devotion. It also discusses the major areas within which the Islamic unitarian belief (tawheed) is either nullified or compromised by ido...
Towards Understanding Our Religion: Volume 1
Towards Understanding Our Religion: Volume 1
Al-Basheer was a magazine dedicated to Islamic sciences. It was published from 1987 to 1995. During that time, it developed a small but very loyal following. The articles contained in this volume come from the first two years of al-Basheer. Among the numerous articles contained herein are: “Allah’s Description of the Hypocrites,” “Between Islam...
Miraculous Happenings in the Year of the Elephant
In this retelling of the story of Abrahah, the greedy and power-hungry vicegerent sets out to destroy the Ka'ba, the House of Allah, in Mecca, so that his own cathedral in Yemen becomes a center of pilgrimage. However, with Allah's might, his mission did not succeed, despite a strong army and a powerful elephant. This resulted in the year being...
Islamic Studies: Book 4 دراسات إسلامية
The "Islamic Studies" series of books by the prolific writer and scholar Dr. Bilal Philips are part of a meticulously written series intended to guide young Muslims in a manner that helps them acquire a thorough practical and spiritual foundation. This series have been generally acknowledged as an excellent introduction set to the principles of ...
Goodword Islamic Studies: Level 10
This course was designed to offer young students with a comprehensive Islamic education, comprising general Islamic knowledge based on the Quran and hadith. Instead of teaching moral principles directly, they are taught through themes chosen from the Quran and other Islamic sources. A major portion of the course comprises the text of the Quran, ...
Goodword Islamic Studies: Level 9
This course is designed to present students with comprehensive Islamic education, comprising general Islamic knowledge based on the Quran and hadeeth. Instead of teaching moral principles directly, they are taught through themes chosen from the Quran and other Islamic sources. A major portion of the course comprises the text of the Quran, which ...
Goodword Islamic Studies: Level 7
This course has been designed to present the young students comprehensive Islamic education, comprising general Islamic knowledge based on the Quran and Haddith. Instead of teaching moral principles directly, they are taught through themes chosen from the Quran and other Islamic sources. A major portion of the course comprises the text of the Qu...
Thomas and His Dancing Letters توماس وحروفه الراقصة
كان توماس أحد الأطفال الذين يعانون صعوباتٍ في التعلُّم فطُرد من المدرسة وهو في الثامنة من عمره، ولم يتعلّم فيها إلا ثلاثة أشهر فقط. لكنّ هذا الطفل الذي نعته مدرِّسُه بالبليد والغبيّ صارَ ، لمّا كَبُرَ، مخترعاً عظيماً. هل تعرفون ماذا اخترعَ وكان لاختراعه الفضلُ العظيمُ حتى يومنا هذا؟؟؟
Call to Faith: Level 4 (English Edition)
A modern series that teaches the principles and manners of the Islamic religion in English. The subjects in this series are varied to include The Holy Quran, Sunnah, the Islamic Creed, the biography of Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) and acts of worship. It features practical meanings of ethics and worship through activities, stories and pi...
Call to Faith: Level 2 (English Edition)
A modern series that teaches the principles and manners of the Islamic religion in English. The subjects in this series are varied to include The Holy Quran, Sunnah, the Islamic Creed, the biography of Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) and acts of worship. It features practical meanings of ethics and worship through activities, stories and pi...
When your Child Gets Sick عندما يمرض طفلك
When your Child Gets Sick عندما يمرض طفلك
This item is a reference guide for childhood illnesses and their symptoms and treatments. It contains certified information about common childhood diseases your child may suffer from. The guide presents tables and charts of questions and answers to help you understand and make the right decisions about your child’s health. It also incl...
Wish My Life (Audio CD, With Music) ليت عمري
Wish My Life (Audio CD, With Music) ليت عمري
This is the first album for Adel Barabbaa & Almothlanna Bdiwi, a disabled singer who defied disability and released his first album, which is distinguished by his beautiful and warm voice. This nasheed album is with instruments. الألبوم الأول للمنشد مثنى بديوي والذي تحدى إعاقته وقام بأنتاج ألبوم جمع بين الجمال والصوت العذب. ليت عمري نسيم ...
My First Step in Arabic Language خطوتي الأولى في اللغة العربية
My First Steps in the Arabic Language is a comprehensive curriculum for kindergarten students introducing knowledge in a cheerful and entertaining way through interactive and practical activities. This book includes 9 units dealing with important children’s issues, such as their family, body organs, five senses, classroom, birthdays, wild and do...
Call to Faith Activity Book: Level 4
A modern series that teaches the principles and manners of the Islamic religion in English. The subjects in this series are varied to include The Holy Quran, Sunnah, the Islamic Creed, the biography of Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) and acts of worship. It features practical meanings of ethics and worship through activities, stories and pi...
Call to Faith Activity Book: Level 3
A modern series that teaches the principles and manners of the Islamic religion in English. The subjects in this series are varied to include The Holy Quran, Sunnah, the Islamic Creed, the biography of Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) and acts of worship. It features practical meanings of ethics and worship through activities, stories and pi...
Goodword - I Love Islam: Level 3
Designed for use at home and school, I Love Islam is an invaluable course for young believers. The book has been designed to present children with a comprehensive Islamic education, based on the Quran and hadith. This book is ideal for children five years and up and will act as a foundation on which to build a growing knowledge of Islam. With st...
Arabic Without Tears: Volume 2 العربية بلا دموع
Arabic Without Tears is a colourful new series designed to teach Arabic in a lively interactive manner to younger learners. It is intended for use by parents or teachers working closely with their children or pupils. This second volume builds upon the letter recognition skills taught in the first book of the series by introducing the child to th...
IQra' Wise (Weekend Islamic School Excellence) Workbook: Grade three
IQRA’ WISE (Weekend Islamic School Excellence) is a unique Islamic Studies series that offers 5 subjects in 1 book! This program takes a fresh approach to the Islamic curriculum in the elementary classroom.
Arabic for Beginners
Arabic for Beginners
This book helps students acquire knowledge of Arabic in the classical structural form. It teaches essential language skills through applied grammar. This colorful book with friendly images is an ideal introduction to the Arabic letters and their different shapes. These shapes are shown with the help of very simple and easy words. A variety of ex...
Ultimate Arabic: Book 3B دروس اللغة العربية
Professor Abdur Rahim, Director of the Translation Centre of the King Fahd Quran Printing Complex and former Professor of Arabic at the Islamic University of Madinah, Saudi Arabia, has authored texts designed to impart a knowledge of classical Arabic through applied grammar. Each lesson, based on a conversation, illustrates distinctive language ...
Ultimate Arabic: Book 3A دروس اللغة العربية
Professor Abdur Rahim, Director of the Translation Centre of the King Fahd Quran Printing Complex and former Professor of Arabic at the Islamic University of Madinah, Saudi Arabia, has authored texts designed to impart a knowledge of classical Arabic through applied grammar. Each lesson, based on a conversation, illustrates distinctive language ...
ICO Islamic Studies Teacher's Manual: Grade 6, Part 2
In this grade, learners will discover the wisdom behind Allah's (swt) sending of messengers and revealing divine scriptures. They will also study the true meaning of worship and the status of ihsaan. The Qur'an lessons comprise of the recitation of the 27th Juzu' and memorization of Soorat Al-Muzzammil and Soorat Al-Jinn. Life of Hijrah is the f...
ICO Learn Arabic Teacher Guide: Level 5, Part 1 تعلم العربية
The teacher's guide is designed to help the teacher to perform his job properly and effectively. This guide with activity book and student’s textbook considers as one unit. It provides the teacher with a set of techniques and procedures to follow while teaching the lesson. The book contains the techniques and procedures for: conversation activit...
ICO Learn Arabic Teacher Guide: Level 4, Part 2 تعلم العربية كتاب المعلم
The teacher's guide is designed to help the teacher to perform his job properly and effectively. This guide with activity book and student’s textbook considers as one unit. It provides the teacher with a set of techniques and procedures to follow while teaching the lesson. The book contains the techniques and procedures for: conversation activit...
ICO Learn Arabic Teacher Guide: Level 6, Part 2 تعلم العربية
The teacher's guide is designed to help the teacher to perform his job properly and effectively. This guide with activity book and student’s textbook considers as one unit. It provides the teacher with a set of techniques and procedures to follow while teaching the lesson. The book contains the techniques and procedures for: conversation activit...
ICO Learn Arabic Teacher Guide: Level 6, Part 1 (Interactive CD-ROM) تعلم العربية
Teaching language is a critical tool in communication and ultimately in the development of knowledge. In our quest to provide our customers with quality materials, we are pleased to offer the Learn Arabic series. It employs modern methods of teaching foreign language to successfully teach the Arabic language to students in K-12th grade. This ser...
ICO Learn Arabic Teacher Guide: Level 3, Part 2 تعلم العربية
The teacher's guide is designed to help the teacher to perform his job properly and effectively. This guide with activity book and student’s textbook considers as one unit. It provides the teacher with a set of techniques and procedures to follow while teaching the lesson. The book contains the techniques and procedures for: conversation activit...