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Hilal girl (Jeddah Omar bin Abdul Aziz) Level : 4 الفتاة الهلالية "جدة عمر بن عبد العزيز"
Hilal girl (Jeddah Omar bin Abdul Aziz) Level : 4 الفتاة الهلالية "جدة عمر بن عبد العزيز"
الفتاة الهلالية - المستوى الرابع - : تحكي القصة اهتمام عمر بن الخطاب برعيته حيث كان يتفقدهم بالليل، وتتناول القصة الشهيرة مع الصحابي الجليل والفتاة الهلالية التي أبت أن تمزج اللبن بالحليب.
Princess Fatima bint Abdul Malik: Level 4 الأميرة فاطمة بنت عبد الملك
تحكي القصة عن صفات الأميرة فاطمة التي تميزت في ذلك الوقت عن بنات جنسها، وتتحدث عن زواجها من الخليفه عمر بن عبد العزيز، وإعانتها له على حمل أمانة الخلافة، وتربيتها لأبنائها على الأخلاق الحميدة.
Princess Fatima bint Abdul Malik: level 2 الأميرة فاطمة بنت عبد الملك
تحكي القصة عن حسن أخلاق الأميرة فاطمة، ومدى إخلاصها لزوجها، وانتقالها لحياة أخرى خشنة بعد أن كانت في نعيم وبحبوحة من العيش، وذلك حباً لله ورسوله، وحباً لزوجها الصالح وإعانة له على فعل الخيرات.
Basics of Islam: Part 5
Basics of Islam: Part 5
This series presents the study of Islam in an attractive, comprehensive format for children. Islamic studies enables children to view Islam in all its aspects and to accept it as a way of life; Basics of Islam aims to do just that.This textbook guides children in various activities of their world, whether at school or home. A complete guide to c...
In the shadows of the Prophetic Biography في ظلال السيرة النبوية
مات أبوه قبل أن يولد، فرعته أمه، ولما أصبح طفلًا رحلت أمه عن الدنيا، ثم زادت مرارة يتمه برحيل جده عبدالمطلب وهو فتى.. أخذ الموت أحبته.. فجعه بهم، وترك له الذكريات والدموع. كد وكافح.. رعى الغنم وباع واشترى، وتعامل مع الناس حتى كسوه لقب الأمين. لم يعاقر خمرًا أو يمس صنمًا أو يعرف الخنا، فكان حلم العذارى، لكنهن فوجئن بالأربعينية الطيبة.. خديجة...
Prophetic Hadith Series (Set of 30 Books) سلسلة الحديث النبوي الشريف
The Prophetic Hadith series includes thirty books. Each book contains thirty hadiths chosen from Sahih Muslim and Sahih Bukhari. The explanations of these hadiths are based on the famous explanations of the two sahihs and the six books. The series contains 900 hadiths about aqeedah (Islamic creed), acts of worship, good manners, good character, ...
A Cup of Mint Tea Volume 6 (Arabic) فنجان من شاي النعناع
A Cup of Mint Tea is a collection of short stories to rekindle your spirit, warm your heart, and nurture your soul. Perhaps it's best read while relaxing on the couch with a cup of tea in hand. Beyond the captivating stories, the associated thought-provoking lessons provide unique analyses that are sure to prompt mindful contemplation.
Apology (Audio CD) اعتذار
Apology (Audio CD) اعتذار
It is the new album by the Yemeni singer Amen Hamem. All album nasheeds are without music. الألبوم الجديد للمنشد اليمني أمين حاميم حيث يتضمن الأناشيد التالية: هل من بشر لا تنتابني ياالتعب ألا يابال مكة حبك لنا ملموس من أنت صابتك الشوكة الله الله مع الله مثل السحابة يارب يارحمن
People's Story (Audio CD, With Music) حكاية شعب
People's Story (Audio CD, With Music) حكاية شعب
This new album by the E'tissam Ensemble depicts the resistance of Gaza in the face of the Israeli war. These nasheed represent meaningful art dealing with realities from our world. The nasheeds are with music. الألبوم الجديد لفرقة الاعتصام الفلسطينية يصور صمود غزة في وجه الحرب الإسرائيلية يضم الإلبوم الأناشيد التالية: ثوب الفرح وحد صوتك ا...
Arabic Language Through Dialogue - Part 1 (With Downloadable MP3 Files) اللغة العربية بالحوار
Arabic Language Through Dialogue - Part 1 (With Downloadable MP3 Files) اللغة العربية بالحوار
As the interest in studying Arabic has increased exponentially over the past decade, the needs of our students have evolved. Rather than learning Arabic for the purpose of reading sources for dissertation writing, most students coming to Arabic today wish to use their Arabic skills in order to obtain positions in the business world, in NGOs, and...
Arabic Language Through Dialogue - Part 3 (With Downloadable MP3 Files) اللغة العربية بالحوار
Arabic Language Through Dialogue - Part 3 (With Downloadable MP3 Files) اللغة العربية بالحوار
As the interest in studying Arabic has increased exponentially over the past decade, the needs of our students have evolved. Rather than learning Arabic for the purpose of reading sources for dissertation writing, most students coming to Arabic today wish to use their Arabic skills in order to obtain positions in the business world, in NGOs, and...
Arabic Language Through Dialogue - Part 2 (With Downloadable MP3 Files) اللغة العربية بالحوار
Arabic Language Through Dialogue - Part 2 (With Downloadable MP3 Files) اللغة العربية بالحوار
This book represents an attempt to build the Arabic learner’s communicative skills sequentially, in terms of vocabulary, grammar, and functional skills. It introduces the student to basic topics that are easily accessible and frequently used in everyday conversation, providing in each lesson a dialogue; speaking, reading, and writing exercises; ...
The Essential Book for Teaching Arabic to Non-Native Speakers - Translator Assistant الكتاب الأساسي في تعليم اللغة العربية المعجم المساعد
A supplementary dictionary, Al-Mu‘jam Al-Musa‘id, gives a complete key to the vocabulary of the first two books in four languages: English, French, Spanish, and German. Comprehensive and easily digestible, varied and informative, these books make an ideal basis for a classroom-based course in Arabic anywhere in the world.The book includes about ...
In the Arabic Language Garden Textbook: Level 4 في حديقة اللغة العربية كتاب الطالب
In level 4 from the series (In the Arabic Language Garden), the student will acquire more skills in learning the Arabic language. This level consists of two books (Textbook + Grammar book), which leads to raising the cognitive, mental, and sensory level of the student through receiving a set of interesting texts related to the reality of the st...
Using Arabic
Using Arabic
Using Arabic is a guide to Arabic usage for students who have already acquired the basics of the language and wish to extend their knowledge. Focusing mainly on Modern Standard Arabic, it is divided into three clear sections on varieties of Arabic, grammar, and vocabulary. ‘Varieties of Arabic’ describes the linguistic situation in the Arab worl...
The Butterfly Mosque: A Young American Woman's Journey to Love and Islam
The Butterfly Mosque, journalist G. Willow Wilson’s remarkable story of converting to Islam and falling in love with an Egyptian man in a volatile post–9/11 world, was praised as “an eye-opening look at a misunderstood and often polarizing faith” (Booklist) and “a tremendously heartfelt, healing cross cultural fusion” Inspired by her experie...
Tales of Letters (Second Edition, Set of 7 Books) حكايات للحروف
Tales of Letters, a set of 7 books with entertaining stories, each book has 4 stories focusing on 4 letters. Colorful and fun illustrations go along with the Arabic text, written with tashkeel. "حكايات للحروف" مجموعة تعليمية تحتوي على (7) أجزاء من تأليف: "مي عماد شبقلو"، تهدف إلى تدريب جوارح النطق لدى الأطفال في سن مبكرة عن طريق الا...
My Bike دراجتي
My Bike دراجتي
Rasheed gets a new bicycle and is impatient to try it. Mom takes him to the park on Friday afternoon, and teaches him how to ride it. Before she starts, she outlines the basic rules for riding a bike. When he gets on the bike, she starts off by guiding him while holding onto the handlebars and the seat and gradually lets him ride it all on his o...
Grandpa's Donkey (With Audio CD) حمار جدي
Grandpa has a very special donkey on his farm, who spends his times resting and singing or braying as the other animals on the farm choose to call it. One day he suddenly stops singing, and grandpa stops showing up to feed the animals leaving them with aching bellies. Why did the donkey stop his singing? And what eventually makes him resume? في ...
Chalkboard Series (set of 2 Books) أرْسُمُ بالطبشور
المران يؤدي إلى الإتقان 4 أصابع طبشور ملونة وصفحات على اللوح ( السبورة) تحقق ساعات ممتعة الكتابة والمحو. سوف يحب الصغار نسخ صور الديناصورات مع التعلم المبكر للحروف ومتعة ممارسة رسم الأشكال في هذه السلسلة : حيواناتٌ بريّةٌ على اللّوح (السّبّورة ) ديناصوراتٌ على اللّوح (السّبّورة)
Wiggle Waggles Series (set of 4 Books) سلسلة أرجِحْ ولوِّح
سلسلة ارجح ولوح سلسلة ممتعة يساعد فيها الطفل حيوان من الحيوانات على تناول طعامه و تتكون من 4 قصص وهي : الأسد شبلون: ساعد الأسد على طحن العظم بأسنانه وشاهد أذنيه تهتزان القرد قردون: ساعد القرد على تحضير أكلة جماعية وشاهد أذنية تهتزان الفيل فلافيلو: ساعد الفيل على مضغ لأوراق الشجر وشاهده يخفق بأذنيه النمر نمور: ساعد النمر في التهام سمكته...
My Arabic Language Series - My Second Kindergarten روضتي الثانية
This is the second part of My Kindergarten series, which is intended for second grade students. The writer has attempted to make this book similar to the first part of the series, using the same principles and educational concepts. It is both textbook and workbook, making it easy for students to learn and then immediately apply what they learne...
My Arabic Language Series - My First Kindergarten روضتي الأولى
This is the first part of the My Kindergarten series, which is intended for third level preschoolers. It is the result of long experience and experiments in the field of teaching the Arabic language. The writer has attempted to make this book a tool that helps children climb the ladder of reading Arabic step-by-step with joy, excitement, and p...
Make Wudu & Salah Like The Prophet (S)-Accomplir Wudu el Salah Comme Le Prophete
Ce livret a pour objectif d’expliquer comment le Prophete Muhammad (paix et benediction d’Allah sur lui) effectuait Wudu et Salah (priers) obligatoires pour tous les musulmans, cinq fois par jour. Nous souhaiterions que tout musulman, home ou femme, fasse de la maniere du Prophete (paix et benediction d’Allah sur lui) dit: “Effectuez votre Salah...
The Sources of the Qur'an: A Critical Review of the Authorship Theories
"Who is the author of the Qur'an?" On this subject scholars have flagrantly contradicted each other. This work attempts to make a critical review of the major 'authorship' theories by pressing into service logical arguments, historical evidence, textual analysis and scientific data. Probably, the only point of agreement about the Qur'an is that ...
Bahlool بهلول
Bahlool بهلول
قصة شخصية ظريفة تدعى "بهلول" معروفة في تراثنا العربي بطرافة تصرفاتها ومواقفها وخفة دمها، وفي الوقت نفسه بالذكاء وسرعة البديهة.
The Art of Managing the Behavior of Children فن ادارة سلوك الابناء
لا شك أن تربية الأبناء ورعايتهم ليست بالمهمة السهلة. والنجاح فيها إنما يتحقق بالصبر وبذل الجهد. وهو توفيق وعون من الله أولاً وأخيراً. وإذا كان لا بد للزرع من حرث وسقي وتفقد للغراس وإزالة ما يهددها من آفات؛ فإن التربية ولا شك تتطلب مثل هذا وأكثر. ولهذا تكتسب المهارات التربية في عصرنا الحالي أهمية خاصة بعد أن حاز التيار الثقافي الإلكتروني قصب...
Children and their Critical Questions الأطفال واسئلتهم الحرجة
منذ عتبة العنوان الأولى "الأطفال وأسئلتهم الحرجة" يدرك القارئ للكتاب الفئة التي يتوجه إليها، وهي الأسرة (الآباء والأمهات)، الذين سيجدون فيه مادة تساعدهم في تربية (الأطفال) الذين هم في المراحل العمرية الأولى من تشكل وعيهم، والذين فجأة وبدون سابق إنذار يبدأون في طرح الأسئلة على والديهم، بعفوية وبساطة.. مثل: من أين جئت يا ماما؟ ما هو الموت؟ لماذا ...
Useful Reading Series - Polar Regions - Level B6 القراءة المفيدة - المناطق القطبية
قصص علمية تتحدث عن :- المناطق القطبية هجرة الطيور الديناصورات الثدييات البحرية الجرابيات الزلازل بأسلوب تربوي مشوق وممتع تهدف إلى تدريب الأطفال على تحسين القراءة باللغة العربية بحسب نموهم الذهني و احتياجاتهم المعرفية وتحرضهم على اكتشاف ما يحيط بهم من الحقائق العلمية الأولية . عدد الكلمات في الصفحة بحدود سبعون كلمة.
Pofi - My Shining Teeth
Pofi - My Shining Teeth
Panda Pofi isn't picky about what he eats. He goes to bed on time, always brushes his teeth and loves to take baths. Children ages 2-4 will enjoy learning personal care skills with Pofi. They will reinforce what they learn while they play the games provided in the back of each book. Personal care skills which are necessary for a healthy life wil...
Loving our Parents : Stories of Duties & Obligations
Loving our Parents is a wonderful collection of stories from the lives of ordinary people on the rewards of treating our parents with honor and respect. It also has detailed and authentic accounts from both the Noble Quran and the Prophet’s Sunnah on our duties and obligations to those who have sacrificed so much to raise and educate us. I...
Star Series (3 books) سلسلة النجمة
Star Series (3 books) سلسلة النجمة
Suitable for children ages 4 - 8 Years. سلسلة تحتوي على: حصالة ليلى قطة رند حقيبتي الجديدة
Imam Abu Hanifa (3 Books): Level 4 الإمام أبو حنيفة
من أشهر علماء المسلمين ويتبع مذهبه ملايين المسلمين.. يتعرف الطفل من خلال هذه القصص إلى ذكاء الإمام أبي حنيفة كما في قصته مع الملاحدة ورده على من تكلم عن عثمان رضي الله عنه، ويتعرف إلى أمانته في تجارته كما في قصة الثوب الضائع، ويتعرف كذلك إلى بره بأمه، وإلى كرمه وإنفاقه على تلاميذه وغيرهم.. وغير ذلك من القصص الممتعة مع هذا الإمام القدوة. يتضمن ...
Imam Abu Hanifa (3 Books): Level 3 الإمام أبو حنيفة
Imam Abu Hanifa (3 Books): Level 3 الإمام أبو حنيفة
من أشهر علماء المسلمين ويتبع مذهبه ملايين المسلمين.. يتعرف الطفل من خلال هذه القصص إلى ذكاء الإمام أبي حنيفة كما في قصته مع الملاحدة ورده على من تكلم عن عثمان رضي الله عنه، ويتعرف إلى أمانته في تجارته كما في قصة الثوب الضائع، ويتعرف كذلك إلى بره بأمه، وإلى كرمه وإنفاقه على تلاميذه وغيرهم.. وغير ذلك من القصص الممتعة مع هذا الإمام القدوة. يتضمن ...
Tale Point on the White Book حكاية نقطة على دفتر أبيض
حكاية نقطة سئمت الوقوف في مكانٍ واحد، وعندما تحرّكت اكتشفت أنّها تشكّل أشياء مدهشة. يُدخِل الكتاب الطّفل إلى عالم النّقاط والخطوط على نحوٍ مبدع ومثيرٍ للخيال.
Read Together Series: Level 4 (3 Books) سلسلة معاً نقرأ
Read Together Series: Level 4 (3 Books) سلسلة معاً نقرأ
From the 'We Read Together' Series, playful stories and illustrations for pre-school to 4th grade. Wonderful when read aloud to or with the child, also perfect for bedtime stories and read-aloud story time with groups of children! تتكون سلسلة معاً نقرأ: اريد حلاً حين كان والدي صغيرا فيل؟ ... لا مستحيل
Read Together Series: Level 2 (14 Books) سلسة معاً نقرأ
From the 'We Read Together' Series, playful stories and illustrations for pre-school to 2nd grade. Wonderful when read aloud to or with the child, also perfect for bedtime stories and read-aloud story time with groups of children! يتكون من : فستان الشوكولاتة مع CD نور الليل ضعني في الكتاب مع CD نزهة "حبيبي" الحمامة تجد شطيرة نقانق! لا ...
Arabic Without Tears: Volume 1 العربية بلا دموع
Arabic without Tears is a colorful new series designed to teach Arabic in a lively interactive manner to younger learners. It is intended for use by parents or teachers working closely with their children or pupils.The first book aims to teach the Arabic alphabet in its basic form through simple written exercises supported by clear, arrowed diag...
ICO Learn Arabic Workbook: Level 2, Part 2 تعلم العربية
We, at Noorart, believe that teaching language is a critical tool in communication and ultimately in the development of knowledge. In our quest to provide our customers with quality materials, we are pleased to offer the Learn Arabic series. It employs modern methods of teaching foreign language to successfully teach the Arabic language to stude...
ICO Learn Arabic Workbook: Level 2, Part 1 تعلم العربية
We, at Noorart, believe that teaching language is a critical tool in communication and ultimately in the development of knowledge. In our quest to provide our customers with quality materials, we are pleased to offer the Learn Arabic series. It employs modern methods of teaching foreign language to successfully teach the Arabic language to stude...
ICO Learn Arabic Textbook: Level 3, Part 2 (With Online Access Code) تعلم العربية
We, at Noorart, believe that teaching language is a critical tool in communication and ultimately in the development of knowledge. In our quest to provide our customers with quality materials, we are pleased to offer the Learn Arabic series. It employs modern methods of teaching foreign language to successfully teach the Arabic language to stude...
ICO Learn Arabic Textbook: Level 2, Part 2(With Online Access Code) تعلم العربية
We, at Noorart, believe that teaching language is a critical tool in communication and ultimately in the development of knowledge. In our quest to provide our customers with quality materials, we are pleased to offer the Learn Arabic series. It employs modern methods of teaching foreign language to successfully teach the Arabic language to stude...
ICO Learn Arabic Textbook: Level 1, Part 2 (With Online Access Code) تعلم العربية
We, at Noorart, believe that teaching language is a critical tool in communication and ultimately in the development of knowledge. In our quest to provide our customers with quality materials, we are pleased to offer the Learn Arabic series. It employs modern methods of teaching foreign language to successfully teach the Arabic language to stude...
Arabic Between Your Hands - Teacher Book: Level 3 العربية بين يديك كتاب المعلم الثالث
“Arabic in Your Hands Series” is one program in a collection of programs called “Arabic For All”. This series comprises a developed version of the book “Arabic At Your Hands”, which introduces a comprehensive curriculum for teaching Arabic for non-Arabic speakers, students and teachers. This curriculum is developed for educational entities, incl...
Arabic Between Your Hands: Teacher Book Level 2 العربية بين يديك كتاب المعلم الثاني
Arabic in Your Hands is part of a collection of programs called Arabic For All. The series includes a book that introduces a comprehensive curriculum for teaching Arabic to non-native speakers, students, and teachers. This curriculum was developed for educational entities, including schools, institutes, and universities.It begins at a basic leve...
Arabic Between Your Hands - Teacher Book: Level 1 العربية بين يديك كتاب المعلم الأول
Arabic Between Your Hands Series is one program in a collection of programs called “Arabic For All”. This series comprises a developed version of the book “Arabic At Your Hands”, which introduces a comprehensive curriculum for teaching Arabic for non-Arabic speakers, students and teachers. This curriculum is developed for educational entities, i...
Goodword Islamic Studies: Level 5
This course has been designed to present the young students comprehensive Islamic education, comprising general Islamic knowledge based on the Quran and Hadeeth. Instead of teaching moral principles directly, they are taught through themes chosen from the Quran and other Islamic sources. A major portion of the course comprises the text of the Qu...
Goodword Islamic Studies: Level 4
This course has been designed to present students with a comprehensive Islamic education, comprising general Islamic knowledge based on the Quran and hadith. Moral principles are not taught directly but through themes chosen from the Quran and other Islamic sources. A major portion of the course comprises the text of the Quran, which is followed...