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Goodword Islamic Studies: Level 3
This course has been designed to present the young students comprehensive Islamic education, comprising general Islamic knowledge based on the Quran and Hadeeth. Instead of teaching moral principles directly, they are taught through themes chosen from the Quran and other Islamic sources. A major portion of the course comprises the text of the Qu...
Arabic Club Teacher Book: Volume 2 نادي العربية
These fun and colorful books give young children ample practice in tracing and writing the Arabic letters. Islamic themes and songs throughout along with lovely illustrations. Volume Two focuses on tracing, then writing the letters.This series comes in 3 levels and contains student textbooks and workbooks, teacher books, posters and audio CDs. V...
Arabic Nursery Rhymes 2 (CD and 3 Books) سلسلة أهازيج الطفولة المبكرة 2 - دغدغات موسيقية
Nursery rhymes are found in all cultures of the world. They are a child's first introduction to literature and poetry. They stimulate children's brain development in areas such as counting, number recognition, vocabulary building, and memorization, but most importantly, they develop a child's sense of humor and enhance their ability to different...
The Amazing Card البطاقة العجيبة
The Amazing Card البطاقة العجيبة
ط وطريف تتناول القصّة بأحداثها مواضيعًا عديدة وأهمّها موضوع المصروف، يفرح مروان كثيرًا عندما يخبره والده أنه يستطيع أخذ مايشاء، ضمن حدود، من دكان الحي ومن دكان المدرسة أثناء سفر والديه، لم يفهم مروان ماقصده والده بكلمة حدود، ولهذا أخذ يسرف في شراء السكاكر والحلويات لأصدقائه في المدرسة الذين أطلقوا عليه لقب “مروان الكريم الذي لا يدفع”، يعتقد مر...
ICO Learn Arabic Teacher Guide: Level 6, Part 2 (Interactive CD-ROM) تعلم العربية
Teaching language is a critical tool in communication and ultimately in the development of knowledge. In our quest to provide our customers with quality materials, we are pleased to offer the Learn Arabic series. It employs modern methods of teaching foreign language to successfully teach the Arabic language to students in K–12th grade. This ser...
We Are Muslims Workbook: Grade 1
This workbook is a practical tool to help students comprehend the important topics found within their textbook. The activities in the workbook assist students in comprehending each lesson’s principle focus. This workbook has been designed to be used in conjunction with the We Are Muslims: Grade 1 textbook. “We Are Muslims” is the first tex...
We Are Muslims Textbook: Grade 1
We Are Muslims: Grade 1 is designed to be used in conjunction with the Aqîdah, Fiqh & Akhlâq syllabus for first grade. This textbook acquaints young students with the basic beliefs and teachings of Islam in a simple, yet engaging manner. These lessons are arranged in a sequential manner in order to facilitate the student learning experience....
In the Shade of the Qur'an: Volume 9 (IX)
Volume 9 discusses Surahs 10 and 11: Surat Yûnus and Surat Hûd.In the Shade of the Qur’an has been universally recognized as an outstanding contribution to Islamic thought and scholarship, to which students and scholars, as well as contemporary Islamic revivalist movements all over the world, owe a great deal. Now that it is available in...
The Essence of Islam According to the Qur'an and Traditions (Paperback)
“The Essence of Islam” is an anthology based upon the Qur’an, Islamic scripture, and secondarily upon Haddith, the second most important source of Islamic law and spiritual life. This anthology primarily deals with the Qur’an and brings out Hadith where necessary.It is compiled by Syed Hashim Ali Akhter foremost of Indian administrators and educ...
A Study of the Qur'an Textbook Juz' Four (Lantana Lu Al-Birra)
Juz' Four: Lantana Lu Al-Birra textbook that start with Surah al-'Imran 3:92-101 is part of our senior-level Qur'anic Studies program, a program that aims to present the message of the Qur'an in a methodical and systematic manner. In this book each ruku' is treated as a separate lesson. The original Arabic text and two translations (Yusuf Ali an...
Learning and Living Islam: Level 3
The purpose of this series of Islamic books is to provide young learners with an understanding of their faith according to their age level. The language of the texts, the size of the lettering, the style of graphics, and the types of exercises have all been designed to meet the age-appropriate standards for each level. In addition, the content o...
Learning and Living Islam: Level 2
The purpose of this series of Islamic books is to provide young learners with an understanding of their faith according to their age level. The language of the texts, the size of the lettering, the style of graphics, and the types of exercises have all been designed to meet the age-appropriate standards for each level. In addition, the content o...
I Can Pray Anywhere!
I Can Pray Anywhere!
The I Can series of books introduces and illustrates some basic yet important concepts and terms for young Muslim children. These are explained with reference to everyday life and in settings with which children are familiar. With beautiful illustrations and easy-to-understand language, the series presents Islam as a living reality to be experie...
To Be Loved and Happy لتكون محبوباً وسعيداً
To Be Loved and Happy لتكون محبوباً وسعيداً
To Delight, Entertain and Educate! This learning chart is a wonderful ally both in the classroom, and at home. It contains informative, educational content and the colorful design makes it perfect to display on walls or to decorate any flat surface. Features include: A texture which is perfect to use with write on/wipe off crayons. A lamin...
My Happy Family 2 أسرتي السعيدة
My Happy Family 2 أسرتي السعيدة
To Delight, Entertain and Educate! This learning chart is a wonderful ally both in the classroom, and at home. It contains informative, educational content and the colorful design makes it perfect to display on walls or to decorate any flat surface. Features include: A texture which is perfect to use with write on/wipe off crayons. A lamin...
My Beloved Family عائلتي الحبيبة
My Beloved Family عائلتي الحبيبة
To Delight, Entertain and Educate! This learning chart is a wonderful ally both in the classroom, and at home. It contains informative, educational content and the colorful design makes it perfect to display on walls or to decorate any flat surface. Features include: A texture which is perfect to use with write on/wipe off crayons. A lamin...
The Miraculous Language of the Qur'an: Evidence of Divine Origin
This study illustrates why the language of the Qur'an is miraculous, unique, and evidence of divine authority. The author compares the language of the Qur'an with the language of pre-Islamic poetry, the Prophet's words (hadith), and the language of the Arabs both past and present, to demonstrate that although the Qur'an was revealed in Arabi...
Muslim Leaders Series - Caliph Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz: Level 3 (4 Books) سلسلة القادة المسلمين – الخليفة عمر بن عبد العزيز
الخليفة عمر بن عبد العزيز إذا ذكر عمر بن عبد العزيز ذكر معه العدل والإنصاف والزهد والتقوى.. ما أجمل أن يتعرف أبناؤنا منذ صغرهم على مواقف هذا الخليفة العادل، كي يقتدوا به ويقتفوا أثره.. تتحدث قصصنا هذه عن أمانة عمر كما في قصة الماء الحار ، وعن حلمه وصبره كما في قصة الرجل النائم، وغير ذلك الكثير من المواقف الغريبة العجيبة كقصة الذئب مع الأغنا...
Muslim Leaders Series - Caliph Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz: Level 2 (6 Books) سلسلة القادة المسلمين – الخليفة عمر بن عبد العزيز
الخليفة عمر بن عبد العزيز: إذا ذكر عمر بن عبد العزيز ذكر معه العدل والإنصاف والزهد والتقوى.. ما أجمل أن يتعرف أبناؤنا منذ صغرهم على مواقف هذا الخليفة العادل، لكي يقتدوا به ويقتفوا أثره.. تتحدث قصصنا هذه عن أمانة عمر كما في قصة المصباح والماء الحار وقصة العسل، وعن حلمه وصبره كما في قصة الرجل النائم، ويتعلم الطفل الزهد من خلال قصة عمر بن العزيز ...
Our Toddlers are Reading Series: Pre-Reading Stage (12 Books) سلسلة أطفالنا يقرأون: مرحلة ما قبل القراءة
سلسلة "أطفالنا يقرأون" هي قصص مصممة للأطفال في مرحلة البدء بتعلم القراءة. ويمكن للكبار أيضاً استخدامها لقضاء أوقاتٍ مع أطفالهم، يتشاركون معهم في قراءتها ويتبادلون الحديث حولها. سلسلة تطور الثقة بالنفس وتتميز بحروف كبيرة ورسوم بهيجة تشد الأطفال وتشجع على القراءة وإعادة القراءة طلباً لمتعتها. تتكون السلسلة من 12 قصة، وهي كما يلي: سعيد والحيو...
The Cockroach in the Night Series - Battuta in Trouble بطوطة في ورطة
لم تشتر ماما بطوطة شيئاً من المتجر، وعادت إلى المنزل محبطة. ماذا عساها تفعل يا ترى؟
Children's Stories Series (11 Books) السلسلة القصصية للأولاد
This creative series presents literary texts for children written by distinguished professors who have experience in the field of children's literature. Each writer has a unique style of self-expression and literary style. The illustrations have been prepared by a talented group of children’s book illustrators in the Arab world. Each one contrib...
Careers Around Us (10 Books) المهن من حولنا
Careers Around Us (10 Books) المهن من حولنا
This series aims to enrich the child’s appreciation of poetry and learn about various professions through simple, expressive poetry that is suitable for young children, the poems are written by Mr. Hasan Abdullah. These fabulous poems are accompanied by vivid drawings that fill the book.The Baker "Al Farran": Through the use of poetry and easy-t...
My First Window Series (7 Books) سلسلة نافذتي الأولى
My First Window Series (7 Books) سلسلة نافذتي الأولى
This series introduces young children to the world around them in simple language, few words and the beautiful images. Teachers and caregivers of young children consider these books a valuable tool in helping children become aware of their surroundings. Series Includes: Ma Hua Lawny? Matha Ta'kol Ya Asfoor? Hal Ta'rifony? Kaif hal Al Jaw? Ma...
Baby Koala Series: Level 1 (6 Books,one CD for each Book) سلسلة كوالا الصغيرة
سلسلة موجهة للأطفال.. يستطيع من خلالها تعلم كلمات جديدة مع كوالا الصغيرة. تتألف السلسلة من القصص التالية: كوالا الصغيرة ولعبتها المفضلة: إنها لكارثة!... فلعبة كوالا الصغيرة المفضلة كتكوتة , إختفت... قرر الهمستر سمور مساعدة صديقته للعثور عليها ... فماذا حصل ؟... كوالا الصغيرة تخاف من العتمة: لقد حان وقت النوم ولكن كوالا لم تستطع أن تنام. فم...
Anbar and Lolwa Series (3 Books) سلسلة عنبر ولولوة
Anbar and Lolwa Series (3 Books) سلسلة عنبر ولولوة
عالم عَنْبَر ولُؤلْوَة هو عالمٌ أخّاذ آسِر، عالمٌ مُمْتِع، مُثيرٌ للضحك، مُؤثِّرٌ وَمُفعَمٌ بالفَرَحِ وتَتَخلَّلهُ نوباتٌ من الغضَب، لكن الأهمّ من ذلك كلّه أنه مألوفٌ للغاية لدى الأطفال وأهاليهم في كلّ مكان . تتكون من القصص التالية : لولوة أختي الصغيرة أنا وماما أنا ولولوة والأرنب
Baby Animal Series (8 Books) سلسلة صغار الحيوانات
Baby Animal Series (8 Books) سلسلة صغار الحيوانات
مجموعة من ثماتية اجزاء لتعليم الاطفال انواع الحيوانات وهي: صغار الحيوانات في حديقة المنزل صغار الحيوانات في المزرعة صغار الحيوانات في المروج العشبية صغار الحيوانات في الغابات الاستوائية صغار الحيوانات في البرك والأنهار صغار الحيوانات في البحار والمحيطات صغار الحيوانات في المناطق القطبية صغار الحيوانات في الصحاري
I Start Arabic: Volume 4 أبدأ العربية
A series of four integrated books for the youngest students to prepare them for 1st and 2nd Levels. The focus of this series is on developing reading and writing skills by introducing familiar expressions and words along with interesting exercises. As the series was designed for native speaking children, it may be beneficial for the slightly old...
I Start Arabic: Volume 3 أبدأ العربية
A series of four integrated books for the youngest students to prepare them for 1st and 2nd Levels. The focus of this series is on developing reading and writing skills by introducing familiar expressions and words along with interesting exercises. As the series was designed for native speaking children, it may be beneficial for the slightly old...
I Start Arabic: Volume 2 أبدأ العربية
A series of four integrated books for the youngest students to prepare them for 1st and 2nd Levels. The focus of this series is on developing reading and writing skills by introducing familiar expressions and words along with interesting exercises. As the series was designed for native speaking children, it may be beneficial for the slightly old...
I Start Arabic: Volume 1 أبدأ العربية
A series of four integrated books for the youngest students to prepare them for 1st and 2nd Levels. The focus of this series is on developing reading and writing skills by introducing familiar expressions and words along with interesting exercises. As the series was designed for native speaking children, it may be beneficial for the slightly old...
I Love Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah
I Love Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah
This book is part of a comprehensive and systematic program of Islamic Social Studies being produced by IQRA' International Educational Foundation for Pre-school and early elementary level. The goal of this series is to develop an understanding of the historical cities of Islam and inculcate in the young hearts a love and appreciation for Islami...
Hurry to Faith Textbook: Level 1 هيا إلى الإيمان
An attractive Islamic curriculum that makes learning about the pillars of Islam very appealing for young children. One book gathers the style of four books together using reading, tracing, coloring and songs to make a lovely combination with plenty of colored illustrations. Designed to make your students proud and happy to be Muslims! Includes: ...
A Study of Hadith
A Study of Hadith
Dr. Khalid Mahmud's work entitled A Study of Haddith: 'Ilm al- Haddith, Methodology, Literature and Anthology deals with important points of Principles and Methodology of Haddith and the role of the Prophet as Chief Interpreter of the Message of Islam. This publication also contains a selected anthology of 'Ahadith on some important topics relev...
Gateway to Arabic: Level 3 مفتاح العربية
Book Three offers a step-by-step approach to learning past and present tense verbs, with plenty of opportunity for practice. Each point of grammar is reinforced through sample conversations that offer the student the chance to use the language in a meaningful context and develop confidence in self-expression. This book covers: Over 60 past and p...
Gateway to Arabic: Level 2 مفتاح العربية
This is a new curriculum series and has had remarkable success in its first year of usage. A well-structured progressive course designed to teach Arabic to students in a non-Arabic speaking environment. It contains a wealth of exercises to reinforce vocabulary and the understanding and application of grammar. Extensive research and piloting ensu...
Gateway to Arabic: Level 1 مفتاح العربية
This is a new curriculum series and has had remarkable success in its first year of usage. A well-structured progressive course designed to teach Arabic to students in a non-Arabic speaking environment. It contains a wealth of exercises to reinforce vocabulary and the understanding and application of grammar. Extensive research and piloting ensu...
Exciting Grammar: Volume 3 القواعد المشوقة للطلاب
Uses modern methods to simplify grammar rules for children. Gradually evolves, delivering the rules appropriate to each level. Fun, colorful and varied exercises are used throughout. Covers similar issues to Volume 2 in more detail and complexity. هذا هو الجزء الثالث من سلسلة القواعد المشوقة لتلاميذ المرحلة الابتدائية والذي يكمل ما سبق تقديمه ف...
Arabic Language for Beginner Workbook: Level 3 اللغة العربية للناشئين
Objectives of the book: Deepening family connection, parents’ obedience. Introducing animals, their different names and types. Knowing the advantage of Islamic greeting and its effect in the community. Grammatical structures: Using the original marks (Formation). Knowing Al-Madd with Alf and ya’a. Solar Letters - Lunar letters. 3rd pe...
Arabic Language for Beginner Textbook: Level 6 اللغة العربية للناشئين
Objectives of the Book: To teach students the importance of fulfilling their responsibilities. To teach students the dua before sleeping. To teach students the manners of Friday prayers. To teach students the benefits of good deeds. To teach students to keep in touch with family. To teach students the benefits of Ramadan a...
Arabic Language for Beginner Textbook: Level 5 اللغة العربية للناشئين
Objectives of the book: Knowing the pillars of Islam. The importance of reading. The role of libraries in culture richness. The value of the teacher in raising generations. Grammatical structures: Feminine and masculine. Using demonstrative pronouns. The linguistic resources: Lesson (A new year 1). Lesson (A new year 2). Lesson...
Arabic Language for Beginner Workbook: Level 4 اللغة العربية للناشئين
Objectives of the book: Deepening the love of one’s country (Home) and belonging to it. Knowing the importance of science in the rise of nations. Introducing Islamic manners which every Muslim should commit to. Grammatical structures: Knowing Nunation - (duplicate vowel of the last consonant). Using the stress. Al-Madd using wow. Knowi...
Seven Surahs for the Classroom Workbook (Junior Level)
Study guides (workbook) are an integral part of IQRA's comprehensive program of Islamic education along with their accompanying text books. We hope that our youth will find the exercises and activities engaging and meaningful. We have tried to provide the students an opportunity to: Master the contents of the textbook. Develop better skil ls. I...
Seven Surahs for the Classroom Textbook (Junior Level)
This is a textbook of Qur'anic reading, understanding and knowledge for junior high students. The selected seven surahs have their own special importance and cover almost all the important themes of the Qur'an: Tawhid Risalah Al-Akhirah Qiyamah the pleasures of Jannah and the ordeals of Jahannam. This volume covers the following surahs: Sura...
Islam for Children
Islam for Children
Islam for Children is the book Muslim children, parents and teachers have been looking for for so long. It contains beliefs, practices, history and not only stories of the prophets but teaches through lively tales about shahada, prayer, fasting, zakat, and the pilgrimage.Learning by doing things is emphasized, with plenty of things to do: pictur...
Our Arabic Language Textbook: Level 6, Part 1 (New Edition) لغتنا العربية: الصف السادس
A comprehensive Arabic curriculum originally designed for the native Arabic- speaking child in the classroom. The individual levels focus strongly on reading, writing and speaking. Offers a clear and professional layout. The many themes, stories and songs focus on Islam, good behavioral and moral values as well as common environments for childre...
Sail Through with Arabic Letters رحلة مع الحروف العربية
This book teaches children each letter of the Arabic alphabet and provides exercises in learning the shapes and sounds, each presented on one page to color and trace with colorful illustrations of objects whose names begin with that letter. The letter is then presented in stencil to provide practice in recognition and writing. Older students pro...
A Study of the Qur'an Workbook Juz' Two (Sa-Yaqul)
This workbook is a companion to the senior-level textbook, Juz' Two: Sa-Yaqul, especially prepared for classroom and home-schooling. Workbooks are integral part of IQRA's comprehensive program of Islamic Studies and must be used along with the textbooks. This workbook contains engaging exercises dealing with comprehension, critical thinking ...