Our Prophet Muhammad(s)

Our Prophet Muhammad(s)

/pages/islamic-elementary-levelOur Prophet Volume 1
Nineteen lessons present the life of the Prophet (S) during the Makkan years at a simple first Level reading level. The book introduces the concepts of Allah's Prophet, the last Prophet (s), sending Salawat on the Prophet(s) when his name is said, heard, or read, obedience to the Prophet (s), Jahiliya, Kabah, the house of Allah (SWT), the childhood of Rasulullah (s), marriage, Hira and the Revelation, persecution by the Kuffar, and Mi'raj. Coloring activities in the workbook help children remember key personalities and issues of the time.
  1. English
  2. Modern methodology
  3. Simple stories
  4. Creative exercises
Our Prophet Volume 2
This volume contains thirteen informative lessons that span the Madinah years of the Rasulullah (S). The workbook contains supporting activities and exercises.

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