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Daily Du'aa Series: (Faizah's Fantastic First Fast) Book 5

$1499 $2999
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Faizah is SO excited! This year will be her very first time fasting Ramadaan, but there is a lot to learn to get ready. Follow along as her parents teach her about the many blessings and rewards of fasting. Also included are the rules of fasting, the supplication for sighting the new moon, and the supplication made for breaking the fast!

Special Features:
  • Fun introduction to the daily supplications for children
  • Arabic text, transliteration, and English translation of each du'aa taught
  • Detailed Qur'aan & Hadith references
  • Bright, playful illustrations
  • Excellent lessons in Islamic manners from the Qur'aan and Sahih Ahadith
  • Entertaining rhymes to make learning memorable for young children
  • Footnotes explaining specific terms or Islamic concepts for new Muslims or non-Muslims


Faizah is SO excited! This year will be her very first time fasting Ramadaan, but there is a lot to learn to get ready. Follow along as her parents teach her about the many blessings and rewards of fasting. Also included are the rules of fasting, the supplication for sighting the new moon, and the supplication made for breaking the fast!

Special Features:
  • Fun introduction to the daily supplications for children
  • Arabic text, transliteration, and English translation of each du'aa taught
  • Detailed Qur'aan & Hadith references
  • Bright, playful illustrations
  • Excellent lessons in Islamic manners from the Qur'aan and Sahih Ahadith
  • Entertaining rhymes to make learning memorable for young children
  • Footnotes explaining specific terms or Islamic concepts for new Muslims or non-Muslims


  • Key features