Islamic Knowledge Series - Morality and Ethics: Book 4, Part 2 سلسلة العلوم الإسلامية أخلاق و اّداب
Islamic Knowledge Series - Morality and Ethics: Book 4, Part 2 سلسلة العلوم الإسلامية أخلاق و اّداب is backordered and will ship as soon as it is back in stock.
This book offers a rich collection of lessons that focus on instilling good manners, ethical behavior, and moral values when interacting with others. Topics include the rights of a Muslim, the rights of a brother in faith, the importance of kindness to neighbors, and much more. Additional lessons cover key aspects of Islamic behavior, such as asking for permission, visiting the sick, administering justice, choosing friends wisely, the etiquettes of traveling, expressing gratitude to Allah for His blessings, and the importance of reconciling with others. These topics are all designed to nurture the development of a highly ethical and compassionate Islamic individual.
The material is presented through a combination of storytelling, conversational exchanges, and prose, allowing the content to be engaging and accessible for young readers. Each lesson is complemented by one or more pictures related to the subject matter, which serve as a catalyst for discussions, either as an introduction to the lesson or as a tool to further clarify the concepts being taught.
This comprehensive Islamic learning series is aimed at children aged 6 to 16 years, using a systematic approach to present and connect Islamic teachings. The lessons draw on a wide range of Islamic sources, including the biography of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), stories from the Qur'an, and narratives about the companions and early followers of Islam. In addition to imparting knowledge of the Qur'an and Al-Hadeeth Al-Nabawi Al-Shareef (the authentic sayings and actions of the Prophet), each book features twenty distinct titles, carefully written by leading scholars and educational experts in various fields of Islamic knowledge.
The content is reinforced with vibrant, eye-catching illustrations and designs, thoughtfully created to engage the reader and maintain their attention throughout each lesson. At the end of every lesson, a series of activities and discussion questions are provided, encouraging critical thinking and application of the concepts learned.
This series is perfectly suited for use in private Islamic schools, summer clubs, and centers dedicated to memorizing the Qur'an, offering an invaluable resource for both teachers and students alike in their pursuit of holistic, ethical development grounded in Islamic teachings.
سلسلة العلوم الإسلامية سلسلة متكاملة تتناول مواضيع متخصصة في العلوم الإسلامية المختلفة موجهة للأطفال والناشئة من سن 6 سنوات ولغاية 16 سنة. اعتمدت أسلوباً منهجياً في تقديم المعلومات المتتابعة والمترابطة في كل موضوع لتضم مختلف العلوم الإسلامية من السيرة النبوية والقصص القرآني وقصص الصحابة والتابعين ومختلف علوم القرآن الكريم والحديث النبوي الشريف وعلوم الفقه وأصوله بحيث يتضمن كل كتاب موضوعاً محدداً يدل عليه عنوان الكتاب لتشكل عشرين عنواناً مختلفاً أسهم في تأليفها وإخراجها نخبة من العلماء والتربويين من ذوي الخبرة والكفاءة في ميادين العلوم الإسلامية المختلفة.
المادة العلمية في كل كتاب موزعة على شكل دروس متتابعة وعناوين فرعية في كل درس ومعززة بألوان جذابة ورسوم معبرة تساهم في تشويق القارئ وجذب انتباهه وينتهي كل درس بعدد من الأنشطة والأسئلة المتنوعة.
يمكن اعتماد السلسلة لتدرس في المدارس الخاص بالجاليات المسلمة وفي الأندية الصيفية ومراكز تحفيظ القرآن الكريم.
This book offers a rich collection of lessons that focus on instilling good manners, ethical behavior, and moral values when interacting with others. Topics include the rights of a Muslim, the rights of a brother in faith, the importance of kindness to neighbors, and much more. Additional lessons cover key aspects of Islamic behavior, such as asking for permission, visiting the sick, administering justice, choosing friends wisely, the etiquettes of traveling, expressing gratitude to Allah for His blessings, and the importance of reconciling with others. These topics are all designed to nurture the development of a highly ethical and compassionate Islamic individual.
The material is presented through a combination of storytelling, conversational exchanges, and prose, allowing the content to be engaging and accessible for young readers. Each lesson is complemented by one or more pictures related to the subject matter, which serve as a catalyst for discussions, either as an introduction to the lesson or as a tool to further clarify the concepts being taught.
This comprehensive Islamic learning series is aimed at children aged 6 to 16 years, using a systematic approach to present and connect Islamic teachings. The lessons draw on a wide range of Islamic sources, including the biography of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), stories from the Qur'an, and narratives about the companions and early followers of Islam. In addition to imparting knowledge of the Qur'an and Al-Hadeeth Al-Nabawi Al-Shareef (the authentic sayings and actions of the Prophet), each book features twenty distinct titles, carefully written by leading scholars and educational experts in various fields of Islamic knowledge.
The content is reinforced with vibrant, eye-catching illustrations and designs, thoughtfully created to engage the reader and maintain their attention throughout each lesson. At the end of every lesson, a series of activities and discussion questions are provided, encouraging critical thinking and application of the concepts learned.
This series is perfectly suited for use in private Islamic schools, summer clubs, and centers dedicated to memorizing the Qur'an, offering an invaluable resource for both teachers and students alike in their pursuit of holistic, ethical development grounded in Islamic teachings.
سلسلة العلوم الإسلامية سلسلة متكاملة تتناول مواضيع متخصصة في العلوم الإسلامية المختلفة موجهة للأطفال والناشئة من سن 6 سنوات ولغاية 16 سنة. اعتمدت أسلوباً منهجياً في تقديم المعلومات المتتابعة والمترابطة في كل موضوع لتضم مختلف العلوم الإسلامية من السيرة النبوية والقصص القرآني وقصص الصحابة والتابعين ومختلف علوم القرآن الكريم والحديث النبوي الشريف وعلوم الفقه وأصوله بحيث يتضمن كل كتاب موضوعاً محدداً يدل عليه عنوان الكتاب لتشكل عشرين عنواناً مختلفاً أسهم في تأليفها وإخراجها نخبة من العلماء والتربويين من ذوي الخبرة والكفاءة في ميادين العلوم الإسلامية المختلفة.
المادة العلمية في كل كتاب موزعة على شكل دروس متتابعة وعناوين فرعية في كل درس ومعززة بألوان جذابة ورسوم معبرة تساهم في تشويق القارئ وجذب انتباهه وينتهي كل درس بعدد من الأنشطة والأسئلة المتنوعة.
يمكن اعتماد السلسلة لتدرس في المدارس الخاص بالجاليات المسلمة وفي الأندية الصيفية ومراكز تحفيظ القرآن الكريم.
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