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The newest solution in online retail services, East West Souk! Our mission is to provide quality products, at affordable prices, and offer quality customer service to each one of our customers. At East West Souk, you can rest assured that our team members provide around the clock customer service and support. We treat each order with the utmost care and attention to ensure a prompt delivery. It is our goal to bring the beauty of the east to our customers in the west to enrich their lives and make decorating your space easier.
We are offering a series of special promotions for a limited time, including:
- FREE shipping on orders over $70.00 within the USA.
- All orders over $99 will receive a surprise free gift with their order.
- Join our rewards program to earn points with each purchase. For more details please visit our rewards section.
- Visit us on Facebook and Twitter for updates on new products and special offers.
- Let us bring our home into yours with quality products that will enhance any space!
- Each order is entitled to only one discount; multiple discounts may not be applied to a single order.
- Website specials are valid for orders placed via our website only and are not applicable to orders placed via mail, unless specifically mentioned.
- We only offer guarantees on products from our website. Items purchased as special orders or custom orders do not hold the same guarantees and policies.
- All prices subject to change without notice.
- We reserve the right to revise prices, limit quantities and allow for flyer printing errors and/or website typos.
- The Free Shipping promotion is for returning customers only with a required minimum purchase, as described in the email offer. The Free Shipping promotion is valid with USPS media services only. We reserve the right to change the shipping method at our discretion. This promotion can only be used once per customer, is non-transferable, and cannot be combined with other shipping offers or promotions.
East West Souk’s Guarantee
We guarantee your satisfaction with any goods that you purchase from us. If you receive your goods in such a state that they did not meet your satisfaction for any reason, please keep the item(s) in the original package and contact us at returns@ewsouk.com within 10 days of receiving your goods to arrange for an exchange or refund.
- In any case that you may require an exchange or refund please take note of the following:
- In the case of damaged, defective or wrong item(s) shipped due to our fault we will replace your product without any extra fees for shipping and handling, East West Souk will send you a return shipping label to ship your product back to us.
- In the case that you were not satisfied with the product for any reason other than the above reasons we will issue a full refund for the cost of the item only (shipping and handling fees will not get refunded).
- In the case of exchange an item(s) with another item(s) of your choice. The customer agrees to pay any price difference if the new merchandise has higher price than the item(s) exchanged plus the shipping and handling of the exchanged item(s).
- Alternatively, we can also issue a store credit for the refunded item(s) that the customer can use for future purchases at East West Souk.
- Food products, health & personal care products, DVDs, CDs, electronics, VHS tapes, audiotapes, or games and puzzles must be unopened and in their original sealable plastic wrapped boxes.
- Clothes must be unworn, unwashed, and in their original state (all original tags attached).
- Books, flash cards, posters and other products must be unmarked, unwritten on, unbent, and in new condition.
General rules:
- Damaged products (not due to our fault) may receive partial or no credit.
- As long as the product was not damaged or defective, the following items will not be accepted for returns once the original packaging is opened: Food products, health & personal care products, software, electronics, CDs, DVDs, audiotapes, VHS tapes, and bundles with books and CDs or books and DVDs.
- Any returned item needs new packaging or missing parts will be subject to restocking fees that may reach 50% of its original value.
- Any item(s) that do not satisfy the conditions above will not be accepted for refund or exchange.
- Any request for refund or exchange received after 30 days from the customer’s receipt of the merchandise will not be accepted.
- Any item(s) that was not directly purchased from East West Souk will not be accepted for refund or exchange and will be discarded.
- Exchanged item(s) will only get shipped after we receive the returned one(s) and found acceptable according to the above conditions.
- Packages marked a return to sender will not be considered or accepted for exchange or refund.
- Returns from Canada or overseas: Please contact East West Souk at returns@ewsouk.com for full instructions; before taking any action or shipping the item(s) back to us.
- East West Souk will not be liable for refund of missing parcels from the USA if we are not informed of them within 10 days of delivery. Different terms apply to the rest of the world.
- Refunds will be made within 30 days of receiving the returned goods and will be made by the same method used in the original purchase.
- We strongly recommend that returned goods are sent by special delivery with the appropriate insurance cover as they will only be deemed returned when signed for by us.
- If you return any products that had a quantity pricing offer applied, the prices will be adjusted based on the quantity you kept.
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