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Saheeh International Quran (Arabic text with English Meanings) ( 5.25 x 7.75)
Widely acclaimed and respected for accurately reflecting Arabic meanings. Simple language and attention to detail have made this a superior English translation. It has received recommendations by numerous well-known scholars including Shaykh Muhammad bin Saleh al-Munajjid, Dr. Zakir Naik, Sheikh Yusuf Estes, Dr. Bilal Philips and Dr. Jamal Badaw...
The Cherished Queens The Beauty of Polygamy By Iman Daglas
This book helps someone going through what can be truly theomachies time in their life , or even open a dialoged about a subject that can be very difficult to talk about.
Islamic Conquests Throughout The Ages by Dr Abdul Aziz Ibn Ibraheem Al Omary
The literal meaning of al-fath is the antonym of closure (i.e., opening), but what is meant by it here is the conquest of lands at war with the Muslims and the entry into the lands of the enemy. The plural is futooh. The word fath can also mean victory and conquest. The understanding of al-futooh is not limited to military victory. It goes beyon...
Golden Stories of Umar ibn Abdul Azeez
Umar bin Abdul Azeez is undoubtedly a great and prominent figure of Islamic history, who Muslims shall take pride in, as long as the world remains. Although, his tenure of caliphate lasted for two and a half years only, during this short period of time, he left behind him a legacy at such outstanding guiding principles for future generations, fr...
The Height of Success
The Height of Success
"The Height of Success" is a book that aims to provide guidance on achieving success in all aspects of life. It covers topics such as setting goals, developing positive habits, and maintaining a balanced lifestyle. The book offers practical advice and inspiration to help readers attain their full potential and reach new heights of success. Imag...
Book Illuminations For Teachers Of Arabic For Non Native Speakers. اضاءات لمعلمي اللغة العربية لغير الناطقين بها
يحتوي على إضاءات لمعلمي اللغة العربية لغير الناطقين بها لرفع كفاءتهم المهنية في تعليم اللغة العربية لغير الناطقين بها من أحدث ما قدم في علم اللغة التطبيقي، ويعطي إطلالة واسعة على هذا الميدان ومجالاته الأساسية، وهو مرجع خفيف وشامل يصحب معلم اللغة العربية في مسيرته التعليمية، ويسد حاجاتهم الفعلية في هذا الميدان ويزود المعلم بمجموعة من الأساليب وا...
Ya Hala- Arabic For Non Native Speaker: Textbook and Workbook Level 1, Part 1 يا هلا العربية لغير الناطقين بها-كتاب+دفتر التلميذ-أول أ
Ya Hala! is a book series to teach Arabic to non-native speakers. It aims to achieve basic communication efficiency, written and aural comprehension, and verbal and written expression. It begins with the conditions of daily life and uses activities and workshops that focus on four cores: communicative skills, linguistic efficiency, cultural appe...
My language Is My Identity: Part 1 (Damaged Copy) لغتي هويتي
My Language Is My Identity Part One means that Arabic grammar is no longer difficult; it’s now fun and entertaining. This book uses simplified rules and relates information to beautiful pictures in engaging colors. It also includes wonderful stories that demonstrate an application of the lessons. Objectives of this Book: Set a special curricu...
The Noble Qur’an – The Standard Edition (Meaning with Explanatory Notes)
The Noble Qur’an – The Standard Edition Meaning with Explanatory Notes Meticulous attention and care have been taken to prepare this new edition of The Noble Qur’an: With meaning and explanatory notes by Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani. This unique copy is available in two formats, the standard edition and the deluxe edition. The Standard Edition ...
The Noble Quran by Mufti Taqi Usmani
A new English translation of the meanings of the Qur'an by one of the most eminent scholars of our time, Mufti Muhammad Taqi 'Uthmani. Mufti Muhammad Taqi 'Uthmani had previously supervised the English translation of Ma'ariful Qur'an. But this translation and brief explanatory notes have been rewritten entirely. None of the popular English trans...
Arabic is the Language of Tomorrow for Non-Native Speakers Workbook: Level 9 العربية لغة الغد
Arabic is the Language of Tomorrow for Non-Native Speakers Workbook: Level 9 العربية لغة الغد
Arabic is the Language of Tomorrow An Integrated Curriculum for Teaching Arabic to Non-Native Speakers Curriculum Philosophy: The series encompasses all educational levels. It is developed according to modern global quality standards for teaching languages to non-native speakers. The series provides a curriculu...
Arabic is the Language of Tomorrow for Non-Native Speakers Textbook: Level 9 العربية لغة الغد
Arabic is the Language of Tomorrow for Non-Native Speakers Textbook: Level 9 العربية لغة الغد
Arabic is the Language of Tomorrow An Integrated Curriculum for Teaching Arabic to Non-Native Speakers Philosophy of the Curriculum: The series encompasses all educational stages. It is designed according to modern global quality standards for teaching languages to non-native speakers. The series pro...
Cave Time Journal
Cave Time Journal
‘Cave time’ denotes time for reflection, introspection, and getting answers pertaining to one’s creation and purpose in life. This self-discovery leads to the fulfillment that puts one at peace with themselves and others. This journal offers provocative inquiry and powerful concepts presented in a simple yet thought-provoking manner. The journal...
Language Games Between Our Children's Hand: Level 4 الألعاب اللغوية بين يدي أولادنا
The fourth part of Language Games at our children’s Hand a companioned to Arabic at our children’s hand series: Language games are one of the most important educational activities in the language classroom. Because the linguistic classroom is an artificial environment to teach the language, and the language game reduces this artificiality env...
Language Games Between Our Children's Hand: Level 3 الألعاب اللغوية بين يدي أولادنا
The third part of Language Games at our children’s Hand a companioned to Arabic at our children’s hand series: Language games are one of the most important educational activities in the language classroom. Because the linguistic classroom is an artificial environment to teach the language, and the language game reduces this artificiality envi...
The Jungle's Mystery Series (Set of 8 Books) سلسلة الغاز الغابة
سلسلة ألغاز الغابة تروي قصص حيوانات متعددة تعيش مغامرات مثيرة، من زواج في الغابة إلى مغامرات بحرية وأسرار غامضة، مما يكشف لنا عن حياة الحيوانات وأسرارها العجيبة. تتكون سلسلة ألغاز الغابة من: قصة من يمتلك الشجاعة هناك العديد من الحيوانات في الغابة ، لكل منها قصة ترويها ومغامرة للعيش فيها. للتعرف على قصص الحيوان عليك قراءة الرواية (من يم...
The Investigator Girls Team Series (set of 5 books) فريق الفتيات المحققات
The female interrogators laid the foundations of their police team, created their own secret laws and made a commitment to finish the work they started with. وضعت الفتياتُ المُحققاتُ أُسس فريقهن البوليسي، وأنشأن قوانين سرية خاصة بهنّ، وقطعن على أنفسهن عهدًا أنْ يُنهين عملهن الذي بدأن به.. إن كنتم تظنون أن هذا الفريق هو عصابة المدرسة فأنتم...
Raisah and the Boat Trip
Raisah and the Boat Trip
Vibrantly illustrated and full of wonder, Raisah and the Boat Trip takes us from the shallow shoreline to the deep sea. By way of a simple day out, Raisah and her parents, show young curious readers that the seas and oceans are a gift to humanity and all living things. Through themes of family and nature it celebrates the favours of Allah and re...
Dear Mother - Letters from the Heart
Dear Mother… brings together mothers of all ages and backgrounds in a compendium of fictional letters, written from the heart. Great challenges and responsibilities, hopes and disappointments are explored without apology. As one mother prepares for a new-born, another shares her experience of being a single parent. Why is a mother at the primary...
Letters from a Prophet ﷺ - Zimarina Sarwar
Many years ago, across distant lands and faraway empires, a series of letters were sent to some of the most powerful men on earth. These were no ordinary letters, however -- they were from none other than the Last Prophet of God (pbuh) and the message they contained was one for all time. It was the year 7 AH (628AD), and the dawn of a new era f...
Tajweed Quran (with Names of Allah on the Cover) with QR Codes (5.5" x 8")
Whole Color Coded Tajweed Quran (from Surah Al-Fatiha to Suran Al-Nas), comes in a nice, beautifully designed and heavy duty Asma'a Allah (Names of Allah sw) cover, very strong binding, perfect finishing. This Quran is QR Coded and can be used with any QR Reader app, features: You can use any QR Reader on your mobile to scan the code on the ...
Zak and His Little Lies - Paperback
Zak and His Little Lies - Paperback
In a gorgeously-illustrated book full of warmth and faith, Zak is back, this time to learn a lesson about lying. Zak is on his final warning. If he tells one more lie, however little, he won’t be going to the skate park with Baba and Hana. With one job left to do, what could go wrong? A lot, it turns out, including an encounter with two bother...
Lessons in Learning Arabic Phonetics for Non-Native Speakers (with QR code) دروس في تعليم أصوات العربية
The Phonetics Book is a specialized resource designed to teach the sounds of the Arabic language to non-native speakers, helping them learn proper pronunciation and articulation. This comprehensive guide is an invaluable tool for both students and teachers. For Students: Thirty Lessons on Arabic Sounds: Each lesson presents Arabic sounds in ...
Language Games Between Our Children's Hand: Level 2 الألعاب اللغوية بين يدي أولادنا
The second part of Language Games at our children’s Hand a companioned to Arabic at our children’s hand series: Language games are one of the most important educational activities in the language classroom. Because the linguistic classroom is an artificial environment to teach the language, and the language game reduces this artificiality env...
Language Games Between Our Children's Hand: Level 1 الألعاب اللغوية بين يدي أولادنا
The first part of Language Games at our children’s Hand a companioned to Arabic at our children’s hand series: Language games are one of the most important educational activities in the language classroom. Because the linguistic classroom is an artificial environment to teach the language, and the language game reduces this artificiality e...
The Diaries of Successful Rajeh (Set of 5 Books) سلسلة يوميات راجح الناجح
يوميات راجح الناجح: العودة الى المدرسة اسمي: راجح الناجح ليس سرًا أَنَّ اسْمِي هو وصف دقيق لما أنا عليه بالفعل. أعيش في بيت واحد مع أمي وأبي وأختي الكبرى ،ياسمين، والصغرى جوري . خليل هو صديقي المقرب في المدرسة. هوايتي : لعبة كرة القدم. وتقريباً عمل أي شيء خارج إطار الدراسة. بدأت كتابة يومياتي الامتحان الحقيقي الامتحانات على الأبو...
Arabic Sanabel Handwriting Skills level 2سنابل المهارات الكتابية المستوى الثاني
A supportive book directed to second-level students, to train them on the correct basics of writing in a distinguished manner where the student is A supportive book directed to second-level students, to train them on the correct basics of writing in a distinguished manner where the student is more accurate in simulating lines and their direction...
With The Nature Series (set of 4 books) سلسلة مع الطبيعة
سلسلة مع الطبيعة: قصة أحب السناجب ثلاثة قصص في كتاب واحد؛ "أحب السناجب"، "لن نفترق أبداً"، "لعبة الاختباء" بطلاها كركر وبنّورة؛ اللّذان يملكان القدرة على التّحوّل، وفي كلّ قصّة يعيشان مغامرة شيّقة ويتعلّمان أشياء جديدة. تقدّم كلّ قصّة معلومة مفيدة للأطفال بأسلوب محبّب لهم، وتتميّز بالرّسوم الجميلة الجاذبة؛ وهي موجّهة للأطفال بعمر 4-6 ...
Animal's World series (Set of 6 books) سلسلة عالم الحيوانات
سلسلة عالم الحيوانات : قصة حيوانات المزرعة : حيوانات المزرعة هي حيوانات أليفة تعيش حولنا وتزودنا بالكثير من المواد الأساسية التي نحتاجها في حياتنا مثل: البيض، الحليب، اللحم وغيرها، ستتعرفون عليها في كتاب (حيوانات المزرعة). كتاب (حيوانات المزرعة) هو كتاب علمي من سلسلة عالم الحيوانات التي تضم ست كتب أطفال تهدف إلى التعريف بتصنيف الحيوانات حس...
Team Noon Series with music (Bundle of 20 Episodes) Online video streaming
This is an Online Video Streaming Product Team Noon, a cartoon series about the scientific miracles in the Quran, follows Zahra, Jasser, and Robo as they travel far and wide hoping to learn new things and often getting into trouble along the way.The first season has twenty episodes (a total of 4 hours and 40 minutes ), with every two episodes fo...
Hifz Record Book كتاب الحفظ
Hifz Record Book كتاب الحفظ
Improved and updated edition of the popular Hifz Record Book. Crafted with the invaluable insights of esteemed educators who have experienced the impact of this diary, this edition contains a user-friendly layout and a host of new features, with durable binding designed to last for four years. Key Features: 160-Week Record: Keep track of you...
Tafseer & Arabic Workbook Series: ( Suratul-Qalam & The Vanishing Garden ) سورة القلم
Allah made an immense plan for the universe and commanded it to be written down by the pen at the beginning of creation. The plan includes precious blessings that we are tested with and a perfect justice system. That is why those who pass the tests will be rewarded with Jannah, and those who fail them will be punished in Jahannam. However, the b...
Al Amal Series - Reading Expression and Exercises: Level 5 (without Platform) سلسلة الأمل: التعلم الرقمي التفاعلي
This is a comprehensive series designed to teach Arabic to English-speaking children, youth and adults. It offers the latest methods of second-language instruction, with special emphasis on building the four linguistic skills needed to learn a language: listening, speaking, reading and writing. The program introduces linguistic elements, such as...
Tafseer & Arabic Workbook Series: ( Suratul-Haaqah &The Cursed Nations) سورة الحاقة
Suratul-Haaqah is all about The Inevitable Reality. The message that the messengers taught is REAL, the descriptions of the nations that came before us are REAL, and The Day of Judgement is REAL as well. In fact, Al-Haaqah talks about The Day of Judgement so much that it mentions three different names for it! Your child will not only learn these...
Tafseer & Arabic Workbook Series: (Suratul-Ma'aarij & The Problem from Persia) سورة المعارج
Tafseer & Arabic Workbook Series: (Suratul-Ma'aarij & The Problem from Persia) سورة المعارج
An-Nadr ibn Al-Haarith was a doctor, poet, world traveler, and very arrogant, ignorant man. So, he mocked the Qur'aan by asking for Allah's punishment to come 'if it was real.' Allah answered An-Nadr with nine facts about it that An-Nadr didn't know but needed to know…before it was too late. However, Allah is merciful and will not tell us abou...
Tafseer & Arabic Workbook Series: ( Suratu-Nooh & The Du'aa of Destruction) سورة نوح
Prophet Nooh (peace be upon him) had taught his people patiently and tirelessly for 950 years! Yet, they still preferred their idols, Wadd, Soowaa,' Yagooth, Ya'ooq, and Nasr,' over pure guidance from Allah. In this surah, your child will learn about the long struggle that Nooh (peace be upon him) went through and all the ways he made dawah to...
Tafseer & Arabic Workbook Series: (Suratul-Jinn & The Listeners) سورة الجن
Has your child ever asked you about jinn? If so, Suratul-Jinn should help clear up many things they are curious about. No one knows the unseen (Al-Ghayb) except Allah, so Allah teaches us more about it in this surah than pretty much any other place in the Qur'aan! Your child will learn the fascinating story of the jinn listeners, how some bec...
Arabic is the Language of Tomorrow for Non-Native Speakers Workbook: Level 8 العربية لغة الغد
Arabic is the Language of Tomorrow for Non-Native Speakers Workbook: Level 8 العربية لغة الغد
Follow this Link to Download the Teacher Guides Click here to download the educational aid material Arabic is the Language of Tomorrow Series: A Comprehensive Curriculum for Teaching Arabic to Non-Native Speakers Philosophy of the Curriculum: The series encompasses all educational stages. It is designed according to modern global qual...
Arabic is the Language of Tomorrow for Non-Native Speakers Textbook: Level 8 العربية لغة الغد
Arabic is the Language of Tomorrow for Non-Native Speakers Textbook: Level 8 العربية لغة الغد
Follow this Link to Download the Teacher Guides Click here to download the educational aid material Arabic is the Language of Tomorrow Series: A Comprehensive Curriculum for Teaching Arabic to Non-Native Speakers Philosophy of the Curriculum: The series encompasses all educational stages. It is designed according to modern global qual...
Tajweed Guide
Tajweed Guide
Simple book on Tajweed. Simplified to allow the reader to grasp basic concepts of tajweed. A light hearted approach has been taken and exercises given to ensure the lesson is understood thoroughly. Ideal for use with a teacher. A book written in colorful simple style; a workbook and course book combined. Each rule is explained in one side in th...
Tajweed Quran/ Kaaba Cover with QR Codes
Standard size Deluxe Color Coded Tajweed Quran with QR Code, comes with a nice, beautifully designed and heavy duty Al-Kaaba cover, strong binding and perfect finishing. Size 5.75x7.90x1.25" / 14.5x20x3cm. This Quran is QR Coded and can be used with any QR Reader app, features: You can use any QR Reader on your mobile to scan the code on the ...
Arabic is the Language of Tomorrow for Non-Native Speakers Workbook: Level 7 العربية لغة الغد
Arabic is the Language of Tomorrow for Non-Native Speakers Workbook: Level 7 العربية لغة الغد
Follow this Link to Download the Teacher Guides Click here to download the educational aid material Arabic is the Language of Tomorrow Series:A Comprehensive Curriculum for Teaching Arabic to Non-Native Speakers Philosophy of the Curriculum: The series should encompass all educational stages. The series should be prepared according to modern...
Arabic is the Language of Tomorrow for Non-Native Speakers Textbook: Level 7 العربية لغة الغد
Arabic is the Language of Tomorrow for Non-Native Speakers Textbook: Level 7 العربية لغة الغد
Follow this Link to Download the Teacher Guides Click here to download the educational aid material Arabic is the Language of Tomorrow Series: A Comprehensive Curriculum for Teaching Arabic to Non-Native Speakers Philosophy of the Curriculum: The series encompasses all educational stages. It is designed according to modern global qual...
I Love Islam Textbook: Level 2 (Second Edition)
The second Level in the “I Love Islam” series lays the foundations of the Islamic belief system for young learners in a colorful and age-appropriate manner. The key concept of Tawheed is explained in simple language, drawing on the Qur’an and the teachings of the Prophet (peace be upon him). Seerah, worship, and Islamic manners and etiquette are...
Iqra' Wise (Weekend Islamic School Excellence) Workbook: Grade six
IQRA’ WISE (Weekend Islamic School Excellence) is a unique Islamic Studies series that offers five subjects in 1 book! This program takes a fresh approach to the Islamic curriculum in the elementary classroom.
IQra' Wise (Weekend Islamic School Excellence) Textbook: Grade six
QRA’ WISE (Weekend Islamic School Excellence) is a unique Islamic Studies series that offers 5 subjects in 1 book! This program takes a fresh approach to the Islamic curriculum in the elementary classroom. The Grade Six textbook contains simplified lessons with captivating graphics that help engage little learners. This textbook emphasizes to st...
Noor Al-Arabiya: Level 5 نور العربية
A series designed for teaching Arabic to non-Arabic speaking children, consisting of six books representing six educational levels based on the levels defined in the ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) standards for children. The series originated from linguistic, psychological, social, and cognitive foundations in pre...
Noor Al-Arabiya: Level 3
Noor Al-Arabiya: Level 3
A series designed for teaching Arabic to non-Arabic speaking children, consisting of six books representing six educational levels based on the levels defined in the ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) standards for children. The series originated from linguistic, psychological, social, and cognitive foundations in pre...