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Yasmin Stories 1 (Set of 16 Books)

$10239 $12799
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'-Yasmin the Librarian
It’s library day, and Yasmin is the helper! She loves shelving books, but suddenly, Yasmin discovers that her own special book is missing. How will she find it among all the other books?

- Yasmin the Recycler
Yasmin is thrilled about her school’s new recycling program. But getting her friends to pitch in is no easy task! Will some creative thinking get Yasmin’s friends to be good recyclers?

- Yasmin the Scientist
Everyone seems to have an idea for the science fair except for Yasmin! After some failed experiments, Yasmin’s snack break with Nani inspires an idea. Together they use kitchen science for sweet success!

- Yasmin the Singer
Yasmin is excited to attend a wedding party. But when the singing starts, Yasmin is too shy to join in. She finds a quiet spot to hide. So how does Yasmin suddenly find herself in the spotlight?

- Yasmin the Builder
Everyone seems to have a great idea for the maker space project, everyone except for Yasmin! All the good ideas are taken. Luckily, recess solves everything! Inspiration strikes and Yasmin creates something that brings the whole class together.

- Yasmin the Chef
Yasmin loves hosting parties! Music, friends, fun! But what she doesn't love is the spicy food her Pakistani family serves. Yasmin puts on her chef hat and plans to make her own amazing, fantastic soon as she figures out what that is!

- Yasmin the Explorer
Every explorer needs a map! Baba encourages Yasmin to make one of her own. But when Yasmin loses sight of Mama at the farmer's market, can her map bring them back together?

- Yasmin the Fashionista
Yasmin is bored! But a glimpse of the pretty clothes in Mama's closet turns a boring evening into a glamorous fashion show, until, OOPS! Mama's shalwar kameez is ruined! Can Yasmin's nani save the day before Mama gets home?

- Yasmin the Friend
Yasmin knows exactly what she wants to play when her friends come over. But it turns out her friends have their own ideas. Could a creative compromise make everyone happy?

- Yasmin the Gardener
It's spring! Yasmin and her baba are excited to plant their garden, and Yasmin chooses a flower seedling. She gives it plenty of suns, water, and good soil . . . so why is it wilting? Watching Nani sit in the sun gives Yasmin a bright idea and she knows just what her little plant needs.

- Yasmin the Painter
Yasmin's painting for the art contest is due Friday, but she has lots of excuses for putting it off. She doesn't know what to paint, she doesn't think she's any good, and painting is messy. Turns out a mess is just what Yasmin needs for inspiration!

- Yasmin the Soccer Star
Everyone in Yasmin's gym class is excited to play soccer, except for Yasmin. She's seen the pros play, and it looks scary! When Yasmin is chosen as a goalie, will she step up or back out? Courage, Yasmin!

- Yasmin the Superhero
Superhero Yasmin! She's got the cape. She's got the mask. Now she just needs a villain to defeat! While she's looking for one, she meets lots of friends and neighbors who need her help, but no villains. Then Yasmin discovers that she might not need a villain to wield her superpowers!

- Yasmin the Teacher
Ms. Alex gets called away and puts Yasmin in charge! The being teacher will be a snap! But when things go wrong, Yasmin must think fast to get the class back on track before Ms. Alex gets back.

- Yasmin the Writer
Ms. Alex has assigned Yasmin's class to write about their heroes. Yasmin loves to write, but she can't decide who her hero is. After dismissing lots of ideas, could it be that Yasmin's hero has been right beside her all along?

- Yasmin the Zookeeper
Yasmin's class is going to the zoo! The students love watching the animals do silly things, but when Yasmin is chosen to feed the monkeys, she's the one that does something silly. Can Yasmin fix her mistake and make friends with the monkeys?